Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 309: Unlimited Mirrors of the Heavens

"The repair of the mirrors of the heavens has been completed?"

Gu Shaoshang was slightly stunned.

At this time, it has only been ten months since he repaired the mirrors of the heavens. In less than a year, has the repair been completed?

Gu Shao thought in his sadness, but he was not impatient, so he went out to check.

They walked through the sand sea with Shen Wuxia, and after a short rest, they closed their eyes slightly and entered the world in the mirror.


Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, the world in the mirror at this time was slightly changed from before.

What remains unchanged is the stone platform that is more than ten feet square. The entire world in the mirror seems to have grown larger. With the stone platform as the center, the square circle is about a thousand feet in size.

Eternal darkness is surging like a wave, and the purple light is soft, illuminating the entire world in the mirror.

Above the stone platform, the mirrors of the heavens floated up and down in the dense atmosphere.


Gu Shaoshang waved his hand, and the Mirror of Heaven flew into his hand.

It is the same as the previous repairs. The mirrors of the heavens still look like simple bronze mirrors, and it seems that there has not been much change.

On the mirror body, only he has experienced the patterns condensed by the three worlds of Dragon and Snake, Daming, and Datang.

"At this time, the mirrors of the heavens must have no restrictions."

Gu Shaoshang calmed down the excitement in his heart, took a deep breath, and swept across the mirrors of heaven with his palm.

Repairing Samsung and erasing the residual will of the previous mirror master, the mirrors of the heavens at this moment are likely to undergo great changes.

"Check the status bar."

Gu Shaoshang's expression was indifferent, and instead of looking at the mirrors of the heavens, he opened his own status bar.


The mirrors of the heavens cast purple light, condensed into scrolling words.

[Gu Shaoshang (Mirror Master) age: thirteen years old (body lifespan 700, soul lifespan 4965)]

[Talent magic: Sparrow-tailed mantis shrimp! (Variation Nine-Rank Divine Ability)]

[Bloodline: Desolate Holy Body (Activated)! Current level: 10/100]

[Cultivation base: Mid-term Qi Zong, basic evaluation: two stars handed down! 】

[Consciousness of the Sea: Level 10/100]

[Gong method: Samsung self-created boxing method (progress 80/100) Samsung golden bell cover (30/100) Samsung Zhigang Pure Yang Qi (50/100) Samsung Zhutian Dragon Elephant Art (20/100) Yuanmang Swallowing Star Record II Star (80/100) Three-star Swordsmanship (85/100)......]

[Props: storage bag, Jiuding, Long Daojing Zhongyue, Qi Qi Dan, Tianxiang Cardamom......]

[Combat evaluation: Samsung elite! 】

In the fifty years of the Tang Dynasty, Gu Shaoshang had only surpassed one star. Compared with Qiuye, who could not go one step further in a hundred years, it was naturally very fast.

Compared with some major sects, the direct lineage of the great family is a bit slow.

"Check the mirrors of the heavens."

Gu Shaoshang pondered slightly, looking at the repaired All-Heaven Mirror.

Although this cultivation base is not considered top-notch, he is not too urgent. Martial Dao cultivation is not an overnight thing.

With the heavenly mirrors in his body, his cultivation base will sooner or later surpass any genius in the sky.


The mirrors of the heavens trembled slightly, and words appeared in the purple air.

[Zhutian Projection Mirror: Opened (broken, now Samsung Supreme)]

[Mirror owner: Gu Shaoshang: thirteen years old]

[Original power: 617864 points]

[The Mirror of the Heavens repairs Samsung, and the functions are as follows, projecting the heavens, reborn with rebirth, and transmigrating through the real body! 】

[Projection to the heavens: There is currently no limit to the number of times that can be crossed, and the selected crossing (requires 1000 to infinite source power, unlimited world level!) and then projects the heavens (requires 100 source power, unlimited world level)]

[True body crossing: unlimited times, unlimited world level, the crossing mode is the same as the projection of the heavens, the source power consumption is ten times that of the projection of the heavens (once death, all harvests disappear, the mirrors of the heavens will return with the soul)]

