Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 311: future lord

There was a smile on the face of the stalwart figure, and his will moved slightly.


In Ji Ning's will, time quickly rewinds, and the scenes from the past keep regressing.


With a move of his will, it was as if he had stepped into history and stepped into the river of destiny.


mirror world.


Zi Qi stopped rolling and gathered and formed.


Gu Shaoshang took over the mirrors of the heavens.

[Consume 10,000 Origin Power points to project a one-star Ji Ning! (There are eight-star powers to trace, whether to erase the traces!)]

"Erase, erase!"

Gu Shaoshang's brows twitched, and he hurriedly said.

The eight-star power is already a giant who can travel across the heavens and across the world. If it is tracked by him, it is not a good thing to think about.


The purple light of the mirrors of the heavens flickered in places where Gu Shaoshang could not see.

Wisps of traces are wiped out, time, space.... ubiquitous, ubiquitous purple light swept across... Erase any trace of purple qi.

A ray of will protruded out of the Great Wilderness World, fluctuated slightly, but lost the trace of Zi Qi.

After a moment of stagnation, he walked around the unknown place, and finally slowly returned to the wild world.

【The traces have been erased! Consume 100,000 Power Points! 】

"One hundred thousand points!"

Gu Shao's scalp exploded. He felt that this projection was a huge loss. It would be too much of a loss to exchange 100,000 points for a ten-year-old Ji Ning's projection.

"Huh! It seems that in the future, we can't arbitrarily project these too tyrannical, and we can go back to the power of time and space."

Gu Shaoshang smiled bitterly, the damage to the mirrors of the heavens was still too serious, and it was impossible to cover up all those powerful ideas.

A power with a seven-star level or above can already walk in time and space.

"Should have thought of it earlier."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head again and again.

Before, when he projected Ye Fan, he hadn't discovered this problem, he just thought that maybe it was too close, so it was discovered by the Ruthless Great Emperor.

Now Ji Ning sounded the alarm for him.

"However, if there is no future, there are naturally no taboos."

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts, Gu Shaoshang's fingers brushed slightly on the mirror surface.

"Check the projections of the heavens, Ji Ning."

100,000 points of source power, if you can't get what you want, it's really too bad.

Weng buzz!

The heavenly mirrors emitted a purple light, stirring the ubiquitous purple energy in the air.

They slowly converged into a slender and handsome young man in a beast robe.

[Yang Pan: 35 years old]

[Cultivation: Divine Demon Body Refinement Flow, Ninth Floor of the Day After Tomorrow]

[Basic evaluation: one star handed down]

[Drop: 5-star Chiming Nine Heavens Map (incomplete, only three layers) 4-star Nuwa Visualization, 2-star Fengying Step, 2-star Tiangang Disha 108 Swords, 2-star Xingchen Clothes, 1 Star mustard stone, animal head gold, animal skin...]

[Combat evaluation: One-star supreme! 】

"It's not too bad, at least the visualization picture is really there."

Gu Shaoshang cut off the distracting thoughts in his heart. What he asked for himself was the visualization map, even if the cost was a little higher, after all, he had achieved his goal.

"Challenge the projection of the heavens, Ji Ning! The top of the snowy mountain."

[The Mirror Master challenges the heavens to project Ji of the Snow Mountain! 】


In the humming sound of the Mirrors of the Heavens, the dense purple air suddenly swayed and rolled, and then turned into a purple light, shrouding Gu Shaoshang inside.


The scene suddenly opened up.

The whistling cold wind swept the snow, which was scattered.

Gu Shaoshang looked around and saw a slender young man standing with his sword indifferently.


Gu Shaoshang smiled and walked calmly, passing over ten meters, and stepping in front of Ji Ning amid the snowflakes.

With five fingers, he reached out and grabbed his chest.

Ji Ning only had one star of combat power, which was really nothing to Gu Shaoshang today.


Ji Ning's long sword was raised, pulling up phantoms in the snow, slashing at Gu Shaoshang.


The next moment, Gu Shaoshang's palm disappeared like a cloud dragon's claws, and in an instant, it penetrated into the shadow of Ji Ning's sword and tapped it between Ji Ning's eyebrows.


The purple light exploded, and the scene gradually shrank, turning into a purple light, sweeping Gu Shaoshang back to the world in the mirror.

[The Mirror Master defeats the projection of the heavens, Ji Ning, drops the Chiming Nine Heavens Map (incomplete), 10 points of source power]

"Huh? Did you drop the Chiming Nine Heavens Map for the first time?"

Gu Shaoshang was slightly surprised and exchanged it.


Purple light flashed, and a cheat book fell.

Gu Shaoshang caught it and slowly opened it: "Sure enough, there are only three floors, the day after tomorrow, the day before, and the Zifu."

This Chiming Nine Heavens Map is the inheritance of a "dao ancestor" in the wild world, and it naturally has its merits.

Gu Shaoshang looked at it carefully. The description of the way of the sun and the yin was indeed very intentional. Although it was inferior to the nine-turn Xuan Gong he had obtained before, it was worthy of the five-star level.

After reading the Chiming Nine Heavens Map, Gu Shaoshang slowly closed the secret book, the sequelae of supernatural powers have not been eliminated, even if his sea-consciousness power has increased sharply, he is still a little unbearable.


