Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1393: The cause and effect of 100,000 kalpas

Lao Dao shook his head and spit out three difficult words.

However, Gu Shaoshang didn't care. Cultivation is not easy, and it is not easy for anyone to become enlightened.

In order to achieve Hunyuan Wuji, Sakyamuni planned many calamities, but in the end he was only half successful.

Even without Gu Shaoshang's shot, could he easily become enlightened?

I'm afraid not!

"Where is the difficulty?"

Gu Shaoxing's thoughts settled down and asked.

In the previous battle, Sanqing seemed to be at odds with Daoist Na Hongjun.

Laojun has no friendship with him, but if he wants to be an enemy of Hongjun, he will probably just push the boat along the way.

This is the reason why Gu Shaoshang came to Da Chitian.

Those who know the Taoist Hongjun best must be these supreme giants, and the mother head of the Queen of the West may not be understood by Laojun.

"A long time ago, when Taiyi Honghuang did not exist, under the Great Dao, ten thousand ways did not exist..."

Under the swaying fire of gossip, Lao Jun slowly opened his mouth and said:

"At that time, there were no ten thousand Taos, no yin and yang, no five elements, no cause and effect, and no time.... Pangu incarnates into the prehistoric world. At first, there was no other way, only the way of strength constituted the initial world... .. One after another, great powers have become enlightened, and there are thousands of ways in Honghuang... Honghuang is said to be transformed by Pangu, but its evolution is a combination of countless chaotic gods and demons..."

Laojun's mind is unpredictable, but he tells Gu Shaoshang the evolution of the flood and famine.

Gu Shaoshang is not interested in these things, but he also knows that Laojun will not talk about it, just listen patiently.

If Laojun exists like this, his words and deeds are all Dao Yun.

Between the words, Gu Shaoshang outlined an ancient and vast world.

It was an immeasurable continent in the Chaos Sea.

"The origin of Daoist Hongjun is already unrecognizable. Maybe just like me, he completely buried his own heels, or by some means, he came to the time and space where he should not have appeared... ..."

In the depths of Lao Jun's eyes, the great world of Hengsha is turning, endless and far-reaching:

"I only know that at the beginning of Taiyi, he suddenly appeared and became enlightened, and then in the Zixiao Palace, he gathered all the gods and demons..."

"Suddenly Appeared...Without Hearing..."

Gu Shao moved slightly in sadness.

There are many great powers in the endless infinite multiverse, starting from Daluo to the giants in the boundless realm of Primordial Primordial, there is no shortage of burying their own heels, in order to prevent the same level of powers from burying their own heels and feet against the beginning of their birth.

Often, a Daluo and a Hunyuan are a space-time refutation.

That is, born strong without weakness.

It is precisely because these powers tamper with their own time and space at will, burying one side of the time and space, that the time and space among the players are disordered, the legends are wrong, and even conflict with each other.

For example, there are rumors that Laojun transforms Sanqing into one qi, and all three are Laojun. It is also said that Laojun is only the last of the three. Some people say that the three are brothers who come out of Hongjun's door together.

There are also legends that Laojun was originally a mortal old man, and later became a Taoist and pushed back the ancients.

There are so many different things, except for themselves, no one knows what is true and what is false.

Because for such a power, it can all be true, or it can all be false.

However, as Laojun said, Daoist Hongjun suddenly appeared in a time and space without him, and even surpassed the timeline of many great powers.

A strange thought flashed through his mind.

"Ordinary Hunyuan, Hunyuan Wuji, and even Laodao and other Daoists buried their heels, and they are not the same as him. He is more like a being born in that time and space, and there are no other heels... …”

The old man continued:

"Beyond the Xuanhuang of Heaven and Earth, a Qi transforms into Hongjun! The first Daoist Hongjun used Qi to become Dao, and many years after Zixiao Palace talked about Dao, he took charge of the Dao of Strength again... At that time, he was the true sage. Empress De Nuwa is not as good as him..."

As Laojun continued to speak, Gu Shao's sadness became more and more strange.

Daoist Na Hongjun actually collected 90% of the innate spiritual treasures of Taiyi Honghuang, and even the innate treasures!

Even at the beginning, even the famous innate treasures such as Taiji Map, Zhuxian Four Swords, Dinghai Divine Pearl, Wufang Banner, Six Pure Bamboos, Shanhe Sheji Map, etc., were all contained by the Fenbaoyan in charge of him!

This is not shocking, it is simply horror!

"He wants to be the teacher of the heavens, so that he can unite with the avenues of the heavens and command the heavens!"

Gu Shao was stunned for a while, this Hongjun was really weird.

"Hongjun Dao's heart is unparalleled, and with the Dao of Qi Dao's carrying capacity, it wraps the Dao accumulation accumulated by the 129,600 chaos in the Zixiao Palace... It must be combined with the Dao!"

Taiqing sighed lightly and said:

"The Dao is the mother of all worlds, the source of everything... Daoist Hongjun's move is no less than forcing me to follow him to shake the Dao..."

Perhaps, this is the reason why Sanqing broke with Taoist Hongjun?

But others don't seem to be like Sanqing.

Gu Shao turned his thoughts in sadness and asked, "That Daoist Hongjun finally failed?"

"No, he succeeded."

Taiqing's complexion appeared complex: "Essentially, he was the first person to achieve Tai, even earlier than Empress Nuwa."


Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly, and said, "With all due respect, if Daoist Hongjun succeeded in joining the Dao and achieving Tai's achievements, how could the three Dao Patriarchs be their opponents?"

