Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1408: Infinity Dragon

"Chen Zhan!!!"

In the great universe that is on the verge of destruction, in the endless boiling apocalypse, the ferocious dragon's head sticks out and roars.

The doomsday snake has an illusory figure, rolling in the aura of doomsday.

The pain of rebirth is no less than that of Nirvana, and even the Serpent of Doom feels endless pain.

"...this universe?!"

After roaring, the Doomsday Snake suddenly felt something was wrong.

Faintly, it felt that the aura of doom was diminishing, the laws were disappearing, and all the avenues were slowly silent.

"This is........"

The snake of the doomsday was startled, and thousands of dragon heads protruded from the doomsday, probing into thousands of parallel universes, and looking in all directions.

Seeing this, it suddenly froze.

I saw up and down ten directions, and an indescribable "monster" appeared in the eyes of its thousands of dragon heads.

The monster that exists at the end of the endless timeline, the origin of the endless time and space, is immeasurable and indescribable.

He is very small, and in the very small breeds infinity, He is infinity, and in the infinity contains the very small!

The beginning, the end, and the eternity!


The doomsday snake was frightened and frightened, and the thousands of dragon heads bounced back like electric shocks, making a terrifying, terrifying roar that was superimposed but not superimposed:

"This is impossible!!!"

No words can describe the shock and fear in the heart of the Doomsday Snake at this moment.

This indescribable monster, it has never seen, but has heard its legend.

He is all matter, all universe, all time and space, all laws and avenues...... The ultimate concept creature that is conjured up

- Infinite Serpent!


In the boundless chaotic sea, Chen Zhan stood with his hands behind his back, everything in front of him had transformed, and the world showed reality in his eyes.

After reversing the innate, all cognitions and concepts will no longer be equal to the acquired.

Daluo, originally covers all the ultimate desires of the acquired soul.

"Why revive the ancestors? Give me time, and I will definitely surpass the ancestors!"

"Live for war, die for war, I am Chen Zhan!"

"Chen Zhan's whole life, I don't worship the sky, I don't kneel on the ground, I only respect myself!"


The past is like water flowing in his eyes.

He seemed to see himself in all time and space, all timelines.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist!"

After a long, long time, Chen Zhan raised his head as if he was aware of it.

I saw an indescribable Xuanhe divine light projected from the infinitely distant depths of chaos, turning into an inexplicably long avenue of divine light.

fell at his feet.

And at the end of the Shenguang Avenue, Gu Shaoshang stood under the Bodhi tree, and slightly cupped his hands:

"It's gratifying to congratulate you that you don't grind your first certificate."


Chen Zhan's expression was calm, but his eyes were empty.

In his eyes, Gu Shaoshang, who was at the end of the divine light, was infinitely huge, infinitely splendid, and all the brilliance was not enough to describe his splendor.

This is already, not Da Luo.

"The Immortal Emperor is still a lot better than me..."

Chen Zhan smiled freely and set foot on the avenue of divine light.

In the shroud of divine light, he went toward the perfect world.


The divine light swept through the chaos, and the speed of backtracking surpassed the limit of Daluo, and the endless and distant chaos swept across in an instant.

Not long after, Chen Zhan stepped into the perfect world again.

Chen Zhan's eyes drooped, and in the Ten Thousand Dao Tianzhou, countless people were chanting his name.

And under the Bodhi tree, Gu Shaoshang stood with a smile.

"Chen Zhan, I have seen the Immortal Emperor! After years of separation, the Immortal Emperor's style is even better than before!"

Chen Zhan stepped out, climbed to the Supreme Court, and bowed to Gu Shaoshang who was under the Bodhi tree.

"Fellow Daoist is polite."

Gu Shaoshang waved his hands slightly and sat under the Bodhi tree with Chen Zhan.

"...In that world, the beasts overwhelm the human race, and the human race is in a difficult situation..."

Chen Zhan told Gu Shaoshang about his path to enlightenment:

"I originally stood in front of Daluo, and with the prosperity of the human race, I was finally pushed into Daluo!"

"It's also a chance for a fellow Daoist."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly.

The perfect immortal kings are all outstanding people who are hard to find in all ages, and their unique opportunities have long given them invincible aura. However, looking at the endless chaotic sea, their opportunities are not necessarily unique.

If you don't step out of the realm and witness the higher and farther world, it will not be easy to break through.

With Shi Hao's unparalleled talent, he rose from the ruins and upheld the great destiny of the universe, and he just became an Immortal Emperor, which is evident.

You must know that before Shi Hao, this great realm has gone through an endless long period of time.

Since the endless years of the Divine Tomb Continent, the most dazzling person is naturally Dugu Baitian.

As the first taboo **** of the ancient times, reincarnated for a hundred times, immortal, and the soul of the battle of Zhantian, Dugu defeated Tian is naturally the bell of all luck.

In this regard, even his disciple Chen Nan is not far behind.

Chen Zhan, however, was shrouded in the light of Dugu Baitian, based on one of the four fighting spirits against the sky, and achieved achievements that were not inferior to Dugu Baitian. Naturally, there was no need to say much about his talent.

However, if there is no opportunity to step into the barrier, it is difficult to have the opportunity to break through.

In the end, he was only trapped in the world of the tomb of the gods, or invincible in the world, but he could not relax.

