Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1429: Gain momentum, break through!

"Three plagues are over..."

A smile appeared on Gu Shaoshang's face.

The essence of Daluo is no less than that of a multiverse. Even the most advanced multiverse such as Perfect World, its essence is no better than a Hunyuan.

Once the three primordial primordial elements were inserted into the origin of the world, the two disasters of water and fire would naturally be eliminated.

The reason why he was able to discover the three was actually very simple. The person who spread the message from the main temple hall was called Daoist Karma.

Of course, he wouldn't say this.


As the wind whistled, Gu Shaoshang lowered his eyes, overlooking the Ten Thousand Dao Tianzhou, the ups and downs of endless epochs.


A heavenly sound emanated from the void, rippling from every inch of subtlety.

They are superimposed and intertwined with each other, echoing in the heaven and earth, the space and time, the boundless void, and the endless sea of ​​stars.

This is not an ordinary sound, but the sound of heaven and earth emanating from the ubiquitous avenues of law.

Indescribable, illusory, yet real.

Runs through time and space, shakes all things, and washes all the visible and invisible things between heaven and earth!

At this moment, all the trillions of creatures in the perfect world were shocked.

I only felt that a joy from the heart, from the essence, filled my mind involuntarily.

All fear, shock, fear, greed, killing and other distracting thoughts are covered and expelled by this joyful thought at this moment.

This is the voice of the universe, the voice of promotion!

Anywhere, nowhere!

What follows is the promotion of all things from the inside out, benefiting the eternal time and space, endless dimensional space, parallel world, and all things!

It is not a real promotion, but it seems to be invisible, the innate heritage increases, the potential increases, the essence becomes thick, and the mind becomes pure...

The promotion of the world will inevitably benefit all beings.

That is to say, in a powerful world, there will be more births, and the higher level of heaven and earth treasures, the higher the creatures and the feet, and the more geniuses will be born.

Accommodate more powerhouses.

It is difficult to raise a true dragon in shallow water. This principle applies to all worlds.


After the Tianyin vibrated, a faint sound of incomparable anger could be heard echoing in the depths of the void.

The beast chaos, under the suppression of the source, acted as the source of power for the expansion of the world, and the countless power radiated in ten directions under the extraction of the incarnation of the inner demon.

Naturally, he was very angry.

For many big Luos and even Hunyuan, death is nothing, not life or death is the most terrifying thing.

This Martial Ancestor clearly wants to use him as the source of motivation to promote the promotion of the universe!

"After a calamity, it will give you liberation."

Gu Shaoshang said calmly with a calm expression.

The beasts bred by chaos are quite similar to the innate gods and demons, but they are not the same.

Innate gods and demons achieve Hunyuan, and they must become a source, radiating the heavens.

Ferocious beasts only cultivate themselves and have no way of saying it.

Of course, this caused the beasts to be completely defeated by the hands of many congenital gods and demons far away in the prehistoric years of Taiyi.

Chaos is one of the only remaining beasts of ancient times.

Its accumulated background is far more than whirling and Ji Meng.


Chaos roared in pain.

Immediately, it was shrouded in endless magic.

"The three disasters have passed, and the next one is a catastrophe..."

Gu Shaoshang didn't care about Chaos' roar, and said softly to himself.

These three Primordial Primordial Priests were originally attracted by him, and they were not even a threat, and naturally they could not be a catastrophe.

In fact, the calamity of the perfect world's promotion lies above the gods, the Primordial Realm of Primordial Yuan.

Because of the lack of Primordial Primordial Realm, it will spontaneously attract all realms to come, and it is almost instinct to absorb the source of other great realms to repair itself.

Some of the powerhouses in the Five Fang Era are just following the trend.

The last catastrophe of the perfect world's promotion is to pacify the invasion and devotion of the Primordial Primordial Realm to this realm.

One side of the Five-Minute Era, the infinite-level multiverse that can accommodate six Primordial Primordial Promise, the perfect world that is not promoted is just a speck of dust in the endless star sea.

If you don't get rid of the Primordial Primordial Realm, the so-called promotion is just a joke.

This calamity is what Gu Shaoshang attaches the most importance to.

As his thoughts turned, Gu Shaoshang lowered his eyes, and looked into the depths of Xinghai with a deep gaze.

The three disasters are broken, and the promotion of the universe will increase. If you grasp it, someone will be promoted to Immortal Emperor.


In the vast sea of ​​stars, the endless war has finally come to an end.

Countless disaster demons shattered into pieces under the simultaneous action of many great emperors, turned into one side after another, and fell into the boundless sea of ​​​​stars.

Killing the calamity is essentially an essential process for world promotion.

"Three calamities will be wiped out!"

Many great emperors burst into laughter in the sea of ​​​​stars.

The Devil of the Three Calamities is by no means easy to kill.

They have been preparing for this battle for millions of years, and have calculated countless times, so that they can use the three disasters to expand the universe to the limit without exceeding the limit that they can cope with.


Chu Feng let out a long breath.

The tyrannical body can't help but tremble, and the primordial spirit is also bleak.

This battle, for him, is very fierce.

After all, he who has just been promoted to the Immortal Emperor is still no better than the ancient emperors who have been promoted for countless years.

At this point, the battle has almost reached its limit.


