Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1090: Must kill Dongbo Xueying!

? After speaking, Teng Qingshan paused for a while, and then said:

"To accept the task, you must consider your own abilities! No one wants you to die, I don't want to, nor does the master of the Temple of Time and Space."

"The owner of the museum knows the owner of the Temple of Time and Space?"

The warrior who asked the question before keenly captured the meaning implied in Teng Qingshan's words and blurted out.

The other warriors also came back to their senses, and there was a hint of suspicion in their eyes.


Before Teng Qingshan could speak, Thor stepped forward and stood in front of the man with a slightly cold expression:

"What is your name?"

Thor is tall, with an indifferent expression. While questioning in a low voice, a tyrannical aura overwhelmed him.

"Two, the second hall, the owner of the hall..."

The martial artist who asked the question suddenly felt a chill in his heart, opened his mouth and said, "I, my name is..."

"Do you dare to question my eldest brother?"

Before he could finish speaking, Thor snorted coldly, kicked the martial artist's chest, kicked him hundreds of meters, rolled and fell from the space-time island.


It wasn't until the martial artist fell from the sky, and the sound of his gas explosion as he flew backwards and broke the sound barrier echoed in the sky.

Teng Qingshan shook his head slightly.

"You bastard! Have you lived for so many years without even a trace of awe?"

Thor hugged his arms, looked at the crowd of warriors, and said coldly:

"During the Great Nirvana period, there was no big brother teaching martial arts, blocking the front line, fighting with the beast emperor, you **** can still stand here and talk nonsense? Who gave you the courage to question my big brother!"

The rumbling sound echoed in the sky, and there seemed to be a flash of thunder in Thor's eyes.

All the warriors suddenly trembled in their hearts and did not dare to make a sound, even if they still had any doubts, they were all pressed in their hearts.

Thor is no better than Teng Qingshan, he is extremely domineering, and the warriors who die in his hands are probably not less than mutant beasts.

Compared to Teng Qingshan, his fierce reputation is even better.

This is evident from his self-titled Thor.

"Don't think that with the Martial Dao system, you will think you are the son of destiny! When I don't have the system, I can overwhelm you so much that you can't lift your head up. With the system, I'm still stronger!"

Thor's voice was high-pitched, like a thunderous explosion, resounding in the ears of all stellar-level warriors:

"You can beat Lao Tzu, I treat you as a character, but you can't beat Lao Tzu, you are a fart!"

"Cough cough!"

At the edge of the space-time island, the warrior climbed up with a pale face.

Thor's kick was still sympathetic, otherwise, this kick would be enough to knock him out in the air.

Although they are both star-level, the gap between the two is still too big, too big.


At this moment, Teng Qingshan spoke slowly and glanced at the warriors present.

Most of the star-level warriors who can go to the space-time island are warriors who rose in the dark years of Nirvana, and most of them have been instructed by him.

To a certain extent, they are all his disciples and grandchildren.

Seeing him glance over at this time, he couldn't help lowering his head.

"What the second pavilion owner said is that I waited and overstepped."

The warrior who asked the question before coughed twice, knelt on the ground halfway, and said, "Chu Renfeng apologized to the owner of the museum, and thanked the owner of the second museum for not killing him."

He didn't mean to question Teng Qingshan, but at this time, how could he dare to tell the difference.

"Get up."

Teng Qingshan waved his hand to get him up.

"Brother, these people's mentality has changed. If they don't beat and beat, I'm afraid they really don't know how high the sky is."

Thor's voice transmission, Teng Qingshan, said: "Whether this kid is intentional or not, what he said before contains evil intentions."

Thor's surface is rough, but in fact, there are thick and thin.

Chu Renfeng's previous remarks almost meant to push Teng Qingshan to the top of the storm.

If he is allowed to ask, with Teng Qingshan's character, he will not hide his relationship with Gu Shaoshang at all.

In this way, he will stand on the opposite side of all martial artists in an instant.

"I know."

Teng Qingshan just replied lightly.

He had already considered this before he spoke.

The reason why he exported it was because he didn't want these warriors to complain too much about his master.

What Thor can think of, he naturally knows, but he doesn't care much.

However, Thor's shot was for him, and he was naturally sympathetic.

At least, if the Chu Renfeng in front of him held a grudge, he would have dismissed him before Thor took action.

Although he has a good heart, don't forget that he was originally a killer.

"Thank you, Master."

Chu Renfeng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and retreated into the crowd.

Even if you are killed, you will not dare to be the first bird.

Many warriors, after this incident, did not dare to ask Teng Qingshan, call out the martial arts system one by one, and understand the temple of time and space, and the dangers in it.

The warriors present, there are few young people, have experienced the great nirvana, and have fought mutant beasts to the death. While not afraid of danger, they are also more cautious.


Teng Qingshan and Lei Shen ignored these warriors, stepped on the silver-white square, and walked to the huge portal.

This portal is hundreds of meters high, and the whole body is silver and white, but it is not a real entity. It looks like an illusion. At a glance, you can even see that the portal is composed of lines from the depths of the void.

Vaguely, you can feel the power of time and space changing and the vicissitudes of life.

"At this time, the gate of time and space has just been created, and it should be capturing the information in the space-time universe. After that, it should generate tasks one by one..."

