Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1356: Mysterious injury 3 steps, karmic fire cassock!

Gu Xuanshang sighed slightly.

Compared with Li Hansha, this Emperor Fengdu was really far behind, and he was still fascinated by the robbery.

But vaguely, he felt that there was a deeper meaning in it.

This Emperor Fengdu is also an old antique who has lived a lot of robbery. He is so easily fascinated by robbery, which may have deep meaning.

Maybe, some people want him to make room?

While Gu Xuan was thinking about it, he heard a loud noise explode in his ears.


Immediately, a torrent of humanity burst out from above Chang'an City, slamming through the entire Tang Dynasty's territory, and the innumerable martial artist breaths all penetrated and merged with the ubiquitous humanistic aura.

Above the entire Tang Dynasty, it turned into an indescribable huge humanistic net, protecting the army and the people of the Tang Dynasty.

Gu Xuanshang looked up and saw Li Shimin standing above the Taiji Palace in the middle of the Chang'an City Palace, while the plain yellow dragon robe was hunting.

A thousand years ago, Li Shimin and a group of monarchs and ministers came to the Immortal Realm to establish a country under the means of Gu Shaoshang.

As early as countless years ago, in the White Snake World, Li Shimin had already become the Emperor of Heaven, and his cultivation was also promoted to Taiyi.

Afterwards, after uniting the world of White Snake and condensing the aura of human beings, he even competed against other worlds, and finally became Daluo with his dragon energy.

That's exactly what happened. After he came to the Earth Immortal Realm, he was able to open up the Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty in this Earth Immortal Realm where gods and demons were bristling.

But even with the dragon energy he accumulated over the countless years, and the blessings of hundreds of billions of warriors from the Great Tang Dynasty, he did not have the slightest confidence to compete with this palm.

Not to mention that he was protecting the Tang Dynasty, even he himself had no chance of escaping from Nan Zhan at this time.

This is the power of Hunyuan.

"This power..."

Li Shimin slowly exhaled a long breath.

After countless years of fighting, being the emperor of heaven, being the emperor of human beings, and unifying many great worlds, but still unable to truly escape the protection of the master?

A trace of unwillingness appeared in his heart, and the plain yellow dragon robe on his body instantly turned into a pure black martial robe:

"Where are the generals!"

"Your Majesty!"

Cheng Yaojin, Xue Rengui, Qin Shubao, Yuchigong, Li Cunxiao and other generals also stepped forward, bursting out with the most intense blood:

"My minister is waiting!"

Yun Ye, the eldest grandson Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Li Taibai and other civil officials also stepped out and stood behind Li Shimin:

"My minister is waiting!"

The roaring blood energy is like a galaxy of countercurrent flowing straight into the nine heavens, piercing the sky, and blessing the great formation of humanity.

During the countless years when the Tang Dynasty fought against other worlds, they had already been promoted to the ninth level of Taiyi, which is the pinnacle of gods and demons.

Li Shimin's expression was solemn, with a chill in his face, he waved his sleeve robe, climbed into the sky, and shouted:

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

All the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty roared in anger, making a roar that shook the sky.

Boom! !

With the anger of the Tang monarchs and ministers, the mighty sound waves instantly spread throughout Chang'an City and even the entire Eastern Tang Dynasty under the blessing of the human spirit.

"Fight to the death!"

In Chang'an City, whether it was merchants and pawns or dignitaries, they all roared under the vibration of dragon energy.

For a while, I almost forgot the shock that was like the sky falling!

Tiance Xuanjia Jingqi, Yulin Army, Qianniuwei, Shence Army, Mo Daojun... Each army responded to the call of the Tang Dynasty's monarchs and ministers for the first time, rising like a red and yellow dragon. .

Turned into army formations, and blessed Tang generals.

In the White Snake World, Gu Shaoshang taught Li Shimin the martial arts, and the Tang Dynasty changed its footsteps and established the country with martial arts.

After that, he unified the world of White Snake and struggled in other worlds under Gu Shaoshang's guidance.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} is based on the unparalleled combat power of that military formation!

The army composed of tens of billions of tyrannical warriors is so powerful. Under the blessing, the breath of many Great Tang generals is infinitely approaching that Xiantian Luo!

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

Luoyang City, Taiyuan City, Jingzhou City, Handan City... Among the countless cities in the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty, countless Tang warriors responded immediately.

The immeasurable aura of humanity surged from all over Nanzhan and poured into Li Shimin's body.

Render it into a golden **** of war towering to the sky!


Li Shimin's eyes flashed blood, and he attacked with a bang. His long sword swept thousands of miles into the sky, pointing at the huge palm that descended from the 33rd heaven!

The Tang Dynasty established the country with military force, and fought for countless years.

They don't know what happened or who the enemy is.

Under the leadership of the human emperor Li Shimin, he was like a giant palm that engulfed the heavens and the earth and covered the south.

Outrageously attacked!

Boom! !

In an instant, all the thousands of thousands of miles in the sky were full of crimson, and the heaven and earth were dyed red by that indescribable blood.

Among Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, and Beiju Luzhou, countless cultivators raised their eyes and looked at the golden warrior-like figure that gathered countless Taoist spirits.

Like an ant, it launched a decisive blow towards the giant palm that covered the sky!

In Huaguo Mountain, the expressions of many demon kings were touched.

