Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 296: old monk fierce

Gan Gang's brows and eyes drooped slightly, and a faint voice echoed in the hall.


A slight airflow blew the oil lamps on the surrounding walls on and off.

"Beat you?"

The corner of Gu Shaoshang's mouth twitched slightly, and the black robe all over his body moved without wind.

He is a Qi Zong who has been promoted to the Supreme Rank and has blood like a dragon. Although he is only in the early stage of Qi Zong, his self-confidence combat power has already surpassed that of ordinary Concentration-level masters.

Although the old monk can't see the depth, but he is not afraid of only.

wow wow wow

Gu Shaoshang's face was indifferent, his body roared, his blood was rushing like a big river, and the violent airflow was blowing up the dust in the hall.

"you sure?"

Gu Shaoshang looked directly at Gan Gang and said lightly.

As he confided word by word, the fists of the whole body were mighty, soaring into the sky, mighty, and masculine.

The thin figure stands tall and heavy like a mountain, and the fist is as vast as the sky, and it buckles down.


The ground trembled slightly, and more than a hundred bronze Buddha statues placed in the hall hummed and trembled.


The old monk with low eyebrows and good eyes finally moved, and the cold light between his eyebrows soared, piercing the sky, and shooting directly at Gu Shaoshang's eyes.

The thin and thin body of the sniper finally straightened up, and a huge momentum suddenly rose to confront Gu Shaoshang's overwhelming fist.

Really, look at the young man in front of him.

"Amazing, amazing!"

Gan Gang's long eyebrows trembled, and the skin all over his body seemed to swell, and his skinny body swelled visibly.

His skin shone with ivory-like brilliance, and every inch of his body was filled with the most masculine breath.

Where is the appearance of a thin old monk, madly like a bronze statue enshrined in the palace!

"Of course it's amazing!"

Gu Shaoshang had a smile on the corner of his mouth, his body did not move, and he punched flatly.

Gu Shaoshang's punch was unremarkable, but it seemed to contain infinite changes and supernatural power.


Thunder on the ground!

There were countless thunder-like explosions in the hall of hundreds of square meters, and the hurricane airflow blew out all the oil lamps in the entire hall!


Gan Gang's eyes were wide open, and two scorching hot air jets shot out from his nostrils like thunder.


The turbulent air stirred up the dust in the sky, and it seemed that there were two small suns burning in the two eyes!

In the face of Gu Shaoshang's unremarkable punch, Gan Gang never underestimated it.

The left palm standing on the chest suddenly spread out.

call out!

In the shrieking sound of the air being torn apart in an instant, like a cloud dragon, there is no trace, seemingly invisible and invisible, but in fact it is extremely fierce!


In the muffled sound like the ringing of a bronze bell, Gu Shaoshang's flat punch smashed the dragon's claws protruding from the old monk!


Even though the two of them didn't make a full effort, the entire hall still set off a burst of thunder explosions, and the two of them sat down flat within a dozen feet!

The ground vibrated violently, and a large amount of smoke and dust rose up, and then was blown away in all directions by the blast of the astral wind again!

The countless bronze statues that were offered to them tilted and fell down!

Click! Click!

The old monk's long eyebrows fluttered, his muscles and bones slammed violently, and the right palm hanging under him slammed backwards.


Countless upside-down bronze statues have all returned to their original positions.


Gu Shaoshang's body jerked back, his black hair fluttering.

The whole body trembled violently, turning red as if a torch had burned, and the five internal organs were slightly painful!

"Buddha's angry palm!"

A thought flashed through Gu Shao's sadness, the big tendons made an exploding sound like a bowstring being pulled, and his body stood up abruptly.

"Let's go!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled, his spine twitched like a big dragon, and he broke the sound barrier and swept out of the palace door in an instant.

Although Gu Shaoshang didn't want to be a monk, he didn't feel bad about Hanging Temple. He still didn't want to do anything about destroying the statues of other people's ancestors.


The entire hall shook violently, and in the violent sonic boom, Gu Shaoshang rushed out of the hall in an instant, dragging the surging and searing waves of air.

Under the moonlight, on the white stone square hundreds of feet in front of the main hall, countless wooden figurines were placed in the air.


The moment Gu Shaoshang swept out of the hall, Gan Gang suddenly exhaled.

In an instant, he rushed out of the palace gate with a violent airflow, chasing after Gu Shaoshang.



The two figures rushed out of the Hanging Temple and entered the Great Snow Mountain.

"How is this going?"

"Is there a foreign invasion?"

"That's Gan Gang hosting! Who's in front?"

"Go! Catch up!"

After a while, a group of monks rushed out from all directions, shouting and chasing after the two.

"Less hurt...!"

Taking into account the corner, his face was full of shock.

After Gu Shaoshang left, he followed him all the way, just to see him and Gan Gang chasing one after another and running out.

"Sound barrier! Qi Zong!"

Taking into account the wriggling lips, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

Two years ago, this little boy who followed him to learn Tiger Roaring Boxing actually passed his life and advanced to Qi Zong in just two years?

This advancement speed has surpassed that of any heavenly proud person known to him!

This is not a genius, this is a monster!


Taking a deep breath, he kept this matter firmly in his heart.





