Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1396: 2 God set foot on the sky!


The dazzling eternal fairy light poured down and enveloped Ye Fan.

That group of eternal brilliance was as big as a chicken in Gu Shaoshang's palm, but in fact, it was vaster than any multiverse itself.

This pouring down, it is when Ye Fan exists like this, he feels like he fell into the river when he was still a mortal.

It was shrouded in indescribable brilliance.

In fact, this "plug-in" that Gu Shaoshang obtained from the master of the system with a chaotic and inextinguishable aura, plus a favor, is naturally not that simple.

You must know that if an ordinary universe is completely shattered, it can only extract fifty primordial purple qi, and a chaotic inextinguishable aura requires ten thousand primordial purple qi and ten thousand inextinguishable auras to condense. .

And the value of Gu Shao's hurting human feelings is not even inferior to a chaotic indestructible aura.

This group of eternal brilliance is naturally not a treasure in the ordinary sense.

"The Lord of the System..."

Looking at Ye Fan sitting cross-legged in the divine light, Gu Shaoshang's eyes moved slightly.

The endless infinite multiverse is immeasurable, and even Hunyuan cannot know how big it is.

In other words, it is endless, and every moment, countless universes will be born and countless universes will die.

And in such a vast endless sea of ​​chaotic cosmos, all possible, impossible, nonsense, and Arabian Nights concepts may not exist.

Even if you look at one world, the odds of happening are one in a trillion.

Looking at the endless infinite chaotic universe sea, it may become the norm.

There are countless outstanding people in one universe who seek longevity, and there may be only one person in a billion years. But looking at the endless chaotic sea, the number of immortals is as immeasurable as Hengsha.

Therefore, the adventures contained in the Infinite Infinite Cosmic Sea are naturally too numerous to count.

I don't know how many existences, but the shadow of the predecessors, one step to the sky.

There are immortals on the list of conferred gods and become Da Luo Daojun.

There are also ordinary people who have picked up the powerful godhead, opened up a virtual space, and went through many calamities to become gods and ancestors.

It is also like the Lord of Time and Space, who is directly transformed into a big universe, inheriting the Taoism of the previous Lord of Time and Space, and achieving the Primordial Promise.

There are always different.

And the master of the system, among the many great powers, has another jokingly called "the ancestor of adventures".

There are countless adventures passed down through his hands.

However, Gu Shaoshang paid a huge price, and naturally it was not an ordinary adventure.



Under the Bodhi tree, Gu Shaoshang made a chess move and slashed the dragon on the opposite side:

"The Primordial Person is already elusive. It is not an existence in the ordinary sense. It can be a concept, a message, or any indescribable and indescribable existence..."


Ye Fan turned his thoughts in his mind and seemed to understand. When he came back to his senses, his dragons on the chessboard had fallen into pieces.

Vaguely, you can see that in the big world of the chessboard, the Supreme Heavenly Court where your chess pieces evolved was smashed into pieces.

Ye Fan's eyelids jumped.

"Like I told you about the main temple, at first, I thought he was there to plunder the resources of other worlds. Later, I thought he was there for the source, and after the achievement of Primordial Yuan, I realized that he was there for Imprint your own information, concepts, and existence into the infinite sea of ​​​​unlimited universes, infinite time and space..."

After beheading Ye Fan's big dragon, Gu Shaoshang was also indifferent. With his chess skills, this was a matter of course:

"With countless reincarnations, those who travel through the heavens as tentacles, covering all worlds and heavens, infinity, but unique, existing in any dimension of time and space, but it has never made a move on its own, so as not to attract other almighty too radical... ..."

Saying that, Young Master Gu was also in admiration when he was sad.

That "source" method can't be said to be brilliant, the reason why he can do it and other great masters are not, one is that the way is different, and the other is that the source power is converted.

In the chaotic sea, He transforms the primordial purple energy with his source power, which is inextinguishable aura, and also condenses the chaotic inextinguishable aura of the almighty, and in the great world of trillions of constant sand, endless reincarnations spread messages and collect for Him. source power.

It can be said that it does everything in one fell swoop.

In a sense, before Gu Shaoshang sent all the great emperors and immortal kings to other worlds, it was barely the same method.

"The so-called omnipresence means that one's own concept covers the heavens of all realms, recites its name, cultivates its Tao, and visualizes its Tao aggregates, all of which are like this."

Ye Fan was thoughtful and knew a lot about Hunyuan.

"In the sky above, there is no shortage of Hunyuan, and it is not that there are no giants of Hunyuan Promise, even if there is that eternal brilliance, it can't be careless."

Gu Shaoshang put away the chessboard with a flick of his sleeves and cast the universe that evolved out of it into the sky.

In the roar of heaven and earth, it turned into a side that was not inferior to Tianzhou, which once covered the universe and now has nine heavens and ten earths.

The mountains and rivers flow in it, the stars evolve into the earth, and all things are derived.

"I understand."

Ye Fan nodded slightly, without sorrow or fear.

A drop of black blood in the sky can erode the Immortal Emperor, and the Huangtian Emperor is all caught in it. The danger in it can be imagined.

But Ye Fan was not afraid.

He has gone through thousands of battles along the way, pushing all opponents horizontally, and has already nurtured an aura that is invincible to me.

