Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 169: Eat 4 cows a day!

Gu Shaoshang looked up at Zhuge Zheng and I listened.

Any world has its own uniqueness, even if the level of Daming Jianghu World is not as good as that of the main world, it still has its merits.

And Zhuge Zheng I is a leader in this world, and his martial arts wisdom is self-evident.

The fault is not the limitation of the world, its achievements should be far more than that.

"Only after the cultivation of internal strength reaches the innate, will you understand how big the world is and how small the human body is. It's like this water cup."

Zhuge Zheng I picked up the tea bowl and said.

"The ratio of man to heaven and earth is like this teacup and heaven and earth, their carrying capacity cannot be whispered on the same day. Above innate, is to use one's own body and mind to leverage the power of heaven and earth, and exert a power that surpasses that of mortals!"

Zhuge Zheng I put down the tea cup, and said with a flat face: "The mind is clear, no distracting thoughts, the mind is connected with the heaven and the earth, this is the realm above the innate!"

"Connect with heaven and earth?"

Gu Shaoshang nodded thoughtfully, but he sighed slightly in his heart.

The limits of the world limit people's thinking. Although the world is huge, how can the power of the human body stop there?

In the fragmentary picture of chasing the old man, Gu Shaoshang once saw the sarcophagus raised horizontally, and the stars were shattered in the whistling!

Raising hands and feet, it was a terrifying mess.

"Not much to say, when Gu Shaoxia needs to enter the palace, just inform the old man!"

Zhuge Zheng, I haven't seen Gu Shaoshang speak for a long time, got up and said goodbye.

"I heard that Marquis Shen once created a half-duan jin magic art, can you give me a look?"

Gu Shaoshang heard the words and got up and said lightly.

"It's just an internal skill, what's there to bear?"

Zhuge Zheng and I froze for a moment, took out a secret book from my sleeve, and handed it to Gu Shaoshang.

"Uncle Shi!"


Cui Lueshang and Leng Lingqi's expressions changed slightly, and they got up and wanted to speak.


Zhuge Zheng, with a flick of my sleeves, stopped the two of them from speaking, bowed his hands in salute, and exited the room.

Cui Lueshang and Leng Lingqi helplessly followed with a sigh.

"Slow walk without sending!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly and watched a few people leave.

This is why Gu Shaoshang heard that Zhuge Zheng and I have not come to visit since I returned to Beijing.


Zhuge Zheng and I left Gu Shaoshang's courtyard and walked slowly.

"Uncle Shi! Have you forgotten the rules of Zizaimen? Only one person can use a martial art. You teach it to Gu Shaoshang. What about your own injuries?"

Cui Lueshang finally couldn't help it and asked.

The silent Leng Lingqi also raised his head when he heard the words and looked at Zhuge Zheng.

Da da!

Zhuge Zheng kept standing at my feet, with a faint smile on his face.

"After being blinded, my heart became clearer, and I can no longer use half of the brocade."

Cui Lueshang and the two were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, and then they were overjoyed.

No more talking, just follow silently.


"Zhuge Zheng is really not easy for me! Although his true qi was dispelled by Dongfang Invincible, it was in harmony with his mind."

Gu Shaoshang took the Half-Duanjin Cheats in his hand and strode out the door.

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that Zhuge Zheng and I are also at a delicate juncture. At most ten years, at least seven or eight years, a breakthrough can be achieved!

"Xiaoyi! Come here today!"

Gu Shaoshang looked at Zhang Yi's sweaty face and smiled slightly.

Saying that, he patted Zhang Yi's shoulder lightly with his palm, shaking vigorously.


Zhang Yi's face immediately turned red, and he only felt a numbness coming from his shoulders, and there was itching all over his body, and he couldn't help shouting.


Gu Shaoshang raised his palm, and streams of slightly gray-black liquid flowed out of Zhang Yi's pores.

It was Gu Shaoshang who, with his supreme martial arts cultivation, shook Zhang Yi's whole body with a single tap, and even penetrated deep into the bone marrow, expelling the impurities in his body and the necrotic muscle tissue caused by excessive standing. .

"Thank you brother, I'll take a shower first!"

