Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1113: Dongbo Xueying and Luo Feng


Luo Feng's footsteps paused, his eyes lifted, looking at the colorfully dressed old man in front of him, his heart moved.

He was not angry, on the contrary, when the old man stopped him, he felt the slightest strangeness.

Obviously, this old man seems to be mediocre, but in Luo Feng's heart, there is an indescribable feeling.

Peerless secrets? What kind of immortal secrets?

Luo Feng thought about it in his heart, and said lightly, "How to sell it?"

For hundreds of years, he practiced martial arts and mind power at the same time. While walking the path of the master, he practiced the martial arts that Teng Qingshan and Lei Shen exchanged for him.

Apart from that, he did not practice any Dharma.

"Those who have a predestined relationship will not receive a cent, and those who have no predestined relationship will not be easy to earn."

Yuan smiled slightly, looking at Luo Feng with a deep uncertainty in his eyes.

"Then am I destined? Or not?"

Luo Feng was slightly dumbfounded, looked at the old man, and said.

"Meeting is fate, and this secret book is given to the little brother."

With a smile, Yuan took out one of the several secret books in his palm, handed it to Luo Feng, and said, "If you have something, you won't take a penny. If you don't have anything, it doesn't matter."

Selling the secret book was his inspiration after seeing Luo Feng.

He has done the same thing many times during this time.

"Column Element Technique?"

Luo Feng unconsciously stretched out his hand to take the secret book, looked at the three big characters written in the universal language on the secret book, and his heart was slightly shocked.

When he raised his head again, the old man had disappeared without a trace.

"Who is this?"

Luo Feng was startled, his mind power swept across the earth in an instant, and spread out in an instant, covering the entire solar system.

At the same time, hundreds of light-years away, the deity of the golden-horned giant beast lying in the black hole suddenly opened its broken golden eyes, sweeping the Milky Way, looking for the trace of the old man.

But even though he was so fast, he didn't even notice the old man.

"The lord!"

"Master Luo!"

"The lord!"

On the other hand, on the Space-Time Square, all the warriors walking by Luo Feng's side exclaimed and rolled to the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner.

If it weren't for the prohibition of killing on the space-time square, the space-time square at this time would already be in a mess.


Luo Feng withdrew his thoughts, looked at the warrior closest to him, frowned and said, "Did you see an old man blocking my way?"

"Cough cough!"

The martial artist who was questioned was a realm master. Hearing Luo Feng's question, his expression of embarrassment subsided, and he said in a confused manner: "King, what are you talking about? Who dares to stop you?"

The warrior smiled bitterly in his heart. He was a warrior who rose after the Martial Dao Era, and Luo Feng was an unattainable big man to him.

"did not see?"

Luo Feng asked the others again, and got the same information, no one stopped him at all.

And no one can see the secret book in his palm.

When in his hands, it is a real existence.

"Who is this?"

Holding the secret book, Luo Feng felt his scalp tingling.

With his immortal strength as a king now, it is impossible for him to hide from his telepathy even if he is the sage of the universe.

Who is this old man?

Lord of the universe?

Or the powerhouse of the universe?

What does he want to do? Send cheats?

For a moment, Luo Feng's thoughts turned around and he froze in place.

The other warriors on the space-time square didn't dare to disturb him, and stayed away from him in disgrace.

After a long time, Luo Feng came back to his senses with a slightly wry smile: "The universe is too big, and there are too many strong people. Being immortal as a king is far from enough to be proud of."

Over the years, with the growth of the earth, his practice has become somewhat slack, far less hard than the practice of the past.

The appearance of this old man made him somewhat alert.

The immortality of the king is not enough to be self-sufficient. Only by becoming the most powerful person in the universe can you shake it?

Perhaps, only by becoming the most powerful person in the universe can you stand upright in front of that man? even........

His eyes drooped down, looking at the closed space-time temple, his heart tightened slightly.

This is what he wants to do most.


Luo Feng shook his head slightly and stopped thinking about it. He could only ask about the existence of this old man after his master came back.

After throwing away his distracting thoughts, he looked at the dense tasks on the gate of time and space.

From ten death without life to ten life without death, it was a task of a level—one by one flashed in his eyes.

The quest level does not change as his strength increases.

The task of ten deaths and no life has never been reduced. The difference is that with the improvement of his strength several times, the task of ten life and no life has become ten life and no death.

The tasks that he can't touch have always been there, and there are more and more.

【Task! Mission 7, from the World Heart Continent (future)]

[The World Heart Continent, the continent with the highest level... The tasks are as follows]

[Destroy at least three demons in the black devil swamp... Quest detection... The mission is extremely difficult, it is a ten-dead-no-life level, and it is not recommended to accept it 】

Just like the World Heart Continent, at this time, the tasks on it are still lifeless for him.

And other missions from the World Heart Continent are mostly a matter of life and death.

