Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1320: My way will be done!


The Lord of War stepped out in one step, and behind him, dozens of Heavenly Monarchs stepped out at the same time.

The mighty momentum shook the Nine Heavenly Towers.

"This seat has already taken action, how are you all?"

In the main hall, Hua Tiandu looked at Tianjun Tianjun and others with a smile that was not a smile.

Although it paid a great price, it was worth it to be able to induce so many Heavenly Monarchs to take action.

If it wasn't for Hongmeng Ziqi, even if he became an Immortal King, he would never have driven so many Heavenly Monarchs to fight for him.

There was silence in the hall.

Calamity Heavenly Monarch's expression was condensed, and his eyes were still in shock: "How did you do it? What is that Hongmeng Purple Qi?"

Dozens of Heavenly Sovereigns took action, and even he was shocked.

What is so precious about the Hongmeng Purple Qi, which can make many Heavenly Monarchs run around for Huatian?

"Hongmeng Purple Qi contains the Law of Heaven and is the foundation of the Dao!"

Hua Tiandu raised a finger, and the wisp of the most noble and noble Hongmeng purple energy was moving:

"It's not impossible to get it and become an Immortal King!"

Hongmeng Ziqi is the source of the law, the basis of the Dao, and the source of the myriad things, the world, and the Dao.

Even the great Luo Dezhi can improve his cultivation, not to mention the heavenly monarchs who are not really big Luos in this world.

In particular, Hongmeng Purple Qi contains the real Dao, which is much stronger than the 3000 Dao framed by the Gate of Eternal Life.

For Heavenly Sovereigns who have never been in contact with the outside world, the effect is beyond Huatiandu's imagination. A ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi can even increase the cultivation of an era!

What is Epoch?

In the great world of immortality, from the opening of heaven and earth, the evolution of civilization until the destruction of heaven and earth, it is an era.

The one who can live an era is Tianjun.

That is to say, a single burst of Violet Qi is enough to become a Heavenly Sovereign!

"Immortal King?!"

Eternal Tianjun was shocked, and his first reaction was not to believe it.

But if it wasn't really effective, how could the Lord of War risk angering the Immortal King to attack Dayi?

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, as long as you take out the head of the Great Yi master, you will know the truth."

Hua Tiandu put away the Hongmeng Purple Qi and said lightly:

"Whether you make a move, you can decide in one word..."

The immortal king in immortality is equivalent to the golden number of Da Luo in the heavens and the world. Hongmeng Ziqi can make Da Luo break through the golden number, and naturally it can also make Tianjun break through the immortal king.

"Hongmeng Purple Qi."

Lei Di Tianjun's eyes opened and closed, and the thunder flashed inside.

Without much to say, the first one stepped out of the hall and walked towards the battlefield.

He doesn't really believe whether this Hongmeng Purple Qi can make Tianjun break through the Immortal King, but Hua Tian can drive dozens of Tianjun.

If they don't take action, the war will end, and they will inevitably be liquidated.

Disaster Tianjun, Slaughter Tianjun and others did not hesitate too much, and stepped out with Lei Di Tianjun.

Hua Tiandu adhered to the will of the Immortal King of Creation, and won over dozens of Heavenly Monarchs. It is already in the hands of the general trend, and they cannot help resisting.


In the turbulent air, two figures, one black and one white, appeared from behind Hua Tiandu.

"Hua Tiandu!"

The figure in the white robe like white light said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to have such a means to drive the Lord of War, a monarch who is stronger than us, to work for you!"

"I underestimate you!"

The dark figure was succinct, but also surprised.

These two people are the second black and white envoys under the Immortal Throne of Fortune, and their cultivation has exceeded ten epochs. They are not as good as the Lord of War, but they are much stronger than Lei Di Tianjun.


Hua Tiandu looked calm and noncommittal.

This black and white messenger is the confidant of the Immortal King Fortune, who is here to help him and to monitor him.

"However, the edict of the Immortal King does not allow you to fight with the Dayi Dynasty. Why do you insist on doing it?"

Sure enough, the black and white envoys changed their words and began to question Hua Tiandu.

"Then the Dayi Dynasty has committed a crime and came from the sky. If I don't make a move, will they let me go?"

Hua Tiandu looked slightly cold and said lightly.

Cultivation of the Infinite Hundred Caves Calamity Sutra requires calamity qi.

The deeper the calamity, the more tyrannical he will be.

Even if Dayi is not against the sky, he has to take the initiative to start a war, not to mention Dayi's attack?

This is a godsend for him!

As the dozens of Heavenly Sovereigns fought against Dayi, the calamity in the entire world instantly became so thick that it was almost like cooking oil on fire!


The white messenger sneered: "The Immortal King once said that Dayi will not commit the slightest violation of Heaven. You dare to doubt the Immortal King? Questioning good fortune?"


The tyrannical momentum burst out in an instant, blocking the entire hall.

The black and white envoys surrounded Huatiandu one after the other, faintly bursting out with murderous intent and greed.

"It turned out to be because of my Hongmeng Purple Qi?"

Hua Tian smiled dumbly and understood the thoughts of the two.


The white envoy nodded and said, "You are just a celestial monarch who has just achieved, and you can actually drive so many ancient celestial monarchs. This envoy is very suspicious, you betrayed good luck!"

