Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Xiao Mei Niang!

After the capture of Nanchen, Da Sui's own follow-up troops came to receive it. Gu Shaoshang stayed in Chendu for half a month, and then brought Chen Shubao and his queen back to the court.

The generals He Ruobi and Han captured Hutou opened the way, Gu Shaoshang sat in the middle of the army, and marched towards Daxing, the capital of Sui, that is, Chang'an.

In the past half month, Gu Shaoshang became more and more comfortable with Yang Guang's identity. Even if there were occasional inconsistencies, no one would think that Yang Guang was pretending.

The army set out and stretched for dozens of miles. Gu Shaoshang sat upright in a carriage among the army, thinking carefully about the road ahead.


Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on the carriage, his eyes were slightly closed, and the slight sound of breathing caused a faint air to swirl in the carriage.

Replacing Yang Guang was just an idea of ​​Gu Shaoshang before. Gu Shaoshang didn't plan to pretend to be Yang Guang all the time, but now his thoughts have changed. No matter how future generations evaluate Yang Guang, at least his achievements in life are indelible. .

Therefore, Gu Shaoshang is now thinking about the convenience and trouble that Yang Guang's identity can bring him.

Tread! Tread!

The sound of hoofs sounded.

"Yuwentuo, please see His Royal Highness King Jin!"

Yuwen Tuo's voice sounded outside the carriage.

"come in!"

Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, a little surprised, not knowing why Yuwen Tuo came.


The front curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Yu Wentuo, who was dressed in golden armor, stepped into the carriage.

"I have seen Your Highness!"

Yuwen Tuo knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

"Get up."

Gu Shaoshang looked pale, glanced at Yu Wentuo, and said, "Why are you looking for King Gu?"

"I beg Your Highness to rescue my mother from Yang Su's hands!"

Yuwen Tuo hesitated for a moment, but still said.

He is extremely sensitive, and since the last time Gu Shaoshang arranged for him to visit the city, he felt that this His Royal Highness might be the best chance for him to save his mother!

He struggled many times in the past ten days, but in the end he couldn't hold it any longer and came to see Gu Shaoshang.


Gu Shaoshang was really a little surprised. This world is not the world of Tianzhi marks, and Yuwentuo is the prince of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Even after Yang Jian won the kingdom, he did not kill them all, but treated each other well.

Why would Yang Su dare to imprison Yuwen Tuo's mother? Is there Yang Jian's advice? Or make up your own mind? Does Yang Guang know?

Gu Shaoshang doesn't know anything about these things, so naturally he won't foolishly agree, but he doesn't refuse, instead he let Yuwentuo sit down and said lightly: "Yang Taishi is the pillar of the Great Sui Dynasty, and the solitary king may not be able to save you. mother."

"Your Highness!"

Seeing that Gu Shaoshang did not refuse, Yuwen Tuo was very excited and said with trembling all over his body: "If His Highness can rescue my mother, Yuwen Tuo will repay His Highness's great kindness too!"

Later, Gu Shaoshang learned a lot of information about Jianghu Chaotang and Yang Guang himself from Yuwen Tuo.

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. You should step back and think about it."

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Yuwen Tuo restrained his excitement and bowed to say goodbye.

"Yuwentuo, Yang Su..."

Gu Shaoshang's mouth moved slightly, and then he fell into peace.


In the spring of the ninth year of the Founding Emperor, the army of exterminating Chen arrived outside Daxing City. Countless people of the Sui Dynasty joined the road to welcome them.

To celebrate centuries of unification!

Emperor Yang Jian, accompanied by hundreds of civil and military officials, went out of the city ten miles to greet him, and his momentum was the most powerful in the founding of the Sui Dynasty!

The fame of King Yang Guang of Jin suddenly became so high that he even surpassed his brother Yang Yong, the prince of the current dynasty.


After returning to Daxing, Yang Jian lavishly awarded rewards and feasted his ministers.

There are a lot of things to come, and it will be a few days after everything is over.

Gu Shaoshang only returned to Jin Wangfu. At this time, Gu Shaoshang ushered in. He pretended to be Yang Guang's first difficulty.

The future Empress Xiao, the current Princess Jin, Xiao Meiniang!

Gu Shaoshang suddenly had a big head, and only then did he learn that at this time, Yang Guang not only had a concubine, but also two sons and a daughter. He replaced Yang Guang and actually had a wife and children!

When the carriage came to the outside of King Jin's mansion, Shao Gu turned his heart and thought, but his face showed no signs of timidity. He stepped on the servant and got off the carriage. From a distance, he saw the people in the mansion of King Jin who came to greet him. In front of them was a man The beautiful woman must be Xiao Mei Niang.

Gu Shaoshang knew that Yang Guang's Princess Jin was really a rare beauty in the world. In her life, she had been in the hands of many emperors. Even if the later generations were over half a hundred years old, they all fascinated Li Shimin, who was in his prime!


Gu Shaoshang got off the carriage, and under the crowd of everyone, he walked slowly towards the Jin Wangfu.

"My husband is back victorious, and the beautiful lady is overjoyed!"

Xiao Meiniang came forward, and Yingying bowed, her eyes twirling, and her eyes were full of amorous feelings.

Gu Shaoshang took a look and saw that this Xiao Meiniang was born with a beautiful appearance, her skin exuded a jade-like luster, her oval face was even more attractive, and her body was exquisitely curvy. Under the plain yellow brocade skirt, she had an infinitely charming body. looming.

Apparently it's been well-dressed, and it's gorgeous!

"Ha ha!"

Gu Shaoshang didn't speak, instead he laughed, stepped forward to help Xiao Meiniang up, and started with cold and smooth hands.

"Why do you need to be more polite, Mei Niang, go back to the manor!"

Gu Shaoshang turned his eyes, did not look at Xiao Meiniang, put on his robes, and strode into Jin Wangfu.

Suddenly there was such a charming and charming Princess Jin, and Gu Shaoshang expressed that he was under great pressure.

He pretended to be Yang Guang, and he was definitely not here to steal someone's wife.

Xiao Meiniang frowned. When she returned from the expedition in previous years, Yang Guang would pick herself up impatiently, laugh and go straight to the bedroom. Why is it so abnormal now?

But she didn't think much about it, she only thought that Yang Guang was too excited for this victory, and the lotus moved lightly, following Gu Shaoshang's footsteps towards Jin Wangfu.

In the palace of the King of Jin, the lights are bright, and in the hall, all kinds of delicacies are placed, and the wine is mellow and fragrant.

"Husband, please drink this cup full!"

Xiao Meiniang sat in front of Gu Shaoshang, picked up the wine glass, and said with a smile.


Gu Shaoshang took a sip of the wine in the Husband is going to Nanchen. Have you ever met Chen Shubao's beloved concubine, Zhang Lihua? I heard that it is beautiful and moving, but it is absolutely stunning in the world. "

Xiao Meiniang took a light sip, a bright red flashed across her fair face, and seemed to ask casually.

She had some doubts in her heart, whether Yang Guang took in Zhang Lihua on the way to attack Chen, that she would be so indifferent to herself.

"I have never seen Chen Shubao in the palace and stabbed him to death with a sword!"

Gu Shaoshang didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Meiniang's words, and shouted trouble in his heart.

Xiao Meiniang nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Even though Gu Shaoshang deliberately slowed down, the banquet was withdrawn after an hour.

"Husband, it's getting late, let's rest early!"

Xiao Meiniang's brows flowed and she smiled lightly, her jade-like wrist resting on Gu Shaoshang's shoulder.

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