[Attached rebirth: unlimited number of times, unlimited world level, the crossing mode is the same as the above, and the source power consumption is from one to a thousand times that of the projection of the heavens (with rebirth, there will be restrictions)]

[With rebirth is divided into four modes: passerby, dragon set, supporting role, protagonist, etc., the consumption of source power varies]

[The flow speed of the projection world and the main world can be adjusted by the source]

[The number of projections in the main world is unlimited. There are 23 projections that have not been challenged (Broken Ape King, Gan Gang, Kun Xiang, Sun Hailong, Yu Baimei...) Note: The challenge limit for each projection is 200 times. Disappear after that! 】

[There is no limit to the number of projections of the heavens, and there is no limit to the level. Existing ones: Yang Pan, Teng Qingshan, Ye Fan. Note: The number of challenges for each projection is 1000, which will dissipate after that, and will never be able to project projections of the current powerhouse for any period of time. 】

[Zhutian Projection Pool: Choose to open (consumption of source power varies), and then open immediately (minimum 10 points of source power once)]

[Story of the heavens: Tianxiang cardamom, one of the nine tripods, nine wonderful immortality medicine (one-ninth) fruit, divine spring water, holy relic...]

[Note: Repairing the Four-Star All-Heavenly Mirror requires 1 million source power, a heart of the world condensed by the will of the world]

[Note: The world level of projection traversal exceeds the current level of the mirrors of the heavens, and there is a great possibility that the trace of the mirror master will be discovered, please pay attention! 】

"Earth-shattering, earth-shattering."

Gu Shaoshang was shocked, and his heart was slightly shocked: "Is this the true face of the Mirror of the Heavens?"

Looking at the state of the Mirrors of the Heavens, Gu Shao was shocked by the injury, repaired the three-star, and swept away the many restrictions that he would rather seek before. The Mirrors of the Heavens at this time are more terrifying than before.

From this, it can be seen that Ning Qiudao, who possesses such a powerful divine weapon, is so unlucky that he ends up being refined by the gossip furnace.

"Truly unlimited power."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes flickered endlessly, and the emotions in his heart were tumbling endlessly.


Gu Shaoshang held the All-Heaven Mirror, sat cross-legged on the ground, lost in thought.

With the current state of the Mirror of the Heavens, if Gu Shaoshang is not afraid of being discovered by the Great Master, even if he wants to cover the sky, or conferred a god, or a high-star world such as Journey to the West, it is completely possible.

There is no limit, everything is up to you.

This feeling is extremely subtle and extremely dangerous.

It was only at this time that he understood why the former Mirror Master Ning Qiudao went to steal Taishang Laojun's Jiuzhuan elixir.

Compared with the slow tempering of one world, the strength of a hundred years of tempering is only two or three stars. Where is the temptation to reach the sky in one step?

When all the choices are in his hands, there is no limit. What awaits him is either ascending to the sky in one step or falling into the bottomless abyss.

This is more dangerous and terrifying than the numerous restrictions!

Faced with such a temptation, it is already amazing how lucky an ordinary teacher can control how he can survive and travel through several worlds before he dies.

Even after passing through many worlds, with a firm mind, Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but have all kinds of thoughts.

The real body went to the Tusita Palace to steal Laojun's 9th-turn elixir....... The real body went to cover the sky and stole the elixir of death... The real body went to the Dragon Ball World to seek the Seven Dragon Balls... .The real body goes to the Panlong World to seize the main godhead...even the real body goes to the great world of the Great Wilderness, and grabs a seat in the Zixiao Palace...

All kinds of crazy thoughts flew, and countless ways to reach the sky in one step rose up in Gu Shaoshang's heart.

Gu Shaoshang's complexion fluctuated slightly, letting his thinking diverge, not suppressing it, but lightly savoring all the unrealistic thoughts in his mind...

After a long time, a knife came from the sea of ​​​​heart, killing all kinds of distracting thoughts, all emotions, and smiled.

