Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 283: The Immortal King is here for 9 days (Xie Alliance Lord Liu Ting's Study Ro




In a series of air currents like thunder explosions, a green figure flew out like a cannonball.


During the whistling, it fell to the ground like a meteorite.

The earth trembled like the surface of the water, and countless earth, rock, dust and sand were raised like a big wave to a height of more than ten feet.

"This is almost a four-star combat power!"

"After the captain inspired the blood of the Hulk, he once suppressed a four-star master at a disadvantage! Among the four-star masters, he is no longer weak."

"Always be ready to shoot!"

The faces of the swordsman and the other three suddenly became solemn, and the sudden appearance of Gu Shaoshang made them feel heavy.

I have never encountered such a master before. As soon as I entered the task world, I encountered such a master directly.

But the three of them are all experienced masters, and they cut off their negative emotions in an instant, and they are on high alert, ready to take action at any time.


With the strong wind blowing, Gu Shaoshang stepped firmly on the ground, his face slightly solemn.

Snapped! Snapped!

Gu Shaoshang shook his slightly numb arm, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Twenty years ago, he saw a green shadow descend from the He Clan's jade, which caused a massacre of slaughter in the sky.

He was on high alert in his heart, and he almost changed his plan to slowly polish his martial arts, opening up twelve acupoints with all his strength.

Sure enough, the green shadow He saw in the jade who had been fighting with him for almost two years now could only lie on the ground and groan, not an opponent at all.

"If you only have this power!"

A violent and cold voice echoed on the ruins: "Why are you worth 200,000 yuan?"


Among the countless stone fragments on the ground shaking, a green shadow charged towards Gu Shaoshang with an indomitable violence.


As his stature progressed, the broken bones and bones of his whole body were strangely glued together, and he regained his heyday in an instant!

"Sure enough, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled coldly and didn't care.

The Hulk is synonymous with rough skin and thick flesh. In Gu Shaoshang's memory, he still vaguely remembers that it seems to have an immortal body.

On the contrary, he was a little surprised, what did the 200,000 source power in his mouth mean.

Gu Shaoshang's thoughts flashed by, and he realized that this is not the time to think about these things, his brows rolled with suffocation, and he said with a cold smile:

"This little power is enough to kill you!"


Gu Shaoshang's long hair fluttered, and the blood that flowed rapidly around his body was surging like a tidal wave.

The golden blood swelled up into the sky, as mighty as a sea.


Blood energy swept the sky, like a lead, bringing together endless spiritual energy.


The sky was dense, and countless clouds and mist covered the sky.

The sky was suddenly dark.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

The figure of the burly giant suddenly stagnated, and a huge sense of crisis rose up in his heart.

It was as if there was an invisible big hand holding the heart tightly, which was even more terrifying than the stunt of facing the Evil Emperor Xuantian in the mysterious world of Shenbing.

It made him tremble all over, and could barely move forward.

He looked up.

I saw in the mid-air, a dense cloud and mist that covered the sky and the sun, as if there was a looming god, sitting high in the sky, his eyes were indifferent, like a **** king, a fairy king.

Invisibility is invisible, and its power is unpredictable.

"This is?"

There was a sudden "hum" in the burly man's mind, which almost made him fall to the ground: "Immortal King Lin Jiutian?"

The strong mentality of fighting five or six worlds with a burly giant almost collapsed.

The plane team of the main temple may be strong or weak, and the strengthening is strange.

But there is only one thing in common, and that is intelligence gathering.

In the heavens and the world, the exercises and symbols of any strong person have always been a must for every member of the plane team.

The burly giant is no exception!

However, at this moment, the scene of a god-man sitting in the sky for nine days, looking down at all beings indifferently, is clearly from the high world, covering the sky, a divine body, or even a vision of a holy body!

The Immortal King is coming to the Nine Heavens!

"I, God he! Immortal King Lin Jiutian!"

Guizhen's eyes were sluggish, and he watched helplessly at the looming golden goddess in the clouds and mists that covered the sky and the sun.

almost collapsed.

"Is the Lord God crazy? How can a Samsung world have such an existence!"

The always indifferent swordsman's face changed greatly, his eyes were straight.

