Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1443: Beneath the Promise, Hunyuan is supreme

In the dense purple light, Gu Shaoshang whispered to himself.

As he once said, he has already made a move. Those who know will naturally know, and those who do not know will not be seen at this time.

But at this time, it was time for him to return to the vast continent.

"Promotion! Promotion!"

There were endless ripples in Gu Shaoshang's heart, beyond the boundless time and space connected by unpredictable trajectories, with Shi Hao's promotion.

Perfect World, after the connection with God was cut off by Gu Shaoshang, it was also completely promoted.

Gu Shaoshang can clearly feel that the origin of the demon is climbing at a speed that ordinary people can't imagine, and with the success of the world's promotion, it has crossed the barrier of Primordial Primordial as a matter of course!

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang's body also trembled slightly, with infinite strength.

It was as if he had been promoted to Primordial Primordial once again, deepening his background and expanding his essence.

The deity and the incarnation are one and two, two are one, one is promoted, and both are benefited. The difference is that Gu Shaoshang is promoted to Hunyuan. Although the essence of all incarnations is greatly enhanced, it is nothing more than that. All incarnations are promoted.

When the incarnation is promoted, Gu Shaoshang will add all the power of the incarnation on top of the original power.

Gu Shaoshang calls this mode plus one.

That is to say, the deity is stronger than any incarnation by a gap of deity, even if all the incarnations are superimposed, the same is true!

The so-called incarnation has two hearts, but it is just a joke.

This is also a kind of cultivation path that Gu Shaoshang made by comprehending the secrets of the mirrors of the heavens.

Similar to one gasification and three cleanliness, but more than that.

"It's getting closer to Primordial Promise"

Gu Shaoshang breathed out slightly, the endless unpredictable places trembled slightly, and the countless upside-down time and space became more and more strange.

An infinite multiverse is enough to carry many great Luos, and even Hunyuan Daoguo, and the benefits of its promotion to Gu Shaoshang far exceed those of the perfect emperors.

With one side of the infinite multiverse as the home field, even in the realm of Hunyuan Wuji, Gu Shaoshang is sure to play against each other.

This is also the reason why he did not directly return to the vastness after he achieved Hunyuan.

He does not master the strength, even if he is infinitely approaching the realm of Primordial Primordial Promise, he may not be the opponent of the Demon Emperor Taiyi.

And with the blessing of an infinite multiverse, he has a little bit of confidence.

If Natai only had the strength to fight against the high priest

"The vast continent of the Primordial Realm of Hunyuan."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes were faint, and he could vaguely see two radiating endless voids, and the huge shadows spanning the infinite hang down between the endless chaos.

The masters of the two shadows are boundless and huge, and the perfect world that has been promoted is a little insignificant compared to the two infinite continents.

And the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

It won't be long before they will truly meet and become one.

At that time, it may be a huge change that is earth-shaking.

"The vast land, who controls the ups and downs"

As Gu Shaoshang's eyes drooped down, a wisp of purple air drifted past, dissipating in an endless unpredictable place in an instant.

into the mirror world.


The endless purple air is swirling, rippling with ripples like water.

On the stone platform of the world in the mirrors of the heavens, Gu Shaoshang stepped out.


He reached out and took the All-Heaven Mirror in his hand.


Without the slightest spiritual wisdom, only the instinctive Mirror Spirits of the Heavens spoke up, revealing their own existence.

The promotion of the perfect world consumes countless sources of energy, and it is even more than enough to repair the eight-star mirror of the heavens.

This is only the instinct of the mirror spirits of the heavens, which are somewhat resistant.

But Gu Shaoshang naturally ignored it.

Any magic weapon, if it is not used by him and goes against his will, is useless, even the mirrors of the heavens.


Gu Shaoshang ignored the mirror spirit, and lightly touched the mirror surface with his palm, and light and shadow flowed.

Since he stepped out of the vastness, climbed to the Hunyuan prehistoric world and incarnated as Donghuang Taiyi, opened up the immortal Qin Wudao, the divine Han way to suppress the tyrants, Guan Qi, Liu Rui and other heaven shuttlers chased Huatiandu into the gate of eternal life to achieve Hunyuan Wuji Town Kill Fengdu and suppress Sakyamuni

Until he cut off the connection between God and perfection, perfected promotion, and the coefficients flowed in between.

It turned into a pattern, standing on the mirror surface side by side with the world it had experienced before, forming a map of enlightenment.

"Map of Enlightenment"

Gu Shaoshang took a look and shook his head slightly.

Naturally, this volume is not just a record.

In other words, it was originally, but after he achieved Primordial Primordial, it was more than that.

After he achieves Primordial Primordial, this scroll of Dao formation is equivalent to his time line, even if there is a supreme power that can destroy his world line under the Dao.

He can also walk out of this Dao Chengdao map.

[Mirror Master Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm, Gate of Eternal Life, Journey to the West in the Great Universe, the gong gained 34.34 billion points of source power. Now, there are a total of 1.263 billion source power points]

The mirrors of the heavens trembled slightly, and many lights and shadows flickered, showing Gu Shaoshang's remaining source power at this time.

Over the years, he has gained more power than ever before.

