Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 238: Direct line!

Seeing Jiaxiang leave, Yang Jian sighed slightly.

A monk who does not produce, does not pay taxes, and prays to the Buddha all day long is a cancer.

He originally wanted to pretend to appease, slowly reduce the monk's ultimatum, and suppress Buddhism. At this time, he opened this hole, and things will be troublesome after that.

Although he is noble as the emperor, he has troubles one by one, one by one.

After the Great Sui Dynasty, the aristocratic clan was extremely powerful, and all the civil and military officials were members of the clan.

In the rivers and lakes, the power of Buddhism and Demons is particularly huge. Yang Jian filters his worries every day and can't sleep at night.

The matter of Prince Yang Yong gave him another heavy blow, and in a short period of time he seemed to have aged ten years.


Yang Jian's eyes flashed, and he issued a decree to summon Yang Su, Yu Wenshang and other old officials into the palace.


As soon as monk Jiaxiang left, Gu Shaoshang and Yuwentuo returned to the backyard together.

Jin Wangfu occupies a huge area. Behind the backyard of the mansion, there are rows of houses for the servants to guard the gatekeepers.

And more than 900 children adopted by Gu Shaoshang live here.


Gu Shaoshang walked to the huge open space for martial arts practice in the backyard, where more than 900 children were practicing their fists and feet in the middle of the field.

"The boxing technique taught by His Royal Highness is really the first-class foundation-building boxing technique in the world. In addition to the medicinal soup meal prepared by His Royal Highness, the progress of this group of young people is really fast."

Yuwen Tuo was a little surprised.

This group of teenagers has only been practicing martial arts for a year, but in his opinion, they already have some skills, and the strong men who are not familiar with martial arts will not be the opponents of this group of teenagers.

"This set of Tiger Demon Bone Fist can temper the bones, condense the marrow, and make the bones like fine steel. In addition, I use the medicinal soup to cleanse their skin, three years is enough for them to lay a foundation."

Gu Shaoshang glanced at the more than 900 teenagers and girls in the field.

These children either lost their parents or lost their father.

However, they are very precocious and sensible, and they understand what a great opportunity it is for them to practice martial arts in a carefree manner.

Gu Shaoshang’s 20,000 random projections before, harvested countless secret book items, and Tiger Demon Bone Fist and the medicinal soup prepared by him are one of them.

"My subordinates have also practiced this boxing technique, and within a year, I found that my muscles and bones are much stronger. It's really a superb skill!"

Yuwen Tuo was amazed.

"It is of course very useful for you to learn this skill. Although the Xuanyuan Sword is a divine weapon, after all, the cost of using it is too high. Your strength is not enough, and it even affects your lifespan!"

Gu Shaoshang looked at the sweating teenagers and turned around in his arms. In fact, he took out a secret book from Jiuding and handed it to Yuwen Tuo.

"This is?"

Yuwen Tuo was stunned and took the secret book handed by Gu Shaoshang: "Dragon Elephant Bo Ruo Gong?"

"This is a martial art of esoteric sect. The practice is three rounds and six meridians. It does not conflict with the family practice of the imperial envoy Xuanyuanjian that you have learned. You can practice both."

Gu Shaoshang said lightly: "This dragon-elephant Bo Ruo Gong is said to have the power of ten dragons and ten elephants after it is completed, and its power is not bad."

Yang Guang's subordinates naturally have some so-called talents, but in Gu Shaoshang's view, except for Yuwen Tuo, who is worth cultivating, there are only a few others.

On the contrary, it is not as easy to use as the disciples he has cultivated.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!"

Yuwen Tuo was stunned for a moment, then bowed down.

"It's good practice!"

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand and walked into the martial arts field.


The moment Gu Shaoshang stepped into the martial arts field, all the children's movements stopped at the same time.

"See His Royal Highness King Jin! King Jin is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand thousand years old!"

In the frenzy in their eyes, all the children fell to their knees and cheered loudly.

"Everyone get up and keep practicing!"

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows and said lightly.


All the children got up immediately, and their enthusiasm for practicing martial arts was even higher!

Seeing this, Gu Shaoshang nodded.

The more than 900 children in the martial arts field are the direct descendants that Gu Shaoshang carefully cultivated for him.

More than ten years are enough for Gu Shaoshang to cultivate a large group of first-class masters, and it is not impossible for some top masters to appear.

With the resources and martial arts secrets owned by Gu Shaoshang, these youngsters may not be able to compete with the world's heroes.


In the southeast of Daxing City, in a Buddhist temple.

Jiaxiang walked slowly into the Buddhist hall. At this time, there were only three old monks sitting on the futon. After the three old monks, a stunning beauty in a white shirt stood with a sword.

"Senior Brother Jiaxiang!"

"Master Jiaxiang!"

Seeing Jiaxiang come in, the four of them put their hands together and said politely.

"The Emperor Sui called him this time, and promised to exchange thirty temples and a three thousand degree ultimatum for my Buddhist sect to exterminate Xie Jizong and Xiang Yutian!"

Jiaxiang returned the salute slightly and sat down on the futon with his knees crossed.


The face on the right side was as crystal clear as jade, and the peaceful old monk smiled slightly and said, "This is a great thing!"


The other two old monks smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

"Four masters, Xiang Yutian has been shaking the world for hundreds of years, and the evil extremist sect is even more masters. Does this matter need to be discussed in the long run?"

The white beauty frowned slightly and said, "Xiang Yutian's martial arts is known to be able to shatter the void at any time and go away. Although my Buddhist sect is powerful, it may not be able to surround and kill him."

"Qinghui doesn't know something, Xiang Yutian has been involved in good fortune, and the Dao Heart Seed Demonic Dafa has already been practiced to the highest level, but if he makes a full effort, he will naturally have to leave."

A domineering air leaked from the eyebrows on the left, and the old monk with long brows and reddish eyebrows smiled slightly.

"Yes, Xiang Yutian was able to shatter the void long ago, but he couldn't linger, naturally because of the God of War catalogue of Jingyan Palace."

Jiaxiang put his hands together and said, "The reason why the old monk agreed is because he understands that compared to the Jingyan Palace, the mere Evil Supreme Sect is nothing in his eyes! It is possible for him to avoid and not fight when I wait for him to go. It's even higher!"

Fan Qinghui knows that Jingyan Palace is said to only appear once a year, and each time it will only stay for a short time. Xiang Yutian has not been able to enter its door several times before. He will never get a chance to see him again.

Therefore, if Buddhism went to surround and kill Xie Jizong, the possibility of his retreat would be great.

You must know that although these four holy monks are not their opponents individually, but together, even Xiang Yutian can't get away easily.

"And even if he dares to come out, with the power of the four of us, we can naturally send him to pieces!"

The last old monk with a yellow complexion and broad hands nodded and smiled.

"Masters really have a great vision!"

Fan Qinghui was amazed and bowed: "For this battle, Jingzhai and Master Liaokong of Jingnian Temple will go together."

Suddenly, these four old monks have lived for a hundred years. If they are not sure, how can they rashly take action?

Sure enough, it's cunning.

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