Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1092: Cyclonus

?If there is something in it that can be brought out, the value of this task cannot be described only by the source power.

Gu Shaoshang didn't look down on anything except Yuan Li, but that didn't mean that others didn't look down on anything either.

For the earth warriors at this time, this will be a great opportunity!

"Time and Space..."

Teng Qingshan raised his head and glanced at the Gate of Time and Space, with awe in his heart.

Just before, he straddled time and space, spent three months in the future of another infinite universe, and got back a good quality knight sword.

The power contained in this is enough to make him respect like a **** at this time.

And this is not just him. In the future, there will be millions of earth warriors, shuttle in the past and future, running in the universes that are extremely distant.

Such power has far surpassed the immortal powerhouse he knew.

How powerful is your master?

It wasn't the first time that Teng Qingshan had this thought flashed through his mind.

In the past, he was the most powerful person in the Kyushu Continent. He could shatter mountain peaks by raising his hand. Now, he can raise his hand to cut off the river and sea, and shatter the continental shelf with his palm.

But for his master, he still can't see clearly.

I can't see clearly, his strength is unpredictable, it can only feel unfathomable.


Teng Qingshan's thoughts did not last long, and light flashed again above the gate of time and space.

Thor is back.

"I'm careless..."

Thor's face was black, and he shook his arms. There was a trace of blood on his clothes, and he didn't know if it was his or someone else's.

"what happened?"

Teng Qingshan frowned slightly and asked.

It was already seen that Thor was injured by himself.

"I was entangled by a devil from the abyss and suffered a little injury."

Thor smiled indifferently, and said: "In the end, I died in the hands of Lao Tzu, and the source power is three thousand, and the harvest this time is not small!"

"Be careful."

Teng Qingshan didn't say much, just persuaded one sentence.

Thor is different from him. He likes to take risks. He must have provoked something outside the mission.

While the gains are greater, the dangers are also greater.

"Isn't it all right?"

Thor waved his hand impatiently.

The physical body of the star-level warrior is strong enough, and it has almost recovered at this time.

"Go back to the martial arts hall, and tomorrow you can pass on all planetary-level warriors."

Teng Qingshan shook his head and said.

Traveling through time and space, the danger in it is really not small, and the planetary-level warrior is barely extraordinary. Although it is dangerous to join it, it can be tolerated.

The apprentice level below it cannot join at this time.

Fortunately, the planetary-level warriors on the earth have already broken through 100,000, which is enough for the initial exploration.


Thor nodded.

At this time, his physical injuries were almost healed, but his mental fatigue had not gone away, and he was not suitable for another mission.

After Teng Qingshan and the two left, it didn't take long for the warriors to step out of the gate of time and space one after another.

Except for a few unlucky ghosts who suffered some injuries, most of them were intact and the harvest was not small.

After all, the most low-level tasks are not too dangerous for these at least stellar-level warriors.

"Things in these worlds can actually be brought out?"

"Not bad! Although this long sword is not as sharp as an alloy weapon, its attributes are not found on Earth!"

"I brought it out too!"

Like Teng Qingshan, someone discovered this secret, and the surprise was inexplicable.

"In this way, the advantage of the gate of time and space is unimaginable!"

A middle-aged warrior was shocked.

Behind the gate of time and space, there are countless time and space, universes, worlds, and the opportunities contained are almost endless, for the earth.

It will be a huge opportunity to take off!


The return of the first batch of stellar warriors set off a huge wave on the earth!

Whether it is a martial artist or not, he has a huge interest in the countless universes and worlds in it.

Many planetary-level warriors rushed to the extreme martial arts station from all over the world as soon as they got the news.

Then, Teng Qingshan, Thor, in front of hundreds of thousands of planetary-level warriors around the world, announced the existence of the Gate of Time and Space, as well as the endless opportunities and resources within it.

No need for Teng Qingshan to take the lead, and no need for Gu Shaoshang to coax.

After that, countless warriors landed on the space-time island and chose to step into the gate of space-time.

And some warriors who have not yet broken through the planetary level have been greatly stimulated and practiced hard.

The turbulent great changes have swept the entire earth in a short period of time.

In the following years, due to the large amount of resources pouring out from the gate of time and space, the number of warriors on the entire earth has exploded!

Even ordinary people who have never practiced martial arts have started to practice martial arts one after another.

This year is the tenth year of the Martial Arts Era, and it is also the year when the planetary-level martial artist broke through one million!

Millions of warriors, in the gate of time and space, travel through many worlds, many time and space, or get a chance, or be buried in it.

The whole earth has completely entered the era of national martial arts cultivation and national shuttle!