The ancient sword on his back was buzzing constantly, his mood was agitated, and he couldn't help himself.

"It's over, the captain is afraid to die!"

The pharmacist took a deep breath and gently swayed the Yin-Yang mirror in his palm: "It seems that the only way to kill him is to use the Yin-Yang mirror."

His eyes flickered, and his heart was cold.

Whether the Yin Yang Mirror can kill that terrifying teenager, I have no idea at all.


"I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

A terrifying thought flashed in the heart of the burly giant, a furious look flashed in his eyes, and he roared up to the sky.

Suddenly, he rushed towards Gu Shaoshang.

The feeling of suffocation in my heart is beyond words!

Who would have thought that an ordinary Samsung world could encounter such a monster.

Gu Shaoshang rose into the air, looking down at the green figure that burst out from midair, flipping his palms and punching in the air.


The moment Gu Shaoshang punched, the clouds in the sky dissipated slightly, vaguely, like the fairy king who looked like Gu Shaoshang, and he punched down at the same time!


There was a sudden silence between the heaven and the earth, the dust flying all over the sky stagnated in the air, and the horror was extreme.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The burly giant man roared wildly in his heart, his eyes were red, and the blue-black muscles around his body like a black dragon were violently shaking.

However, his figure was still immobile.

Only his eyes could see Gu Shaoshang punching him from afar, and a colorful shadow flashed past behind him, under the blessing of the Immortal King who seemed to be sitting for nine days.

Unleashed a shocking punch!

That punch, which seemed extremely slow, was actually extremely fast.

In the terrifying ripples swaying in the space, all the five fingers, both visible and invisible, disappeared wherever the punches were directed.

Pulverized into fine particles that are invisible to the naked eye.

In the terrified look of the burly giant, Gu Shaoshang smashed Naba's extremely terrifying punch and slammed into himself.


The sound of huge bones bursting sounded like a series of exploding firecrackers.


The burly man let out a shrill and desperate scream.

But he could only watch helplessly as his body, which he thought was unparalleled, was beaten out like a rag bag.

It was still flying in the air, as if a green water bag was suddenly punctured, the bones of the whole body were immediately broken, and the seven orifices in the blood spurted out!

The gushing blood rose more than thirty feet high!


The body of the burly giant was blown up by Gu Shaocheng with a punch!

The unabated punching power, like a shock wave, left a huge ravine in front of the Song Family Fort that was 30 to 40 feet wide and inexplicably long.

A wisp of blue smoke rose, and countless mud and sand disappeared.

The power of one punch is so great!


Only then did the sonic boom brought about by this punch suddenly burst out.

Raised the sky full of gang wind explosion, covering the land of Li Xu.


Gu Shaoshang gently fell to the ground, the black robe disappeared, revealing the scale armor woven from the dragon scales of the Temple of War.


In mid-air, the spiritual energy attracted by Gu Shao's blood energy dissipated.

The sun was shining brightly, and it was shining brightly, as if the clouds and mists before, and the visions of the Immortal King were all hallucinations.

[The master of the mirror kills the four-star (three-star) warrior of the main temple (the mirrors of the sky evaluates the three-star), and obtains 40,000 source power points]

Gu Shaoshang let out a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the three swordsmen who fled in embarrassment in the distance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Gu Shaoshang couldn't bear it any longer, and a mouthful of boiling golden blood spurted out.

Blood fell on the broken stones, making a sizzling burning sound.


Gu Shao sighed in relief.

I just felt that the muscles and bones all over my body were broken, and what was even more terrifying was that the blood that told the operation had already shattered and burned his internal organs.

Otherwise, with Gu Shaoshang's temperament, how could it be possible to sit back and watch the three escape.

"The pressure of the divine power that can be dispersed by the vision of the Holy Body is still too little, and it is still seriously injured."

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly, but there was no better way.

After seeing the picture of the Hulk appearing to be immortal from the He Shibi, Young Master Gu kept thinking in his heart.

Martial arts progress naturally does not happen overnight, and Gu Shaoshang does not want to waste his opportunity to cross the world for a short-term increase in combat power.