At this time, Gu Shaoshang already knew.

Too much is like detachment, and it itself is detached from the endless infinite multiverse sea, detached from the Dao.

It is an incarnation that can surpass Hunyuan Wuji under the Great Dao.

If Daoist Hongjun really joined the Dao, not to mention that the Tongtian sect master wanted to cut him back, even if all the gods and demons in the heavens shot at the same time, they are definitely not his opponents!

"Without him, he joins the avenue, and the avenue also joins him. That road is a right path, but it is also a dead end."

The old man shook his head and said:

"At that time, because of his integration with the Dao, his essence spread to all worlds, and all Dao and Linghui would completely return to the ruins and truly become the carrier of the Dao......"

"The agency is too smart."

Gu Shaoshang was also dumbfounded.

The Taoist Hongjun mentioned by Laojun is simply unparalleled in luck. Hengsha has countless innate spiritual treasures and innate treasures in his pocket.

He took the lead in proving the Tao, and waved his arms to gather all the gods and demons in the heavens to gather in the Zixiao Palace.

Its momentum is unparalleled for a while, and countless gods and demons can't match it!

It's a pity, the mistake is wrong, he wants to join the road.

This move, so there is a big Luo from time to time, when you are promoted to Hunyuan, you must be in line with martial arts.

No matter how good-tempered Gu Shaoshang was, he would kill him with his backhand.

It has nothing to do with good or evil, but the Tao cannot be shared with others.

The avenue is indescribable, and no one can guess what it exists, and it is not a way to survive.

"So, he succeeded and he also failed. He anticipated that this road would be impassable, and in order to prevent himself from becoming a sustenance for the Great Dao, he and Na Rahu opened countless kalpas, which attracted me to wait... In the end, Taoist Tongtian took action, and Qingping sword slashed Taoist Hongjun... making his realm fall, avoiding the danger of transforming the Tao."

The old gentleman's eyes were calm, and he said lightly:

"However, at that time, the Dao was not him, but he was the Dao, and I waited to cut him, as if I hurt the Dao, and owed boundless cause and effect... Even if we also took the opportunity to escape, we still have to Incarnate in and repay the cause and effect."

"Old Daoist, I open one day a day, and one day transforms a universe. So far, it has been 114,000 kalpas!"

"I see......."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, and only then did he know that Taiqing, Yuanshi, Tongtian and the three of them immediately shot when they met, and wanted to kill Daoist Hongjun.

The karmic entanglement of several people has exceeded 100,000 calamities.

Not to mention the endless death, but it is almost the same.

No wonder, Taiqing's inaction must be shot.

110,000 calamities are such a long time, Gu Shaoshang felt his scalp tingling when he thought about it.

"The Dao of Strength is the Dao that originally formed the heavens and the earth. With the derivation of all realms, there is no realm without Dao of Strength, and even the most perfect Dao of the heavens. Although Daoist Hongjun was originally in charge of Dao of Qi, now, Dao of Strength is his strongest Dao. …”

Having said that, Lao Jun looked at Gu Shaoshang and said:

"If you want to become a Daoist, one is that he has completely fallen, and the other is that he has the means to cover the time and space of all realms, surpassing the halo of many powerful space-time refutations, going back to the end of Taiyi, before the prehistoric collapse, Hong Jun When the Taoist is not yet in control of the power..."

"This is almost impossible."

The Primordial Person, who has verified the origin, originally covers the infinite time and space, from the endless past to the distant future, in the infinite time line of thousands of trillions of Hengsha, and one verification is eternal.

The time and space before the enlightenment, the past, will also be completely overwritten and rewritten.

The original past, in theory, has completely disappeared.

If you want to go back to the past that has been completely rewritten, and cover the rewritten time and space with the unrewritten time and space, it is naturally not an easy thing to do.

If the time and space of Daluozhi refutes the halo, Hunyuan can set foot in rewriting it.

If it is a Hunyuan, only the old-fashioned Hunyuan Wuji can give it a try.

If it involves countless great Luos, many Hunyuan, Hunyuan Wuji, and even supreme giants such as Taiqing Daoist, Yuanshi Great Heavenly Venerate, Tongtian Sect Master and so on.

That's something almost no one can do.

Taiqing can't do it, and other existences of the same level can't do it either.

If there is only one incarnation of "Tai" in the infinite multiverse, it may be omniscient, omnipotent, omnipotent, and omnipotent.

But once other powers of the same level are involved, a refutation will be formed.

They are all omniscient and omnipotent. If there are two aspects, they will fall into omnipotence, and they will not be omnipotent.

"Beyond the halo of time and space refutation of many great powers, back to the time when Daoist Hongjun was not in control of the power path, he took the lead in proving the power path..."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes were calm, and he chewed something in his mouth.

In the depths of his eyes, a terrifying light flashed.

To make Hongjun fall At this time, he is naturally unable to do it.

But the latter, he can't do it!

Lao Jun no longer said more, just nodded lightly:

"Other than that, there is no other way."

"Thank you Daozu for clarifying the confusion!"

Gu Shaoshang thanked him.

The possibility that Laojun said was possible, he had also had it before.

However, after Laojun was sure, he became more clear about the next path in his heart.

"Fellow Daoist is polite."

The old gentleman waved his hand slightly, but did not take credit:

"If fellow Daoists can gain something, it's the old Daoist who wants to thank Martial Ancestor."

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