Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 327: Restoring the foundation

It has been more than a thousand years since the last supreme powerhouse Li Taibai shattered the void, and in this thousand years, there has been no supreme power in the world.

Until 40 years ago, a teenager was born on the border of Youzhou.

That was the beginning of a period that could be called a myth. That young man, in just 15 years, broke into the virtual realm, and even in his thirties, he swept the world and entered the ranks of the strongest.

It has been ten years since the creation of the Shinto Alliance.


Gu Shaoshang stood up, his eyes flickering uncertainly: "Shendao Alliance? Dugu Xingye? This name!"

"Could it be?"

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and immediately extinguished the thought, that person should not appear here.

But there was a faint feeling in his heart that this person was the person he imagined.

"How could he come to this world? Is it related to the Lord God? Or a coincidence?"

For a time, Gu Shao was heartbroken.


The light brain deduced at full speed, and countless streams of information flowed through the mind.

Finally, it was vaguely pointed that this time may be related to the main temple.

"Just wait and see."

Gu Shaoshang sat down again, his mind condensed.

The strongest person is already the limit of this world, no matter how great he is, beyond this limit, he can't make an inch in this world.

He closed the file in his hand, closed his eyes and visualized the picture of Nuwa, and regained his consciousness.


One morning a few days later, the sky was clear.

The Tantai family's tungsten wood boat docked at the edge of a bustling wharf.

Duanmu Continent, here we come!

Gu Shaoshang got off the boat slowly in the crowd.

Along the way, he also learned something about Duanmu Continent.

On the Duanmu Continent, the one with the highest status was Dayu, the 'God Axe Heavenly God' from the God Axe Mountain a long time ago.

The other is Duanmu Yu of the 'Thunder Sword God' more than 3,000 years ago.

That God Axe Heavenly God must be the name that Emperor Yu left here, and that Duanmuyu is indeed a supreme power from Duanmu Continent.

Even this continent is named after him.

In addition, there is no supreme power, the strongest, but only the powerhouse of the virtual hole.

However, on the Duanmu Continent today, there is no Void Cave-level powerhouse at all, and the strongest player is nothing but the Void Realm "God of War".

And the Rising Sun Business and Tianfeng Clan where they belonged, one of them dominated the Northern Cold Region and was the only overlord in the Northern Cold Region.

It is now the most tyrannical force in Duanmu Continent.

As for Gu Shaoshang, who was suspected to be in the virtual realm, he was naturally attracted by the Tantai family.

"Mr. Gu, the Duanmu Continent is divided into four regions, and this place is the Donghua Region."

Tantai Huazhang introduced to Gu Shaoshang with a smile.

His broken arm has been bandaged, and his complexion has recovered slightly at this time.

Judging from his appearance, it seems that he does not take the broken arm in his eyes.


Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, and without saying a word, turned his head to look at the camel beasts that the knights were riding on the pier.

These mounts have four hooves, well-developed hair all over their bodies, and two hard curved horns on their foreheads.

A bit similar to horns, the face of this beast is somewhat similar to that of a lion, and the nostrils "chichi" are spitting white air.

Looking at its appearance, although it is far inferior to the flooded horses of the vast continent, it is also much more sturdy than ordinary war horses.

Tantai Huazhang didn't care about Gu Shaoshang's indifferent attitude, and kept introducing Gu Shaoshang about the Donghua Region and the situation in Duanmu Continent.

Immediately, surrounded by a large group of people, they all walked towards the Tantai family.

Along the way, Gu Shaoshang learned the customs of Duanmu Continent.

It was different from any region he had seen before. They didn't agree with each other. Two people drew their swords to face each other. In just a few hours, Gu Shaoshang had already seen two or three **** conflicts.

It wasn't because of any major event, just a trivial quarrel, and they invited to fight on the spot, and the blood of the fight was flying.

Looking at the expressions of the people around, it is just a commonplace appearance.

"A word of discord, drawing swords against each other? As expected of the Kyushu world, it is indeed a sturdy folklore!"

Gu Shaoshang was slightly taken aback and said.

In the world of Kyushu, the world is governed by the sectarian world, and the status of warriors is high. Without the unified governance of the imperial court, it is naturally chaotic.

"There is an unwritten rule among the 108 big cities in the Duanmu Continent. Generally, fighting is not allowed in the city, but if both sides invite to fight, even if they kill people, it will be fine."

Tantai Huazhang explained casually.

Behind him, several young people quietly looked at Gu Shaoshang many times along the way.

I really can't believe that this indifferent young man will be the **** of war in the virtual realm.

After half an hour, everyone came to the place where the Tantai family in Dacheng was stationed and took a break.

A shady little room.

"Mr. Gu, please rest for a while, you should live, and you will be served by yourself!"

Tantai Huazhang clasped his fists slightly and exited the room.

The loss of casualties this time is so great that he himself lost his arm, so naturally he will not go anywhere easily.

A man with a broken arm, even a Martial Sage, has lost the qualification to inherit the family.

So he left the room alone, went straight to the distance, and went to other places for help.

Gu Shaoshang never cared about the whereabouts of Tantai Huazhang, and there was a magic medicine that could heal a broken arm in the world of Kyushu.

Now he, ordinary elixir is not in his eyes.


