Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1458: A battle across time and space!


The vast and boundless mother river of time and space spreads in two directions, one through the opening of the infinite era, and the other through the endless future.

And the endless river of time and space spreads down from the mother river and goes to the endless ten directions.

The long river of time and space that covers the infinite and infinite multiverse is like a monster with infinite tentacles, covering all the universes, everywhere, and everywhere.

The past and present, the past and the future, the infinite thousand, the endless universe, the heavens of all realms, the Hengsha dimension... are all in it.

Above the mother river of time and space, endless lights and shadows outline two formless and qualityless beings that are both in the middle of illusion and reality.

One of them is naturally the Lord of Time and Space. To a certain extent, this River of Time and Space is Him.

The source of all time and space, the master of time and space.

The other one is the master of the system.

Naturally, the system is not His way. The reason why He got this name is nothing more than the heavens in the world. In the Hengsha Great Thousand, there are countless systems that He has fallen into. Almost every moment, there are countless systems scattered and falling into the heavens.

Create one system owner after another.

The endless system owners have different views on the system, some are detached, some are falling, some are grateful, some are resentful......

But there is no doubt that it will change the trajectory of one world after another.

And the master of this system is notorious for favoring the weak....and orphans.

The more bleak and miserable life is, the more favored He is.

And the owners of the system created in this way are all extremely self-centered, extremely cold-blooded, and the people who will pay for it.

On the way to the rise of countless system owners, the fallen corpses are like mountains and seas.

Among the heavens in the world, there are not a few Daluo who are planted in the hands of the system owner, and his reputation can be imagined.

Over time, His way of purification has not been mentioned.

"Another boundless calamity is coming..."

The eyes of the lord of time and space turn, and the infinite thousand, the world of Hengsha, and the countless sentient beings in the capital are all in it.

Inside, there are two huge shadows that are gradually approaching.

As the shadows approached, an indescribable calamity gathered together.

"Come, come, what's the hindrance?"

The eyes of the master of the system are obscure, and innumerable data circulates in it.

It seems to be calculating something, and it seems to be sensing something.

"Yeah... It's useless to you and me."

The Master of Time and Space sighed humanly.

The immeasurable calamity is the turning of the general trend of the endless infinite multiverse. For any existence, it is a major event that must be treated with caution.

All survivors can absorb the flesh and blood of the fallen, set foot on the avenue of the fallen, and obtain endless benefits.

What is a breakthrough?

It is not uncommon for Daluo to suddenly become a Hunyuan Wuji in the Infinite Tribulations.

Unfortunately, for the master of time and space and the master of the system, it is meaningless.

They have already reached their limit in a sense.

The way of time and space is almost omnipresent, and the reason why it is almost is because, in some great realms, time and space do not belong to Him.

For example, the great universe of Journey to the West, such as the great universe of Fengshen, such as the main temple, such as the Hunyuan Hongyuan Realm, the vast continent......

Unless he can unify all the time and space, he will never be able to become the truly invincible Hunyuan Wuji like the Queen Mother of the West and the Great Heavenly Venerate.

Not to mention taking that last step.

The same is true for the master of the system. The way of purification is a more thorough cleaning than destruction and termination.

The heavens have no way, only purification can be accomplished.

There is no way to escape.

The way of the two is not a dead end, but it is also infinitely close to a dead end.

And among the heavens in the world, there are naturally not a few people who are like two people.

There are three thousand avenues, all of which can be proved. Daoist Hongjun who said this sentence has all gone to a dead end.

"not necessarily......."

The system master responded indifferently:

"If in countless kalpas, the end and destruction will fall, I will abandon the way of purification and re-certify the end and destruction!"

An immeasurable catastrophe is a great catastrophe for infinite beings, and a great catastrophe for the gods and demons.

But for some, it is also the greatest opportunity.

"End Doom..."

The Lord of Time and Space is silent, how easy is it to re-proof one.

He just fuses the avenues of time and space, and I don't know how many kalpas it took.

It's easier said than done to completely give up and start over.

Astonishing talent is as beautiful as the three emperors, and it is obvious that he has not returned to Hunyuan at this time.

"It's too easy to be wild, and after the beginning of time, there will be Taishiji, Taisuji, and Taijiji! I...wait for it!"

The system master said calmly.

Daluo has no disasters and no calamities, his life span is infinite, and the universe will collapse, but Daluo is already immortal.

There is no need to talk about Hunyuan.

For such an existence, years are meaningless.

"Wuzu......will it be the one who came into being in the Taichu Ji?"

The system lord's eyes moved slightly, looking at the time and space lord.

Throughout the ages, in all the worlds and the heavens, there is no one who can have the powerful intelligence of the Lord of Time and Space.

"What is it that came into being at the right moment? Before Taiyi, Pangu came into being, fell into chaos, and incarnates Taiyi's prehistoric times. In the year of Taiyi's prehistoric times, Taiyi, the Queen Mother of the West, and the Great Heavenly Venerable came into being, and those who achieved Taiyi, but It was Emperor Wa, and later, the Patriarch of the Three Purities, Amitabha, Xi..."

