Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1364: the odds are yours



Li Qingshan followed his gaze and saw that Gu Xuanshang was breathing calmly, as if nothing had changed.

When I was in doubt, I only felt a flower in front of my eyes, and the world changed drastically.

"No, this old monk is really not a good person!"

Li Qingshan was shocked, but he didn't have time to resist, and he fell into the constant flow of bizarre.

In a trance, Li Qingshan also saw the phantom of that incomparably majestic giant Buddha.

"This Buddha"

Li Qingshan was shocked.

The Buddha here is boundless, majestic and inconceivable.

In the light of the Buddha, he seemed to be able to see trillions of great universes that are indefinitely born and destroyed. It was even more majestic and grander than any creation he had ever seen!


Just looking at it at a glance, Li Qingshan only felt the corners of his eyes warm, blood and tears gushing out.



The breeze blew through the courtyard, Li Qingshan covered his eyes and lay down, sweating on his forehead.

I don't know how huge this Buddha's phantom is, and even his eyes can't carry such a huge message.

Fortunately, his eyes burst when he glanced at him, otherwise, his mind would explode in the next instant.

The gap above Daluo is so naked, the realm is not enough, and he can't even look directly.

"Small can't be seen, big can't be seen. Small donors, do what you can."

The old monk's calm voice echoed between nothingness and reality, and echoed in Li Qingshan's ears.

At the same time, his eyes warmed slightly, and the pain subsided.

"Master laughed"

Li Qingshan smiled again and again, looking at the old monk, he was terrified.

The old monk didn't mean to laugh at Li Qingshan, he just said:

"The little benefactor is still young, and already has such achievements, how can the old monk dare to laugh?"

The gap between congenital gods and demons and acquired spirits is too huge, as large as the gap between mortals and the countless bacteria and microorganisms in their bodies.

Although Li Qingshan has lived for thousands of years, in the eyes of this old monk, he is not even a child, but a budding at most.

"Master, what did you see?"

Li Qingshan wiped the cold sweat from his head and dared not peep at Gu Xuanshang's state at this time.

"It's nothing more than the old monk's subtle trick, which was seen through by the master."

The old monk's expression was neither happy nor sad, and his finger lightly tapped in the void.

It turned into a small mirror of Buddha light with a radius of one or three feet.

The Buddha's light mirror turned, revealing many images.

Li Qingshan restrained his mind and looked at it, and his heart could not help but be shocked.

I saw that on the surface of the Buddha's light mirror, there were tens of millions, hundreds of millions, as if interpreting the big world scene of tens of millions of billions at the same time!

This mirror of Buddha's light is only three feet tall!

Such magical powers made Li Qingshan sigh in his heart.

The last time I was so surprised was that Big Brother Gu from this house pressed the universe he was in into a volume of books.

This old monk's method seems to be superior.

The world in the mirror of Buddha's light really seems to be real!

Looking at it again, Li Qingshan's scalp was even more numb.

In the Buddha Light Mirror, among the countless pictures, there are tens of billions of different worlds, but the protagonist is all Gu Xuanshang!

Or for the emperor and general, or for the monks, Taoist and martial arts, or for the merchants and pawns, or for the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled!

All shapes and sizes vary.

One person, turned into billions of appearances!

"The old monk praised it wrongly."

At the moment when the Mirror of Buddha's Light appeared, countless countless Gu Xuanshang turned around and looked at Li Qingshan and the old monk outside the mirror.

In the next instant, a ray of light burst out from the immeasurable world.

In an instant, it was as if hundreds of millions of suns burned all at the same time in the mirror, emitting an instant light.

"Your uncle!"

Li Qingshan couldn't help but scolded angrily.

He was blinded again!

In that place that seems to exist, does not seem to exist, seems to be true but not false, seems to be insignificant.

In the phantom of that giant Buddha that is comparable to the endless infinite multiverse.

In the big world, the small Buddha country, and the big universe, there are countless people who have the same appearance as Gu Xuanshang, all raising their heads.

Regardless of their identities, they all put their hands together and sighed:

"Good, good!"

In the next instant, thousands of billions of immeasurable Buddhist worlds were shocked.

At the moment when the ray of light burst out, Gu Xuanshang stepped out.

Every time he took a step, his body solidified one point, and the "he" in other Buddhist kingdoms disappeared by ten thousand.

When he walked out of the land shrouded in the light of the Buddha, there was no trace of him in the immeasurable world.

It was like an invisible big hand, gently erasing all traces of his existence.

"I think, therefore I am, what I know is the real, and the unreal is also the real, and beyond that, the real is not false, and it is also illusory."

Gu Xuanshang confronted the indescribably huge Buddha and spoke slowly.

This Buddha is the most powerful existence he has ever seen since he cultivated to the present. There are all kinds of avenues and infinite worlds. It is born with a single thought and changes with a single thought.

The world it evolved is a real existence for anyone, even for the universe sea.

As soon as Gu Xuanshang thought about it, it seemed that he had truly experienced the reincarnation of billions of lifetimes.

Even if Daluo Jinxian entered, after tens of billions of lifetimes of Buddhist life, he would become close to Buddhism.

