Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1348: Luo's actions

Gu Xuanshang was not surprised, in fact, he also faintly noticed.

He didn't ask which two big figures they were. There were very few people who the Lord of Time and Space was unwilling to say, and there were very few people in this world.

It's no longer known.

"This time the amount of calamity is quite deep, that is, Martial Ancestor, if you want to intervene, I am afraid that you will not be able to catch it."

The Lord of Time and Space paced the courtyard:

"Forcing yourself to take action will only be in vain."

He seemed to know something and was not optimistic about his actions.

Gu Xuanshang smiled noncommittally and looked up at the Lord of Time and Space:

"What did you want to do when you came here? Do you simply want to be a witness?"

This old man has a notorious reputation, and no one in the heavens and the world knows it. If he came here just to be a witness, he would not believe it.

As the ruler of time and space, he may not be the strongest in the Primordial Realm, but he is undoubtedly one of the most difficult people to mess with.

What's more, there is a system master whose reputation will not be much better.

The two guys who are also called "calamity", as long as they show up, they can't be without wind and waves.

"5.6 billion Chaos is just one calamity, and it's still such an important calamity."

The palm of the Lord of Time and Space moved, and some intentions moved:

"It really doesn't make sense to be a spectator."

A calamity is 5.6 billion years old, and the calamity that can lead to Hunyuan enlightenment is even rarer.

Coupled with the game between the two big men, if He doesn't want to intervene, it is fake.

"It doesn't make sense!"

As soon as the voice of the master of time and space fell, an indescribable divine light spread out from the space and time.

At the same time, there was no distinction between men, women, young and old, like electronic synthesis, and a voice that seemed to contain countless different voices sounded in the ears of the two.

"The Lord of the Light of Sacred Purification System is here too!"

Gu Xuanshang's eyes moved slightly, and he recognized what this sacred light was.

Lord of the system.

In charge of the way of purification, the master of the avenue that is more terrifying than destruction.

Gu Xuanshang was even more fearful than the Lord of Time and Space.

That holy light fell down and turned into an unpredictable figure that was completely condensed by that holy light.

"You brought a 404 light?"

The Lord of Time and Space was a little surprised.

Purification is far more terrifying than destruction. The light of purification controlled by the master of the system is extremely terrifying. Even if it passes by, a giant of the Great Luojinshu will be wiped out of traces of existence.

Even the giants of the Primordial Promise Realm will be discolored when they see it.

It is also called the light of 404 by many powers.

However, it is said that the avenue of purification is vaguely restricted by the avenue, and even the master of the system will not easily use it.

This time, a 404 light was actually used, and the Lord of Time and Space was a little moved.

"Be prepared"

The master of the system stepped out and said, "It must be guarded!"

Unlike the Lord of Time and Space, He acts more carefully.

"A light of purification is not enough to hurt Taiqing, but it is enough to obliterate this big universe."

The Lord of Time and Space waved his hand to conceal the breath of the Lord of the System:

"You came with the light of purification, it's too much."

"Not too clear."

The master of the system, like the incarnation of light, shook his head and said, "It's the old devil."


The Lord of Time and Space frowned: "Have you found his trace?"

"The real seed of a system that I placed in Wanjie is controlled by demonic energy, and it will not be anyone other than him."

The system master's voice was calm, but with a hint of chill.

He is the master of the system, and the system placed by the heavens and the world is like the sand of the Ganges, and it has cultivated countless existences against the sky.

However, those systems are nothing to them.

The real seed of the system is different, which is equivalent to his Dao aggregate.

Anyone who invades is a challenge to Him.

"Which one is the lost Dao seed?"

asked the Lord of Time and Space.

"The seed of the extinction system is an old man who was given to the end of life by my three primordial chaos, and he named himself the old man of extinction."

The system master spread his palm.

An indescribable flame rose from his palm and burned violently.

"Destroyed Old Man"

Gu Xuanshang's heart moved, and he looked up at the flame.

Faintly, he saw a small boat driving in the boundless chaotic sea, and two figures standing on the boat.

Immediately, an indescribable ray of magic light ripped apart all the pictures.

"Wang Lin!"

Gu Xuanshang stood up suddenly, and his eyes were shocked.

On the boat, it was Wang Lin and the old man who died!

"Do you recognize Wuzu?"

The master of the system looked at Gu Xuanshang: "If I'm not mistaken, the two have already fallen into the hands of Rahu!"

"Where is Rahu?"

Gu Xuanshang calmed down and thought about countermeasures.

Luo Hu is the first person in the magic way, an old antique who became Dao before Taiyi, and his cultivation level may not be inferior to Taiqing Laojun.

If Wang Lin really fell into his hands, it would be very difficult to rescue him.

However, when he was killed, Wang Lin came to rescue him from a thousand trillion miles away, and he naturally wouldn't sit back and watch Wang Lin fall into the hands of the old demon.

"I don't know."

The system master shook his head.