However, it was all used for the promotion of the perfect world, and the remaining source power was also the acquisition of many incarnations after the promotion of the perfect world.

The source power that can be obtained by the promotion of the perfect world, he naturally did not move at all.

After all, although Perfect World has been promoted, there are still many things to do in the follow-up, and most of the inner demons are also in trouble at this time.

Compared with the perfect world, the promotion of the Mirror of the Heavens is not so anxious.

"Check the status bar."

Gu Shao thought sadly, and the status bar that had not appeared for a long time appeared again:

[Mirror owner: Gu Shaoshang]

[Realm: Hunyuan Giant]

【Bloodline: Human Race】

[Cultivation Technique: The Golden Seal of the Absolute Beginning, the Way of Divine Fist in the Beginning]

[Combat Strength: Under the Promise of Primordial Primordial, there is nothing higher]

Compared to before, the display of the Mirrors of the Heavens became more and more concise, but Gu Shaoshang was not disappointed. On the contrary, there was a smile on his face.

The less the mirrors of the heavens show, the closer he is to breaking out of the realm.

This is not only the realm barrier planned by the three thousand gods and demons in the Zixiao Palace, but also the realm barrier of the manifestation of the mirrors of the heavens.

The so-called Dao covers all worlds, and people are outside the Dao.

If one day, even his name will not be displayed on the mirrors of the heavens.

Just now we can talk about Dacheng!

At this time, Gu Shaoshang was getting closer and closer to this step.


Without stopping too much, Gu Shaoshang raised his hand, threw the Mirror of Heaven back into the purple air, and stepped out of the world in the mirror.

To this day, the amount of source power, whether the mirrors of the heavens are repaired or not, how many treasures there are, and whether the magical powers are powerful, he no longer cares about it.

If you are not happy, if you are not, you are not sad.

Taiqing once said that if people have no desires, their morals are self-improving.

Gu Shaoshang has not come to the time when he has nothing to ask for, but under this avenue, among the infinite and infinite multiverse, there are very few people who can be in his heart.

The vast continent is boundless and boundless, facing the endless seas in all directions.

It expands every moment, expands every moment, endlessly, endlessly.

After the era of chaos, the age of myths, the post-mythical age, the ancient times, the ancient times, etc., it was not until the Middle Ages that the footprints of the vast tribes were completely spread across the vast continent.

But 800,000 years after the Middle Ages, the land occupied by the vast vastness of the tribe is already less than 80% of the entire vast region.

This is the expansion of the vast continent.

It is infinitely far away from the Shenhuang Dynasty, even if the innate sacredness has to run for countless years beyond the remote sea area.

Countless huge islands are suspended overseas, separated by millions of light-years from each other, and it is unknown how many creatures live on them.

Or rather, demon!

And among the countless island guards, there is a huge sacred mountain that is majestic and huge.

This is one of the seventy-two great saints of the demon race, the demon kingdom where the Holy Bull King sits.

This demon country is the demon country on the endless sea, the closest demon country to the human race. It used to fight with many princes several times.

Above the mountain, the endless palace towers stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles, invisible between the clouds and mists.

At the edge of the mountain, a figure with a height of several dozen meters stood on it.

The monster's face was rough, the horns were high, and it pierced the sky. The exposed abdominal ridge, trunk, and muscles on the hands and feet were raised high and protruded, exuding endless and unrestrained power.

It seems that a single movement is enough to destroy the world.

"Human Race!"

Niu Qingtian whispered slightly, the sound waves roared like ten thousand thunders above the nine heavens, and the hot air spurted out of his nostrils, cutting through hundreds of millions of miles of clouds, leaving traces that never disappeared for a long time.

He looked into the endless void, as if he saw the hinterland of the human race.

There, there is a large formation that is as high as the ninety-nine days, covering the endless void and endless territory.

The three previous dynasties of the human race were united ten thousand years ago, and they brought back all the human kingdoms living in various places.

The entire human race of the vast continent is all in that great formation, preparing for the upcoming battle.

"Brother Qingtian!"

At a certain moment, an equally burly giant cow stepped forward, and the voice rumbled like thunder:

"You stay here for a few days, what are you looking at?"

"I heard that thousands of years Father King and the seven great sages carried the Emperor Que Immortal Monument and rushed to the Emperor's Heaven. During the first battle, the Holy Lion King fell, and the rest of the great sages were seriously injured. After the father returned, they retreated. No, it's been thousands of years"

Niu Qingtian overlooked the sea of ​​​​clouds, and a trace of violence flashed in his cold eyes:

"In recent years, the small clan that once belonged to us and dispatched, has gradually moved away from us, and seems to want to join the human race."

"Father won't let me wait out the mountain, don't be impulsive!"

The giant bull's expression changed, and he said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty asks me to wait for the preparations, and if I take action without authorization, even if I wait, I will be held accountable by the father and king."

"Among the vast clans, my demon clan is number one! However, if we sit idly by and wait until many small clans are attached to the human clan, wouldn't it be adding the power of the enemy?"

Niu Qingtian's chest rose and fell, spitting out hot air:

"I dare to deviate from something like an ant, I can't bear it!"

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