Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 175: The power of "God"!

The next day, when the red sun rises, the roosters croak, and the smoke rises.

In a small courtyard, in a room that has not yet been brightly lit.

Gu Shaoshang, who meditated cross-legged all night, opened his eyes.


Gu Shaoshang's eyes lit up, even if he meditated all night, not only was he not tired, but he was in good spirits, and his energy was even more vigorous.

Generally speaking, if you meditate and practice qi for a long time, it will cause poor blood flow in the whole body, sore hands and feet, but Gu Shaoshang obviously does not have this concern.

During meditation, the bone marrow vibrates the whole body, which is also a way of cultivation.

Knowing the existence of the old man Chasing Dao, although Gu Shaoshang was not worried, he inevitably had a sense of urgency.

Instructing Zhang Yi on the day's practice task, Gu Shaoshang went straight to the palace.


I came to the palace with Zhuge Zheng and Gu, and Gu Shaoshang sat on a chair as usual to watch Daozang.


A book is basically just flipped through, and in just a few breaths, it is reflected in my mind, incredibly fast.


Mi Youqiao, who had just stepped into the door of the Tibetan Sutra Building, was taken aback. His first reaction was, what is Gu Shaoshang doing?

After reacting, I still don't believe that a person can read books so fast.

"Huh? That is?"

Gu Shaoshang paused and looked back at a black book in Mi Youqiao's hand, and could faintly sense a very special aura on it.

"Gu Shaoxia, this is a magical skill collected by the royal family. It is said to come from a mysterious sect in the extreme west."

Seeing that Gu Shaoshang's gaze shifted to the black book in his hand, Mi Youqiao explained two sentences and handed it to Gu Shaoshang.

"Heaven and Earth Destroy the Great Soul Searcher?"

Gu Shaoshang took the black book, which had these big characters written on the cover.

Just seeing these words, Gu Shaoshang faintly seemed to see a deep hidden magic.

"Your Majesty has said that after Gu Shaoxia defeats Dongfang Invincible, the rest of the natural royal family will be offered."

Mi Youqiao bowed slightly and exited the Sutra Building.

"This should be one of the magical arts recorded in the Great Compassion Fu Fu of the Great Compassion of Yin and Yang, which is said to be "the heaven and the earth cry, the ghosts and gods are frightened" after training."

Gu Shaoshang frowned, and he recognized the source of this secret book with a change of mind.

After slowly opening it to watch, Gu Shaoshang suddenly realized, no wonder Zhu Houzhao gave this secret book to himself so neatly, the practice of this magical art is extremely difficult.

It's not internal skills at all, or common secrets such as fist, palm and swordsmanship.

This is a spiritual practice!

Its entry requires a person to feel the existence of the ethereal spirit in the human body, which is extremely difficult. Similarly, the deep magic contained in this divine art will also affect the spirit of the practitioner, making him Twisted, reduced to magic.

It is comparable to the magic method of the three swords of the nose!

But slowly, Gu Shaoshang leaked a smile, the difficulty of practicing this secret book was almost non-existent in front of him.

He has already activated the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Although there is no systematic training and improvement, there is no doubt that his spiritual power is more than a hundred times greater than that of ordinary people.

"Not bad! Big gain!"

Gu Shaoshang himself wanted to return to the vast continent to project a projection with a subtle and mysterious skill, but at this time he unexpectedly got one.

It's enough for him to learn slowly, after all, he doesn't need to practice such magic skills, he just needs to learn from the ideas and apply it to his own power of sea-consciousness.

This Heaven and Earth Destroying Great Soul Searcher, named after the unparalleled dominance, is actually nothing more than a school that uses its own spirit to carry killing intent to attack the spirit of others.

If you encounter someone who is not as far as yourself, it is naturally a one-shot kill, but if you encounter someone who is similar to yourself, you can only slightly affect their mental state. !

"But the way to use spiritual power is really extraordinary!"

Gu Shaoshang sighed in admiration, and enlightenment suddenly rose in his heart.

He closed his eyes slightly, and the power of the sea of ​​consciousness that covered his body within three feet suddenly fluctuated.



Hundreds of cheat books were moving without wind in front of him, and they were quickly flipping around as if covering the sky and covering the sun.

It was as if hundreds of people were flipping through books at the same time, which was incredible!

Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes and concentrated, as if there were hundreds of thousands of eyes around his body watching books together, countless words scrolled quickly in front of his eyes, and every moment there were hundreds of thousands of words of Taoist Buddhist scriptures stored in his mind. If he needs it, he can use it in the back of his mind.

It was as if he had built a library in his mind. Although he couldn't integrate it, it was amazing!

The power of sea-consciousness itself is the condensed and sublimated spiritual power. This kind of power itself exists, but it is like a blindfold. Gu Shaoshang's thinking still stays in the thinking of mortals.

Therefore, Gu Shaoshang's admiration is not because he thinks that this magical art is amazing, but the ideas in it are indeed beyond ordinary people.

The well-deserved magic has made Gu Shaoshang a huge harvest. For the first time, his thinking went beyond the boundaries of mortals!

It's like, everything is different!


All the time, books that have been flipped through are put back in their original positions, and similarly, there are books he has never flipped that fly from the bookshelf to the air and flip them quickly.


The almost inaudible sound of opening the door came, Gu Shaoshang frowned, glanced slightly, and saw a girl dressed in pale yellow geese, with beautiful eyebrows, looking at him incredulously.

With a slight movement in his heart, the flipping around stopped, and the books in the air fell back onto the shelf in an orderly manner.

"Oh my God! This is it!"

Yunluo covered her mouth with her hands and looked at Gu Shaoshang's eyes, as if she had seen an immortal!

The scene just now really startled her, she forgot her purpose for coming here for a while, and just stared blankly at Gu Shaoshang.

"Are you the Princess Yunluo?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows and guessed the identity of the reckless girl in front of him. Except for her, even the concubines and even the queen in the palace would not be able to enter this library.

"Ah, ah! I... I'm Yunluo!"

Yunluo came back to her senses and answered in a tongue-tied manner.

Gu Shaoshang stopped talking, just glanced at her lightly, and got up to walk out of the scripture building.

I have already discovered the use of the power of the sea of ​​ I am not in a hurry, what I want more in my heart is to verify other ways of using the power of the sea of ​​consciousness.

For example, Feitian!

"You, you don't read books!"

Yun Luo followed Gu Shaoshang out of the Sutra Collection Building and asked.

Gu Shaoshang didn't answer. With a slight tap on his feet, the power of the sea of ​​consciousness vibrated around his body. The whole person seemed to have lost weight. With his slight jump, he rose to a height of several tens of meters!

The Sutra Building below and even the entire Forbidden City gradually became smaller, and finally seemed to become a small matchbox, until it was so small that it was invisible.


In the turbulent air current, Gu Shaoshang's eyes gleamed, and the power of the sea of ​​consciousness surging around his body seemed to have turned into countless invisible palms.

Gently stirring the airflow around, holding up Gu Shaoshang's body, it flew like a kite in the air!

"This is the power of "God"!"

Gu Shao suddenly realized in his sadness that this is not something that Li Ming and even Qi Zong can sit on!

This is one of the powers that can only be mastered in the "Concentration" realm!

In Yunluo's jaw-dropping eyes, Gu Shaoshang soared up like a Dapeng!

This is not light work! This is flying!

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