Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1344: Dachitianzhong, Daozu, Tianzun and leader

"Do you study scriptures from the West?"

Li Qingshan smiled unconsciously.

"Going west is naturally going west, but it's not learning scriptures. The Buddha can't teach me."

Gu Xuanshang's face flickered with a gleaming color, and slowly said:

"The road to the west is the way of cultivation, the road of verifiability, and the way of turning a calamity into a passage. The realm of Laojun is far-reaching and unfathomable!"

Achieving Hunyuan has never been easy. Even if you look at the original universe of Journey to the West, Da Luoxian is a giant in the Three Realms, let alone Hunyuan?

How can one walk through a path and be able to prove the Tao?

Even if there is any luck, robbery, it is not enough.

The reason why it can be done is naturally that this path contains the secret of the way of Primordial Primordial.

When the Dao reaches its end, it is enough to become the source of the Dao.

Becoming a Buddha and being an ancestor is like this.

"The way to practice, the way to prove the way?"

Li Qingshan raised his brows slightly: "Could it be, in this amount of calamity?"

He was originally a transparent person, so he naturally heard the meaning of Gu Xuanshang's words.

"If you want to know the Hunyuan Gong of good fortune"

Gu Xuanshang flicked his fingers slowly and said softly:

"Have you heard this sentence?"

Hearing this somewhat familiar but specious sentence, Li Qingshan couldn't help being shocked:

"That's okay too?"

"You may think that I replaced Jin Chanzi, maybe Jin Chanzi thinks so too"

Gu Xuanshang raised his eyes, it seemed that he had penetrated the boundless void, and looked at the Holy Land of Lingshan beyond the endless distance:

"You guys still don't understand"

Quantitative calamities are never static, how can many calamities be the same?

Is it possible that the immeasurable universe outside the original universe of Journey to the West was created out of thin air?

It is nothing more than a variable in the calamity that was once measured.

"Brother Gu, is the journey to the west so complicated?"

Li Qingshan shook his head and seemed to understand a little, but he felt confused.

I only felt that the real Journey to the West that I had watched seemed to be covered with a hazy veil at this time.

"Lao Jun is really quiet and inactive. Even if he wants to do something, he just pushes the boat along the way, naturally."

Gu Xuanshang was pacing the streets, and he told Li Qingshan unhurriedly:

"The amount of calamity is not static, the general trend cannot be changed, that is, the path cannot be changed, but the protagonist in it can be changed."

"In the calamity, everyone can become enlightened, he can be a **** in heaven, a ghost in hell, a **** in the world, a Buddha in Lingshan, or a great demon in the lower world.

In words you can understand, that is, the protagonist of Journey to the West can be Tang Sanzang, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, me, or you! "


Li Qingshan scratched his head, only to feel that he had become the little shepherd boy back then.

"Let's go."

Gu Xuanshang did not explain again, but just walked away along the street slowly.

Li Qingshan and Xiao An looked at each other and followed.

Above the endlessly high thirty-three layers of heaven, in the great red sky of Taiqing, the Taoist platforms made of chaos hang high.

On a Taoist platform, the Queen Mother of the West had a lazy expression, her hands resting on her cheeks, and she was bored overlooking the Earth Immortal Realm of the Thirty-Three Worlds.

On the other Taoist platforms, Zhen Yuanzi, Zhou Qing, Li Shan's mother, etc. all closed their eyes and meditated.

The highest point is the three quaint Taoist platforms.

One of the two Taoist platforms on the left and the right is shrouded in the endless chaotic mist, and the silhouettes are vague and invisible, but the breath of the two stalwart and tall existences can be faintly felt.

Only on the Taoist platform in the middle sat an old Taoist priest with white hair, dressed in a crane cloak, who seemed to be ordinary.

The old Taoist seemed to be sitting or lying, holding a whisk, his expression was calm and indifferent.

But the people present did not dare to be careless.

This old Taoist priest is one of the biggest winners of the Taiyi Era, the Taoist ancestor Taishang.

"It's another calamity in a hurry, fellow Daoists, be polite."

The old gentleman opened his mouth softly, causing all the great powers who were wandering in the sky to come back to their senses.

"The Taoist ancestor is polite."

Many great powers did not dare to neglect, and returned to the old gentleman one after another.

And salute the two great powers in the chaotic mist on both sides:

"Heavenly Venerable is courteous, and the leader is courteous!"

"You fellow Daoists are polite!"

As everyone saluted, only voices came from the two Taoist platforms.

An indifference contains a sonorous sound, like the sound of an immortal sword.

A majestic and old-fashioned, with a grand atmosphere.

But it is Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master who have never come.

There is no difference between the three clears, but in this original place of Journey to the West, Lao Jun is naturally the master.

They didn't want to dwarf the old gentleman, so they didn't come, but a thought came.

"Many calamities have passed, but the Daoist friends of the past have never returned."

Mother Li Shan sighed softly and said:

"Even if Dao Ancestor opened this world for a thousand calamities, few of them could return."

Taiyi years ago, 3,000 great supernatural powers gathered in Zixiao Palace to discuss the avenues and pursue the way forward. It has been so long that she has forgotten it.

"It's just coming back, how can you fight?"

The Queen Mother of the West smiled when she heard the words: "Sister, don't forget, before the three tribulations, Kunpeng and Ming He couldn't compete for the leader of the Heavenly Dao, Zhou Qing the Great!"

As the Queen Mother of the West spoke, she glanced at Zhou Qing who was silent.