No matter how difficult the road ahead is, he is not afraid.

"Fellow Daoists have traveled through many great realms. The brilliance of martial arts covers the heavens of Hengsha. It's not far from the promotion of the perfect world, but I can't accompany you..."

Gu Shaoshang felt a little regretful.

The reason why he didn't go to God was naturally for the promotion of the perfect world.

Thousands of Immortal Kings went to preach for him in all walks of life. Of course, it was for their own enlightenment, but it was not because he said that after the world was upgraded, it could completely cut off the erosion of the gods.

Therefore, he cannot leave easily.

Except for him, even Ye Fan at this time, Wu Beginning, Ruthless Great Emperor, can't control the light of martial arts to condense the torrent of luck in the world, and make the perfect world truly upgrade.

After all, the upgrading of the world is much more difficult and more complicated than Daluo's sudden chaos.

There are ten thousand worlds and ten thousand Taos, and the collision of infinitely different evolutionary laws is not something that Daluo can control.

"This matter is more important than me and the Emperor Huangtian."

Ye Fan understood in his heart.

The Emperor Huang Tian was arbitrary for eternity, and he went across the sea of ​​blood alone, so that all living beings would no longer bear the darkness and turmoil.

His purpose is the same.

If the rear is safe, how could he be afraid of fighting?

Huang Tiandi, how could he be afraid of fighting!


Gu Shaoshang stopped talking, waved his hand, and let Ye Fan go.

In the past ten years, he has explained everything he should have explained.

More, unintentional.

Ye Fan bowed his hands and said goodbye, went down to the Supreme Court, and floated towards the former Jiehai, now Liushen Tianzhou.

The gap that was blocked by the bronze coffin of the third generation was there.

Vaguely, you can even see a willow tree towering into the sky, with its folded leaves covering the sky, preventing the dark air from falling.


"Little leather monkey, don't run around!"

"Er Egg, stop for Lao Tzu!"

"Little little stone, you're going to catch birds again!"


"Run, run!"

The Holy Land of Barren Heaven State is very lively, just like the stone villages thousands of years ago.

A group of bear children in the stone village ran incessantly, and the Bazhen chickens in the stone village were chasing, and the fairy phoenix flew in panic, leaving chicken feathers everywhere.

A group of old people, laughing and leaning in the shade, watching a group of bear children play.

"It's so vibrant!"

An old man looked at him with a smile, as if he remembered his former self and his former companion.

Back then, I, and this little stone, were also arrogant children, chasing chickens, chasing dogs, and digging out birdhouses, but they had done everything.

"Yeah, you and I are getting old!"

Other elderly people also felt emotional.

Thousands of years have passed, and the former bear children are already the ancestors of the party, and the characters of the quasi-immortal king series.

Although it is still out of reach from the Immortal King, it is already an achievement that was once unimaginable.

"Two dogs, leather monkeys, stone dragons..."

At a certain moment, Shi Hao walked out of a stone house.


A little guy who looked like a porcelain doll staggered over and kept Shi Hao's calf from swaying.

There is no fear of this barren emperor who is respected by all races.

"Little rock..."

Shi Hao bent down and picked up the little guy who was very similar to him back then, rubbing face to face, the teasing little guy giggled.

"Stone, why did you come out?"

A group of today's old people and former friends gathered around.

"Quiet and thoughtful, go to heaven to meet Uncle Gu."

Shi Hao kept calm, and handed the little guy in his arms to Huo Linger and Yun Xi who were following behind him.

"Wait for us to say hello to Uncle Gu."

All the old guys were relieved: "Scared us."

"Shi Hao!"

The face is the same as the previous Huo Linger holding the little guy, and there is a trace of worry in the gentle eyes.

"Shi Hao......"

Yun Xi stretched out his hand and grabbed Shi Hao, his fingers clenched tightly, and he was also worried.

They had been with Shi Hao for more than ten million years, and they couldn't detect Shi Hao's strangeness.

"wait me back."

Shi Hao patted Yun Xi's palm lightly, and said with a slight smile:

"I can't say that I can bring some baptismal blood for the little stone..."

Shi Hao's complexion was warm, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he stepped out of Shi Village calmly.

In the next instant, he was already behind the Supreme Court, under the old Bodhi tree.


The old tree spoke up and saluted.

Shi Hao nodded slightly, looked at Gu Shaoshang who was sitting cross-legged under the Bodhi tree, and said:

"Uncle Gu, I'm here to say goodbye."

"Your future is above the sky and you will fight will you not leave a trace of thoughts about being with them?"

Gu Shaoshang sighed lightly.

"With the help of Uncle Gu, I have been very happy for thousands of years."

Shi Hao smiled.

Gu Shaoshang was slightly silent, Shi Hao smiled warmly, just like when he first met him, his milky voice, a little bit of a smile who was suffering from pain.

"I have enough savings."

Shi Hao restrained his smile and said calmly:

"When my past and future are one, that's when I achieve Primordial... I've waited, it's been long enough."

Gu Shaoshang looked up.

Beneath Shi Hao's warm and peaceful appearance, is the surging fighting spirit that has been accumulated for tens of millions of years.

Once it erupts, it is bound to be unstoppable!

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