Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1067: big fight

The mighty blood-colored sword intent fills the sky, and the sword energy transformed by the ubiquitous blood light uses the void as a medium to erode the Myriad Dao and spread and spread to all places.

No matter what is tangible or intangible, nothing can stop the wanton vertical and horizontal sword qi!

All living beings can clearly see that the great sun that has been hanging in the sky for countless years is dyed with a layer of blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, and inside the incomparably bright starry sky, it is even more stagnant and unable to move.

All the stars and celestial bodies are lit up one by one with blood!


In an instant, everything in the universe was full of red light, and the three realms and six paths were filled with blood-colored sword energy.

"Gorefiend destroys the world! Gorefiend destroys the world!"

"This is a catastrophe! The catastrophe is coming! No one can escape! No one can escape"

"Fellow Daoists, slaying demons and exorcising demons today, if demons don't die, all gods and Buddhas in the sky will perish!"

Lingshan, Heavenly Court, immortal mountains everywhere, immortal islands everywhere, all the divine lights shot out, and all the immortal gods and Buddhas shot out.

In an instant, one after another immortal magic power rose into the sky, like a long rainbow piercing the sun, rising from all directions at the same time, heading towards the location of the wound, and crashing away.


Mingshang was sitting on the blood lotus, and he didn't even look at the magical powers and immortals swarming from all directions.

The next moment, the red light skyrocketed ten million times!

The two swords are entangled vertically and horizontally, just like the world-destroying giant dragon of destruction, illuminating everything with a bang!

Wherever the sea of ​​blood reaches, where the ten thousand Dao covers, is where the sword energy reaches!

Yuan Tuli, Abi is fierce!

One slash of matter, one slash of mind!

When the two are combined, nothing is left untouched!

clang clang ~~~~

The blood was surging, and the sword intent rolled down.

No matter what supernatural powers, what magic arts, what gods and Buddhas, they all dissipated like a cloud of smoke!

I saw the vast sea of ​​blood surging down, and the sword energy of killing was entangled vertically and horizontally, turning into the end of all-destruction destruction, running through the three realms and six paths, the universe starry sky!


Chen Xuanzang folded his hands together, chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, and gradually closed his eyes, looking at the sword energy that penetrated him, without sadness or joy.

"Good, good!"

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, the old monk lowered his brows and eyes, looking at the sword energy that manifested in the void and slashed the body and soul with a slight smile, and then passed away.

Everywhere immortal mountain cave dwellings, Lingshan treasure temples, and immortal gods and Buddhas are all in various expressions, falling like rain!


Duanlang looked unwilling, even though he crossed hundreds of thousands of miles in one step, the Huo Linjian crossed the small half of Nanzhan.

But he still failed to kill Young Master Kong Void before the blood-red sword energy reached his body.

Even if it's so close.

But this place so close, for him, is already eternity.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent and treat all things as cud dogs... As everyone knows, this is the greatest fairness."

Above the surging sea of ​​blood, Mingshang looked calm, and his eyes fell:

"Thousands of Shuangtian are free, and do not live based on good and evil..."

At this point, in one realm, all are stagnant, all time and space, ten thousand realms, all beings in the three realms and six realms are stagnant.


Li Qingshan stood on top of a city, looked at the sea of ​​blood cleaning the Three Realms, and shook his head slightly.

He was powerless and unable to stop it.

Not to mention it was originally created by Gu Shaoshang, and even if it wasn't, he couldn't stop it.

He didn't know whether this incarnation of his own big brother Gu would kill him together.

More importantly, he knew that his big brother Gu was not a bloodthirsty person. He didn't believe that he would destroy the world he had created by himself.

"A sea of ​​blood..."

As far as the eye can see, there is a red color, Li Qingshan slightly sighed.

One after another, the sword energy descended vertically and horizontally, beheading all the gods and Buddhas within the three realms and six realms, but did not harm any mortals, or even any living beings.

In the end, in Li Qingshan's eyes, all the pictures were frozen.

I saw the mountains, rivers and mountains, the sun, the moon, the stars, the stars, the celestial bodies, and even the cities, and countless living beings, all under the light of blood, as if they were under the action of a strange force.

Pressed flat!

It seems that time and space have disappeared at this time, the world has become a piece of paper, and everything in the world has become ink dots on the paper!

"This is......."

Before Li Qingshan was shocked, he felt as if he had also been pressed into paper by a majestic force!


In the blood flow, many runes circulated, and the words were manifested. One by one, the lifelike creatures were all turned into words, arranged in rows and rolling.

In the end, it turned into a piece of paper.


The sheets of paper stack up, and finally fall on a white palm, turning into a book with the book "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons".

"One flower, one world, one page, one bodhi......"

Duobao Tathagata raised his brows, looked at the booklet in Gu Shaoshang's palm, and said, "Wuzu's move is too much..."

Seeing that the world of the chessboard was turned into a book, he didn't make a move, or in other words, making a move was meaningless.

Gu Shaoshang's methods were unpredictable, and the world he opened up was true and true, and even the imprint of the Dao Yun of the gods and Buddhas in the sky was in it.

At the moment when Mingshang started, many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas didn't even have time to descend on the body of Daohua.

So much so that the gods and Buddhas in the sky were actually killed like a chicken and a dog!

