Projection of the Heavens

: 369 Divine Fist Dao of Heaven and Man 5 Decline

"Hey, this doctor, you seem to be sick? Are you still sick?"

Gu Shaoshang pretended to be surprised.

"you you!"

The old man's mouth was slanted, and he didn't understand where he was.

But the five qi in his body were out of balance, dizzy, and he didn't even have the strength to beg for mercy.

"What kind of doctor are you?"

Gu Shaoshang looked indifferent, and said indifferently: "Whenever a great doctor treats a disease, he must calm his mind and resolve, have no desires and no desires, first show great compassion and compassion, and vow to universally save the suffering of the soul. Ask him about the rich and the poor, the elders and the youngest, and the grudges against the good friends..."

"In the eyes of the doctor, what is the difference between the rich and the poor? If you can't even see through this, what doctor do you do?"

After Gu Shaoshang finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves to relieve the symptoms on his body, and smiled and invited the middle-aged woman into the house.

"Great doctor, great doctor..."

Even though Gu Shaoshang relieved the backhand, the old man still sat on the ground in a trance.

If Gu Shaoshang used Taoism or martial arts to subdue him, he would naturally not be convinced, but just now, he disturbed his own five qi without a sound, and he was completely proficient in profound medical principles.

"Medical way, medical way."

The old man was in a trance, recalling that when he was young, he was sent to a medical school by his father to study medicine.

When did all the medical ethics in his heart be thrown away?

He stood up, his impetuousness gradually disappeared, and he stood outside the door with his hands down.

"Xuanji, you, you."

Entering the door, the middle-aged woman looked at Gu Shaoshang, dumbfounded.

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly and recounted what he said to the Hong family before, without fear of being known by others.

After he came to this world, what he was afraid of was not just a few ancient sun gods such as the Daoist fortune-telling, but what blinded his perception was also the will of this world, which would be destroyed every 129,600 years. "The Way of Heaven" in the world.

"Fortune, fortune! Great fortune for our Hong family!"

The middle-aged woman was overjoyed after being in a trance for a while.

The middle-aged woman and the Hong family were both the first members of the Hong Family Village. Although there were not many people around for many years, they still took care of each other a lot.

"Miss You, sit down."

Hong Shi, who drank the rice porridge, looked ruddy and healthy, and said with a smile.

"Hey, hey."

The middle-aged woman sat on the edge of the bed and held the Hong's hand: "Sister, you have finally come after all your hardships..."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head, listened impatiently to these parents, turned around and walked out the door.

"grown ups."

The thin old man bowed and bowed when he saw the door that Gu Shao had injured.

Taoism is prevalent in this world, and legends of ghosts and immortals abound. An eight-year-old boy who can play a martial artist like him in the palm of his hand is naturally very likely to be the reincarnation of ghosts and immortals.

The old man stayed here, but most of them were overwhelmed by Gu Shaoshang's methods.


Gu Shaoshang didn't care, and walked out of the courtyard slowly.

He used the method in "The Golden Chamber" to convince the old man before, and naturally he wanted to take him for his own use.

Otherwise, if he takes a breath, how can he survive?

Seeing Gu Shaoshang walking onto the street, the old man followed suit with his medicine box.


Gu Shaoshang stepped on the tiled bluestone floor of the street and shuttled through the crowd.

"The Sun God World."

Gu Shaoshang stood with his hands behind his back, a golden flame ignited in his eyes, savoring the differences in the world.

Each world is unique, with its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

For example, the laws of the Jiuding World are manifested, and the Yangshen World, without a doubt, is a world where one's mind is only one's own.

"Da Zhou loses its deer, and the world chases it away!"

Suddenly, in the tavern by the road, such a sentence sounded, attracting Gu Shaoshang's idea.

Gu Shaoshang stepped into the tavern.

Although he was wearing coarse cloth and looked like an eight-year-old child, he had an extraordinary aura, and behind him was an old man in brocade clothing who followed step by step.

So, no one said anything.

The tavern is not big, and it is only two floors in size.

In the center of the first floor, an old man wearing a coarse cloth robe stood behind a long table and said with a smile: "The number one master in the world, Meng Shenji, was dissatisfied with the Great Weekend Emperor's intention to cultivate Taoism and enslaved the world forever, so he chose from the world. A hidden dragon, vying for dominance in the world!"

"Old man, can't you say something new?"

"That's right, that's right! I hear calluses on Taizu's ears!"

Around the old man, there were several tables of guests sitting in twos and threes, coaxing.

"Ha ha!"

The old man smiled lightly and tapped twice on the table with his palm, smiling without saying a word.

"Hey! You old man."

Several diners around laughed and scolded, and threw a few copper plates over.


The old man just bent over to thank him, when he heard a soft sound on the table, and a silver ingot fell in front of him.

"Thank you, this one, young master!"

He turned his eyes and saw Gu Shaoshang standing with his hands on his side, hesitantly said.

"It's interesting to say, let's continue."

Gu Shaoshang nodded and sat on the chair behind him.

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched, don't ask, the ingot is his.

After all, when Gu Shaoshang first came to this world, although there is gold and silver, it is not the same as the currency of this world. Although it can be recast, it is not as easy to use as the ready-made one behind him.

"Thank you for your reward!"