Even Gu Xuanshang, who had already broken through his major dreams at this time, had a closeness to Buddhism.

This is not a sorcery, but a subtlety.

Although, this subtle influence is more terrifying than any supernatural power.


In the small courtyard, Gu Xuanshang slowly opened his eyes.

"I think, therefore I am here, and the Master is indeed a coincidence with my Buddhism."

The old monk's eyes lit up, looking at Gu Xuanshang as if he were looking at a rare treasure.

The person who can break his view must be a person with good intentions and the most virtuous and surnamed people.

Everyone has good thoughts, but it is difficult to be so pure.

In other words, this Martial Ancestor, when he is evil, is more evil than anyone else, and when he is good, he is also pure and pure.

"Everything has a law, and it should be viewed as such."

Gu Xuanshang folded his hands together and gave the old monk a half salute: "The big dream is thousands of years old, Gu someone has gained a lot, thank the Master for his teaching."

This old monk's view of the evolution of trillions of reincarnations, to Gu Xuanshang, can be true or false.

In other words, what is good for me is true, and what is bad for me is false.

For him, the harvest is naturally not small.


The old monk also folded his hands together, returned a half-salutation, and said, "If the Master enters my Buddhist sect, all the Buddhas will praise him, and all the Buddhists in the heavens will worship and cry, and the old monk will also greet him by sweeping the couch!"

"I thought that the old monk was trying to prevent me from intervening in the calamity battle, but I still have an idea on my head."

Gu Xuanshang smiled dumbly and said slowly:

"The old monk thinks like this. Although I have broken it, the residual influence is not easy to eliminate, but if you think that you can save someone and enter Buddhism, it is wrong."

Gu Xuan shook his head sadly.

This old monk's view of this is a supreme supernatural power, and he cannot but be affected by it.

But even though he was transformed by the deity's good thoughts, he didn't believe in Buddhism. Although it had some influence, it was still a lot worse than the liberation of him.

But its purpose has been achieved.

In a short period of time, it is very difficult for him to shoot.

"It's okay, it's okay."

The old monk sighed, he was not as thick-skinned as his junior brother, the second leader of the Western religion, Zhunti.

Although it was a pity in my heart, I didn't mean to force it.

In fact, one of his incarnations can only send out a "view of the truth".

I am fortunate to have it, but I can't, and I can't force it.

"All beings suffer."

After a long sigh, the old monk folded his hands together and dissipated in the courtyard in the breeze.

"This old monk seems to get along quite well."

Seeing the old monk disappear, Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get along well?"

Gu Xuanshang shook his head and laughed: "How can you be a good person who can almost convert your big brother Gu into a monk?"

Gu Xuan's sadness is bright, if it wasn't for the old monk's scruples, his incarnation would only have one magical power.

It is not so easy for him to get rid of it.

And even so


Li Qingshan was shocked, only to know that this old monk was actually thinking of such an idea.

He also practiced Buddhist supernatural powers at first. Of course, he knew that the transformation of Buddhism was more terrifying than demons and demons.

That is to eliminate all your thoughts, leaving only your peace and joy, reverence for the Buddhadharma, and the wicked supernatural power to get close to Buddhist thoughts.

Back then, if it wasn't for the unicorn transformation, he would have been converted almost once.

"It's still too late for this old monk to stop him."

Gu Xuanshang raised his eyes, the storm was fierce in the nine days, and the battle between Wukong and the Tathagata was already in full swing.

Sun Wukong, who has evolved the supernatural power of great freedom, is enough to exert the power of half a step before his calamity in a short period of time.

"The battle hasn't ended yet, how could it be late?"

Li Qingshan also raised his head.

At this time, the four incarnations of Sun Wukong smashed into the sky, shaking the universe, and still had the upper hand.

If Gu Xuanshang made his move at this time, wouldn't he be able to suppress Buddhism directly?

Gu Xuan smiled sadly and told the truth that he couldn't take action.

If there is no old monk, he directly inspires him in the jade pendant to transform into great freedom, and whether it is transformed into the deity or other, there is still a chance to break the game.

After all, at this time, the monkey has not retrieved the golden body, and the three avatars summoned together are only comparable to him before the robbery.

It is natural to contend against the Tathagata, but it is difficult and difficult to reverse the suppression.

At this time, he broke the view and couldn't make a move under the influence of the residual Buddha light.

As for the deity

Laojun invited all the Hunyuan to The meaning is self-evident.

It can be said that he made the move before because Feng had already made the move first, but it makes no sense to make the move at this time.

"The old monk retreated so readily, naturally because I couldn't make a move for the time being."

Gu Xuanshang narrowed his gaze.

The existence of this level is all old foxes. If you think this old monk is easy to bully, then you are courting death.

"Then, is there no chance of winning?"

Li Qingshan couldn't help standing up, only to feel suffocated in his heart.

I just feel that drawing a knife and killing him with his head rolling is also more enjoyable than this one.

"The odds are naturally there."

Gu Xuanshang said, pointing at Li Qingshan:

"It's on you."

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