Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 208: Headbutt!

Breakthrough flight!

The flesh breaks the sound barrier!

Everyone who witnessed this scene was heartbroken.

This monk is not only a master in the Qi Zong realm, but his body is even more terrifyingly powerful!

Although the Qi Zong realm can fly in the air for a short time, even if it is a powerhouse at the peak of Qi Zong, it can never break the sound barrier.

Even before Gu Shaoshang took his life, he could only break the sound barrier for a short period of time during the fight. It was impossible for him to directly break the sound barrier and fly like this monk!

Just like Gu Shaoshang's previous life, some athletes can run within ten seconds within 100 meters, but if he is allowed to run 10,000 meters at this speed, who can do it?

Gu Shaoshang's pupils shrank, and he secretly thought that even after activating the ancient sacred body, he might not be as relaxed and casual as this monk!

"Kun Xiang of Hanging Temple!"

"The Four Great Suns!"

"Qizong powerhouse! What did he come to take care of?"

Li Fengyan was shocked at first, then he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, mockingly looked at Gu Shaoshang's uncle and nephew, and sneered again and again.

Although I don't know what happened to Prime Minister Kun, it is obvious that a big man like this is coming in person. Obviously, it will not be a trivial matter. Maybe you don't need to do it yourself. The two uncles and nephews will die in Huangquan!

"Kun Xiang of Hanging Temple?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows and looked around.

I saw a fat monk walking out of the dust. The monk stepped on mans shoes, and was dressed in a moon-white monk robe. He was less than seven feet tall, with a wide body and a big belly.

Although the distance is thirty or forty feet, Gu Shaoshang can still feel the mood of this monk, that the diamond is not bad, and that I am immortal.

"Why is the monk here?"

Gu Shaoshang pressed the open mouth with one hand and took care, stepped out, and asked lightly.

Before he came, he had expected that it might be a visitor from the Hanging Temple. Although he never imagined that it would be the so-called Four Great Suns, which has been famous for a long time, he had no intention at all.

"Don't hurt!"

After taking into account the shock, he was about to break free, but found that although Gu Shaoshang's hand was only lightly placed on his shoulder, it was like a mountain pressing down, making him unable to move at all, and the horror in his heart was unimaginable.

"The monk is here for the golden bell jar of the god-level secret book that has been stolen from my temple for more than ten years!"

Kun Xiang stopped, put one palm on his chest, and said with a smile: "After years of investigation by my temple, this scripture finally fell into the hands of the Youzhou Tiger Roar Army."

Kun Xiang's eyes were black and white, and there was a faint golden light covering his face, and his whole person seemed to have a solemn taste of treasure.

"Master, this person is caring!"

Li Fengyan suddenly took a step forward and pointed at Gu Xiang with a smile.

Dayan's reputation of the four scorching suns, even a **** like him has long heard of it. He was thinking about how to climb up the relationship. When he saw Kun Xiang opening his mouth, although he was horrified and considered that he was actually carrying a god-level secret book, he still pointed out.

"Is the golden bell hood a thing of the Hanging Temple?"

Taking into account for a moment, then looked at Gu Shaoshang.

When he mentioned Hanging Temple before, did he know that he was wearing a golden bell jar?

Taking into account the doubts in his heart, since he obtained this magical art, he has never spoken to anyone, but somehow, he seems to know it all.

"Yes, the golden bell is in the hands of my third uncle, but what are you going to do, monk?"

Gu Shaoshang asked again.

"Naturally, the secret book is taken back, people, gradually become monks, and enter my Hanging Temple."

Kun Xiang spoke calmly.

"I'm afraid it won't work! My third uncle has yet to marry and have children, how can he become a monk?"

Gu Shaoshang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this monk to be so kind and not murderous as he imagined, but he just waved his hand and refused.

"I said yes, of course!"

Kun Xiang smiled slightly, his feet did not move, and the palm standing on his chest looked forward, and the air suddenly cracked a gap under this palm!

Immediately, in the tumbling air that rose like a wave, his body suddenly stepped out with this palm, and in the sound of thunderous sounds, he stepped out thirty feet in one step, and reached for Gu Gu! ..

To the naked eye, the air within a few meters of his body seemed to have turned into water in an instant!


Gu Shaoshang's eyelids twitched. Unexpectedly, the monk said that he would do it, and his arm suddenly swung, pushing Gu Wei, who was behind him, more than ten meters away.

Immediately, the whole body erupted vigorously, and the loess ground beneath the feet suddenly raised a curtain that was several meters high. The arm was raised, straight forward, and the five fingers were pinched into a fist mark to meet Kun Xiang's palm!


There was a breath of surprise in Kun Xiang's mouth, but it was only for a moment, the golden light all over his body was released, and the palm of his hand instantly turned golden.

The air retreated in unison under his palm, and the sound of the air tearing was like a cannonball, facing Gu Shaoshang's straight punch.

Before the two had real contact, they collided violently, and a dull roar sounded!

The people around who witnessed this scene, whether it was Gu Jian or Li Fengyan's group, or even the barracks soldiers who noticed this battle from a distance, were all shocked and unimaginable!


The huge roar sounded like countless thunderbolts bursting at the same time, and the rolling thunder sounded for miles around.

The place where the two fought was more like a gigantic hurricane, sweeping the countless yellow soil within a dozen feet under their feet, and the broken stones rose into the sky like a giant dragon of earth and stone.


Gu Shaoshang's body trembled slightly, but his expression was as usual, and his feet seemed to be rooting for half a step, and he raised his fist again to strike!


A trace of golden blood rose lightly from Gu Shaoxin's body, and then an unimaginable huge force erupted.


Kun Xiang made a faint voice, the golden light on his body was slightly withdrawn, and the whole person's skin turned into a simple pale golden color. Facing Gu Shaoshang's oncoming punch, he did not dodge, do not avoid or accept, and squeezed a fist mark in his palm. It slammed into Gu Shaoshang's chest!

It is the "Sumi Great King Kong Fist Power" among the six god-level secrets of Xuankong Temple!

At this time, in the hands of Kun Xiang, it is even more powerful!

Just pinching the fist mark made Gu Shao jump wildly in sadness. It only felt as if a sacred mountain was attacking his chest. Before the fist mark came, Ling Lie's fist style had already tore his black robe apart!


Gu Shaoshang suddenly exhaled, and the billowing sound hit Kun Xiang in the face, and then the fist that hit Kun Xiang in the face suddenly slashed down, his five fingers spread, and he grabbed the fist mark of Kun Xiang!


Gu Shaoshang's complexion suddenly changed, and he only felt like a giant dragon roaring and transpiring in his palm, and he couldn't suppress it even with his enormous He couldn't stand on his feet. The monk's arm was picked up, and it was picked up in the air!


Kun Xiang's large pair of thick ears suddenly lifted up, covering his ears like two bush fans!

Then, in the rolling sound waves, the bald head flashing with bright divine light whistled and hit Gu Shaoshang's head!


He even used a headbutt!

Gu Shaoshang didn't think of it for a while, but when he saw the headbutt of the monk slamming into him, he couldn't help shouting: "Good monk! What a bald donkey!"

As Gu Shaoshang roared, suddenly, the golden blood energy like a tsunami suddenly turned into a rolling giant dragon and wrapped around him. At the same time, a faint golden light emerged from his body. Golden Bell Jar!

Then, in a burst of sonic boom, the same headbutt hit!


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