The eyes of the lord of time and space turn a thousand times, and endless illusions circulate:

"It is not long before the beginning of the beginning, and countless tribulations will continue until the end of the beginning, and everything is unknown..."

Countless kalpas are intertwined, and the Daluo, Hunyuan, Hunyuan Wuji, and even the Qi of Hengsha Wanjie will be completely entangled together.

No one can figure it out.

"However, looking at Taiyi's prehistoric times, there are almost no people who can compare to the Martial Ancestors in the Primordial Period. Maybe the Hongjun Daoist who had demonstrated the same strength and Qi in the past could?"

The master of the system overlooked the long river of time and space, and seemed to see something:

"I'm more optimistic about Martial Ancestor..."

"Bewildering, confusing... This immeasurable calamity in the early age has come too early and too early..."

The Lord of Time and Space said, suddenly stopped, and kept his face secret.

In the beginning, the vastness was just the beginning, and Taiyi was easy to use for comparison, but it was just about to compete for the hegemony of the Lich, far from the time when the Infinite Tribulation was set off.

The immeasurable calamity is suddenly approaching, and naturally someone will take action.

There are only a few people in the heavens and the world who can have this kind of means.

Except for those few, the Queen Mother of the West and the Great Heavenly Venerate joined forces, I am afraid they may not be able to do it.

"Perhaps, someone is hiding the one who really came into being..."

The system master paused:

"It's also possible that the one who really came into being has not yet been born..."

"The destruction of the prehistoric desolation touched the avenue above the dark. After the division of the Cangzhi Continent, it has become a forbidden land, but after the return of the Primordial Desolation Realm, there may be changes..."

The Lord of Time and Space has changed the subject, and it is related to countless eons. If you continue to talk about it, you may be taboo.

"not sure......"

The system master shook his head.

His system is spread all over the heavens, even the Westward Journey Great Universe, the Conferred God Great Universe has it, but the vast continent does not have it.

In the past, He had tried more than once, and lost dozens of system real seeds that were enough to make a big Luo Jin number.

It is difficult to predict what will happen after the two continents are united.


Suddenly, in the lower reaches of the long river of time and space, a monstrous ripple swayed in the sky.

Innumerable years are turbulent, the past and future of countless great realms are reversed, and countless great realms and rivers have shifted their original trajectory.

And above the endless infinite chaotic sea, there are terrifying waves that are enough to drown the endless world and trillions of universes.

Under such a terrifying power, whether it is the gods and demons of Da Luo, or the great cosmos group, they all tremble for it.

Life and death are involuntary.

It was just a ripple, and it changed the fate of countless sentient beings in the Hengsha Great Realm.

More than just divine might as a prison, immeasurable.

"Wuzu and Taiyi..."

The Lord of Time and Space rolled his eyes.

Then I saw two stalwart figures, one after the other, upstream from the long river of time and space beyond the vastness, and the ripples of each other's confrontation spanned the boundless river of time and space, radiating millions of billions of universes.

"This is the battle between Taiyi and Taichu..."

The eyes of the master of the system rippled, as if to confirm that Gu Shaoshang was the existence of Taichu Ji.

"Another battle to remember..."

The Lord of Time and Space made an emphasis similar to a chant, and exclaimed in a humane way:

"Following the battle between Daoist Hongjun in Taiyi Nian and the demon ancestor Luohu, and the battle between Taiyi and the twelve ancestor witches who were almost equivalent to the resurrection of the **** Pangu... After that, there was another battle worthy of my memory. ."



There are monstrous waves above the chaos, and countless time and space rivers have changed or even stopped flowing.

Countless big universes drift with the waves in the chaotic waves, and a Zun Daluo exists in the hidden chaos and dare not emerge.

"At the beginning of Hunyuan, the battles continued! Where is the martial arts sanctification of this Martial Ancestor, it is clearly the sanctification of battles!"

"Damn it! The Chaos Sea is so vast, how could it affect me!"

"Escape! If we get closer, even if I wait, I won't be able to escape!"

In the endless chaotic sea, a Zun Daluo carried his home universe on his back, and fled into the depths of the chaotic sea in embarrassment.

Even if the battle was unimaginably far away from them, they might not be able to escape the scope of this battle after fleeing for thousands of years.

But still couldn't help but leave.

In the endless chaotic sea, Gu Shaoshang's black hair was flying, and the fighting spirit was fierce, stirring the boundless situation between steps.

Gu Shaoshang's body is sturdy, his breath is strong, and he radiates infinite primordial energy.

If someone could see the body of Gu Shaoshang under the black robe, they would be shocked to find out.

His body is strengthening almost all the time.

The particles that made up his fleshly body began to split endlessly after his countless clones returned!

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, eight becomes sixteen...  

Almost every moment, his power surges!

The source of strength is proven by people, but Gu Shaoshang has never given up strength!

Before he was promoted to perfection, he differentiated into infinite incarnations, all of whom also cultivated strength. At this time, when superimposed, his strength climbed almost endlessly!


Stepping across the tens of millions of time and space rivers, the 10,000 trillion universe sea, Gu Shaoshang lifted the sky with one palm, as if holding up the vast and boundless time and space mother river:

"Taiyi, you can't escape!"

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