Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1435: No. 1 in the world of the world!

In a trance, Meng Qi seemed to see a azure-colored treasure mirror as gigantic as the universe, shining brightly, reflecting the opening of the universe.

Meng Qi looked at it, and it even reflected his life, Dao, supernatural powers, and all his flaws!

This precious mirror, the mirror reflects all his shortcomings, more than he knows!

In horror, the light and shadow receded.

Meng Qi took another look and saw that there was a treasure mirror, it was clearly a scale on the top of a huge indescribable dragon claw!

"This is"

Meng Qi's heart trembled, his eyes flashed the outline of a gigantic figure in the boundless storm above the endless void.

It was an immeasurable and indescribable huge dragon claw.

The color of the dragon's claws is blue-green, like the sky, like the Tao, it has ten toes, the roots are perfect, and it exudes endless and infinite meaning of perfection.

Just looking at it at a glance, that stalwart divine aura filled my mind.

Just one dragon claw hangs down, and it covers an unknown territory, and the trillions of time and space are not as spectacular as this dragon claw!

Meng Qi was shocked.

He knew that the reason why he could only see the dragon claw was because the stalwart body of the ancestral dragon had surpassed his perception limit.

Just as mortals cannot see the outline of the universe even if they look up at the stars.

At this time, Meng Qi could see Zulong's claw, Wang Tong and Da Heigou, the two peak gods and demons who were infinitely approaching Da Luo, and he didn't even hear Zulong's heartbeat.

Just looking at Meng Qi, whose body was shaking suddenly, with a surprised expression: What did you see?

"This is the Great Desolate Ancestral Dragon?!"

Meng Qi suddenly lowered his eyes and did not dare to look again.

The gap between each other is too huge, and he will continue to look at it, and his heart will be shaken.

"Where is that old dragon?"

Gu Shaoshang smiled dumbly, his eyes were faint, and he looked directly at the azure dragon swaying in space and time in the boundless void, and said:

"The old dragon sits down. There are two real dragons in the Eastern Yimu Qinglong and the Western Gengjin Shenlong. The heartbeat of the old dragon is naturally the old dragon's. What you see is only the Eastern Qinglong."

The First Emperor and the Zulong were entangled, and neither of them were seen. The rest of the civil servants and military generals of Xianqin, who set up an array and suppressed them, were naturally the two Hunyuan Zhenlongs under the command of the Honghuang Zulong.

With his eyes, he could already see Li Si, Shang Yang, Zhang Yi, Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Li Xin, Lv Bu, Ran Min and other generals under the boundless time and space in the space ring at that time.

Nine-tenths of Xianqin's civil servants and generals, as well as the vast majority of the legions, all gathered in it to form a great formation, plus Xianqin's endless humanitarian luck.

It was only then that he suppressed the two real dragons of Primordial Rank.

As for the true dragons of Daluo's number, they have already died cleanly in the confrontation between the Xianqin battle formation and the two true dragons of the Primordial Rank.

"Qinglong is already like this, what about Zulong?"

Meng Qi shook his head, and the trace of satisfaction in his heart that had broken through the big thousand and vindicated the great Luo, dissipated immediately.

Prehistoric Ancestral Dragon, the First Emperor of Immortal Qin, his own old father-in-law, and his own mother-in-law who may be the Golden Mother of West Kunlun, his achievements are indeed insignificant.

"It's amazing to be able to live to this day."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes were faint, and he could faintly see the two space-time lines that were entangled with each other in the heavens and the boundless time and space.

The battle between one person and one dragon is no longer limited to each other, but the battle of luck between man and dragon.

The old dragon is the ancestor of the dragons of all realms, the origin of all dragons in the heavens of the ten thousand realms, and it seems to be different from the phoenix who once carried the virgin goddess of the human race to testify.

Among the many giants in the Primordial Promise Realm, they are not considered weak.

If it weren't for Ying Zheng's position as the Three Emperors, the human race would be in a state of power, and it would be impossible to suppress him.


Wang Tong hesitated, looked around and looked around, but couldn't see any real dragon.

"My lord, what are you talking about?"

Wang Tong was confused, but the Black Emperor couldn't help but speak.

He looked at it for a while, but he didn't find anything wrong. He didn't even see a single hair of Qinglong, Zhenlong, Zulong.


Gu Shaoshang knocked on the head of the black emperor, quite a bit of hatred for not turning iron into steel:

"If you become a chaotic beast, where will you see nothing at this time?"

"The emperor spares his life, Xiao Hei is wrong"

Being caught off guard, the Black Emperor slashed a fork in the void on the spot, baring his teeth in pain.

But did not dare to refute.

Before washing his blood with the blood of chaos, he couldn't help but attack the Immortal Emperor, wanting to reverse the innate in one fell swoop and achieve the body of a chaotic beast.

As a result, if Gu Shaoshang hadn't shot, he would have exploded on the spot.

Fortunately, he didn't die, but he couldn't reverse the innate.

"Are you here to make a move?"

Meng Qi restrained his emotions and looked at Gu Shaoshang with curiosity.

Wang Tong was also agitated, quite excited.