The old man bowed slightly and continued to talk about the work of the great ancestor.

Although the rest of the diners were slightly critical, they also knew in their hearts that they would naturally not consider their opinions if they threw such a piece of silver on it.

"That Dream God Machine's Taoism is earth-shattering..."


After talking for two hours, Gu Shaoshang got up and left the tavern.

An ordinary storyteller would naturally say one point of truth and nine points of falsehood, but for Gu Shaoshang, it was enough.

At least, I have some understanding of what's going on at this time and others.

At this time, not long after the establishment of the country, it seemed to be prosperous, but in fact it was internal and external troubles.

Not only are there Dachan Temple and Taishangdao within the territory, but outside the territory, there are Yuantu, Huluo, Yunmeng Empire and other enemies that are eyeing them.

The Supreme Taoist Master Meng Shenji has bullied the world for hundreds of years with his six thunder tribulations.

The death of Dagan Taizu may be the handwriting of this number one person in the world.

The Dachan Temple is even more dominant in Zhongzhou. There are 100,000 warrior monks in the temple. They are extremely luxurious and rich enough to rival the country.

The temple is so big that every morning to light incense, several little novices are required to ride horses and run in the temple, and its scale can be seen in general.

"Dream Machine."

Gu Shaoshang was thoughtful.

At this time, in the world of the Yang God, masters are lurking, and the so-called ten demons in the world are just jokes. Only the dream **** machine who will survive seven thunder tribulations can be seen.

Although Gu Shaoshang has not yet seen the masters of this world, he cannot accurately define his own strength, but with his ability to open up 365 acupoints, it is natural for him to do a great job at this time. any adversary exists.

Gu Shaoshang walked around the street for several hours, until the sun turned to the west, and then he returned to the small courtyard leisurely.

"My lord wants to open a hospital?"

The old man was slightly surprised.


Gu Shaoshang nodded lightly and said, "Go to Yujing City and buy a house, and in a few days, you can come to Beijing with me."

Gu Shaoshang flipped his palm and took out a dozen red gold coins.


Gu Shaoshang couldn't refuse with a flick of his sleeves, and the old man took the coins with a wry smile.

"Medical Dao is not weaker than Martial Dao, Immortal Dao, you can do things with me, and I will teach you the Dao of Medicine."

Gu Shaoshang spoke lightly.

In several worlds, he has watched countless Taoist and Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, among which medical skills are naturally not few.

And after Chen Ang's "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" was passed on, he realized that this medical way has great potential, and it may not be weaker than the martial way and the immortal way.

At this moment, he still has time to spare, so he naturally wants to study it in depth.

"Yes! Your lord!"

The old man's eyes lit up and he bowed.

The reason why he stayed was that he naturally had this idea deep in his heart.

"The Golden Chamber is a little bit..."

Gu Shaoshang watched the old man slowly retreat, the golden flame burning in his eyes.

The disorder of the five qi in the human body and the imbalance of yin and yang will lead to diseases.

Among the several secret methods passed down by Chen Ang, only the Golden Chamber has the lowest level and is not perfect, but Gu Shaoshang has the greatest interest.

The human body has five elements, yin and yang, and disorder will cause disease. Heaven and earth also have five elements, yin and yang.


In the sea of ​​Gu Shao's wounded consciousness, his light brain trembled endlessly: "If the medical method is deduced to the extreme, it may be turned into one of my boxing techniques."

"This style of boxing, perhaps, can be named as the Five Decays of Heaven and Man!"


Time flies, half a month has passed.

Outside the Yujing City, a horse-drawn carriage was mixed in with the traffic, and it was not conspicuous at all.

In the carriage, Hong's body has fully recovered, and the skin is exuding a healthy color.

"Xuanji, has your Aunt You already gone to Yujing first?"

Mr. Hong lowered the carriage curtain and asked.

Gu Shaoshang was sitting cross-legged outside the carriage at the moment, and he heard the words and replied: "They have already gone to the "Tianmingtang" in the Jade Capital City a few days ago."

Hearing this, Mr. Hong was silent, and the timidity in his heart faded a little.

"Jade City!"

Gu Shaoshang had a smile on his mouth: "Yang Pan?"

He looked around and saw that the Jade Capital City was solemn and solemn, like a majestic mountain crawling on the ground.

This entire huge Jade Capital City has a total of nine portals, and each portal is stationed with more than a thousand elite soldiers, who are patrolling the city walls with eyes.

Among this group of soldiers, many of them were veterans who participated in the Battle of Zhou Extermination. Although their cultivation base was not so deep, their murderous aura for the rest of their lives, even the martial sage-level powerhouse, would raise their eyebrows.

Although for Gu Shaoshang is nothing.

At this time, Gu Shaoshang was looking at him.

Yes, it is hope.

His consciousness has been activated long ago, and he can naturally look forward to it.

But in the past several worlds, he has seen several dynasties, but it is not as conspicuous as this Jade Capital City.

It's not just about the strength of the country, it's about the difference in the world.

Gu Shaoshang looked around and saw a faint yellow air shrouded above the huge Yujing.

At the city gate, there is only a thin layer, and the deeper it goes, the deeper it becomes.

And up to the center of Yujing City, the golden-yellow airflow almost condensed into substance!

Like a golden dragon circling with endless majesty.

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