Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 188: Storyteller!

Winter has gone to spring, summer has been scorching hot, and in an instant, another year and a half has passed.

It has been more than a year since Gu Shaoshang won the first place in the world, and during this time, Gu Shaoshang's deeds have become truly famous all over the world with the spread of people scattered around the world.

However, the "killing order" issued by Gu Shaoshang did not make much progress. The Western demons have been hidden for many years, but it is not so easy to find them. For more than a year, they have only caught some small fish and shrimp.

It seems that since Gu Shaoshang issued the killing order, this secret sect has become more secretive.

But Gu Shaoshang is not in a hurry. It will take a long time to come to Japan. If you dare to calculate him, you must understand it.

He didn't believe it, he could hide a trace of it without leaking!


At noon on this day, the sun was hanging high, and in the hot weather, there were few pedestrians on the road, only the sound of cicadas resounded, one after another.

Gu Shaoshang, who was covered in a black robe, walked towards Baoding Mansion City. Behind him, two young girls, one big and one small, followed closely, one was silent and the other sighed.

"Oops! This ghost weather, master, where are we going to find little junior brother?"

Yunluo's brows and eyes were unbearably hot, and she couldn't stop complaining.

Originally, I thought that I would follow Gu Shaoshang out to play in the mountains and waters, but I would have thought that I didn't even bring a horse along the way, and walked entirely on two legs!

Rao is that she has been following Gu Shaoshang to learn martial arts for more than two years, but she is still a little overwhelmed after walking all the way.

"Quick! Quick!"

The corner of Gu Shaoshang's mouth was smiling. With his martial arts cultivation, it was natural that he would not be afraid of cold and heat, not to mention the heat. Even if he was twice as high, he would never sweat a single drop of sweat.


The three kept their feet and paid a few pennies to enter the city before entering Baoding City under the strange eyes of the city gate soldiers.

"Master, they look at you strangely! Did they recognize you?"

Yun Luo rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

"No, recognize the master, how dare they look at the master with that kind of eyes?"

Zhang Yi shook his head, holding the "Xiaolou listens to the spring rain all night" at his waist with his palm, and became somewhat alert.


The three of them walked into Baoding Mansion City and couldn't help but laugh and cry. Even Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but laugh.

I saw that on the streets of Baoding with a strong flow of people, in addition to the screams of merchants and shops, the most conspicuous are the young men in black robes covering their bodies and carrying long knives on their waists!

One by one pretending to be lofty, with an indifferent grandmaster demeanor.


Yun Luo couldn't help exclaiming, looking at Gu Shaoshang's eyes a little weird, she almost laughed out loud.


Even Zhang Yi, who has always been quiet like a little adult, was a little dumbfounded. Looking at Gu Shaoshang, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop raising.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Shaoshang looked at the hot and sweaty teenagers on the street, and smiled.

The three of them walked all the way without entering the town. I wonder if there are countless "Gu Shaoshang" all over the world at this time?

"Let's eat something first, and then I'll take you to find your little junior brother."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head, not wanting the two apprentices to be so surprised. What he had seen in his previous life was more exaggerated than these.

The weather at this time was very hot. Although there were many people on the streets of Baoding City, it was not crowded. The three slowly walked through the two streets and came to a restaurant.

The restaurant is luxuriously decorated, with six floors and a huge area. Four gilt characters "Yingbin Restaurant" hang high, and an apricot yellow wine flag is hung on each side of the door. The wine flag is painted with sorghum patterns.

Afterwards, the three walked into the restaurant lobby under the eyes of Xiao Er who were accustomed to it.


"go on!"

"Master is not bad for money!"

"Old Yutou, continue talking! There is a reward!"

As soon as I entered the door, a huge noise suddenly sounded.

Gu Shaoshang looked around and saw that in the middle of the hall on the first floor, there was a square built in one place, the size of which was no more than ten feet square.

On the stage, an old man with a slender face and a tall stature was bending over to thank him.

Dozens and hundreds of diners all around shouted and raised the copper plates in the sky, almost covering the small table!

"Thank you all for the reward! Hehe! The little old man points at this point to make a living and eat. If you like it, the old man will reward you with two small coins. If you don't like it, Quan is a fart! Don't beat him!"

The old Yutou smiled, put away the scattered copper plates on the small table, nodded and walked to the table.

In the roar of the diners, pick up the wooden board and slap the table hard!


The field suddenly quieted down, and Lao Yu smiled on the stage with his head raised and his chest raised.

"Last time, we talked about Gu Shaoshang's undefeated battle against the East, and he played "crying ghosts and gods pissing" in a style, and within a radius of ten miles, no grass would grow!"

"Okay! As expected of a fist that blows the world, he is indeed domineering!"

"Gu Wudi's name really lives up to its reputation!"

"Huh? Does Master Gu still do this trick?"

As soon as Lao Yutou made a sound, the audience suddenly applauded!

"Wow! Master! You are amazing!"

Yunluo exclaimed in mock surprise.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Shaoshang shook his head and smiled bitterly. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that the old storyteller on the stage was just an ordinary old man with loose muscles. Could he still go up and punch him?

As a human being, it is naturally impossible.

Besides, there are so many storytellers like this in the world. If they kill them one by one, wouldn't he have to do anything?

Gu Shaoshang did not say a word, sat on the empty seat, ordered some meals, and listened to the old man on the stage with a smile.

Yunluo and Zhang Yi didn't say anything when they saw Gu Shaoshang, they could only sit down with him.

I have to say that the old man on the stage is very eloquent. In a series of spittle, Gu Shaoshang has already raised his hands to shake the sky, stomped his feet and cried, becoming the strongest person ever before and never come later!

"Master! Listening to others compliment me, doesn't it feel very good!"

Yunluo looked at Gu Shaoshang's calm and composed face, and couldn't help but speak.

Secretly thinking, if someone arranges themselves like this, if they don't say anything, they will be beaten up.

"not bad!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded solemnly.

Coincidentally, the second shopkeeper came forward with wine and vegetables, and Gu Shaoshang suddenly asked, "Second brother, I don't know where Li Yuan is in Baoding Mansion?"

"Ouch! This grandfather killed the little one!"

The second shopkeeper put down the food, nodded and bowed, and said again and again: "Hi! Who doesn't know Li Yuan! That's the facade of our Baoding Mansion! The gentlemen of the Li family have five jinshi in a family, and the young master is the top spot in high school! The whole Baoding No one in the government knows!"

"Li Garden is not far from Baoding Mansion. If you leave from the South Gate, you will see a huge manor not too far away!"

The shop assistant didn't seem to have seen a customer as polite as Gu Shaoshang, and when he opened his mouth, he poured out beans in a bamboo tube and said everything he knew.

"Thank you little brother!"

Yunluo took out a piece of silver from her and put it in the tray: "You will be rewarded, accept it!"

Xiao Er repeatedly thanked and stepped back.

"Eat it!"

Gu Shaoshang spoke lightly. Although his appetite at this time was not as terrifying as when he was polishing his qi and blood, in his leisure time, dozens of strong men would not be able to eat him.

Naturally, he would not reveal such an appetite here, but only greeted the two of them to eat.

Before he left, he had already stored enough for him to consume for several months in Yuan Mang Devouring Star Records, and now he just watched the two of them eat lightly.

Not long after, the three walked out of the restaurant amid Lao Yutou's high storytelling.

Traveling from the south, out of the South Gate, and walking for a few miles under the sun, I saw a huge mountain villa located among the forested mountains.

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