Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1352: Dao and Buddha seduce the soul


The golden light stopped at a touch, and disappeared in an instant.

The monkey blinked, and a ray of golden light overflowed:

"I see!"

The boundless mist rolled and moved, and the voices of ghosts cried one after another, but it was exactly under the endless underground, in the eighteenth nether world.

Netherworld is the land of Yin Si, which controls the life and death of all things in heaven and earth, and is a forbidden place for mortals.

Even those who have attained the Tao of immortality are generally not allowed to come here.


The gloomy ghost mist drifted and filled the air, and there was not a trace of light in the shadows, making people daunting.

In the middle of Yin Si, where the Nether Qi gathers, there is a huge city of unknown size.

There are many ghosts in the giant city, and the layers of void space are superimposed, and I don't know how many monsters and ghosts are hidden.

In the huge city, there are gloomy and deep temples everywhere, many ghost soldiers patrol the four directions, and there are two ghosts and gods standing outside the city gate, holding iron cables and steel forks, terrifying.

As one of the Three Realms, Netherworld, where the Emperor Fengdu is in charge, is extremely powerful.

According to legend, it can even communicate with the Yin Division of the Ten Thousand Realms and the Heavens and Yamas.

"this boy"


"But still."

"It's hard to escape the snare!"

Suddenly, outside the giant city, in the misty fog, there were two voices, one singing and one harmony, one cold and one hot.


Immediately, two ghosts emerged from the mist.

I saw the two people, a black robe and a high hat, with a stern face, a tall white face, a long tongue sticking out to the lower abdomen, and the words "Peace in the World" written on the top of the hat on the forehead.

The other was smiling, tall and thin, with pale complexion, short, black and fat, also sticking out a long tongue.

But it is the famous two gods of Yin Si, black and white impermanent, Fan Wujiu and Xie Bian.

These two ghosts and gods are the ghosts and gods of the Ten Temple Yama, under the civil and military judges, and the ghosts and gods of the same name.

Ordinary people don't need them to take action at all. Those who can make them do it must be immortals who are beyond life and death, or practitioners with deep backgrounds.


Xie Bi'an pulled the soul chain and pulled out the ghost that was struggling in the ghost fog.

"Ah! My apprentice is a **** under the monarch of the Tyrant Star, you two mere yin gods, dare to hook my soul?!"

The ghost figure was tall, with a broad face and a hooked nose, and his eyes were frightened with fear.

Obviously, he was not as courageous as his mouth, and he was afraid of this ghostly underworld.

"God general under the Throne of Earth Tyrant?"

Xie Bi'an smiled.

"What it is?"

Fan Wujiu's face was cold and his tone was cold.

"It's Earth Typhoon Lord who came to this Netherworld."

"Go on your stomach too!"

Black and white impermanently trembling tongue, sneer again and again.

Although they are running errands, their status is quite detached, not to mention the descendants of the divine generals under the Throne of the Earth Typhoon, but the Earth Typhoon Lord, Marshal Tianpeng, they should be caught and caught.

Fight, fight!


Fan Wujiu flicked his soul chain and knocked the ghost who was still talking to the ground:

"Find a fight!"

"Complete you!"

Xie Bian smiled and pulled the chain, dragging the ghost to Fengdu City.

"Respect God, forgive me, I don't want to die! I have been practicing hard for a thousand years, and I have just become an immortal. Please let me go, let me go!"

The ghost figure struggled and roared, unwilling to the limit.

He practiced for thousands of years, and after untold hardships, he avoided the three disasters and barely became a god.

Longevity and Heaven.

Who would have thought that in a short period of time, he was actually hooked by black and white impermanence!

Thousands of years of ascetic cultivation will turn into ashes in one day!

And in the next life, even the tenth life, he will never have such an opportunity again.

"Cultivation for a thousand years?"


Black and white impermanence sneers again and again, one loud and one low:

"In the next life, for a prostitute, a little bit of red lips will be tasted by everyone!"

"I'm crying for my father today, and I'm calling my mother out, the Lonely Star is really desolate!"

"Ah!! No, no!"

The ghost figure struggled extremely under the pull of the soul chain: "I don't want to be a prostitute, you are avenging the public and private revenge! Public revenge!"

He was really scared.

His body is nine feet tall, and he practiced the killing method of the sun, so that he was reincarnated as a prostitute, it was simply unbearable!

However, the soul-locking chain is said to be the transformation of the Yin Si Daoyuan, and with his back to the Great Emperor Fengdu, even the Da Luo immortals can be bound, let alone a mere immortal.

No matter how he struggled and cried, Black and White Impermanence just chanted and sang his own crooked words.

"Seventh Master, Eighth Master, are you back?"

Outside Fengdu City, the two tall ghosts and gods bowed down and saluted, with their heads hanging straight from a thousand feet in the air, with flattering smiles.

Black and white impermanence has a very high status in the underworld, not comparable to these little ghosts and gods.



Black and white impermanence snorted lightly, still smiling and crying.

"Seventh Master, Eighth Master, you have to be careful, King Yama is waiting for you in the hall."

The ghost said.

"Where's Abang?"

"Where's Rakshasa?"

Black and white impermanence looked at each other and shook their long red tongue.

"Brother Abang, Brother Rakshasa, they haven't come back for some days."

