Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1061: If the world learns from me, it is like entering the devil's way

There is no difference between Theravada Buddhism and the Mahayana Buddhism. It is nothing more than Theravada focuses on self-liberation, and the Mahayana Buddhism focuses on the salvation of all sentient beings.

But in terms of practice, there is no difference between the two, and even Theravada Buddhism is superior.

After all, the two masters of Theravada Buddhism are even stronger than today's Sakyamuni.


Many Treasures Tathagata shook his head slightly and said, "Theravada Buddhism advocates using a small boat to ferry people who are destined, while the Mahayana school advocates using a big boat to ferry people as long as there are more fates.


Gu Shaoshang didn't argue too much with Duobao Tathagata, but just smiled and said, "Let's play chess!"

The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has spread over an unknown number of years. Li Laojun left Hangu in the west and turned a hu into a Buddha. Mahayana Buddhism is inseparable from Laojun. Otherwise, when you travel to the west, you will not only hear the name of Mahayana Buddhism, and there will be no Hinayana. Buddhism is real.

Dao Laojun is inactive, but Gu Shaoshang doesn't believe that Laojun is really inaction.

The so-called inaction does not mean doing nothing, it may be doing everything.

Even, in the Taoism struggle here, Lao Jun is more inclined to the Duobao Tathagata, it is unknown.

However, these have little to do with Gu Shaoshang.

Holding down the Dharma Body of Duobao Tathagata and King Ming is already enough to repay the kindness of Daoist Wukong. As for the personal end of the battle with the World Honored Lingshan, that is the matter of Daoist Wukong.

There is no need for him to intervene, nor does Daoist Wukong need him to intervene.

"Good, good."

Duobao Tathagata nodded with a smile.

"An annoying trick!"

On the side, the majestic Qingniu stood with his arms around his arms, watching the two of them play chess, quite annoyed.

What bothers him the most is these tricks.

If he didn't know that he couldn't beat the two people in front of him, he would have flipped the table at this moment.


Thousands of miles away from Gao Lao Zhuang, two figures stopped in embarrassment.

"Cough cough!"

Chen Xuanzang coughed twice, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Under the pig's roar, his five internal organs were a little damaged, and it was a great luck that he didn't die.


Miss Duan couldn't bear it any longer, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Miss Duan, are you alright!"

Chen Xuanzang was taken aback, stepped forward to support her, gently placed her under the tree, and leaned against her.

"It's okay, what can I do? What is this blood?"

Miss Duan smiled boldly, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said, "We exorcists, injuries are commonplace!"

"But, you're bleeding..."

Chen Xuanzang retracted his blood-filled palm and looked at Miss Duan.

In her seven orifices, blood spurted like a small spring, which made him a little scared.

"Do you think there is no cost to escape from the pig demon's hands?"

Miss Duan rolled her eyes at Chen Xuanzang before taking a deep breath, sitting cross-legged, and slowly healed.

After a long time, the pale-faced Miss Duan slowly spit out a **** long breath, without a trace of blood on her face.

"My lady lost a lot this time!"

Miss Duan said angrily, suddenly felt something was wrong, coughed again, and said, "The injury is too serious."

Seeing Miss Duan's contrived appearance, Chen Xuanzang's scalp felt numb.

"Since Miss Duan is fine, the monk will leave."

Chen Xuanzang was a little flustered and left.


Miss Duan frowned in anger when she saw Chen Xuanzang fleeing in embarrassment.

"Amitabha! Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when practising deep prajna-paramita, sees that the five aggregates are empty, and overcomes all suffering... Form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form; form is emptiness, emptiness is form... .."

Chen Xuanzang recited the Buddhist scriptures in his heart and walked all the way to the city where his master was.

He had followed the Buddhist precepts since childhood and had never had contact with any women. At this time, he suddenly felt a little disturbed.

Fortunately, Miss Duan used the secret technique before, and in a short period of time, she had already crossed the distance of Chen Xuanzang for half a month, and was already approaching the city.

As soon as it was dawn, Chen Xuanzang entered the city.

Walking towards the previous restaurant, as expected, a scarred red robe was on the sixth floor of the restaurant.

Dozens of servants were busy before and after, the three opera troupes took turns to sing opera, and several beautiful beauties served around, and the life was very happy.

Seeing his tattered, blood-stained body, and looking at his master, Chen Xuanzang came out of sadness and cried out with a trembling voice:


The voice was tactful and mournful, making Mingshang turn back.

"Let's all go back."

Mingshang waved his hand and told everyone to go down, looked at Chen Xuanzang, and said, "You came back so soon?"

His eyes were like a smile.

What Chen Xuanzang has experienced along the way, he is naturally clear.

"Master, I failed again."

Chen Xuanzang sighed and sat down weakly next to Mingshang.

"The pig demon is too strong, I can't even get close, how can I influence him with the Dharma..."

Chen Xuanzang said weakly.

"Because he is strong, he wants to influence him with great love, so that he can understand from the bottom of his heart what is truth, goodness and beauty..."

Mingshang's mouth was full of nonsense, which stimulated Chen Xuanzang.

Mouth cannons are useless to the real powerhouse, even the Son of Destiny.

"Master, is Buddhism really useful?"

Chen Xuanzang looked out the window, a little confused.