Teng Qingshan reached out and stroked the silver-white door, his tentacles seemed to be illusory, and he went straight through it.

There are secrets about the Temple of Time and Space circulating in his heart.

As Gu Shaoshang's disciple, he knew that he was naturally not comparable to ordinary martial artists.

For him, the Temple of Time and Space has almost no secrets.

"Can this portal really be able to travel through many other universes, even across time and space, to the past and the future?"

Thor is still a little incredulous, even though Teng Qingshan has already told him more than once.

But this, after all, is time travel.

Before he went to the universe with Luo Feng and Teng Qingshan, he had never heard of the power of that side of the universe.

"Master said yes, think about it."

Teng Qingshan also felt incomprehensible, but he believed in Gu Shaoshang very much.

Thinking of what Gu Shaoshang had done, he felt that his master had the power to travel through time and space before.

Perhaps, it is the power of the Temple of Time and Space?

"Unfortunately, the third brother is unwilling to come. Otherwise, if the three brothers and I join forces, where can't we go?"

Thor sighed.

At this time, Luo Feng could not retreat in the spaceship. In addition to practicing, he went to the killing field of the virtual universe to fight with various races in the universe.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that they will not be able to explore time and space with them.

"The third brother just can't figure it out temporarily. After a long time, he will figure it out. Besides, with the strength of you and me, it is possible to get three spoils of war from time and space."

Teng Qingshan's eyes flickered, and said indifferently:

"Except for the fact that the source power cannot be shared, I can give the third brother a copy of the magic weapon that the source power can manifest, the method of cultivation, and the master of time and space, and leave him a copy... "


Thor agreed, saying: "One day brother, I brother! With his second brother, there will be no shortage of him!"

After a while, a group of star-level warriors also roughly understood some of the surface information of the temple of time and space, and surrounded the gate of time and space here.

"It's an incredible creation! My mind power can penetrate all materials on the earth, but I can't touch and pick up a shred of space and time on the island."

A martial artist sighed in admiration, he was also a spiritual teacher.

"Time and Space Temple.... Time and Space Plaza...Time and Space Gate...Unfortunately, the Time and Space Temple is an absolute forbidden area. Otherwise, I really want to see it. Is there a master of the Temple of Time and Space in it?"

"Even in it, such a great existence is not something you and I can touch..."

"It's the gate of time and space. I'm afraid there are many crises in it. If you are a little careless, I'm afraid you will never come back..."

Many people were discussing and talking about something.

However, with Chu Renfeng's lessons learned, no one dared to disturb Thor and Teng Qingshan.

"Seeking wealth and wealth at risk is dangerous, so what can we do? Which of us did not grow up through a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood? Today, there are no resources for us to make progress on the earth. This step is imperative. !"

A middle-aged warrior in silver-white armor said lightly:

"Have you forgotten the invasion of the Nuolan Mountain family? The universe contains endless dangers! If you are afraid of the consequences of danger, you can only wait for the danger to come."


When many warriors were discussing, suddenly, the gate of time and space, which was several hundred meters high, trembled slightly.

The invisible space-time Dao Yun rippled slightly, and the endless sky turned into an endless sea in an instant.

Visible to the naked eye, above the countless lines that make up the silver-white gate, suddenly a little silver-white light flickers.

"This is?"

Many warriors were all shocked and looked at the huge gate of time and space.

I saw that on the edge of the gate of space, small words slowly appeared:

【Task! Mission 1: From Tianyu Universe (Future)]

[Tianyu Great Universe, the territory is vast and vast, and there are countless powerhouses... The source of the task will not be displayed, the specific tasks are as follows]

[Must kill Dongbo Xueying! ! ........The detection is extremely difficult, there is no life in ten deaths, it is not recommended to accept]

【Task! Mission 2: From the Tianyu Universe (Future)]

[Tianyu Great Universe, the territory is vast and vast, and there are countless powerhouses... The source of the task will not be displayed, the specific tasks are as follows]

[Overthrow the Bloodblade Tavern and defeat the Bloodblade God Emperor........Detect the difficulty of the task........The task is extremely difficult, it is a ten-dead and no-life level, it is not recommended to accept]

【Task! Mission 3: From the World Heart Continent (Future)]

[World Heart Continent, the continent with the highest level... The task is as follows]

[Destroy at least three demons in the black devil swamp... Quest detection... The mission is extremely difficult, it is a ten-dead-no-life level, and it is not recommended to accept it 】

【Task! Mission 4: From the Tianyu Universe (Future)


[Note: The difficulty of the task displayed is based on the cultivation of the person watching the task]

The first thing that caught Teng Qingshan's eyes was the ten scarlet fonts, which were not recommended to accept.

Under it, according to the difficulty, they are arranged one by one.

Among them, there are only ten tasks with ten deaths and no life, and there are as many as hundreds of nine deaths and one life. Among them, eight deaths and two lives, seven deaths and three lives, six deaths and four lives......

And so on, everyone sees the difficulty of the task differently.

For example, Teng Qingshan saw only ten quests with ten dead and no life, and in the eyes of ordinary warriors, most of them were all ten dead and no life levels.

And according to their respective levels, and so on.

Of course, the most eye-catching tasks must be at the bottom and the least difficult tasks.

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