Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 199: Chen Ang 1 eye!

While the red robe was in motion, a round of sword light suddenly appeared, bursting with a rolling gust of wind, shooting down from the ruins of the high platform, straddling ten feet, and slashed towards Gu Shaoshang.

boom! boom!

The sound waves rolled, and the guests around were still ignorant when they saw a round of knife light rushing straight down like a crescent moon, dodging one after another, and even two who were not in a hurry to dodge were split into pieces by the scattered knife light!

Gu Shao gave a heartfelt praise. The old guy's reaction was not unpleasant. When he saw something bad, he immediately drew his sword to face him, as if he was going to kill him and run away.

It's a pity that Gu Shaoshang's mouth leaked a trace of contempt, and when he reached out, his five fingers were like knives, stabbing straight like the bottom of a bronze bell!

Immediately he lifted it up, raised it above his head, his whole body burst out suddenly, and slammed forward!

Although Gu Shaoshang at this time did not fuse all the power of the projection, but with his power at this time, it is no less inferior to the martial artist in the later stage of his life!


As soon as Pu gave his strength, the whole bluestone floor under his feet shattered, overturned, and roared towards all directions, scaring the surrounding guests to retreat, and those close to the gate slipped away quietly.


And when Gu Shaoshang smashed the clock, the power was even more unimaginable! The rolling sound waves squeezed all the airflow in the front space, and suddenly met the knife light of Pei Hai's downward slashing!

Although it is not as fierce as his boxing, the movement is much bigger!

"Where is this perversion!"

Even Huo Wu, who was in the crowd, couldn't help but change his face. The young man was in a mess when he started. The power of this bell, even him, would be injured if he was caught off guard!

"Death to me! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Pei Hai roared, he couldn't believe that this was a move that a young man who had not yet made up his mind could make!

He almost vomited blood in his heart. If he was facing a master of the same level, he would naturally burst into blood and escape after a decisive blow, but he looked after Gu Shaoshang, who was just a boy who changed blood. think!

It seems that the harmless little white rabbit has turned into a big tiger!

In the billowing air, Pei Hai's face was grim, and the red robe was hunting, and it was too late to avoid or stimulate his blood, so he could only grit his teeth and slammed into it!


With a loud noise, the hurricane caused by the billowing air spread out around the two of them, whistling and flying the neatly arranged tables and chairs in the courtyard, and the steaming wine and vegetables fell overwhelmingly!

The ground beneath the two of them suddenly cracked, and cracks spread all over the yard!


Pei Hai's body trembled abruptly, enduring the huge shock force, his face turned blue, but he did not retreat half a step!

The subordinates suddenly exerted their strength again, and with a bang, the floor within a few meters of their feet flew upside down!

Then, in the roar of fierce energy, the whole bronze bell was forcibly split in half by him!

when! when! With two beeps, the broken copper bell flew out several feet away, smashing the rockery in the courtyard.

The guests who came and went turned pale, and were blown tightly against the walls by the howling wind. Resisting their fear, they fled against the walls one by one. After a while, Huo Wu was the only one left in the courtyard to watch.


In the dust, the long knife in Pei Hai's hand danced, and Sen Han's knife light spread out in an instant, like a sea of ​​knife light, which suddenly enveloped Gu Shaoshang!

Huo Wu frowned, his whole body tensed, and he was always ready to take action. Every young martial artist like Gu Shaoshang was a treasure of Yanwutang, and he definitely couldn't be damaged in the hands of scumbags like Pei Hai.

"Send you to heaven!"

Gu Shaoshang spoke indifferently, and the gust of air burst out like a cannonball, and the billowing air hit the overwhelming sword light!

At the same time, he took a half step forward abruptly, squeezed his fist marks, and slammed away with a punch without hesitation, and the astral gas that exploded like a cannonball all over his body separated the light of the sword that Pei Hai was waving.


As soon as Gu Shaoshang punched, the dizzy Pei Hai, who had just been shaken by the sound waves coming towards his face, changed his face greatly. Rise up!

The power of this punch is even more amazing than the bronze bell swung before, and it can't be hit hard at all!

"not good!"

Pei Hai's heart was shaken, and he put his left arm across his chest in frustration, and he was about to take Gu Shaoshang's punch.

He secretly hates in his heart, if he stimulates blood, it will definitely not be the situation in front of him!


In the sudden change of Pei Hai's complexion, a golden light appeared on Gu Shaoshang's arm, and the knife light suddenly bounced away!

In the rumbling sonic boom, Pei Hai's left arm shattered into a mass of flesh and blood, and the remaining force was unabated, hitting the top of his chest!


Pei Hai punched Gu Shaoshang in the middle, and suddenly let out a scream.

"Die together!"

Pei Hai's eyes were bloodshot, and an evil aura rose from his heart. His muscles and bones, which were broken by Gu Shao's punch, were like mud. hurt!


Gu Shaoshang was astonished, and immediately leaned back, his fist suddenly retracted to his waist, and then suddenly, he punched again!


With bloodshot eyes, Pei Hai's body suddenly froze, and he was punched by Gu Shaoshang and flew out ten meters away.

boom! With a bang, the wall was hit by him, and the dense cracks split open!