For hundreds of years, there has been no one else who can go to the world except the mountain guest who can accept the mission of the world's heart continent.

On the other hand, it is the origin continent. In these years, he has visited many times.

"After the battle between the master and the Bloodshed God Emperor, the Tianyu Universe is not in danger anymore..."

Luo Feng looked at the many tasks, and the Tianyu Universe really didn't have any tasks with the highest level of danger.

No, he moved in his heart and looked at the heights of the Gate of Time and Space. There, the mission of killing Dongbo Xueying was formed from the very beginning. For most people, it was still lifeless.

"Dongbo Xueying......"

Luo Feng's heart moved slightly.

This Dongbo Xueying didn't know who he was, but his mission was always the highest danger level.

Without choosing a difficult task, Luo Feng randomly took a task about the Tianyu universe and entered it.

He went here not to complete the task to obtain resources, but to use the time difference between different time and space to break through the Venerable.

Naturally, we want to go to the relatively safe Tianyu Cosmos.


"The mission this time is to be a teacher of the noble children of a small family and teach some magic?"

On a barren mountain, Luo Feng's heart flashed the message of the mission.

He needs to practice cultivation, and taking a simple task is naturally excellent, but it is only enlightenment for a nobleman, so naturally it is nothing.

"About magic..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Luo Feng's mouth.

The so-called magic is nothing but the power of the elements under the law of spiritual perception, causing it to burst out with power beyond the ordinary.

Luo Feng has never learned magic, but with his mind power, under the rotation, any element will be suppressed by him, so it is more than enough to release magic.

Even with a single thought, he can make the atom fission and explode with an explosive force comparable to that of a nuclear bomb.


The wind whistled, Luo Feng paced down the barren mountain, the black armor on his body slowly turned into a black robe, and the long knife around his waist also turned into a magic wand.

His appearance has also undergone a slight change, becoming more in line with the human beings in this world.

"Different universes can give birth to the same human beings."

Luo Feng pondered in his heart and walked towards the small castle not far away.

Over the years, he has changed the original nucleus of the golden-horned giant beast with his source power, so that the number of avatars that can be differentiated has increased. The universe is divided into blood sea clones.

Even the knife in his palm is also his clone!

This knife, which he obtained from a fairy and demon universe, turned into a long knife, and could even split the flesh of a golden-horned giant beast of the same rank!

As he gets stronger, he gets stronger and stronger!

He once fought with this sword, and wounded a cosmic sage, establishing his immortal status as a king in one fell swoop.

After a while, Luo Feng walked into this small castle.

This territory is not big, it is still in the wilderness, and it doesn't look like a noble's territory.

Outside the low city wall, the two soldiers were quite strong.

Seeing Luo Feng coming forward, he shouted in a loud voice: "The people in front stop, this is my Xue Ying Leader, and my Xue Ying Leader does not welcome outsiders!"

"Xue Ying Ling? This name is really a bit like that Dongbo Xue Ying."

Luo Feng smiled in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face at all. He just lightly lifted the long sword that turned into a magic wand and said in a low voice:

"I'm a mage from afar. I'm not hostile when I pass by."


The soldiers were immediately in awe, and the swords they held high couldn't help letting go.

No matter where, the status of a mage cannot be challenged.

"A passing mage?"

At this moment, above the low city wall, a majestic figure sounded.

A strong lion man with a height of two meters and yellow hair stuck his head out, his brown eyes looking at Luo Feng.

"Mage? A mage?"

Beside the lion man, a valiant young man raised his voice in astonishment, and looked at Luo Feng as well:

"Are you a mage?"

Listening to the clear child's voice, Luo Feng nodded slightly and replied, "Yes, I'm a mage."

"Open the door! Invite the mage to come in!"

The young Yingwu turned down from the city Huhe the soldiers opened the door, and he walked towards Luo Feng accompanied by the lion man.

More than ten meters away from Luo Feng, the lion man grabbed the boy.

The boy waved his hand, looked at Luo Feng, smiled slightly, and said loudly:

"Hello, Mage from afar, I'm the lord of Xue Ying Territory, Dongbo Xue Ying! What's your name!"

"Dongbo Xueying?!"

Luo Feng felt a little surprised.

However, there was no change in his face. He put one hand on his chest and responded according to the etiquette of this world:

"Hello, noble lord, my name is Luo Feng."


In the Temple of Time and Space, Gu Shaoshang was sitting down from a slump, God returned to the dark, and the nine great divine treasures flowed in his heart.

Faintly, in his body, a little bit of light flickered.

Once Mingwu has decided on the path of cultivation, the existence of Daluozhishu and the cultivation of differentiated incarnations naturally do not require re-cultivation.

As Gu Shaoshang's thoughts turned, the portals that existed between illusion and reality opened one by one.

Silently, the process of breaking through Daluo again began.


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