"When I reversed the innate, I glimpsed the secrets of that world. After I left, there will be an outstanding person who is born with luck. Therefore, I will transcend the sea of ​​​​cosmos and achieve Da Luo......"

Chen Zhan's expression was calm and his words were sonorous:

"My generation cultivates, if you take the luck of others and become the Tao, Chen Zhan will not take it!"

"Exactly that."

Gu Shao hurt his palm and sighed:

"Cultivation is important to one's own body, other than that, it's all foreign objects! Daoist friends have won the three flavors, and they are outstanding people of all ages!"

"Immortal Emperor Miaozan, Daoist Wanqing, Brother Baitian, the Holy Emperor is the best man of all ages."

Chen Zhan was not arrogant, shook his head, and said:

"The day when the three of them may become enlightened is not far away."

Gu Shaoshang was slightly dumbfounded.

Prove the congenital, Cheng Daluo, chance is also quite important.

If Wan Qing and the three of them have no chance, the year of enlightenment will be tens of millions of years later.

But it may not be earlier than that wicked Taoist.

That wicked Taoist priest is quite secretive.

The method of burying the body in reincarnation, the ancients, and even the countless epochs before the emperor fell, there is no such method of cultivation.

If there is no chance for Chen Zhan first, the first Immortal Emperor after Ye Fan should be Duan De, who has been imprinted in one hundred reincarnations.

"Since you have made a breakthrough, you will stay in this world for the time being, and adjust Yin and Yang together with me, and advance to this world."

After the two talked for a long time, Gu Shaoshang said.

Chen Zhan, or other Immortal Kings, are definitely not his subordinates, however, in the eyes of some people, this is not the case.

Gu Shaoshang saw that after Chen Zhan there would be a catastrophe, so he brought him back.

The other Immortal Kings and the Great Emperor have no disasters. After all, that person may not care about face, but he will not regard Daluo as a threat.

And if there are many immortal emperors who have become immortal emperors, he will also bring them back one by one.

Only after a war can they truly be at ease.

"Do your best."

Chen Zhan didn't know what Shao Gu was thinking in his heartbreak, but what he asked for, he naturally had no choice.


Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, but he seemed to feel something in his heart.

With a tap of a finger, a ray of divine light fell, falling under the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

Chen Zhan looked down and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing:

"I am afraid that the Heavenly Venerate Du Jie will have to suffer again this time."

"His enlightenment is imminent, and it is also his chance."

Gu Shaoshang slowly retracted his fingers and said in a serious tone.

Naturally, he wouldn't say that, he just wanted to make this daring **** who instigated his son to rob Laozi's tomb suffer.


"Little Lizi, you really don't want to step out of this world?"

Above the desolate and dilapidated ruins, the immoral Taoist patted his chest and said:

"Someone is covering you, and the world is free for you!"

"I will go back to the tenth realm to fight again. After all the dust settles, maybe I will go and see the Immortal Emperor."

Li Qiye stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes calm:

"Before this, his world meant nothing to me."

"Then you have to be careful."

It's a **** dog. It's rare to have no poisonous tongue. Some reluctant farewells:

"If there is any difficulty, come here, and this emperor will lead thousands of troops to conquer all your enemies."

Tens of millions of years ago, the **** dog picked up a crow.

The black dragon king that Li Qiye cultivated, he cultivated the empress, and the goddess, but it cultivated Li Qiye.

The relationship between the two is naturally very good.

"I will."

Li Qiye nodded slightly and said goodbye:

"Big black, take care!"

"Little Lizi, our magical powers have also been taught to you, and nothing else has been handed over."

The immoral priest sighed softly:

"Take care!"

"Take care of yourself......."

Li Qiye let out a long sigh, all kinds of tastes flooding into his heart.

In one day, he had to part with his comrades who had been with him for countless years, together to develop a queen, a god, a dragon king, and a comrade-in-arms who fought together in the fairy cave.


The Black Emperor gritted his teeth, jumped into the portal of time and space with Duan De, and disappeared Under the night, Li Qiye stared at the Wanjie Passage where one person and one dog disappeared, until the Wanjie Passage disappeared, he did not Look back.

Stepping on the ruins of the Immortal Demon Cave, it gradually disappeared.



Time and space flow like a tide.

"I sue! Where is the Black Emperor?!"

Duan De, who had just woken up from the sadness of parting, suddenly felt that something was wrong:

"The Immortal Emperor's portal to all worlds can go wrong?!"

The fat Taoist was dumbfounded, and the long river of time and space set off a turbulent wave, and as far as he could see, he couldn't see anything.


In a daze, a big wave slapped, engulfing the unbearable weight of the world, and slapped the unprepared Taoist priests heavily in the long river of time and space.

"Immeasurable that Heavenly Venerate!"

The fat Taoist staggered to his feet:

"Master Dao's merits reach the sky, what can I do with the long river of time and space?"


Duan De made a bold move, and a treasure engraved with the trillion-dollar avenue rune burst out in the dazzling divine light.

In an instant, the long river of time and space of trillions of miles was leveled, and countless waves were completely resisted.

"Nine secrets unite, tear the universe apart, and locate chaos!"

Duan De stepped out, and many great magical powers flowed out from his fingertips, and the nine secrets that Ye Fan had deduced several times in one, burst out supreme power.

It is necessary to locate the chaos of ancient time and space.


At this moment, a divine light shot out from the void, and with a snap, Duan De rolled his eyes:

"Your uncle......"

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