Who is the bad guy?

“Let’s get straight to the point. We don’t have time for each other.”

Yes, we do.

I’m supposed to be free, aren’t I? Because of someone else, I’ve been working more and more. Oh, it’s not work, it’s duty, no?

“As I recall, you guaranteed me a minimum standard of living, didn’t you? Unless I’m mistaken, I thought after the last incident, I was reduced to the minimum standard of living for a noblewoman.”

Yes, we negotiated repeatedly, and sometimes I used a bit of my health to stand firm.

As a result, I was given the minimum standard of living for a noblewoman.

Ragnard took my side on this and promised to improve my personal care and diet.

The food had definitely improved, and now I ate three meals a day with my husband.

I wondered what had happened to his work space at the villa, but he said he was feeling so comfortable that he came back here.

He had a nice office to begin with, and was more comfortable here than in the villa.

There were times when he didn’t have to drop by the Royal Palace for work, but those times were the best.

I wanted to send him off and tell him that he didn’t have to be here all the time.

The saying that a healthy husband is best out of the house was so true!

I digressed; anyway, the minimum lifestyle of a noblewoman included tea time! 

“Tea time is to be strictly observed. And the tea cakes that accompany tea are also within the scope of duty.”

“Risha, I realize now that you are a sheltered girl.”

Eh, are you  making fun of me?

“Do you know what life is like for the lowest class of nobles?”

D-Don’t tell me ――……

“The term ‘noblewoman’ is broadly defined. I focused on the lowest class of noblewomen, but still, your treatment is more than enough, don’t you think so?”

“Ho-h-hold on! I’m fulfilling my duties as Duchess!”

Look, housekeeping and housekeeping, and I don’t know why I sometimes do the work of the head of the family!

“That is, it is the minimum obligation for a noblewoman to live a minimum lifestyle. Right, Ragnard?”

“Right, Sir.”

Whoa! Why is that so?

Is it me who just doesn’t understand?

I was on the verge of defeat, thinking that no matter what I said, I had no chance.

“Well, but I’m not that much of an ogre either. If you want to eat tea sweets so badly, you should join or host a tea party ―― don’t you think?”

Heh, I absolutely hate it.

Socializing was the most troublesome duty.

“So, if you attend one tea party, I guarantee you tea cakes for a month. If you hold a tea party ―― I promise you six months. Plus, if you attend a tea party hosted by the Royal Family, I guarantee you a year.”

Oh, so that’s what’s coming?

But Husband, do you really think I’m going to attend a tea party hosted by the Royal Family?

To a tea party where a nasty Royal Highness would be waiting for me?

If I had common sense, I wouldn’t go. Well, no one with common sense would turn down a tea party hosted by the Royal Family.

I’m not common, so I have a choice not to go.

As I was pondering this, my husband continued.

“There is another proposal that will guarantee you the full lifestyle as my Duchess.”

“What is it?”

I jumped on it immediately. But then, I regretted it almost immediately.

Because my husband’s expression was that of a villain. He said, with the corners of his mouth turned up.

“To spend the night with me, to have a child with me.”

“No thanks.”

I rejected him instantly.

Of course, as a Duchess, I knew it was better to have children, but I was afraid of him.

Fear of what he might do? Something like that.

Because he was very familiar with women, but I was a greenhorn.

Moreover, I didn’t trust him.

I didn’t know how serious he was about what he just said, but I felt like he was playing with me more than half the time when he shrugged his shoulders in disappointment.

“So, what do we do now?”


Actually, when I thought about it, it didn’t seem so bad.

If I attended a tea party or held a tea party, I’d be guaranteed tea sweets for a limited time.

It was a hassle to organize, but if I’d rather attend, I could just do it once a month and that was about it.

Besides, Husband didn’t say anything about the scale of the tea party, and it looked like…he was up to something.

After what happened some time ago, Miss Michelle had invited me to a tea party, and it might be just the thing.

“Fine, but for the time being, let’s just say I’ll go socializing for my tea sweets.”

After all, sweets are important nutrients for women.

Without it, life would be colorless.

“May I ask, is the tea party limited to women only?”

Well, a basic tea party is mainly for women, but it’s no problem to invite men just like Elise’s tea party a while ago.

In fact, a large-scale daytime social gathering may be called a tea party, but the content may be comparable to a nighttime social event.

As you might expect, such a large-scale event is not often held, and I have no intention of going. I don’t want to host one either.

“No, I don’t mind men at women’s tea parties, but I don’t approve of you being alone with men.”

“I know. I would never engage in such public questionable behavior.”

That’s common sense, Husband.

“What are your other conditions?”

That being said, it’s not a good idea to decide this or that without preparation.

Why don’t you give me some time to think about it?

“Husband, honestly, I don’t have much time to think of anything right now. When something happens, why don’t we renew the contract then and there? Something may crop up, even for you, later on, yeah?”

If everything’s tightly decided now, I might fall into something without escape.

That’s a problem.

“As far as I’m concerned, the latter idea is the easiest.”

“Let me remind you, it was you who said I don’t have to bear children.”

“I did, but there are plenty of ways to avoid having children.”

“What? I don’t understand. If you don’t want to have children, why do you need to spend the night with me?”

If we’re not going to have kids, why do I have to spend the night with him? That’s what I’m saying.

“You really look like you don’t understand…”

Yes, I don’t understand at all.

For some reason, Ragnard looked at my husband with troubled eyes, and he gave Ragnard a questioning look in return.

“Still a child ―― I see what you mean…”

“My apologies. This kind of thing is really something I can’t――……”

“It can’t be helped…Did you find anyone suitable?”

“Yes, we’re expecting the person here by the end of the week.”

I’m lost. They’re in that mutual understanding mood again.

In the midst of this alienating feeling of being left out, I asked the maidservants if they knew what they were talking about, and all three of them looked at my husband sympathetically for some reason.


Why does this look like I’m the bad guy here?

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