"Every chance is in my hands!"

Gu Shao stood up injured, and his face has returned to calm: "Compared to taking a step to the sky, it is more suitable for me to walk slowly and down-to-earth."

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang walked out of the mirrored world without the slightest nostalgia.

No matter how much you think about it, it's useless. After all, there are still several months before the next projection.

Gu Shaoshang pondered cautiously, is it projected to go away, or the real body to go away, or, perhaps, to be reborn as a supporting role?


The sun was shining brightly, scorching the huge sand sea in this area, and the steam was scorching hot.


Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes and felt the hot sand sea beneath him.

Not far in front of them, Shen Wuxia and Qiuye beheaded two fire poisonous scorpions, peeling off their carapaces.

In mid-air, anger spread its wings and soared in the sky with a neigh.

No one knows what kind of temptation Gu Shaoshang experienced in the blink of an eye, and what kind of shock his mood was hit.


The violent yang qi poured into the whole body of Gu Shaoshang, turning into strands of true qi, moisturizing, and strengthening Gu Shaoshang's body.

Closing his eyes, Gu Shaoshang slowly fell into thinking.

In the world in the mirror before, Gu Shaoshang had a great impact, and he didn't have time to think. At this time, he calmed down and found a problem.

The repair of the mirrors of the heavens no longer requires only source power, but also the heart of the world condensed by the will of the world.

The will of the world, Gu Shaoshang had felt once in Tang Dynasty before.

The Heart of the World, Gu Shaoshang didn't know what it was and how to get it.

"Presumably, I would rather seek the path and take risks to steal the elixir. There are also reasons for the difficulty in repairing the mirrors of the heavens."

Thoughts fluctuated slightly, Gu Shaoshang carefully considered how to go after the repair was completed.

After a long time, Gu Shaoshang slowly restrained his true qi and stood up.

Shen Wuxia saw that Gu Shaoshang had finished his work, smiled slightly, walked over, and handed over the roasted scorpion meat.

"Thank you."

Gu Shaoshang took it and swallowed.

The power contained in this kind of scorpion meat is stronger than that of some spiritual rice, and it is most suitable for Qi Zong realm warriors to nourish the flesh.


Shen Wuxia smiled slightly, looked up at the sky, and occasionally, a figure broke through the sky: "Tianmozhou has become lively, this is the sixth concentration master we have seen."

They entered Tianmo Prefecture to search for several days, and the troops from other parties also arrived one after another.

Before, Gu Shaoshang also saw Xiang Kun and a few old monks who were in the realm of concentration rushing over.

"It was really lively."

Gu Shaoshang swallowed the scorpion meat, and Yuan Mang swallowed the stars, which was digested in an instant, and turned into the essence of the flesh.

"Brother Gu's Yuan Mang Swallowing Stars is close to completion."

Shen Wuxia's eyes lit up slightly and smiled.

"Learning is endless, this Yuanmang Swallowing Stars is really amazing."

Gu Shaoshang said lightly.

Li Ming, Qi Zong and even a contemplative warrior, the body is powerful, and the internal organs are thousands of times more than ordinary people, but the miracle created by the ancient Qi can still strengthen its digestion ability again.

It really deserves a miracle.

"Brother Shen, I've known each other for a long time, but I haven't played against you before, why don't I join hands?"

Gu Shao turned hurt and said with a smile.

Shen Wuxia's treasure of the sky, Gu Shaoshang has been hot for a long time. At this time, the repair of the mirrors of the heavens has been completed, and it is time to get it.

Shen Wuxia thought for a moment, then nodded: "Alright."

No one knows what will happen after that. If the inheritance is opened, the two will know the bottom line, and it will be easy to cooperate.


With the air bubbling slightly, Gu Shaoshang's figure suddenly retreated several dozen meters away.

"Brother Gu, what I have learned is my Shen family's way of flying knives, which is extremely powerful, please be careful."

Shen Wuxia raised her plain white robe, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

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