Zhang Yi smelled the unpleasant breath on his body, and ran into the room a little embarrassed.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled and lay back in the rocking chair, his eyes half ajar, adjusting his blood in the face of the sun.


The sound of blood flowing sounded like a stream flowing.

Gu Shaoshang fell into a strange state of half asleep and half awake.

call! Suck!

With the sound of Gu Shaoshang's breathing, strands of the yang qi that roamed between the heavens and the earth poured in and out of his lumen, straight like a dantian, and then jumped up from the dantian, wandering all over the body. between.

It slowly merged with the rich blood energy in his body!

This Zhiyang True Qi was so weak that it seemed vulnerable in front of Gu Shaoshang's blood qi, and 90% of it disappeared when touched, leaving only a very small strand of pure Yang True Qi that returned to his dantian.

However, under the sunshine of the great sun, the qi of the supreme yang, which was advancing one after another, was constantly colliding with the qi of blood.

Slowly, some small changes occurred in the blood energy, the bright red blood energy gradually faded, and the impure blood energy slowly drifted out from the pores of his body.


A faint roar sounded from his body, this is the loss of his own bone marrow to start to make blood to replenish blood energy!

The path of cultivation of a life-defining warrior is to be unhurried and slow, and use various means to remove the impurities in the blood, and turn it into pure blood like colored glass.

And in this process, the martial artist's ** will grow slowly.

Even the big family in the vast continent, the proud son of the emperor, this speed can't be that fast.

And Gu Shaoshang, with his already tyrannical body, frantically absorbs the energy of the sun to polish his blood, and this speed is no slower than that of some sectarians.

However, this also has a very terrifying sequelae!

That is to eat!

The energy consumed by Gu Shaoshang every day is comparable to the consumption of an ordinary person in a year!

"Hoo! I'm hungry again!"

Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, exhaled lightly, and stood up slowly.

With the crackling sound of his muscles and bones, a cry came from a distance.

"Is Gu Shaoxia there? I'm the old man who delivered meals from Xiuyulou!"

While speaking, a fat middle-aged man in a golden robe walked into Gu Shaoshang's courtyard panting.

"Gu Shaoxia! The meal you asked for has arrived!"

The fat middle-aged man named Lao Zhang gave Gu Shaoshang a look of awe, then turned his head and shouted.

"Come up!"

Following Fatty Zhang shouted.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Hey! Hey!"

Eight strong middle-aged men walked in with two huge food boxes.

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help revealing a smile, these two food boxes were specially made for him by Xiuyulou!

boom! boom!

The food box fell to the ground, making two dull sounds.

The sweat beads of the eight warriors fell on their own, and they all looked at Gu Shaoshang panting.

His eyes looked like gods.

Before these few days, they never thought that there are people with such a big appetite in this world!

It's terrifying!

"Troublesome Manager Zhang!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled in satisfaction, took out an ingot of gold from his sleeve robe, and handed it to Fatty Zhang.

"Don't dare! Don't dare! To be able to deliver meals to Gu Shaoxia is a blessing that I have cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

Fatty Zhang quickly stepped back, the fat on his face was fluttering, and he did not dare to take care of Shaoshang's gold.

"Wan Daguan has an order! From today, Gu Shaoxia can use all the inns, restaurants and banks under his name at will!"

Fatty Zhang was sweating profusely, waved his hands again and again and refused to accept it.

"Oh! Take it!"

Gu Shao's face suddenly sank, and his aura was slightly outward.


Fatty Zhang's face changed greatly, and at a speed that could not cover his ears, he took the gold that Gu Shaoshang handed over.

"Young master, use it slowly! I'll lift the food box later!"

After he finished speaking, he ran out.

I was really frightened by Gu Shaoshang's imposing manner just ah! The villain quits! "


At this time, the eight wrestlers who were shocked by Gu Shaoshang's aura came back to their senses and left the courtyard one by one with pale faces.

call! call!

Gu Shaoshang opened the food box, and there were no other dishes in the food box, only two yak yak that had been specially cooked!

All must be full! Each one weighs 300 pounds!

And for a yak like this, Gu Shaoshang had to eat at least four a day!


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