Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 246: 1 trigger!

After the hoarse shouts, several horses rushed forward, and on them were several armored soldiers with dusty faces.

Great Sui Law, those who dare to block the emergency report at the border will be executed!

As a result, pedestrians and vendors on the street avoided one after another.

"Huh? Border emergency report?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his long eyebrows, while thinking in his heart, he ordered the guards who were driving to back away.

Da da!

The urgently reported warhorse swept over Gu Shaoshang's frame, kept going all the way, and headed straight for the palace.


Xiang Yutian appeared and looked at Gu Shaoshang thoughtfully and said: "The border is here, even if you come quickly, I am afraid it will be more than a month ago, when it is the autumn harvest, it must be the Turks who have committed the border! "

Nomads, from the Xiongnu to the present Turks, would invade the Central Plains every autumn harvest, and Xiangyutian was almost commonplace.


A hint of coldness appeared between Gu Shao's brows and urged the guards to return to the Prince's Mansion quickly.

If it's not bad, Yang Jian will soon send him to lead the army to fight against the Turks!


The guards urged the carriage to return to the Prince's Mansion.

"The border is urgent! Da Sui has only been established for more than ten years, and the border has been in a hurry several times!"

"Alas! The world is difficult, when will it be peaceful and prosperous!"

"It must be a Turk again!"

"I hope it's the King of Jin, no, His Royal Highness the Prince will lead the army to go on an expedition and defeat the Turks in the first battle!"

Gu Shaoshang's carriage galloped past, and the people behind him talked a lot.

Sure enough, not long after Gu Shaoshang returned to the mansion, a palace guard sent an order to enter the palace.

Hundreds of officials and senior officials are present.

The Da Sui has been fighting for years, and the mobilization force is strong. After Gu Shaoshang entered the palace, he didn't say a word. Yang Jian and all the old officials had already arranged everything.

Even, if it wasn't for the serious illness of the Queen Dugu Jialuo, Yang Jian's health would not be as good as before, and he would have to go on a personal expedition!


But within three days, Gu Shaoshang said goodbye to Xiao Meiniang and others who came to see them off, dressed in golden armor and a red cloak, and straddled the horse.

On this expedition, Gu Shaoshang was the marching marshal, Yang Guang, the grand master, Han Zhanhu, the general, and Shi Wansui, the first warrior in the army, went to conquer the Turks together!

An army of 300,000 people left in a mighty manner.

Da da! Da da!

The army set out, and Gu Shaoshang walked in the ranks in golden armor and straddling horses.

"At the beginning of the year, 400,000 Turkic khanda leaders stormed into the Great Wall and attacked important places in the north. How many people were killed! In this battle, Your Majesty's intention is to defeat the Turks and cause them to be severely damaged, so that they will not be able to survive for a few years. Attack!"

Wearing black armor, Yang Su followed behind Gu Shaoshang and said lightly.

"The Turks are in full swing, this battle is difficult!"

Shi Wansui, a tall man with a rough face, sighed and said, "It is said that Bi Xuan, the great master of the Turks, also came with the army."

Shi Wansui was eight feet tall and skilled in bowing and horses. He was the number one general in the Great Sui army. Even if he was compared to Yang Su, he was not far behind.

"Bi Xuan is nothing, although he is arrogant and calls himself "Wu Zun", but a mere person can't affect the battle of hundreds of thousands of troops!"

Yang Su sneered and looked back at Yuwen Tuo, who was silently following behind a few people: "Xuanyuan sword is more suitable for killing enemies on the battlefield than his Yanyang miracle!"

"The Turkic armies are all cavalry. It would be better if they fought to the death, but if they fled into the prairie, they might not be able to catch up!"

Shi Wansui glanced at Yuwen Tuo, but agreed in his heart.

In the battle between Pingnan and Chen, he had also seen that Yuwentuo could stop ten thousand troops with one sword, and he was not under Bi Xuan in terms of killing.

But if they were to fight head-on, they would probably be far inferior to Bi Xuan's Yanyang Qigong.

In previous years, the Sui army did not fail to defeat the Turks, but often after the defeat, they fled into the prairie on horseback, unable to catch up.

"Even after I arrived at the border, the Turkic army had already retreated into the prairie!"

Shi Wansui frowned and said, "At that time, it would be too unfavorable to have a decisive battle with the Turks on the prairie!"

"Yes, the Turkic army came all the way from Wuwei, Jincheng, Tianshui, Shangjun, Honghua, Yan'an and other places. According to my inference, it is about to retreat at this moment!"

Yang Su stroked his long beard and said.

"Yes! Soldiers are very fast! There can be no further delay. I propose that Your Highness will lead the army to postpone it, and we will lead the cavalry to go ahead and block the way back for the Turks!"

Shi Wansui abruptly dismounted and fell to one knee in the tunnel.


Gu Shaoshang had been listening quietly to the conversation between the two veterans before, but when he heard the words, he spoke lightly.

"Your Highness is wise!"

Yang Su and Shi Wansui responded in unison.

is the day,

Yang Su and Shi Wansui led 50,000 elite soldiers away, accompanied by Yuwen Tuo, who was holding the Xuanyuan sword.

Only Gu Shaoshang was left to sit in the central army, and Han Chuhu managed the logistics and forage.


A few days later, the army marched out of Daxing and went straight to the border.

in the carriage.

"You just wait like this?"

Xiang Yutian asked in surprise: "Like the last time you fought against Song Que, you led the army to kill Bi Xuan?"

Gu Shaoshang is not Yang Guang, do you really want to lead the battle?

"This time is different from the Battle of Lingnan. Although Song Que refused to accept the rule of the Great Sui, he was still a child of the Han family. After defeating him, he naturally surrendered! For a wolf-like race like the Turks, even if he defeated him once or twice, it was impossible for him to truly be defeated. surrender!"

Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes faintly, and a cold light flashed past: "Not only do I want to leave behind all the 400,000 Turkic troops that are coming, but I also want to smash into the prairie and wipe out their ethnic groups in one fell swoop!"

Sen Han's killing intent rose up in the carriage like a substance, and Xiang Yutian's yin-god body trembled slightly.

"What a murderous aura!"

Xiang Yutian shook the air, and said lightly, "Although the Sui army is powerful, with 300,000, or even most of them, infantry, fighting against 400,000 Turkic wolf riders, it is extremely difficult to win in one battle. Do you still want to enter the prairie?"

"With me, it's naturally different!"

Gu Shaoshang said with an indifferent expression.

"Ha! The old man will wait and see!"

Xiang Yutian replied lightly, and drilled back to the locust wood bracelet.

What if you were there? Could it be that you alone can wipe out an army of 400,000 people? More able to subdue the Turkic tribes all over the prairie?

Xiang Yutian naturally doesn't believe it, you must know that even with his prosperous strength when he never lost his physical facing an army of 400,000 people, he can come and go freely.

But if you want to kill with your own strength, it is almost impossible!

Not to mention the millions of Turks on the prairie!

Even if Gu Shaoshang's combat power is no less than that of the warriors of the Shattered Void, can he still slaughter the entire prairie!

"Ha ha!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, his fine teeth flickering coldly.



The marching speed of the hundreds of thousands of troops is naturally extremely slow. When Gu Shaoshang led the troops near the border, a sudden heavy snow roared, dyeing the whole world into a vast expanse of white.

At this time, Yang Su and Shi Wansui led 50,000 elite soldiers outside the Great Wall, blocking the return of the Turkic army.

The war is about to start!

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