Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1123: The Uncrowned King of the Heartland Continent

?The world heart continent opened up by Yuan is vast and boundless, and there are countless strong ones, far exceeding the universe sea, even the origin continent and the chaotic void can't be compared.

On the World Heart Continent, somewhere on a mountain range, Gu Shaoshang sat opposite Yuan.

During this period of time, Gu Shaoshang and Yuan had traveled almost all over the world, and Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but be amazed by his vision.

Yuan deserves to be the oldest chaotic source lord in this world, none of the chaotic source lords in this world can compare to him, and his tyranny is even worse than him.

Of course, it's just that the realm is a little worse. If it is a battle, Gu Shaoshang thinks to himself, if his deity comes, he may not lose to him.

On the mountain, the two sat opposite each other, Yuan told Gu Shaoshang about the various realms of this world and the division of many realms.

In fact, at this time, Yuan had already had some guesses about Gu Shaoshang's origin.

Although, so far, he has never thought about stepping out of this world because of his involvement with this world.

"The Chaotic Source is divided into three steps, high-level Chaotic Source beings, world-class Chaotic Source beings, and Chaotic Source Lords, as for half-chaotic source beings and low-level Chaotic Source beings, not to mention."

Yuan sat casually on the big stone, his colorful robes hanging in the soil, and told Gu Shaoshang.

"Most of those low-level Chaotic Origin beings are born with Chaotic Origin, but their strength is limited, and the laws are used crudely. There are not a few people who are killed by half-chaotic origin beings. It really loses the face of Chaotic Origin."

"Of course, the oldest inborn Chaotic Origin Ancestors have grown to be equivalent to lord-level existences in the endless long years."

"It is also the biggest enemy of my line of practitioners."

Yuan said slowly.

"Innate Chaotic Source, but not as good as some Cosmic Gods, it is indeed ridiculous."

Gu Shaoshang was also a little dumbfounded.

Yuan naturally knows more about this world than he does, and listening to him speaks volumes.

The natural Chaotic Source of this world, the realm surpasses the universe god, but the strength is extremely limited, and it is really far from the innate sacredness he knows.

However, Gu Shaoshang also knew something about this.

The congenital gods and demons who were really born from chaos are extremely high in nature, born close to the Tao, extremely tyrannical in the flesh, and practice different laws, but every move is a supreme supernatural power, and is definitely not inferior to any Daluo.

However, the gods and demons bred from other big universes in one side, even in this world with a level of seven and a half stars, the inborn Chaotic Sources it nurtured are still incomplete.

It can't be compared with the innate gods and demons, which is normal.

It is the Cang clan in the legend of the vast continent, and its birthplace is also the Chaos Heaven above the highest sky bordering the endless infinite Chaos Sea.

It is born from the absorption of ten thousand Taos, the chaos casts the flesh, and the Tao Yun evolves the soul, so it can be regarded as a real innate **** and demon.

Of this, he is naturally clear.

At least, Gu Shaoshang has never heard of the phenomenon that innate gods and demons are easily beheaded by acquired spirits.

The gap between innate gods and demons and acquired spirits is insurmountable.

Just like an ordinary person, how can he be killed by a portrait drawn on paper?

Even if the picture paper is a dragon, it is almost impossible.

Even if Gu Shaoshang was able to defeat the Holy Dragon King, it was also because his essence at that time was already Daluo.

Just like a dragon walking out of a self-portrait, it can naturally devour humans outside the portrait.

With the explanation on the earth, it is the difference in dimensions.

Obviously, the low-level Chaotic Origin beings in this world exist like this, and they are called low-level, which shows how disdainful these Chaotic Origin Lords are.

You must know that Gu Shaoshang has crossed the heavens and has been in the world for so long, and he has never seen any innate gods and demons called inferior!

Not to mention a bunch!

"Therefore, high-level Chaotic Origin beings can be regarded as real Chaotic Origin beings, and they can easily kill any half-chaotic origin beings and low-level Chaotic Origin beings. There is no fear of demise."

Yuan glanced at Gu Shaoshang and said.

Obviously, Gu Shaoshang does not belong to the original universe or any universe in the universe sea.

Otherwise, his promotion is enough to bring the entire universe out of the infinite cycle, and there will be no more end of the era and no worries of decline.

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, so far, this world does not have too many secrets for him.

The battle between the Chaotic Origin Lord and the Inborn Chaotic Origin Ancestor has spread for endless years and countless epochs.

"So, if you go to Chaotic Origin Space, the other Chaotic Origin Lords will definitely welcome you. After all, the division of territories will require less pressure."

Yuan smiled, which was one of the reasons why he pulled Gu Shaoshang.

Although the natural Chaotic Source Ancestor is not as good as the Chaotic Source Lord, there have been many natural Chaotic Source First Ancestors who have fallen in the endless years of competition, but none of the existences who have cultivated to the Chaotic Source Lord level have fallen.

However, its existence is also the most feared by all Chaotic Origin Lords.

"not interested."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head, not really interested.