"Ah! Ah! I'm not reconciled! Why!"

Pei Hai, who fell from the wall and fell to the ground with a thud, was not dead yet. He struggled to stand up, screaming, and there were no eyeballs in his pupils! It was shocked by Gu Shaoshang's punch, and I don't know where it fell!

"I didn't expect that you actually practiced evil arts! You are no longer a ghost!"

Huo Wu, who was watching quietly, frowned, seeing that white brains were already flowing out of Pei Hai's seven orifices, and he could still speak, so he couldn't help but speak coldly.

"Haha! Unexpectedly, you actually..."

Hearing this, Pei Hai smiled grimly, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by Gu Shaoshang!

"Too much nonsense!"

Gu Shaoshang suddenly bent over, stepped, and punched!

Boom! Amidst the loud noise, the ground within a few meters of Gu Shaoshang's feet suddenly sank by more than a foot, and he stepped in front of Pei Hai amid the tearing sound of a ghost crying and wolf howling.

Pressing one hand on the waist, holding the other hand above the head, the five fingers suddenly folded together, and a "non-stop" burst suddenly, the air below the fist mark suddenly burst open, spreading like a wave!


Before Pei Hai finished speaking, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

Then, the entire head suddenly burst open! With a thud, the headless corpse fell to the ground.

"Will you get up again and let me see?"

Gu Shaoshang smiled indifferently, turned and walked towards Huo Wu, who was dumbfounded.

"you you!"

Huo Wu opened his mouth and looked at Gu Shaoshang, as if he had seen a monster, stuttering for a long time and being speechless.

Gu Shaoshang looked at the young man in the gray robe in front of him and smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, my head exploded, please be a witness."


Huo Wu looked at the smiling young man in front of him, speechless.


The sun slanted westward, and at dusk, Gu Shaoshang and Huo Wu rode out of Baita Town on Jiaojiao horses and slowly walked towards Jinyan City.

Da da! Da da!

In the crisp sound of horses' hoofs, Gu Shaoshang looked at Huo Wu with a gloomy face and said, "What? Not very good?"

"It's a little troublesome. Pei Hai is practicing an evil art of the "Shen Rijiao". He cultivates with the blood of children and virgins. It is extremely vicious and cruel."

Huo Wu frowned, feeling gloomy.

About Shenri Sect, Gu Shaoshang did know one thing. This is a sect of evil that has been in existence for thousands of years. Twenty years ago, he was trampled through the mountain gate by the current governor, and then the surviving masters went into exile everywhere.

These masters understand that it is difficult to compete with the Yanwutang, and they are afraid of the governor. Most of them hide behind the scenes, but they spread the secret methods of the teachings all over the world!

These evil powers are powerful and the progress is fast. Even if the Yanwutang has been confiscated many times, they are still prohibited.

"But I don't know how many people in Youzhou at this time, and even in the world, are cultivating this evil art!"

Huo Wu sighed, even if Yanwutang monitors the world, how many people are secretly cultivating evil arts? Just thinking about it, Huo Wu had a headache.

"It's useless to think too much, you can only see one and kill one!"

Gu Shaoshang's face was as usual, knowing that it was useless to think too much.

"This matter can be big or small, let's report it to the hall master quickly!"

Huo Wu grabbed the horse's belly, and the horse neighed and galloped.


Gu Shaoshang drove a horse to keep up.


Afterwards, the two hurried to Jinyan Mansion. Even though Gu Shaoshang killed a few targets on the mission file on the way, it took a little time, but at noon five days later, the two still came to Jinyan Mansion Yanwu Branch Hall. .

"Brother Gu, you are here later, I will report to the hall master!"

The two came to a hall, Huo Wu hurriedly said, and walked out of the hall with the heads of the targets killed by Gu Shaoshang.

"Brother Huo just go!"

Walking out of Gu Shaoshang, sitting on a chair, he carefully looked at the furnishings in the hall, and waved his hand upon hearing this.

This hall is extremely spacious, with a distance of at least 20 feet between the front and the back. Gu Shaoshang looked at it carefully. Apart from hundreds of chairs, there was only the front of the hall. huge portrait.

On the portrait, there is a young man in a green shirt. His face is nothing but ordinary, but upon closer inspection, there is a soul-stirring power.

At that moment, Gu Shaoshang's heart was suddenly startled, only to feel that the young man in the portrait revealed a sense of indifference and ruthlessness, with Gu Shaoshang's temperament, he couldn't help but feel cold all over. .

There is a trembling feeling like a forest abyss!

"That painting is the portrait of Chen Ang, the governor of our Yanwu Hall!"

At this time, a faint voice awakened Gu Shaoshang, sweating all over his body. Looking back, the sky was already dark!

What I thought of as a glance was actually at least five or six hours!

Terrible! Dreadful!

Gu Shaoshang took a deep breath, looked at the portrait again, and found that everything was as usual, as if what happened before was an illusion!

But Gu Shao was sad to understand that just now, there was indeed a great existence, and he glanced at himself from the air!

(End of this chapter) *fo*

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