The world has also returned to chaos, with no Buddhas and no demons. Naturally, there is no such thing as victory or defeat.

"It's not that I was prepared for it... well, it's a crooked fight..."

Gu Shaoshang smiled, his five fingers flicked lightly, and a book appeared in his palm and unfolded. In addition to "Journey to the West, Conquering the Demons", there were also "Journey to the West" and "Journey to the West". The Legend of Wukong" and other books.

The world in the palm of his hand that he opened up before is naturally not just a journey to the west to conquer the devil, and there are many similar worlds in it.

Li Qingshan fell into the Westward Journey to Conquer the Demons, while anger and scalpers belonged to several other worlds.

Duobao Tathagata only knew that the world opened up by Gu Shaoshang was true, but he didn't know that this world was his testing ground.

The experiment can be terminated at any time, or even overturned and restarted.

With intentional calculations and no intentions, Duobao Tathagata actually fell into his calculations.

In the previous world, it was like a book written by him. No matter how powerful the Duobao Tathagata had supernatural powers, unless he ended up in person, even if he had more plans, he would not be able to stop him from cutting it at will.

Nothing more, just restart.

Many Treasures Tathagata thought that the obsession of Zhubajie could enter this place, and that many incarnations of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas could also enter this place, and that was really overthinking it.

Zhu Bajie's obsession was deliberately not stopped by Gu Shaoshang.

And other Bodhisattva Buddha's Taoist body wants to come to this world and become an incarnation, he will naturally not allow it.

"Hahaha! Good!"

Seeing the chessboard world turned into a book, Qingniu couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Duobao Tathagata shriveled, he felt relieved, and the more he looked at Gu Shaoshang, the more pleasing he felt.

You must know that the World Honored Lingshan sits in the Buddhist sect and is in charge of the eight trillion Buddhist kingdoms. His mighty power is the greatest under the heavenly court.

Even the Emperor of Heaven needs to give him a third of his face, and seeing him deflated, Qing Niu suddenly felt that he was not in vain.

"You didn't lose, and I didn't win either."

Gu Shaoshang put away the book in his palm, looked at the Tathagata Duobao, and said indifferently: "How do you feel about the old Buddha?"


Duobao Tathagata sighed slightly and said, "Although Wuzu's move is a rogue, he is also superior."

"I should have left here, but it's a matter of Taoism... Old monk, I have to ask for advice!"

The words fluttered, and before they could be dispersed, he slowly stretched out his palm, took the Fearless Seal of the Five Seals of Sakyamuni with his right hand, and pressed it down towards Gu Shaoshang's eyebrows!

The left hand fell to the side, and the fingertips touched the ground, silently touching the ground and subduing the devil.

"The old monk is insidious, be careful of his touch and subdue magic seal!"

Qing Niu only had time to scream, and was pushed horizontally by the invisible palm force and flew hundreds of millions of miles away.

In just one ten-thousandth of a moment, he was swept away by the Buddha's light and flung most of the universe, breaking through the nine heavenly barriers and falling into chaos!


The sky, shrouded in billions of Buddha's light, was instantly shaken, and the sound of countless Buddhas chanting and chanting chanted sutras shook the avenues, reaching Gu Shao's sea of ​​sadness.

The sound of Zen singing rumbled and moved, trying to suppress his will.

"The Seal of Subduing Demons, also known as the Seal of Touching the Ground and Conquering Demons, according to legend, when the Buddha was preaching the Dao under the Bodhi tree, all kinds of demon kings attacked, and the Buddha touched the ground with one finger and subdued many demon kings!"

Gu Shaoshang knew Duobao's face well, and UU reading never let down his guard.

Therefore, I am not surprised at Duobao's sudden attack, and I still have time to comment on his style of touching the ground and subduing the devil.

While speaking, he raised his palms at will, parrying the fearless mark towards the Duobao Tathagata unhurriedly.

At the same time, the same hand fell, and the fingertips touched the cold ground of the Bodhi Garden, forcing him to touch the ground and subdue the magic mark.

"What Wuzu said is good."

Duobao Tathagata nodded, not at all ashamed of being discovered by secret hands.

The communication between the two is only between one in ten million birth and death.

The next moment, in this time and space where the Buddhist kingdom is repressed, there will be hundreds of millions of violent collisions!

Although Gu Shaoshang is the first to ascend to the Great Luo Jinshu, his cultivation strength is not inferior to that of the old monsters, and the Tathagata of Treasures is known as the first person under the Primordial Spirit, the World Honored Spirit Mountain among the immeasurable heavens. incarnation.

In this fight, although most of the power falls on each other.

But just a wisp of escaping is comparable to an ordinary Daluo's full-strength blow, which is a terrifying force that is enough to shatter a large universe!

Although the many Buddhist kingdoms that the Many Treasures Tathagata used to seal the time and space here are blessed by a large number of Buddhas chanting sutras, they cannot ignore this majestic force!


I saw that the vast Buddha light boiled over it, and the overlapping Buddhist kingdoms that blocked the time and space on it swayed and almost collapsed, and the sound of countless chanting sutras was stagnant.


There are countless deep cracks in the void, and everywhere in the Buddhist kingdoms, you can see the terrifying scene that is turned upside down.

Faintly, above the boiling void, like a waterfall of Shenquan, the blood of the red gold Buddha is flowing outwards!


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