But this does not mean that Gu Shaoshang does not have a trump card, in terms of the supreme power of his mutant supernatural powers of the sparrow-tailed mantis shrimp.

It is too simple to kill this Hulk who is only in the middle of Samsung.

But Gu Shaoshang naturally wouldn't give up the massive amount of power he had acquired in the Tang Dynasty in order to kill him.

Therefore, he pondered for several years, and finally found a feasible solution.

It is to use his blood to trigger the vision of the Holy Body, and then reduce the power of the supernatural power to increase, and finally, a tyrannical blow that far exceeds his current strength.

However, Gu Shaoshang himself had to bear most of the pressure, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't change it.

"Mr. Gu!"

When Gu Shaoshang was thinking for a while, Song Lu and others with a bleak face stepped forward: "The three escaped?"

"It's okay, I can't run away."

Gu Shaoshang endured the severe pain in his body and said lightly.

After learning the whereabouts of the ghost team, Gu Shaoshang naturally wouldn't ask a big person to come.

Although he was the fastest, Yuwen Tuo and others who came later should also intercept the three.

Led by Yuwen Tuo, Xiang Yutian, Yang Su, Shi Zhixuan, and even Shang Kou Zhong and other masters, even if they couldn't kill those three people.

It must be stopped, tracked, and it must be caught.

"Your injury?"

Song Lu had a bleak face and asked with a strong spirit.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes swept over, Song Que's death, all the Song clan people were in a panic, and their faces were extremely ugly.

"It's okay, just find a room and let me recuperate for a few days."

Gu Shaoshang took a deep breath, his pale face flashed ruddy, and he spoke lightly.

With his current strength, but he is only a 2-star, how can he play a top-notch attack from Samsung without paying a price?

However, given his current level of physical tyranny, he will be back to normal within a month or two.


Gu Shaoshang's palm flipped, and he absorbed the broken Heavenly Sabre from the ground into his hand: "Song Que."

Song Que's death, Gu Shao was deeply saddened and regretted.

In the past 20 years, Gu Shaoshang visited the door several times and discussed with Song Que about the sword of the emperor.


Gu Shaoshang touched the broken Heavenly Saber with his palm, and sighed slightly: "Seeking benevolence, you are worthy of the name of the Heavenly Sabre."

Song Que, as the head of the Song clan, is the great master of the world.

In a battle with a foreign enemy, he will never retreat, even if he dies from exhaustion, his prestige will not be damaged.

"Brother, can you really break the void and go away?"

Song Lu looked at Gu Shaoshang with hope.

"It can only look at his own creation."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head.

Although he sent Song Que to shatter, the foundation of Song Que's whole body is indeed a shattered, but whether he can successfully shatter, Gu Shaoshang's heart is uncertain.



On the official road, three silhouettes pulled up the billowing airflow and roared away. The wind was so strong that the trees beside the road fell down one after another.


The figure of the pharmacist stopped abruptly: "The black robe master is only in the early stage of Samsung, and it is not as good as us. It is absolutely impossible for such a terrifying move to come without a price!"


The two swordsmen stopped at the same time, and their eyes flashed.

"Kill back?"

Guizhen frowned and asked.

Even if he knew what the pharmacist said, it was very possible, but he remembered the vision of the Immortal King coming to the Nine Heavens.

Thinking of his source power even higher than that of the Evil Emperor Xuantian, he couldn't help but feel a little terrified.

"If he is seriously injured and misses this opportunity, there will be no second chance."

The swordsman calmed down his restless emotions and said, "But if he is not injured, or is not seriously injured, we are afraid that we will be destroyed!"


The pharmacist was about to speak when his heart skipped a beat and he shouted violently.

Tread! Tread!

The sound of chaotic and powerful footsteps came.

The indifferent Yu Wentuo stepped forward, Shi Zhixuan and Yang Su walked side by side with him.

Behind the three, a group of grandmasters headed by Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and others looked solemn.

"Extraterritorial Demon?"

A smile appeared on Shi Zhixuan's handsome face: "It looks like that."

"Shi Zhixuan?"

The three swordsmen turned around, and the violent expressions flashed across their faces.

Among the people in front of them, the strongest person was only different from Song Que before he broke through. To them, he was nothing but ants.

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