The two ghosts spoke in unison.


Xie Bi'an snorted coldly: "This chore, do we have to take it up?"

"Apart from us, who would dare to take it?"

Fan Wujiu sneered.

In the underworld, under the great emperor Fengdu, there are ten temples, Yama, in charge of reincarnation, civil and military judges to judge people's merits and demerits, four yin marshals to manage birds, animals, insects and fish, bull-headed Abang, and horse-faced Rakshasa to manage human beings.

Black and white impermanence manages matters related to fairy demons.

But duties are duties, and there are commonalities among them, not the number of deaths.

This time, he clearly knew that the errand was difficult to do, so he didn't come back.

"I don't want to go!"

"I don't want to go either!"

Black and white impermanence sucked his tongue.

It is obviously not a good thing to be able to escape from an errand that cannot be returned.

But they did not shirk.

"Seventh Master, Eighth Master, His Majesty King Yama is still waiting for you."

The two ghosts and gods guarding the door did not dare to intervene in the grievances between Black and White Impermanence and Niu Tau Ma Mian, but spoke carefully.

In the nether hell, no one knows, black and white impermanence belong to Taoism, bullhead horse face belongs to Buddhism, and the grievances between them also spread in many universes and many yin divisions.

After all, a soul-enchanting messenger only needs a pair.


"Just go!"

Black and white impermanence looked at each other, a little worried.

Different from other immortal practitioners, they didn't want to get involved in this amount of calamity at all, but they couldn't escape.

for a while,

Xie Bian stopped laughing, and Fan Wujiu stopped crying.

The two stopped for a long time before pulling the ghost who was crying silently into Fengdu City.

As soon as they entered Fengdu City, they handed over the ghost to the emissary, and then the two of them went straight to see King Yama without any delay.

"Lao Xingjun, walk slowly!"

In the main hall, King Yama, wearing a flat crown on his head and a black python robe, cupped his hands and watched Xianguang go away.

"Xie Bi'an"

"Fan Wujiu"

At this time, Black and White Impermanence walked into the hall, and bowed down:

"I have seen King Yama!"

"Thanks for your hard work."

King Yama turned around, his eyes swept majestically across black and white impermanence, and squeezed out an ugly smile:

"You two also know why you were called here, right?"



Black and white impermanence nodded.

"Yin Si is in charge of the cycle of life and death, and with the permission of Laojun and the Great Heavenly Venerate, he can not go into a calamity."

King Yama sat down on the throne, tapped the table, and had a headache:

"However, in the calamity, it is almost impossible to avoid it completely."

All the places covered by the powers of the yin division, there are ghosts and hells, there are ten temples of Yama, and there are many ghosts and gods.

This amount of calamity is transformed by the long river of time and space, and naturally there will be no less hell.

However, unlike other people who are fighting to rob, Nether does not want to rob.

Because, the vast majority of ghosts and gods in the yin division are ordinary creatures who rely on the status of gods. They do not benefit from robbery, nor do they benefit from calamity.

The cultivation base will not increase by a single bit.

Their way of promotion is to gather authority.

For example, Black and White Impermanence wants to go further, either by completely absorbing the bull's head and horse's face and becoming the only messenger of the soul, or if the judge, Yama, is promoted or fallen, it is possible to go further.

Therefore, if there is any force that does not want to be robbed at all, it must be the Yin Si.

Not only will they not benefit from robbery, but they may accidentally fall and complete their opponents or subordinates.

"you're right"

Xie Bian smiled and complimented.

"Yes, quite right."

Fan Wujiu agreed.

There is no escape in the amount of robbery. In theory, no one can destroy the Yin Si opened by Lao Jun. As long as they do not leave the Yin Si, there will be no crisis.

However, for various reasons.

But if the ghosts and gods do not come out of the yin, there will be chaos on that day.

"Wait Abang, Rakshasa, where the calamity is, running around is even more dangerous."

King Yama didn't make arrangements in a hurry, and seemed to be waiting for Niu Tau Ma Mian to return.

Black and white impermanence nodded, it is right to be unlucky together

da da da~

The crisp sound of wooden fish echoed in the temple.

The night is cold and moonless, and the cold wind is biting.

Pieces of snowflakes flew down with the whistling of the wind, covering the temple and the entire Chang'an with a layer of silver.

The night is cold, but even cooler is the heart.

A Pang felt the coolness, and it was the first time he felt this coolness since he became a soul-sucking messenger.

Beside him, the Rakshasa with the horse face and the human body is not much better.

These two ghosts and gods, one holding a steel fork and the other grabbing the soul chain, can almost stop children from crying at night.

However, looking at the white figure with their back to them beating the wooden fish, they wanted to cry themselves.

clatter! clatter! clatter!


With a low sound, the wooden fish was torn apart.

Gu Xuanshang put down the gavel and sighed softly:

"Good, good! The two ghosts and gods have not seen each other for a long time."

He seems to have seen Niu Tau Ma Mian once when he was in the White Snake World, but that was only their Taoist incarnation.

Whether it is a bull-headed horse or a black and white impermanence, they are not Daluo, and their fruit status is also lower than the Xingjun in the sky.

But relying on the underworld, their incarnations are more than many supernatural powers.

Of course, for the great power, the body of Taoism is the power, and for them it is useless, or even unaware.

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