The Inheritance of the Manifestation has not yet been opened. Except for the Myriad Machine Building, not many forces know the specific opening time and location.

After that, Gu Shaoshang, Shen Wuxia and other three lingered in Tianmo Prefecture for many days, wandering around, but found nothing.

Finally, Shen Wuxia also gave up, found an oasis, rested, and waited quietly for the day when the inheritance of the Manifestation opened.

It is said that Tianmozhou is a great supernatural power, whose qi leaked out, affecting tens of millions of miles, turning it into a desert.

Even later, there were several great magicians who tried to restore the environment, and even if they failed, they left many oases.

These oases are large and small, and they are densely distributed throughout the Tianmo Prefecture, and there are not many people on them.

What Gu Shaoshang and the three of them walked to was a small oasis with a radius of only 100,000 miles, on which more than one million Tianmozhou people lived scattered.

Hanhai Town is a small town on the edge of this oasis.


Shen Wuxia closed the window and turned around: "It seems that it should be near this oasis. I saw a few acquaintances!"

"It's Fang Qidao, the young sect master of the Hades Sect, Xie San, the senior brother of the Sword God Sect, and several senior sisters from Die Liangu."

Shen Wuxia sat beside Gu Shaoshang, his face slightly solemn.

"Acquaintance? It seems that the relationship is not very good."

Gu Shao's heart was hurt, and he smiled lightly.

"Indeed, I had some friction with the senior sisters in Dieliangu before, and it was not very pleasant. Those two **** are not good things."

When Shen Wuxia mentioned Dieliangu, his expression was a little subtle, and when he mentioned "those two bastards", he was quite gnashing his teeth.

Immediately, without waiting for Gu Shaoshang to ask, he said one by one.

Pluto Sect, Sword God Sect, Die Love Valley are all top sects that have been inherited for ten thousand years in Dazhou. It is said that there are quite a few strong people in the sky, even stronger than the Wang family where King Fulong is located.

For such a sect, its young master and senior brother are naturally the top figures in Da Zhou.

Fang Qidao and Xie San were even better than Shen Wuxia. They were both masters who were close to the late stage of Concentration, and they all possessed the Treasure of Heaven.

There had been a little friction with Shen Wuxia before, but looking at his appearance, he never took advantage of him.

"There are treasures in the sky? That seems to be a master."

Gu Shaoshang was not interested in the friction between Shen Wuxia and the two of them, but was interested in the treasures of the sky between them.

Before, when challenging Shen Wuxia's projection, once Shen Wuxia used the treasure of the sky, Gu Shaoshang hardly had any resistance.

As for himself, a descendant of a great family like Shen Wuxia has a very solid foundation. Even if he doesn't use the treasure of the sky, Gu Shaoshang can't easily win it.

And the two of them are both close to the late stage of Concentration, stronger than Shen Wuxia, Gu Shaoshang thought to himself that he would not take any advantage of the shot at this time.

"It seems that we have to wait for this time to travel through the world and come back."

Gu Shao thought in sadness, glanced at Shen Wuxia, whose face was still gloomy, and shook his head.

Perhaps because of the arrival of Fang Qidao and the others, Shen Wuxia hardly left the door of the inn, and all inquiries were handed over to Qiuye.

As for Gu Shaoshang, after the repair of the Mirror of the Heavens was completed, he also stayed at home, warming up the acupoints every day, brushing projections, and looking for the Qiongtian-level secret book in Yanwutang.

The hard work pays off. A month later, Gu Shaoshang brushed off the Nuwa imagery on Ji Ning!

In the world in the mirror, Gu Shaoshang held Nuwa's visualization in his hand and watched it carefully.

The image of Nuwa was obtained by Ji Ning from the lord of the underworld, Cuifu.

After practicing, you can improve your soul and understanding. What is even more peculiar is that even infants can practice with a very low threshold.

After Gu Shaoshang's realization, it was equivalent to Ji Ning's ten years of cultivation, breaking through the entry level in one fell swoop, and his sea-consciousness power greatly increased.

In the days that followed, Gu Shaoshang's luck greatly increased, except that Shen Wuxia's flying knife training method and the treasure of the sky never dropped.

Even Yang Pan's projection dropped the Emperor's Jade Seal, and even the future that he had always coveted!

Others, such as the Qiongtian-level cheats on Qian Gang's body, the Buddha's Unique Sutra, the Red Gold Dragon Elephant Jue, etc., are even more rare.


"There is no life in the future!"

Countless essences flowed in Gu Shao's sadness.

Yang Dachan Temple has three major scriptures, including the Amitabha Sutra in the past, the Tathagata Sutra in the present, and the Sutra of No Birth in the Future. Only the Sutra of No Birth in the Future, condensed after the completion of the "Master of the Future", is the most Make Gu Shao sad.

There is no life in the future, it represents the future.

The "Lord of the Future", as the grand product of the Unborn Sutra in the future, has the ability to predict the future.

Through countless calculations, the most likely future is deduced in advance, so as to be prepared.

The master of the future can also deduce the changes of heaven and earth, and deduce all the mysteries of everything in the world.

For Gu Shaoshang, it is very useful, beyond all the secret techniques he has now!

Once the master of the future is condensed, Gu Shaoshang can use the supreme power of the master of the future to deduce his power, and he can deduce his unique martial arts practice!

"Finally I can project the heavens!"

Gu Shao moved in sadness and showed a smile.

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