Above the snow-capped mountains under the moonlight, the sound of rolling thunder exploded.

The two figures were in the snow, rushing fast.

The two dragged a long wave of air behind them, and suddenly rolled up the thick snow on the ground, forming two giant snow-white dragons floating in the air.


Gu Shaoshang stretched his arms, and countless piles of snow exploded under his feet and were swept up by the astral wind. Like a tide, it surged from both sides, scattered and splashed, forming two curtains that were several meters high!

For a moment, the two of them crossed a distance of thousands of meters in tandem.


From extremely fast to standing still, in the violent friction of large muscles and bones.

Gu Shaoshang's body turned over like a long dragon. At the same time, he stepped on his feet hard, and the rolling airflow exploded and raised a huge snow wave dozens of feet high.

In an instant, he pulled back dozens of feet, and a faint golden light appeared on his body at the same time in the eruption of blood energy like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis!


Gu Shaoshang's expression was indifferent, and his fighting spirit was high and fiery.

The fist mark that the arm held high and pinched, with a mighty tyrannical force, slashed at the rushing Gan Gang with a punch!

"People are not bad, and boxing is not bad!"

A smile appeared on Gan Gang's face, facing Gu Shaoshang's punch, his palm suddenly protruded like a dragon in the swollen monk's robe.

A faint golden light also appeared on the ivory-like bronze skin.

Immediately, a terrifying and tyrannical force suddenly erupted, and the pale golden palm shone brightly, as if a golden sun rose in the night!

The sound of thunder within a radius of 100 feet roared, and countless snow bursts burst, like a tsunami, and rushed away in all directions!

boom! boom! boom!

Before the two fists approached, the air between the fists was blown up by the tyrannical force.


An unimaginably loud explosion!

With Gu Shaoshang's physique, he could only feel the humming of the eardrums.

The ripples of the large shares suddenly shook, and under the feet of the two of them, the hard rock of Tianjian Mountain that had been frozen for hundreds of millions of years suddenly shattered!

Mixed with scattered snow, it shot straight into the sky, and then was cut into pieces by the sweeping winds!

"Good monk! Good practice!"

Gu Shaoshang suddenly exhaled, his pale face was as red as blood.

Finally, Gu Shaoshang felt the feeling of being suppressed in terms of strength.

There was a strange sound of "creaking" from the joints all over his body, his muscles stretched to the limit, and his black hair fluttered in the wind.


Even if it was suppressed by the strength of Don't Gang, Gu Shaoshang did not miss out on fear.

Instead, he laughed loudly and punched again!

Gan Gang's eyes revealed a hint of amazement, never thought that a Qi Zong martial artist could be so tyrannical.

Immediately, his upper arm turned up, parrying Gu Shaoshang's arm.

Gu Shaoshang made a move, and countless joints and muscles around his body, even his long hair, became the most terrifying weapon.

Overwhelmingly shrouded Gan Gang in.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the two fists hitting each other is no longer like a physical collision.

It's more like bronze bells in a temple colliding with each other!

After fighting for more than ten moves, Gan Gang's complexion moved slightly, and his parrying arm suddenly bounced from his chest and abdomen.

Five fingers pinched a strange handprint, and in the tearing sound of a ghost crying and wolf howling in the air, it pressed directly on Gu Shaoshang's chest.


Gu Shaoshang's chest heaved violently, his arms were like boneless snakes, and he suddenly pulled back, superimposing them on his chest.

Immediately, his right leg was suddenly lifted, and the air was swept away like a wave, and he kicked Gan Gang's crotch.

With Gu Shaoshang's great strength, once he hits the kick, even if he has any hard skills, he will be kicked by Gu Shaoshang to shatter the hip bone!


Gan Gang smiled lightly, and when he couldn't let go, his arm suddenly stretched out a foot away. Before Gu Shaoshang's right leg was kicked, a stamp was pressed on Gu Shaoshang's palm on his chest!


Gu Shaoshang's face froze slightly, only to feel that a familiar sea of ​​consciousness power came from Gan Gang's handprints, and instantly spread to the whole body.

In the whistling, the body is like an arrow from the string, bursting out dozens of feet away!


Gu Shaoshang's leaning body was smashed into a series of hills by the turbulent airflow, and a deep ravine dozens of feet long was pulled out in the snow!


Gan Gang stopped and looked down. Before Gu Shaoshang had a foot, the howling wind had already torn the robe under his crotch.

At the moment a piece of cool in the cold wind.

Gu Shaoshang jumped up, and a slight paleness flashed across his face.

"The old monk is fierce!"

Gu Shaoshang's tattered black robe swayed, and a red mark like a lotus was printed on his naked chest.

The fighting spirit in Gu Shaoshang's eyes was astonishing.

Qian Gang's tyrannical body is one or two points stronger than today's Gu Shaoshang, which makes Gu Shao sad and shocked.

In the handprint he pressed down, the power of the sea of ​​​​knowledge has been integrated into the fists and feet.

Therefore, Gu Shaoshang couldn't resist.

"It seems that you still want to enter the gate of my Hanging Temple!"

Qian Gang folded his hands together and smiled.


At this moment, a thunderous sound like a cracking of the sky rolled in from a distance.

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