The battle between Xianqin and the Dragon Clan has not been known for how long. It is foreseeable that this battle will continue for a long time.

If the emperor is willing to take action, there will be a turning point.

"I've already made a move"

Gu Shaoshang stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking the ring of time and space evolved by the endless time and space, and said lightly.

Primordial beings are everywhere, not only in space but also in time.

The battle between Ying Zheng and Zulong spread over endless years, countless great realms, and infinite time and space lines.

The confrontation between the two is far from a million years ago that Wang Tong and others thought, but far beyond this timeline, and can even be traced back to the opening of the endless infinite multiverse!

The beginning of all calamities!

As he said, he has already shot, but others can't see it.

"Master Emperor has already taken action?"

Wang Tong was shocked and looked towards the immeasurable space-time ring, but he didn't see any trace of Gu Shaoshang's shot:

"When did you shoot?"

"in the future"

Gu Shaoshang narrowed his eyes, and his voice was erratic.

Meng Qi and the others were at a loss.

Shot in the future? How come you have already made a move?

Gu Shaoshang did not explain, in fact, he did not come here to deal with the dragon clan.

The battle between Ying Zheng and Zulong was a battle of luck and luck, and one shot was enough for him.

Doumian is a holy mistress. If you give too much favor, you will become enemies.

He passed on Xianwu Dao to Xianqin, and after several shots, it was enough.

Any more and it's too late.

Xianqin does not need an imperial teacher who protects everything, neither does Ying Zheng!

The emperor is solitary, overlooking the sky and the earth, and he will never allow anyone in the empire who can compare with him, or even surpass him.

Not to mention his own emperor, even the appearance of another self is not allowed.

The so-called lonely, nothing more than that.

Wang Tong did not understand this truth, and he was too lazy to say it.

Because he doesn't care about it himself, all he needs is the spread of martial arts.

After he was promoted to Hunyuan, he had the role of countless soldiers in Xianqin.

"Then what does the Emperor Master want to do here?"

Wang Tong was a little disappointed in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.

The time and space in the Primordial Realm of Primordial Yuan is that he can set foot in, so he has no idea of ​​the meaning of Gu Shao's hurt words.

"Take a knife"

Gu Shaoshang's sleeves swayed, and when he stepped, he had already crossed the endless void, and stepped on the top of the Xianyang City Imperial Palace, which was built in the trillions of time and space, under the Hunting Black Dragon Banner.

The last obstacle to the promotion of Perfect World is the connection with God. As long as it is cut off, Perfect World can be completely promoted to infinite diversity.

But it is very difficult to cut off the connection between the perfect world and the Primordial Realm of Hunyuan.

Even he needs to borrow the sharpest weapon in the heavens and the world!

Gu Shaoshang's eyes were deep and deep, and the aura of **** shook the universe, flying between the clothes and robes, towards the immeasurable space-time ring.



In an instant, the sky shook, and the boundless space and time roared.

An aura that is the strongest and the greatest, and dominates the universe, slammed into the sky above Xianyang City, and it was as straight as a trillion and a billion countless galaxies drooped down, shaking the Hengsha Great Realm, the infinite multiverse, and the endless river of time and space.

"The sky is shaking, what happened? Is it an enemy attack?"

"Above the imperial palace, someone is standing? It's disrespectful, disrespectful!"

"Who is coming? Who is coming?!"

The Xianyang City, which was created by the trillions of billions of time and space, was shocked, and shocked the veterans of Xianqin in the trillions of universes.

The Xianqin Jiashi in the trillion-dollar world were all shocked.

Above the imperial palace, no one is allowed to stand on it.

"This breath is the Emperor Master?"

In the hanging city of a vast world, Meng Tian suddenly woke up, his eyes tearing apart the space and time like reality.

I saw the majestic and sacred figure standing above the Xianyang Emperor Palace.

Naturally, he would not be unfamiliar with the figure, but he recognized it just by seeing the back.

That is the origin of Xianqin people's immortal martial arts, the emperor's teacher Donghuang Taiyi!

"Master Emperor is back, what do you want to do?"

In another great world, Meng Yi, who had not yet disarmed, frowned slightly. After that, the sound transmission world suppressed the countless Xianqin veterans who were boiling.

If it were anyone else, it would be Prince Fusu, standing above the imperial palace, and he would brazenly take action to straighten Gangchang.

But since he is the emperor, he can't make a move.

Status is one of More importantly, it is impossible to beat.

"My Boundless Heavenly Venerate, your uncle! Then, isn't that the Great Emperor Wushang?!"

Somewhere in the Great Realm, Fatty Duan, who had recovered most of his cultivation, jumped three feet high and couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

He almost thought he was dazzled.

But with that strong and domineering aura, so majestic and chilling back, in his mind, there is absolutely no second person.

"It's true that he plotted the fat man!"

Duan De hated his teeth, but he couldn't do anything.


The aura of stalwart dominance is so vast that it radiates billions of space in ten directions and is boundless.

Gu Shaoshang's indescribably huge palm covered the time and space of the ages, and his five fingers fell straight like a divine sword that penetrated the heavens and the world, grabbing towards the ring of time and space.

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