"The magic weapon storage bag from the world of Xianxia has ten squares of space in it. You only need fifty points of source power, and you only need fifty points, and you can have it!"

"The spar of the abyss lava demon, the best martial arts auxiliary training material! This can speed up the opening of the divine treasure, only one hundred source power, only one hundred source power!"

"From the universe of Tianyu, the fighting method of the Bloodshed Tavern is inestimable! It is said that it is the legendary book that was handed down by the Bloodshed God Emperor. It is private and private!"

"In the great universe of science and technology, the method of electromagnetic manipulation! At the peak of cultivation, the magnetic field of the entire galaxy can be rotated. It is a ruinous classic! If you want it, you want it! The poor ghost with less than ten thousand resources, don't come!"

Gu Shaoshang was pacing on the space-time square, and as far as he could see, it was full of noisy sounds.

Countless booths are set up on the space-time square, densely packed, and there are no more than tens of thousands at a glance, all of which are selling resources that are obtained from each task world and that they do not need.

The benefits of traveling through time and space in many universes are enormous.

This hugeness does not refer to source power, and few warriors have much source power.

It refers to the huge progress brought about by the collision of many cosmic civilizations.

The millions of warriors who traveled on the earth, although they all practiced the nine great gods, but the gods were almost endless, and the effect of each person's practice was by no means the same.

Those civilizations from other universes are silently closely related to the cultivation of earth warriors.

For example, before the booth where Gu Shaoshang stopped at this time, he was selling storage bags, a star-level warrior named Sword Immortal.

Although he is a martial artist, he cultivates flying swords with the power of blood and divine possessions. The three flying swords are impressively smelted by hundreds of billions of tons of metal, condensed with source power.

The power is so strong that it can even penetrate the body of a cosmos-level warrior.

The other warriors, in their missions, learned the strengths of other cosmic civilizations and walked out of their own paths.

"This storage bag is only ten squares? Isn't there a bigger one?"

Gu Shaoshang became interested, picked up a storage bag and asked.

On the space-time square, all **** and killing behaviors are prohibited, and the stall owner is naturally not afraid of Gu Shaoshang taking it away.

Seeing that he seemed to be interested, his eyes lighted slightly and said, "Hey! I was doing a mission before, and I had a conflict with a sect called Qingyunmen, from the outer sect disciples to the supreme elders, all of them were picked up by me. It's clean! The biggest storage bag is full of thousands of squares!"

"Wanfang's storage bag?"

Gu Shaoshang was slightly dumbfounded and said, "How much source power?"

"Oh! It's true!"

The stall owner pretended to sigh and said, "If it wasn't for the exchange of the Nine Great Divine Treasures and the Feijian that nourished me with source power, I would definitely not sell that storage bag."

"No second price, three thousand source power!"

"Three thousand Yuanli? It's too expensive. I'll go to other booths."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head, put down the storage bag, and walked to other stalls.

The stall owner looked at him with a smile, but he didn't mean to stop Gu Shaoshang at all.

He has monopolized the Xianxia resources on the space-time square. No one can come up with such a large storage bag except him.

Therefore, he didn't care about Gu Shaoshang's coming and going at all.

"Hey! If it wasn't for the martial arts system being upgraded again, and I owe a lot of resources, I wouldn't be so black... If you want to blame it, you can blame the martial arts system."

The martial artist didn't know what to think, and his face was a little distorted.

He has received an unknown number of tasks. In other universes, time and space have stayed for no less than three hundred years, and he will use it when he is ready to break through the universe level.

Who would have thought that once the martial arts system was upgraded, it was all gone, and it owed a lot!


Gu Shaoshang paced through the space-time square, looking at the warriors selling on the stalls and the warriors coming and going at the gate of time and space, feeling slightly satisfied.

One party's complete seven-star and half-series universe is far more abundant in resources than any world he has experienced before.

Even if it is a perfect world, because countless worlds have been invaded and turned into a sea, the source power that can be obtained is far less than this universe.

In just a dozen years, the source power he has acquired has reached tens of billions!

The source power of tens of billions!

This is in addition to the consumption of the earth warriors Otherwise, this number can be doubled!

"Invisibly, I owe the Lord of Time and Space a favor..."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly.

He also did not expect that the earth warriors he cultivated and the gate of time and space could play such a huge role in this universe.

Among them, the role of the gate of time and space is particularly important.

Otherwise, Gu Shaoshang would not be able to allow millions of people to travel through time and space on their own before he re-entered Daluo.

However, compared with the harvest, it is not a loss to owe a favor.

After all, at this speed, it won't take long for him to accumulate 2 trillion source power, condensing it into a wisp of chaotic innate Hongmeng indestructible spirit.

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