With this relaxation, Chu Feng instantly noticed that at the same time that the invisible heavenly sound vibrated, an indescribable gigantic fortune rolled in and poured into his body.

In a moment, all the fatigue is gone!

Even, under the blessing of this indescribable luck, he, who had just been promoted to the Immortal Emperor, felt the opportunity to make a breakthrough!

Boom! !

At this moment, an earth-shattering roar shook the boundless Xinghai.

Chu Feng looked up and saw that thousands of light years away, an immortal iron rod stretched across the sea of ​​​​stars, which was immeasurable.

That seems to be boundless and boundless fighting spirit traverses the eight deserts, and the vastness shakes the nine heavens and ten earths, and the entire universe.

"Fight the Holy Emperor!"

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a boundless golden light lit up in the depths of the endless star sea.

A golden giant ape stood in the boundless sea of ​​stars, and its body swelled uncontrollably, almost filling the world!

"Fight, fight!"

The giant ape screamed in the sky, and its mighty momentum spanned many time and space.

"Holy Emperor, I'm about to be promoted!"

Chu Feng was shocked, and then he understood.

The three disasters are destroyed, and the boundless general trend is increasing. Even he seems to have a sign of breakthrough, not to mention the tyrannical existence of the Holy Emperor before the eternity.


The shock on Chu Feng's face did not fade, and another loud noise resounded in the hum of the sky.

"Thousands of tribulations, a hundred lifetimes of hardships, in a hurry, at the click of a finger..."

In the depths of the Xinghai, a word full of the vicissitudes of the years echoed.

Immediately, a strange divine sword ripped apart the boundless void, and the light and shadow illuminated the long river of time and space, the Eternal Era.

"The sword is lonely... This is, Dugu defeats the sky."

Chu Feng could see at a glance that that magic weapon was a generation of forbidden gods, the magic weapon of Dugu defeating the sky!

In no particular order, the two of them were about to take that last step at the same time!

"The promotion of the two Immortal Emperors!"

"Fighting against the Holy Emperor and the Great God Dugu defeated the sky!"

"Two Immortal Emperors!"

In the Ten Thousand Dao Tianzhou, countless practitioners were extremely shocked.

After countless years, the Immortal Emperor will appear again.

"Two fellow Daoists, as expected before I waited..."

In the sea of ​​stars, the butcher sighed softly.

Even if the general trend increases, among the ten thousand emperors, only these two are confident that they can break through that barrier, and the other emperors are still a step behind.

Although they could try to break through, they were all held back.

He is also included.

This barrier is too difficult to break through.

"The talent of the two fellow Daoists is unparalleled, as expected, as expected."

The Six Paths Samsara Quasi Immortal Emperor shook his head slightly, with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

He fell once in the time of immortality, although he was brought back by Gu Shaoshang, he lost a lot of time in the end, and his background was even worse than that of the butcher.

"Butcher, you have enough savings, why don't you take advantage of the general trend and step through the barrier?"

In the fairy light, a figure with a perfect posture, like a **** in the fairy, opened his voice.

"Chicken breeder, why don't you try it yourself?"

The butcher sneered, as if he was not dealing with him.

"As soon as this catastrophe is over, I will pass the barrier!"

Being called a chicken breeder, the goddess was not angry, smiled, and disappeared into the galaxy.

The butcher shook his head slightly, suddenly his heart moved, and his brows frowned.

The quasi-immortal emperor of the Six Paths Samsara also seemed to be aware of it, and he let out a long sigh:

"But why?"

Many great emperors and immortal kings raised their eyebrows and looked at I saw that when fighting against the Holy Emperor, Dugu defeated the sky and broke through together, in the boundless sea of ​​​​stars, there were two long roars.

The mighty fairy light poured out like a vast ocean.

Two beings bathed in fairy light stepped out from the depths of the boundless Xinghai, raised their hands to shake the long river of time and space, and their divine meaning spanned the eternal time and space.

The light that erupted at the moment when the two statues existed was extremely scorching.

However, all the great emperors shook their heads.

"Those two... seem to be the giants of the Immortal Kings in Xianyu before the chaos? One of them seems to be Nanming..."

Chu Feng's eyes moved, and he recognized the two quasi-immortal emperors later.

These two quasi-immortal emperors are also of the greatest talents in the world.

However, it is not outstanding among the ten thousand emperors, and it is a bit reluctant to break through at this time.


Sure enough, at the last moment when the two divine wills spanned the eternity of time and space, one divine will was completely wiped out.

On the other hand, it suddenly dissipated into hundreds of millions of Nanming Fire Dragons scattered in ten directions.

"I'm not reconciled!"

In the midst of the raging flames, Nan Ming Yangtian roared furiously, the corners of his eyebrows split: "The door of the Immortal Emperor, open!"


The endless flames converged in an instant, turning into a stalwart fire dragon that traversed the heavens and the earth, rushing straight into the long river of time.


At the intersection of time and space nodes, Chen Zhan shook his head slightly.

This last step is too difficult to cross. Although the two have a strong momentum, there is little hope of breaking through.

"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

The huge fire dragon that Nan Ming turned into, spanned the epochs of Xiangu, Emperor Luo, etc., and went straight to the end of the years.

Once gone, it disappeared into the years.

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