Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1104: Immortal Qin Zulong

"Mr. Hua bluntly said that Xiong would like to hear the details."

Xiongba restrained his expression and listened.

He knew that this Mr. Hua was an existence that was brought back by the main temple after hitting the gate of immortality before the Seven Primal Chaos.

At first, it was said that it was not too strong, but in the years that followed, all the way through, the advancement speed was amazing, and it was easy to achieve Daluo.

Although he joined the main temple far earlier than he came, his strength was far worse.

Today, among the heavenly shuttlers in the Lord's Temple, the only ones who can steadily overwhelm him are the nine, including Taoist Yujing.

After Feng Xiaozhong was silent for countless years in the battle with Ji Huanyu, he may not be able to stabilize him at present.

Such an existence is a tyrant, and he is very afraid in his heart, and his attitude is naturally lowered.

"The gang leader is polite."

Mr. Hua smiled slightly, with a warm attitude.

Although Xiongba's strength is inferior to him, he has been in the main temple for much longer than him, and he has made good friends with many heavenly shuttlers.

In the absence of differences of interests, he is also willing to give him respect.

After all, in the future, there will always be a time when he can use it.

Since he fell out of the gate of immortality before the seven primordial chaos, he has always wanted to return to the door of immortality.

"The origin of that Zulong is actually not a secret."

Hua Tian glanced at Daoist Karma, and said slowly: "At the beginning of the time line of the endless infinite multiverse, later generations called it the era of Taiyi floods, there was a supreme being born out of nowhere, to overwhelm the floods, with witnesses Dao, since then, the Dao of the infinite and infinite multiverse has been branded with the imprint of human beings...... Up to now, in countless time and space, in many universes, in the world, there can be no Tao, no gods and demons, but There must be someone."

"That's my Lady of Human Race..."

Xiongba nodded, indicating that he knew.

Its original origin has long been unknown, and the oldest time and space is called the Taiyi Prehistoric Age.

The infinite and infinite multiverse at that time was not so vast. It was only after the Tao of countless innate gods and demons born in chaos was accommodated by the Dao that they were opened up one by one.

Destiny, time and space, cause and effect, yin and yang, the five elements... Silence and so on are the way through all realms, which is the original way of innate gods and demons.

Up to now, the original Daoist may not be there, but the Dao aggregate exists forever, and under the convergence of the Dao, it travels through all realms and runs through the heavens.

Humane, the same.

Even though the Mother of Humanity has long since disappeared, her humanity has never been cut off.

Ten thousand worlds will not be destroyed, the heavens will not collapse, and the human race will never perish.

"Too easy to flood..."

Daoist Karma's eyes flickered slightly.

He is naturally one of the few remaining clones of Gu Shaoshang's fruit, and the cause and effect is not injured. In the main temple, he walks as the Taoist of the cause and effect.

The formation of the main temple cannot be tested. It is suspected to be the end of the Taiyi flood, or it may be the early stage of the Taiyi flood, or even earlier.

But in any case, the intelligence information of the main temple is the crown of all realms, and few major forces can compare with it.

After all, it is a giant force that is hostile to almost all powers and has not yet died out.

Daoist Karma naturally knows many secrets in it.

"Thousands exist, never die, and at the end of one is the strongest of the endless infinite multiverse... The master of time and space who inherits the shadow of time and space, the master of the system who inherits the shadow of life, etc. Wait...and those who uphold humanity are the Three Ancient Sovereigns!"

Hua Tiandu's eyes opened and closed, flashing divine light: "The emperor, the emperor, and the emperor are the highest personalities of the human race under the infinite multiverse avenue."

Three thousand avenues and three thousand gods and demons, at the end of one road, is Hunyuan.

At this time, under the mysterious Lord God of the Lord Temple, there are nine Primordial Primordial beings, which are the cornerstones of the Lord Temple's **** of many space-time universes and stand firm.

Hua Tian asked himself that he was not inferior to anyone, why he could not step into that realm for a long time.

Just because, the way of one's own origin is in the gate of eternal life!

"The Emperor Fuxi, the Earth Emperor Shennong, the Human Emperor Xuanyuan..."

Cause and effect Taoist thinks.

He had been in contact with the Emperor Xuanyuan, and he had also been to the Huoyun Palace, so he was no stranger to the Three Emperors.

"It's bad, it's bad. The three emperors are personalities, not just the Fuxi clan, the Shennong clan, the Xuanyuan clan?"

Xiongba shook his head slightly and said, "The ancient great sages Suiren, Gonggong, and Zhurong have all been on the throne of the three emperors, but most people only know about Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan."

He has been crawling all the way, and he has experienced countless universes and worlds, and he also knows a lot about some secrets.

"What does this have to do with Zulong?"

Daoist Karma looked at Hua Tiandu and asked.

As for Hua Tiandu, he has long admired the famous name, this one, but the most active traveler of the heavens in the main temple apart from the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor.

And the fact that he came from the gate of immortality made him even more interested.

"This Zulong is incredible."

Hua Tiandu smiled slightly and said, "Huoyun Palace disappeared, and after the three emperors were vacant, he was the one who occupied the position of human emperor, and the positions of earth emperor and emperor were also in his hands!"

