Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 212: Assassination!

Gu Jiu, who had taken three Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom, recovered from his old wounds, but his bones were still extremely weak.

In the next half month, Gu Shaoshang found the divine spring water that Ye Fan had dropped, and added some herbs to restore his body, but within half a month, his skinny body had returned to normal, and even a thin layer of hair grew on his head. hair.

Kun Xiang meditated and practiced Qi every day, as if he was not in a hurry, but Gu Shaoshang also knew that half a month was the limit.

Da da! Da da!

The sky was just bright, and under the watchful eyes of Gu Yu, Gu Jiu and others, Gu Shaoshang and the others straddled the horses. Behind him, Kun Xiang stretched out his sleeves and walked on foot.

"The journey to the Hanging Temple is long, and you cannot return for several years."

Gu Shaoshang walked across the horse and suddenly said.

The faint voice drifted away, condensed into Kun Xiang's ears: "So now I am going to solve the troubles!"

After speaking, without waiting for Kun Xiang to answer, he jumped up, tapped the horse's back under his feet, and disappeared into the sight of the two of them with a few ups and downs.

"Junior brother, hurry up and return! Jinyan Mansion is 6,300 miles away, and senior brother is waiting at Yunjian Mountain."

Kun Xiang was not surprised, he stepped on the Jiao horse that Gu Shaoshang was riding, and smiled slightly.


As soon as Kun Xiang stepped onto the Jiaoma, the Jiaoma couldn't help neighing. The Jiaoma, which was claimed to be able to carry ten thousand jins on its back, became weak and almost fell to the ground.

"Master is really good!"

Taking into account the twitching of his eyelids, he exclaimed sincerely.

He secretly thought in his heart that this monk would not ride a jiao horse all the way. In fact, even a jiao horse could not bear his weight.

This fat monk is not only fat, but also heavy, its weight is incomparable!

When caught off guard, he almost overwhelmed the Jiaoma, and his body weighed at least a thousand catties!


call! call!

With the wind whistling, Gu Shaoshang walked on the official road and released the extremely depressed young bird.


The little guy seemed to be suffocating in Gu Shaoshang's sleeves, and broke out with two chirps.

Gu Shaoshang didn't care about it, although his anger was still small, but under the irrigation of his dew, it became more and more miraculous. Not only was the speed extremely fast, but his muscles and bones were strong, and he would not encounter any danger.

"I won't be returning to Jinyan Mansion in a short time. Li Gangtian must be dealt with first!"

Gu Shaoshang rushed forward amidst the whistling of the wind.

Then Li Gang, Tian Canthus, must report. He is not only a strong Qi Zong, but also one of the four commanders of the Tiger Roar Army. If he takes advantage of Gu Shaoshang to leave Youzhou, he will attack Gu Jiazhuang, then he will regret it too late!

Get started first! After the start suffered!

Gu Shaoshang didn't have the habit of waiting for others to take revenge!

Now that you have a revenge, even if you have no idea of ​​revenge, cut the weeds and root them!


Gu Shaoshang walked quickly amidst the whistling of the wind.

Although he was able to fly at this time, he still moved fast close to the ground, only using the ability to fly as a trump card.


Ten miles outside the city of Jinyan City, there is a good place next to mountains and rivers.

A slender middle-aged man stood on the arm, not far in front of him, were two tomb mounds covering an area of ​​several meters, one old and one new.

This person is impressively the father of Li Fengyan who was killed by Prime Minister Kun, one of the four commanders of the Tiger Roar Army in Youzhou, the powerhouse of Qi Zong, Li Gangtian!

In the tomb, buried are his two sons.


He took two steps forward in silence, and stroked the stone tablet of the new tomb with his palm: "Feng'er, father will not let you die in vain! Whether it is the Hanging Temple or the consideration, I will give you your life!"

He raised his head abruptly with a grim expression on his face: "I can't afford to offend the Hanging Temple for the time being, but, take it into consideration!"

"I want your whole family to die!"


Heart-piercing screams sounded from the jungle, which contained endless murderous intent and anger!


Frightened birds and beasts soared into the sky.


The night falls, and the stars in the sky are swaying and casting the stars in the sky. Tonight, the moon is dim, and the night wind is whistling, and the clouds are obscuring.

Outside the Jinyan City, outside the Tiger Roar Army's garrison, Gu Shaoshang wrapped his arms around his chest, his eyes hidden in the dark.

The Tiger Roar Army is a garrison in Youzhou. There are many masters in it, and there are no few strong Qi sects. The four commanders are even more powerful in the Qi sect.

Even the strong Qi Zong dare not trespass, Gu Shaoshang thought to himself that if he forcibly entered, it would not be difficult to retreat, but if he wanted to kill Li Gangtian, it would be impossible.

What's more, attacking the barracks is a crime against Dayan's death, and if he accidentally becomes a wanted man in the martial arts hall, the fun will be great!

In the martial arts hall, the shock of the Grand Governor was still there, and Gu Shaoshang naturally wouldn't bet that the Grand Governor would not take action.

"This Li Gangtian is too careful. After his son's death, he rarely steps out of the military camp. I have no chance to wait for several days again."

Gu Shaoshang frowned, looking at the Tiger Roar Barracks illuminated by the dots of torches.

It was already the tenth day that Gu Shaoshang came here. Gu Shaoshang waited outside the military camp every day, always looking for opportunities.

"Huh? Here it is!"

Gu Shaoshang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, only to see, in the direction of Jinyan City, a tall officer walking slowly, full of alcohol and hazy eyes.

Gu Shaoshang naturally didn't get anything for many days. He knew that although the Tiger Roar Army was strictly forbidden to enter for the first time, some high-level generals would still go out to the city to find fun on one day of the month.

On this point, even the major commanders of Youzhou turned a blind eye.


Gu Shaoshang walked silently under his with the wind.


He raised his five fingers and tapped the drunken-eyed officer on the back of the head to block his blood. Before the officer could react, he was pointed by Gu Shaoshang and passed out.


Gu Shao injured his five fingers and stripped them off a few times. His body moved, his body was tall, his body appearance, and even his body odor suddenly changed, almost exactly the same as this officer!

Then he put on the clothes full of alcohol and staggered to the military camp.

It was because of the ability to manipulate bones and muscles with his inner fist, plus the disguise technique he acquired from the world of Daming Jianghu, he changed into that officer.

"Damn it!"

Gu Shaoshang swayed his steps, smelled of alcohol, and walked to the barracks cursingly.

"Oh! It's Mr. Li!"

The soldier on duty was about to step forward to interrogate him when he heard a scolding voice, he couldn't help shrinking, sneered twice, opened the block, and put Gu Shaoshang in.

When an officer goes out, it is an unformed rule. At this time, seeing that he is drunk, he has to be beaten when he comes forward. The guards are all veterans.

"I have money! Dare to look down on me! Kill you!"

Gu Shao swears in his mouth and walks in swaggeringly.

Gu Shaoshang had already thought about the distribution in the barracks, so he pretended to be drunk and went to the southwest corner.

After a while, after escaping a few checks, he came to a spacious hall far away.

Through the soldiers on duty, Gu Shaoshang saw that on the window, a shadow was faintly reflected in the light of the torches.

Coming here, Gu Shaoshang's identity is naturally unusable, and immediately jumped forward and fell heavily to the ground!



A team of soldiers on duty immediately shouted and asked, the sword was unsheathed!

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