With a soft cry of anger, he circled the room slightly and landed on the beam of the room.

Pale golden eyes flickered, guarding Gu Shaoshang vigilantly.


Gu Shaoshang turned over his sleeves and took out the dragon tooth rice, Chiyang rice and other spiritual rice from the nine cauldrons, together with the dozens of drops of heavenly dew left before, and randomly projected more than a dozen kinds of spiritual medicines.

There are more than a dozen fruits of the Nine Wonders Immortal Medicine that he prepared early.

After the performance of "Golden Chapter of the Beginning", Gu Shaoshang has not yet started to practice.

At this time, the spiritual energy of the Kyushu Continent was completely enough for him to practice, so he was not patient.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes slightly, and in his mind, the scriptures of the "Golden Chapter of the Beginning" slowly flowed past.


A subtle roar sounded from Gu Shaoshang's body.

In the dantian, the true qi seed that was even condensed by pure yang qi suddenly trembled and slowly began to disintegrate.

It turned into a turbulent infuriating energy and quickly flowed through the meridians.


Gradually, a sound like a river pouring backwards sounded.

His body trembled slightly in the flow of infuriating energy.

In the beginning, there was the Tao, and its name was Yuanshi.

How can future generations prove the origin of the Tao?

Among the countless Taoist treasures, Buddhist scriptures, and even the magic secrets that Gu Shaoshang obtained, he realized that there are only two ways for the acquired soul to prove the origin of the Tao.

Soul Road, Flesh Road.

Only when these two paths are finally condensed into one, can we enter the gate of primordial beginning.

The so-called "sex" and "life".

What is sex?

The beginning of the Yuan is really like, a spirit is also bright.

For what life?

Congenital to the essence, one breath is also.

Only cultivating nature, not life, this is the first disease of practice, only cultivating ancestral nature and not alchemy, it is difficult for Yin spirits to enter the sage for ten thousand eons.

Many practice methods seem to be unable to escape this category.

Even the way of cultivation in the vast continent is to refine the physical body to conceive the god, and in the end, it is also a dual cultivation of life and life, and the spiritual soul and the physical body are cultivated together.

Gu Shaoshang knew very well that the human body is a great treasure house with hidden potentials that are indescribable. The acupoints and acupoints in the whole body follow the mystical combination of good fortune, and the trajectory of the way of heaven and man is distributed all over the human body.

The cultivation of the spiritual path is the supreme path.

The countless schools of heaven and the world are also difficult to break away from the scope of spiritual practice.

Gu Shaoshang seems to be unable to escape this category?

But when deducing "Golden Chapter of the Beginning", Gu Shaoshang had an idea.

What is the difference between the body and the soul?

At the beginning of the beginning, all things are unique. Is there a distinction between the flesh and the soul?

The divine soul can grow stronger under the nourishment of the flesh, and the flesh is more condensed under the divine soul.

What's more, its essence is more likely to be "one"!

Therefore, during the deduction, under Gu Shaoshang's intentional mobilization, all the ways of cultivation were finally merged into one and turned into this "Golden Chapter of the Beginning".

What is the beginning? In the beginning, there was nothing, there was nothing, and there was no name. The origin of the one was that there was one but no form. Before the division of heaven and earth, the vitality was mixed into one, that is, the beginning of time.

Innate Qi, an invisible substance, is more primitive than chaos.

This "Golden Chapter of the Beginning" is the "oneness" of practice, blending the soul with the flesh, and embarking on the path of seeking "oneness".

This may be the reason why Gu Shaoshang chose the real body to travel through.

It was one of the reasons why he had never paid too much attention to the spiritual cultivation way before.

Once the "Golden Chapter of the Beginning" has entered the door, the soul is the body, and the body is the soul, one is two, two is one.

I cultivate the body, that is, to testify to the soul.


As all the infuriating seeds dissipated, the infuriating energy erupted like a volcano, flowing into every corner of the body, into the muscles and bones, and even every inch of skin, in every pore, and in every unpredictable and subtle place.


The next moment, Gu Shaoshang did something that shocked countless practitioners. His eyebrows were very deep, and the sea of ​​consciousness that existed between the real and the illusory suddenly poured down from the eyebrows.

The power of light golden consciousness flowed.

Under Gu Shaoshang's deliberate operation of the golden seal at the beginning, together with countless infuriating qi, it has merged into countless small places around the body!

Kaka! Ka Ka Ka! Ka Ka Ka!

This kind of practice is very dangerous. With the fusion of true qi and spiritual consciousness, Gu Shaoshang's clothes instantly turned to ashes.

Shocking cracks appeared on the white body like, making people tremble with fear.

Boo! Boo!

Even the anger above the beam, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he twisted his body in panic.

But the spirituality of anger is not weaker than that of human beings, and he understands that Gu Shaoshang is at the most critical moment at this time.


Gu Shaoshang opened his mouth, and the elixir placed on the table moved without wind, one by one into his mouth.

No need to chew, slide directly from the throat into the stomach bag.

Gudong! Gudong!

His body seemed to have turned into a battlefield, with countless lightning strikes, and once every bit of flowing power burst out, it would be enough to turn into an indestructible arrow, pierce through fine iron, and shatter gold and stone!

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