"It is said that he wants to merge the three emperors into one and become the first emperor. He is naturally better than the supreme and supreme **** of the Haotian Jinque, who is the true Jade Emperor Miluo."

Hua Tian was both admiring and mocking.

The fruit of the Three Sovereigns is linked to the luck of all races in the endless infinite multiverse, and even includes the existence of a Daluo who has never abandoned his human identity.

Its weight is unimaginable, and no one can afford it.

Hua Tian didn't even think he had the possibility of success, but at the same time, he admired his courage.

"The name Zulong, the first emperor! This person's bearing is rare in the world! The old man has to admire it!"

Xiongba somewhat admired this person.

"Then you are wrong, he did not call himself Zulong, but killed the real Zulong, turned his dragon scales into a black dragon robe of Great Qin, took his bones, made a sword of the first emperor of Qin, and took his dragon Skin, keel, dragon soul, turned into the Great Qin Ancestor Dragon Banner!"

At this time, a light laugh came from the outside into the Tianshan Mountains where the World Association was located.

The three present frowned slightly.

It's not that they are not at home, it's just that the voice is too charming and tactful, but at the same time, it is accompanied by a solemn male voice, which is indescribably weird, and it is impossible for anyone to hear it without making waves.


As the sound drifted, fairy light bloomed in the void, lotus flowers fell from the sky, and the sound of the avenue rumbled.

And a figure stepped on the lotus flower that descended in the void, and slowly emerged in front of the three of them.

None of the great formations of the Underworld Association could stop it.

Although there is a reason why Xiongba has not opened the big formation, it can also be seen that this person's cultivation base.

Daoist Karma looked at the sound, and saw that man pacing, stepping on the lotus flower, lightness and heaviness coexist, enchanting and domineering coexist, black and white superimposed, male appearance and female appearance coexist!

Daoist Karma was a little surprised that the person who came here was too handsome, even a little wickedly handsome.

He had never seen such a handsome person in his life.

Of course, he wasn't human either.

"Haha! It turns out to be fellow Daoist Mu!"

Xiongba laughed and stood up, clasped his fists slightly, and said, "Daoist friend is here, I am very honored!"

"What's the point of the gang leader?"

The person who came moved slowly, the male voice was female, and the female voice was male, and at the same time, he sounded: "Congenitally came here, don't take offense."

"As soon as fellow Daoist Mu is here, fellow Daoist Feng should be here soon, right?"

Hua Tiandu also stood up, smiled slightly, and said.

He recognized that the name of the person who came was Mu Xiantian, and Feng Xiaozhong came from a world. It was said that Feng Xiaozhong was an existence pulled out of time and space after Feng Xiaozhong achieved Daluo.

The people are neither male nor female, they look like males and females, and the light and the dark are in harmony, which is very strange.

It is Feng Xiaozhong, the number one general.

"Mr. Nahua is wrong."

Mu Xiantian smiled slightly, with roughness in the charming, and tenderness in the heroic: "Senior Brother Feng chased someone, and went too far, and may not come this time."

"Friend Mu, do you know the heels of Zulong?"

Daoist Karma stood up, cupped his hands and asked, with a subtle expression: "He really killed Zulong?"

"This one is the first person in Samsara, the Dao of Karma turns, and the Taoist Karma who suppressed the three great Luos?"

Mu Xiantian smiled charmingly, and his voice was bold: "It's a lovely person!"

"Ha ha........"

Daoist Karma's face stiffened slightly, and he couldn't stand the tone of speaking.

If the deity is here, I am afraid that it will be smashed with one punch.

Of course, he is not the deity, and his temperament is much softer. He just smiled and said, "Mr. Daoist Mu is right, and I feel the same way."


Mu Xiantian was a little surprised, but he did not provoke Daoist Karma again.

He glanced at the three of them lightly and said:

"It's a coincidence that this Great Qin Ancestral Dragon, the First Emperor, I really know a little bit. He was just an ordinary mortal emperor at first. I don't know what kind of good fortune he has achieved. The combination of human immortal martial arts and inextinguishable fighting spirit has become a climate. "

"This Primordial Primordial Realm swallowed and assimilated the world it was in, but it became his chance. It's true that he killed Zulong."

"In the endless and infinitely diverse Chaos Sea, there is only one true Ancestral Dragon..."

Hua Tiandu, Daoist Karma, and Xiongba looked at each other and were a little shocked.

What kind of opportunity could allow an emperor of a mortal empire to kill the ancestor of the dragon race of all realms?

Even in the endless infinite multiverse, there are many existences that rise by, but it is not so exaggerated.

"Now, there are none left."

Mu Xiantian spread out his palms and sighed: "Although it is hard to believe, but in the endless sea of ​​chaos, the first dragon in the heavens and the only ancestral dragon in the world was really slaughtered by him!"

"That's the giant of the Primordial Promise Realm..."

This time, Daoist Karma, Hua Tiandu, and Xiongba couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Incomparably ancient, the ancestor of the dragons of all realms, the only one in the heavens, the ancestor dragons of the Primordial Promise Realm who survived endless years, were all killed.

This first emperor was too ferocious.

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