Among the many calamities, there are not many people who can prove the Tao in the original universe of Journey to the West, but many of them are ancient gods who have returned from robbery.

Zhou Qing was considered one of the few peerless talents who overcame the ancient gods to become enlightened.

The ancient gods as strong as Kunpeng Patriarch, Styx Sect leader, etc. were beaten down by him.

Facing the teasing of the Queen Mother of the West, Zhou Qing looked at her nose and heart, and said nothing.

Among the many great powers present, many of them were born from acquired spirits, but they were all inferior to these ancient giants.

Even he, at this time, is not comparable to the Queen Mother of the West.

Also, he couldn't say much.

Many ancient giants present were still somewhat concerned about the battle between innate gods and demons and acquired spirits.

If it weren't for Laojun's inaction, it would be absolutely impossible for Daluo and Hunyuan, who were accomplished by innate gods and demons, to sit safely with the great powers who were accomplished by acquired spirits.

Even, if he hadn't killed Kunpeng and Ming He, Zhen Yuanzi might not have regarded him as a friend.

When I was a mortal, mortals of different skin colors and different nationalities still criticized each other and could not live in peace.

Not to mention the difference between nature and nurture.

"Sister said yes."

Li Shan's mother looked like a white-haired old woman, and she smiled when she heard the words: "It's just because of feeling! If you are a younger sister to fight at this time, most of them won't be able to compete with the World Honored Lingshan."

Saying that, she glanced at Sanqing at the top.

Obviously, she knew something too.

"That Martial Ancestor, what do you want?"

A loud and thunderous voice resounded in the big red sky:

"Does he have to intervene in the calamity?"

Da Chitian looked up and saw that the person who spoke up was wearing a black imperial robe and a flat crown on his head, and his appearance was extremely majestic.

It is the Emperor Fengdu who is in charge of the nether hell, the supreme **** of the underworld.

The Ten Halls of Yama were all formed by adhering to his fruit position, and they ruled over the underworld for him.

Its status is very lofty, and in the heavenly court, it is a figure on an equal footing with many great emperors.


The Queen Mother of the West turned her gaze and landed on the great god: "Fengdu, what do you want to say?"

The incarnation of this Martial Ancestor converges 30 billion undead, and is sent into the underworld day and night, directly reincarnated, where will this seat be placed? "

The Great Emperor Fengdu said indifferently and coldly:

"If it wasn't for your face, the deity would have already taken action to suppress it!"

"Fengdu, you are too self-sufficient! By virtue of being on the Conferred God Ranking, the juniors who have just attained the Dao status, dare to be dissatisfied with this seat?"

The Queen Mother of the West sneered:

"Believe it or not, out of this big red sky, this seat will kill you in the nether hell!"

"Western Queen!"

The Great Emperor Fengdu was furious: "You dare to deceive me?!"

"How about bullying you?"

The Queen Mother of the West looked indifferent and said coldly:

"Do you think that the surnamed Zhang can show his teeth at this seat by supporting him behind his back? When this calamity is over, you will know why the surnamed Zhang is afraid of this seat!"

"You dare to insult the Emperor!"

Emperor Fengdu's eyes turned black, and the boundless ghostly energy flashed in his body.

Of course, Da Tianzun is not named Zhang.

However, as early as countless years ago, when many great powers ruled the heavenly court, He went through thousands of kalpas in reincarnation, and finally became the Tao as Zhang surnamed.

However, among the heavens and the world, there are very few who dare to call the Great Heavenly Venerable by his name.

Like the Queen Mother of the West, she is simply unscrupulous.

You must know that even if Sanqing enters the heavenly court, he must be called the Great Heavenly Venerate!

"Don't be impatient!"

At this time, on the Taoist platform, Lao Jun swept away the dust and pressed down gently, pressing the Great Emperor Fengdu on the Taoist platform.

Then look at the Queen Mother of the West:

"If fellow Daoists are dissatisfied, they shouldn't be able to take action in the Great Chitian!"

"On the face of Daoist Taiqing today, I don't care about you, a fool who is fascinated by robbery. After this amount of robbery, I have a problem with that surnamed Zhang, so I might be one of you!"

The Queen Mother of the West flicked her sleeves and snorted coldly.

Heaven rules the heavens, and is the honor of the gods.

She rules the goddess of the heavens, and any goddess must worship her first.

This The Great Celestial Venerable in the Heavenly Court has long been dissatisfied.

The Great Emperor Fengdu's face turned red, and he was pressed by the whisk, and then he woke up in his heart: "Although I have become a Primordial Primordial, my Dao Xing is only the number of Da Luo. "

Immediately, he was not only drenched in cold sweat, but his clothes were soaked through.

If he was fascinated by the robbery in this big red sky and fought with the Queen Mother of the West, he would not even have a half chance of winning.

Moreover, if you hate Laojun, I am afraid that in the next moment, a sword will break through the sky and smash the ghost, and kill him!

The Queen Mother of the West didn't even bother to look at Fengdu.

The Heavenly Court Great Heavenly Venerate upholds the Great Dao fruit position, the Heavenly Court gods can be said to be Daluo walking everywhere, and several great emperors are the number of Hunyuan.

However, with the achievement of fruit status, except for a few people, most of them are not in her eyes.

Although this Fengdu is a mixed yuan, in her eyes, it is only a slightly special big Luojinshu. If she doesn't die with a finger, she has lived in vain for countless eons! .

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