On the street, a few people quarreled because of petty profits, and further away, husband and wife scolded each other, and relatives and neighbors were not in harmony. . . .

Greed, hatred, hatred, hate, desire... All sentient beings are in the sea of ​​suffering, how can he save them?

"Useful, why not!"

Mingshang shook his head and said, "There are thousands of temples in the world, how many monks do they support? They are all fat heads, big ears, big shoulders and round waists. Isn't it due to Buddhism?"


Li Qingshan, who was silent on the side, couldn't help spraying the ground and coughing again and again.

I thought to myself: Brother Gu of my own family is really dark in Buddhism all his life. I'm afraid Chen Xuanzang can't stand his dark day and night.


Chen Xuanzang was speechless and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Master, you slander the Buddha so much, but you will fall into the endless hell!"

Chen Xuanzang only felt a little toothache, and his master became more and more weird.

This is not like what a Buddhist monk would say.

"Uninterrupted Hell is Yama's territory, what does it have to do with Buddha?"

Mingshang rolled his eyes and said, "Ksitigarbha, the bald thief, went to someone's house and said that he could not become a Buddha if **** was not empty, didn't he mean that **** still exists, so he won't leave? Take the dove into the magpie's nest. It sounds so grand!"

If Gu Shaoshang has no prejudice against Buddhism and is only a short-cut, then Mingshang can be described as the enemy of Buddha, and the magic of Buddhism has been black all his life.

Even if he replaced Chen Xuanzang's master, he would never hear half a word of praise for Buddhism from his mouth.

"No...Master! King Ksitigarbha is compassionate to the suffering of the region and the suffering of all living beings. It is great kindness, great merit, and great courage! How can you!"

Chen Xuanzang couldn't bear it any longer, and stood up to argue against Mingshang.

The words of Ming injury, to his ears, are already extremely serious damage to the Buddha.

This is not in line with what he has known since childhood.

"Is that so..."

It was only then that Mingshang came back to his senses, and only then did he realize that what he said was smooth and not in line with his personality.

My current identity, but the Dharma is a lot of it.

"Cough cough!"

Mingshang coughed and said, "Xuanzang! All living beings are equal, and color is empty! Just say a few words and you will change color. This is not like the bearing of a Mahayana Buddhist disciple!"

"As the saying goes, people in the world insult me, deceive me, and slander me, and I should be willing to drink.

"The disciple is photographed!"

Chen Xuanzang folded his hands together and looked ashamed: "The disciple's practice is shallow, and he can't understand the deep meaning of the master's words..."

"Cough cough."

Li Qingshan coughed twice, feeling that his big brother Gu was bullying the honest person too much.

"Come on, little brother Xuanzang, sit down and eat."

Li Qingshan opened his mouth and made a round.

Chen Xuanzang looked at the delicious delicacies on a table and smiled wryly: "Amitabha, thank you Brother Li for your kindness, I'm not hungry..."


Before he could finish speaking, his stomach swelled.

Chen Xuanzang looked ashamed.

"The wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha will keep it in the heart of the Buddha! People take food as their heaven. If you starve to death, isn't it a sin of Buddhism?"

Li Qingshan stood up, pressed Chen Xuanzang on the seat, and pulled a chicken leg and handed it to Chen Xuanzang.

"The wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart remains. If the world learns from me, it is like entering the devil's way... This is what a Buddhist expert said, please don't distort the meaning of Big Brother Li."

Chen Xuanzang held the chicken leg, shook his head and said sternly: "Buddhist can eat a chicken, but a chicken can live! How can I do this thing without this training?"


Li Qingshan was stunned, and he knew what it meant to be dead brains.

If the world were filled with people like Chen I am afraid that within ten days, the world would be completely clean.

Suddenly, he felt that the Buddha was even more terrifying than the devil!


Mingshang became impatient and pointed at Chen Xuanzang.

Chen Xuanzang suddenly froze, his face terrified, like eating poison, he ate the chicken leg in his hand.


It was not until he finished eating that Chen Xuanzang suddenly turned his head and vomited again and again, trying to spit out the chicken.

"Xuanzang, look..."

Mind hurt a little out of the window.

Chen Xuanzang reluctantly looked up and saw a chicken slowly emerging from the void, landing on the street, clucking.

"Master, you..."

Chen Xuanzang straightened up, his eyes bright and enlightened: "If I eat a chicken, will you live a chicken?"

"Of course!"

Mingshang nodded.

If you want to go against the Buddha and become a demon, you only need a single thought, but for some people, a single thought turns like blowing goose feathers, while for some people, that thought is heavy and unmoving like a mountain of Tai.

Wanting to change Chen Xuanzang does not happen overnight.

"So, I eat!"

There was a solemn look on his face, as solemn as a Buddha in a temple, he stretched out his hands, took a chicken, and ate it like chewing wax.


Sure enough, as Chen Xuanzang ate meat, chickens and ducks came back to life and landed on the street.

And where he couldn't see, the chickens were picked up by the hawkers and sent to the restaurant again......


Li Qingshan shook his head, what Chen Xuanzang couldn't see, he naturally saw it.

He knows how difficult it is for a true seed of Buddhism like Chen Xuanzang to change his mind.

Killing him is much easier.


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