Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 229: defeat!


In the faint sound of the knife, the light of the knife flowed out like the moonlight, but Gu Shaoshang's Ling Lie fist wind slipped away under the light of the knife.


The moment the long knife was unsheathed, the rolling air around it was cut off by the rising knife light, and it silently but swiftly went straight to Gu Shaoshang's tyrannical punch.

Song Que's complexion was condensed and indifferent like ice, and his figure disappeared behind the light of the sword.

"Good swordsmanship!"

In the sound of the blasting gust of wind, Shao Gu saw this knife and praised it in his heart.

His own swordsmanship is not weak, and he naturally sees the horror of Song Que's sword. It is like the moon hanging high in the sky, the reflection in the water, and the water is still flowing when the moon is gone. Even under his fist, the light of the sword is overflowing. Flow!


Gu Shao was deeply impressed, the blood energy around his body rose up, and the mighty fist intent hit Song Que with a tyrannical knife under the dragon-like blood energy!


In the rolling air waves swept by the hurricane, a huge symphony of gold and iron resounded for several miles, and the scattered sword light fist wind split the surrounding earth into deep ravines!

Song Que's eyes lit up with fighting intent, his body suddenly trembled, the long knife in his hand flipped over, and he waved out a sea of ​​sword light that enveloped Gu Shaoshang.

"Not bad!"

Gu Shaoshang's expression did not change, and with a word of admiration, he jumped up and punched!

When Song Que's sword technique is used, it is like an immortal riding the wind, clouds and clouds, and the mood is infinite and exquisite.

But Gu Shaoshang did not retreat, he threw his fists hard, faced the knife light, squeezed his fist marks, and bombarded with unparalleled ferocity!

Boom boom boom!

In a series of violent explosions, the ground under the two of them was in a mess, and the trees within a few dozen feet of the body were even collapsed and fell down, and even shattered into branches and leaves flying all over the sky!

In a short period of time, the two fought over a hundred moves. Gu Shaoshang couldn't help frowning, shouting in a loud voice, pulling up the golden blood in the sky and colliding with Song Que!


Amidst the flying dirt and dust, Song Que's expression fluctuated, and his body shot back like an arrow from a distance of ten meters, leaving a long trace on the ground!

"Good boxing! What a mighty force!"

Song Que's eyes lit up, and under his flying black hair, his handsome face that was cut with a knife and axe was full of fighting intent.

Song Que swung his body and unloaded Gu Shaoshang's fist power. With a bang, a huge gap opened under his feet, and the dust and gravel roared in all directions like hidden weapons!


A little under Song Que's feet, in the whistling, the rolling infuriating burst, the body whistling and soaring into the air, the narcissus knife in the palm of the hand straight up, a high-quality knife like the bright moon hanging high up into the sky dozens of meters, piercing the sky, Split the air!


In the gust of wind, Gu Shaoshang flicked his arm, forcing Song Que's saber energy out of his body, his fighting spirit was high, and his eyes were hot!

"What a Song Que!"

Gu Shaoshang sighed in admiration, the fist on his hand split a faint gap, and a white trace was drawn on the back of Gu Shaoshang's hand!

Song Que's infuriating energy is not strong, he is more than one step worse than Yang Su's, and his physique is far inferior to himself, but with one sword in his hand, the tyrannical sword intent in the world is enough to make up for all the deficiencies!


Song Que didn't say a word, he swung his body in the air, and the tyrannical saber intent swayed, a knife in the air, split the sky, tore the air, and slashed at Gu Shaoshang!

In the sound of the clanging knife, a gap was visible to the naked eye in the sky, and the air was suddenly divided into two!

tear it up!

Gu Shaoshang stepped on the ground, and seeing Song Que slashed down with a knife in the air, at a distance of more than ten meters, Ling Lie's knife qi tore apart Gu Shaoshang's black robe, and pulled out a string on top of his tyrannical body. Dao white seal!

"This is Song Que's Nine Techniques of the Heavenly Sword? Or the Nine Techniques of Heavenly Questions?"

Under the overwhelming sword qi, Gu Shao stood upright, his thoughts turned, and the ancient golden light flashed under his skin.


With a loud bang, Gu Shaoshang suddenly exerted strength under his feet, the earth seemed to vibrate violently, and endless golden blood energy erupted around him, like a golden dragon roaring silently in the sky!


Gu Shaoshang rose into the sky, facing Song Que's sword energy that was enough to cut gold and jade, and charged straight up!

clap clap!

His five fingers suddenly folded together, and the air was squeezed open by him as if it were in essence. The golden blood energy gathered from his whole body to his arm, and he banged out in a continuous manner to meet Song Que's slashing celestial sword!


Seeing Gu Shaoshang facing the knife qi, the bare skin couldn't even break the knife qi, his heart skipped a beat, and his face changed color for the first time!

In the past, a master like Yang Su had his arrogant infuriating qi ripped apart by his sword qi, and he was forced to retreat by his sword while taking care of one thing and the other. This young man's muscles and bones were so strong!


Before he had time to think, the Narcissus Saber in Song Que's hand suddenly turned, and the overwhelming blade Qi suddenly condensed, reduced into a tyrannical blade Intent, and slashed down!



In the sound of gold and iron clashing, the narcissus knife in Song Que's hand slashed above Gu Shaoshang's fist Suddenly, there was a huge sound like slashing a copper bell!

Afterwards, Gu Shaoshang's left palm lifted up and met Song Que, whose complexion changed drastically!


Song Que's figure flew out, staggering almost to the ground.


Song Que couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood, stabbed the ground with a single knife, his left arm drooped by his side, and was shocked by Gu Shaoshang's palm!

With a click, Gu Shaoshang landed on the ground. On his body, he stretched from the back of his hand to his shoulder, and pulled out a huge knife wound several feet long. The flesh and blood fluttered out of the jade-like bones!

"What's your name!"

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but ask, with his muscles and bones, and the power of the golden bell hood, he was actually cut by Song Que with a knife!

But to him, this injury is nothing, the huge stab wound is growing rapidly at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye, and before his words landed, it was already half healed!

"Heavenly Saber Art, the first form, the upper and lower are not formed, why test it?"

Song Que raised his head pale, glanced at Gu Shaoshang, and said lightly.

Even if he was defeated by Gu Shaoshang's hands, his bearing was not diminished, and his fighting spirit was even higher!

"Heavenly Sword Art! Since there is the first style, there must be other styles?"

Gu Shao was relieved. At this time, Song Que had not yet created a complete Heavenly Sabre Eight Finals, let alone created the Heavenly Saber's ninth form, which was enough to kill the great master.

"Although there are still two styles, they are not as good as this first style!"

A trace of bitterness flashed across Song Que's face. He never imagined that even the sword technique that Yang Su had to evade would be broken by the young man in front of him!

"You do it!"

Song Que stood tall, raised the narcissus knife in his palm, and spoke lightly.

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