At their level, if they wanted to hide, no one would know, let alone Rahu.

He searched for a long time, but there was no clue.

The eyes of the Lord of Time and Space opened and closed, and immeasurable rays of light flickered through his eyes.

"Unless he appears himself, no one can trace him."

After a long time, the Lord of Time and Space shook his head, apparently not finding any trace of it.

Although He is the Lord of Time and Space, there are too many hidden places in the heavens, and He cannot know all of them as special places like the Gate of Eternal Life.

The system master said indifferently:

"Under the Great Dao, although he is stronger than me, he is not invincible! When he appears, I will definitely exert the light of purification!"

Dao must never fall into the hands of human beings, especially those of higher realms.

No matter who it is, the Taoist is the mortal enemy!

"As soon as he appears, he can't hide it from me."

The Lord of Time and Space also said.

The two of them were inseparable from each other. Even though Na Luohu didn't want to provoke him, he couldn't be afraid if he did.

Too unmatched, but in the endless infinite multiverse, there is no really too much.

"Count me in."

Gu Xuanshang narrowed his gaze.

He naturally did not want to provoke Luo Hu, but Wang Lin had to save him.

After Gu Xuanshang finished speaking, the atmosphere between the three was inexplicably harmonious.


The master of the system waved his arm, and under the radiance of the time and space, a layer of light of purification was once again spread.

"The two of us join forces, even if Taiqing doesn't pay attention, we must be able to hide it."

The voice of the master of the system was rare for an instant.

Although this Martial Ancestor is not Hunyuan Wuji, his martial arts are invincible, and he is also a first-class figure in Hunyuan.

In addition, behind it, there is the first female fairy in the heavens, and the weight is immeasurable.

"Forget it, let me help you this time, and see if you can shake the layout of those two."

The attitude of the master of time and space has also changed. With a light touch of his finger, he disappeared into the space and time.

The master of the system also raised a ray of light at the same time, and with a slight movement, the master of time and space fell into the depths of time and space.


As the two Hunyuan giants took action, the long river of time and space boiled slightly, and parallel time and space, parallel universes, and time lines all swayed.

The indescribable brilliance of the system is in the fluctuation of time and space, dissipating in the infinite space and time of billions of trillions.

"I hope it can help you."

After the shot, both of them shook their heads slightly and fled into the void, but they were about to retreat.

If they are on the sidelines, that's fine. Once they make a move, they will leave.


as expected.

At the moment when the two escaped into the void, the two criss-crossing yin and yang rays of light formed a Taiji map covering all visible and intangible matter.


The Taiji map was only a shock, and the void where the Lord of Time and Space escaped into was just like the substance, and was pushed horizontally along the road of calamity.

Faintly, only a muffled groan was heard, and then it fell into silence again.

"Don't blame the two seniors!"

In the turbulent airflow, an indifferent voice rippled out.

In the next moment, the Taiji map slowly fell down, and finally turned into a young Taoist in Taiji robes.

"Grand Master Xuandu."

Gu Xuanshang raised his eyes to look at the young Taoist, and his eyes moved.

This Taoist is the only disciple of Dachitian Taiqing Laojun, the Grand Master Xuandu.

It is said that before many calamities, he has already stepped into the realm of half-step Primordial Primordial.

"Xuandu has seen Martial Ancestor!"

Grand Master Xuandu fell into the courtyard where Gu Xuanshang was, and gave a bow.

"Mage is polite."

Gu Xuan hurt back with a salute.

Although this Grand Master of Xuandu is not in the realm of Hunyuan, but he holds the Laojun gossip map, and the ordinary Hunyuan may not be his opponent.

However, it can force back the incarnation of the master of time and space and the master of the system because the two do not want to offend Taiqing.

Otherwise, a light of purification, this amount of calamity will be turned into a bubble.

Master Xuandu might not be able to stop him when he held the Tai Chi map.

"You can't move during the calamity. If those two seniors make a move, it will cause unpredictable changes. Therefore, Xuandu has to make a move."

The Grand Master Xuandu swept away the dust with a gentle attitude.

The calamity is like the negative power accumulated in the universe itself, 5.6 billion chaos, and after a trillion years, it is enough to destroy any universe and any living being.

The more powerful people in it, the more calamity qi will If Hunyuan really makes a move, this road of calamity that Laojun has condensed will be broken in an instant.

Then it will destroy the entire Immortal Realm, and even the parallel universes numbered in Hengsha, and even the infinite number of subsidiary universes of the entire Westward Journey universe will be completely destroyed!

This is also the reason why Laojun invited all the incarnations of Primordial existence to Da Chitian before the calamity was completely opened.

"The two fellow Daoists won't mind, so please don't worry about the Master."

Gu Xuanshang naturally knew this, and was not surprised by Xuandu's action.

However, since the two masters of time and space have already taken action, unless Lao Jun puts things right, the traces will not disappear.

Change will inevitably happen.


Between the conversation between the two, the world changed drastically!

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