Of course, they know how terrifying it is to be able to almost wipe out Nan Zhan's power with one palm from thirty-three days away.

Therefore, it is also difficult for them to imagine that the Tang Dynasty monarch and minister were so brave and dared to launch a counterattack!

"The mayfly shakes the tree, which is respectable, but not self-important..."

The Bull Demon King moved slightly, and couldn't help clenching the mixed iron rod in his palm.

Even though he already knew that this scene would happen, he still couldn't help admiring the courage of the Tang monarchs.

Even if you know you can't do it, you don't give up, even if a mayfly shakes a tree, it's never funny.

"Good guy!"

Li Qingshan's body shook, he couldn't help but take a step forward, almost wanting to soar into the sky.

In this immortal world, except for a few people, his only sense of belonging is in the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty.


The Bull Demon King clasped Li Qingshan's shoulder with his backhand, shook his head and said:

"It's not your turn to take action... Could it be that you don't remember the Three Burial Mage in Chang'an City?"

Above the Thirty-Three Heavens, the Great Emperor Fengdu looked indifferent.

The mere kingdom of mortals is the power of the whole country, and to him, it is nothing but ants.

He has been in charge of the Yin Division for countless kalpas, and he has seen countless life and death events, and his mind has not even a trace of fluctuations.

He looked indifferent, and still pressed down with one palm:



Just like the sky is cracking, the stars explode, and the sound of sonic waves like the destruction of the universe instantly resounds across the universe.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the torrent of humanity that united the entire Tang Dynasty was torn apart!


At the front of the crowd, the blood in Li Shimin's seven orifices was like a fountain, and almost all the endless sound waves were carried down by him.


While the blood spurted wildly, Li Shimin's long sword never trembled at all, and the sword energy rolled away like a long river of slashing.


Huge ripples spread from the nine heavens, like a huge mushroom cloud soaring, blowing the ancient stars crumbling.

Blowing out the blood that almost burned the world.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Even the heaven above the Thirty-Three Heavens shook slightly for a moment.

Kaka Kaka~~~

The next moment, Li Shimin's dragon energy condensed and the immortal sword formed by the human energy was instantly broken.

And his body, under an irresistible force, crashed down!

"Your Majesty!"

The group of civil and military generals who followed closely also all vomited blood, and one by one fell down like shooting stars.

And the giant palm that covers the sky has never really touched the thousands of miles of everyone!

Over the past thirty-three days, Emperor Fengdu's expression did not change at all, and he didn't seem to feel the struggle of the Tang monarchs and ministers.

The giant palm still pressed down slowly, covering the entire Nanzhanbu Continent:

"You haven't come out yet!!!"

The cold words spread out above the sky, as if ink had been dropped into a basin of clear water, instantly dyeing the sky black.

It seems that as the giant palm falls, everything will be wiped away from the world.


In the city of Chang'an swept by the storm that was pushed down by the palm force, enough to crush the mountains and seas.

"Good, good!"

At this moment, a soft sigh came from the city of Chang'an.

As this voice sounded, a hazy white light burst out, not very dazzling, but it spread over the entire Nanzhan Province in an instant.

It turned into a thin layer, but it illuminated the entire dark world!

There are many courtiers of the Tang Dynasty like falling stars.


Yun Ye's seven orifices were all scarlet, with a hint of bitterness in his expression.

Even after tens of thousands of years of training, is it still unable to be a leader, unable to compete with those high-ranking bigwigs?

With sadness in his heart, he looked at Chang'an City.

I saw the endless light shrouded in the shroud, and Gu Xuanshang, who was wearing a moon-white monk's robe, paced out of Chang'an City slowly.

Its movements seem to be slow and can be seen by, but it is faster than the whole world.


The sound of low footsteps spread out, shaking the four poles of the mountains and seas, the stars in the sky, the sky and the earth all repeating, the stars swaying for it!

Gu Xuanshang's white clothes turned red.


No matter how loud the footsteps are, up to the thirty-third level, down to the eighteenth level of the nine secluded places, all the gods, demons and gods are looking at him.

The white clothes turned red completely.


Three footsteps, time and space are shaking. From ancient times to the present, everywhere in time and space, respecting immortals and gods, countless sentient beings, their hearts are shaking and roaring.

The white clothes were red, and the Zen staff in his hand was also red.

Three steps out, the moon-white monk's robe is invisible, and the red-red cassock is draped over his body.

Gu Xuanshang stood with one hand in front of his chest, and with a movement of the red-colored blood-like Karma Chan Staff, it slammed straight into the sky!

Destroyed the wind and thunder in the sky and shook the long river of time and space:

"Fengdu, are you looking for me?!"

Boom! ! !

The endlessly radiant scarlet light instantly penetrated through the ninety-ninth layer of heaven and reached the thirty-third layer of heaven.

Thirty-three days away, in the sky above the heavens, many almighty dojos, and even in the great red sky where the Daoist preached, all had red light rising up!

In an instant, the sky was shaking.

Countless living beings only felt a boundless and tyrannical breath blooming above the nine heavens, and the Buddha conveyed it to infinite and far-reaching places.

Completely wiped out that boundless dark haze, endless darkness!

At this moment, Man Tian's expression was moved.

The Great Emperor Fengdu outside the Thirty-Three Heavens, suddenly changed color!

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