Hua Tiandu didn't seem to see the sword drawn between the two of them, and his eyes looked deep outside the hall.

The robbery is getting deeper and deeper.

"The time has come!"

Hua Tiandu suddenly laughed and stood up abruptly:

"It's betrayal, so what!"


In an instant, Hua Tiandu's body did not change at all, but his breath rose uncontrollably.

The boundless purple energy emanated from all the pores of his body!

At this point, Hua Tian has no longer concealed it, and started to burn the purple energy of Hongmeng to restore his cultivation!

His essence is extremely high, and he has even been promoted to the Great Luo Jinshu in the endless chaotic sea. The effect of Hongmeng Purple Qi can be exerted on him to the fullest!

He had been holding on until it was too late, but at this time, the calamity was boiling, and he was unwilling to endure any longer.

Ascension, Ascension!

With the burning of Hongmeng Purple Qi, Hua Tiandu's body and primordial spirit are sublimating, and immeasurable calamity is poured into his body!

His breath began to change drastically.

At the same time, a palm fell!

wow wow wow~~~

As Hua Tiandu's clutches came out, the ubiquitous robbery qi instantly boiled, making a harsh sound like a ghost crying.

In an instant, the boundless ghosts occupied all the dimensional spaces.

"How can it be?!"

The black and white two made his expression change wildly, as if he had seen a ghost.

At this moment, Hua Tian is shrouded in purple meaning, and his cultivation base is soaring at a speed beyond their imagination.

Before their voices landed, Hua Tiandu's cultivation surpassed ten epochs, surpassing them!

"Hua Tiandu, do you really dare to betray Good Fortune? The Immortal King will not let you go!"

The black and white messengers roared in anger, and in the boundless calamity, they only felt that their hearts were full of demons, their mana was weakened, their fleshly bodies rotted, and their primordial spirits disintegrated.

"The Immortal King of Fortune? He uses me, and I use him too!"

Hua Tiandu stood in the boundless purple calamity with a very indifferent expression, and pressed down with a palm:

"that is it!"

It was just a palm, the time and space in the hall were all distorted, the black and white messengers were clearly one after the other, but at the same time they were beaten into flesh by this palm.

Then, it was swallowed by Hua Tiandu!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The boundless gust of wind poured into the hall, and Hua Tian laughed loudly, with a wanton expression:

"My way will be done!!!"

The nine heavenly towers vibrated in unison, and the heavenly court that stretched for 10,000 trillion miles was crumbling.

Countless divine generals, golden immortals, and saints were all stunned.

I saw that the sky in the 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000's-and-o-th'al""""""""'''' So,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, thosedaloried's most, million miles, had lost their color, and the boundless robbery gas had turned into a substantial black cloud and demonic mist, pouring into the heavens!

"Kill kill kill! I want to kill all the creatures in the world, I want to be king and hegemon!"

"Heavenly Emperors take turns to sit, come to my house this year! I want to be the Heavenly Emperor!"

"I want to taste it, the woman who created the Immortal King, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl!"

Rolling clouds of calamity descend upon the ninth-layered sky tower, and everyone who sees the black cloud, whether it is a golden immortal, a saint, or even an ancestral immortal, all have a tinge of red in their eyes!

What was once suppressed, hidden, greedy, peeped, lost, coveted, hated.... all magnified countless times!

Countless extreme thoughts kept popping up in my mind.

Even if the state of mind of the gods and immortals is calm, they cannot but be affected, and some people who are extreme by nature have gradually begun to lose their senses.

And that boundless robbery cloud smeared above the nine heavenly towers, and spread to the top and bottom ten directions, the depths of trillions of space.

The coming of doom is not achieved overnight, but more and more intense, sweeping everyone into it.

Until the end, it was out of control!





In the celestial realm, the sky is falling apart and the earth is cracking, and the battle of Tianjun has spread over a trillion miles.

Fang Han sat cross-legged on a mountain peak of 100,000 miles.

In his body, a layer of crystal walls, the world has evolved, and you can vaguely see countless layers of heaven and earth, and countless creatures live in it.

It seems that he has become a prototype of the multiverse!

"Tianjun war......"

Fang Han looked up at the sky, his brows dignified.

I saw the bell of the cosmos vibrate across the sky, tearing apart thousands of layers of space, and contending with Fang Tianhuajian, who dominates the universe.

The aura of the dream machine brought by Gao Guanbo became more and more ethereal, and every move had the terrifying power of destroying the world.

Farther away, an ancient giant ape like a Tianzhu fought against Lei Di Tianjun, who was in charge of the way of Yang An, who was dressed in the emperor's first dragon armor, fought against an ancient Tianlong as big as a Tianhe. The dragon roared, and the blood slapped down like a river.

In the depths of the void, there is a golden bridge on the other side running through time and space, and the king ship of fortune is rampaging!


From the very beginning of this battle, it evolved into an extremely tragic state.

Dozens of Heavenly Monarchs are fighting, as if they are about to tear the universe apart!

Fang Han's expression was solemn.

In the past ten years, the atmosphere between heaven and earth has become more and more impetuous, and almost everyone he sees wants to kill him.

Along the way, he killed Jin Xian, and Zu Xian did not know how many.

Yesterday, he was almost killed by Tian Junyi.

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