But at the same time, the meaning leaked in Yuan's words also made his state of mind. The enemies that the Chaotic Origin Lords fought against together, in the beginning, when only Yuan was alone, could shelter the mixed void.

Its strength really surpasses all Chaotic Source lords.

"The first ancestor of the natural Chaotic Source is the great enemy of the Chaotic Source lords like me. Since you have become the Chaotic Source lord, you cannot retreat..."

Yuan shook his head, not understanding Gu Shaoshang's thoughts, but still persuaded him.

"Then I will find two or three Chaotic Origin Lords for you."

Gu Shaoshang felt Yuan's will and shook his head involuntarily.

Naturally, he would not be afraid of those who were born with Chaotic Origin beings, but for him, the purpose of coming here was to cultivate.

He didn't bother to participate in other messy things.

Anyway, the inborn Chaotic Origin Ancestor of this world cannot really threaten the Chaotic Origin Lord of this world at all.

"Looking for two or three Chaotic Source Lords?"

Hearing this, Yuan smiled: "Okay, if you can find two Chaotic Origin Lords, I will stop pestering you! Even if you turn the world upside down and destroy the cosmos sea, I will not care about you!"

From ancient times to the present, there have been countless practitioners in this world, but not counting Gu Shaoshang, there are only seven.

Looking for two or three, this is a bit too shocking.

Even Yuan felt that Gu Shaoshang's tone was too loud.

Therefore, he directly followed Gu Shaoshang's words and continued.

"Then it's settled."

Gu Shaoshang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and glanced at Yuan with a half-smile.


Yuan nodded and said, "Whatever you need, just say it! It's the World Heart Continent, and I can give it to you too!"

"That's good."

Gu Shaoshang rubbed his palms with a smile, and said, "The world heart continent, just give it to me."


Yuan's expression froze slightly, and he said in his heart, you really dare to ask for it.

However, since he said it, he would naturally not regret it.

Anyway, the value of a Chaotic Origin Lord is far beyond that of the World Heart Continent. Even if Gu Shaoshang couldn't cultivate a Chaotic Origin Lord, he himself was embarrassed to refuse to participate in the war.

No matter what, it's not a loss!

In this way, one dares to ask, the other dares to give.

Not long after Gu Shaoshang came to the Jiexin Continent, he became the real controller of the Jiexin Continent and the uncrowned king of thousands of universe gods.

Simple and casual beyond anyone's expectations.



In the slight turbulence of the air, Yuan's figure has disappeared.

"It's quite generous."

Gu Shaoshang threw a token in his palm and smiled lightly.

Yuan's mind, he naturally understands.

The Lord of Chaotic Source, equivalent to the existence of Da Luo Jinshu, even though Gu Shaoshang's deity is here, I dare not say that even one can be cultivated with certainty.

Because, this requires not only chance, resources, talent, but also some luck.

Even with the power of the Hunyuan series, it may not be possible to see who is bound to become the great Luo Jinshu, let alone Gu Shaoshang.

However, it was unfortunate that Gu Shaoshang just knew that there were two existences, and he would definitely become the Chaotic Source Lord in the future.

He, after all, is not a Chaotic Origin Lord born and raised in this world. Naturally, he can see it more clearly than Yuan.

He doesn't need any action, just wait.

Therefore, after Gu Shaoshang took the token, he did not move too much. He found a mountain at will, and fell into retreat.

The method of the Nine Great Divine Treasures, once practiced to Daluo, is already the pinnacle.

To achieve Daluo, there are naturally no restrictions in the body, and by the same token, there is no divine treasure that can be opened up.

It's not that easy to go further.

Retreat is naturally inevitable.


The breeze blew past, swaying the slightest ripples, and the dust above the mountains fluttered.

Yuan's figure reappeared on the mountain again. Looking at Gu Shaoshang, who went into seclusion after taking the control token of Jiexin Continent, he couldn't help but have a question mark on his forehead.

Rao is that he has lived for endless years, and he has never seen anyone like Gu Shaoshang. It seems that there is no other person after retreating.

You must know that other Chaotic Source lords do not cultivate all the time.

"Well, I can only trust him."

After a long time, Yuan sighed helplessly, and really disappeared without a trace.

In the face of such an incompetent person, he could only do nothing.

"Old guy, I'm quite suspicious."

After Yuan left, in a mountain, Gu Shaoshang smiled softly.

"Daluo, contains everything, UU reading contains everything, Daluo Shenzang contains all Shenzang......"

"If you want to go further..."

With deep thought, he closed his eyes and fell into seclusion.

Of course, before retreating, he still pointed out with a single finger, and sent out the World Heart Orders entering and leaving the World Heart Continent one by one.

The World Heart Continent opened up by Yuan is extremely oppressive, and without the World Heart Order, idlers can't get in at all.

Although, it cannot stop the gate of time and space.


One after another, the World Heart Orders whizzed to and fro, disappeared into the void at a speed beyond anyone's imagination, and went to the source world and the universe everywhere.

Among them, there is a flashing purple light of the World Heart Order, which is mixed with countless World Heart Orders.

But it was integrated into time and space and escaped somewhere in the future.

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