Royal Tea Party

Everyone is glittering, as expected of a large-scale tea party hosted by the Royal Family.

What can I say, the spirit of the event is very different.

This is the perfect matchmaking place for single ladies and gentlemen.

There’s a lot of giggling and squealing going on all over the place.

Mainly the ladies.

I don’t know why they’re so desperate.

And why is it that when they see me, they look surprised and scared at the same time?

It’s ridiculous. I’ve never met you guys before, right?

Please don’t be so frightened.


“What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything.”


Sure enough, my husband took notice.

But let me tell you, I didn’t do anything!

First off, it’s the first time I’m meeting all these people.

It’s not without cause, but that was also your fault, too, husband, too, you know?

Perhaps it was the guests of that tea party that spread the word about me in social circles.

It’s said that if anyone angers me, I’ll force them to enter into an unwanted marriage.

I won’t be so outrageous.


Well, sometimes misfortune strikes, but it’s never my fault. Please don’t make a mistake, okay? There is a word called ‘karma.’

I giggled behind the fan in my hand.

My husband, escorting me, knows exactly what I’m doing, but it’s no problem.


Hey, Husband! Why are you looking at me like you’re regarding a disappointing child?

That’s rude!


Husband heaved a sigh and urged me to look forward.


“The host is here.”


Today’s host is the Royal Family, that is, Her Majesty the Queen.

There was no way that Her Royal Highness would not participate in a tea party hosted by her mother, Her Majesty.

They are a close mother and child.

Her Majesty has orange hair and eyes of the same color, and today she is wearing a beautiful blue dress.

She has been socializing both inside and outside the country as the Queen for nearly 20 years, and her influence is immense. I can also see that she is making the effort to match it.

Together, Her Royal Highness appeared with her bright red hair and orange eyes inherited from Her Majesty. If you just look at her, she’s a very beautiful woman, but knowing her personality, her eyes look dreadful. They look as if she’s aiming at a prey.

Her Royal Highness is not wearing a crimson dress, but a red dress of a similar shade.

It was the first time I had ever seen a woman in a dress, and it was the first time I had ever seen her in a dress.

The sight of Her Royal Highness drew many glances from the surrounding nobles to my husband and me next to him.


We’re about to pick a fight!

Even if I’m poor at socializing, it’s easy to tell when something’s so obvious.

Yeah… So, is Her Royal Highness going to hunt me now like a small animal?

Well, for once in my life, I’m going to have to play it down and make a run for it.

Besides, I have my husband.

If anything happens to me, please be my shield!


“Let’s go.”



I stepped out with all vigor.

My husband is dressed in his work clothes for the castle today, but he’s dressed very formally.  In his chest pocket is a crimson handkerchief. His cufflinks and other accessories are also jewels of the same color.

As for me, I’m wearing a crimson dress that had been prepared especially for this day.

The crimson dress is unique to Duchesses, but it’s basically an evening dress worn to evening parties.

I rarely wear such a dress to tea parties, but today I went out of my way to wear it.

It was for all to see me.

Because only a few nobles know what I look like now.

I doubted they’d believe I’m me.

I headed for the host with my husband. As soon as people noticed us, they split sideways as if to make way for us.

The host and her daughter also noticed us and looked at us.

Oh, Your Royal Highness, you’re glaring at me too fiercely.

It’s so overwhelming when a beautiful woman stares at you. 

My mouth almost twitched, but I still managed to smile calmly.

When my Husband moved a little to protect me from Her Royal Highness’s gaze, I’m certain it’s all for his own sake.

Us couple are getting along just fine! I loves my wife very much! His performance means this.

If there’s trouble between a married couple, someone’s likely to butt in!

As for the reality, no one knows.


“Thank you for inviting us here today. Due to my work, I have not had the opportunity to introduce my wife to you, and I apologize for that. This is my wife, Risha Lindbeld.”

“I am Risha Lindbeld, I’ve married His Grace from the Count of Verdigo family.”


I bowed my head and waited for permission to come.


“Raise your head.”


With Her Majesty’s permission, I raise my head.

I was a little nervous at the sight of the royal family up close.

I had an audience with the Emperor when I came of age, but I was one of the many adult nobles, so this was the first time I had ever been this close to the royal family.

Well, I guess you could say that my husband is part of the royal family, but I’m used to him.

Her Majesty looked me up and down and gave me a faint, sharp glare.

Right, even Her Majesty has her own reservations about me, since I am the one who stole her daughter’s son-in-law.

Even though it can’t be helped, it’s amazing in a way that a powerful woman in the social world hates me. I enjoyed it when it was someone else’s problem, but not when the problem befalls me.


“Hmm, not bad. You’re a lot like your mother. If it’s just looks, you match the Duke of Lindbeld, no?”


I received a high-handed assessment that all I am is a pretty girl! I know it’s critical to say that all I have to offer is my looks, but thank you!

Thanks to everyone, I’ve undergone an amazing transformation. I’m also delighted to have my appearance complimented by the royal family, and to have them say that I resemble my mother.

In fact, when I was with the Count of Verdigo family, I was told that I resembled my father, who was not very good looking, so this makes me even happier.

“Thank you for your compliment. I will continue to support my husband and make the Lindbeld dukedom thrive. I would very much like to follow the example of Your Majesty and the other ladies, and would appreciate your guidance and encouragement.”

Stand up for my husband and be modest without being too outspoken, and then reply in the safest way possible.

This is what a newlywed wife would do. 

At any rate, making an enemy of those who have been married for a long time is more troublesome than making an enemy of the ladies.

If I just greet in hopes of getting along with each other, it would spread outward to the ears of those who were listening nearby.


“Oh, would you like to be good friends with me, too?”


Suddenly, as if to interrupt the conversation between me and Her Majesty, Her Royal Highness spoke up.

Hmmm, you do know that you’re being rude, right?

This is a kind of official business.

In other words, even between a mother and daughter, this is something that needs tact.

As I was wondering how I should react, my husband conveyed his dissatisfaction to Her Royal Highness.


“Shouldn’t you start that by doing something about your attire? Wearing a dress made of a fabric close to crimson on a social occasion is like saying that you have some reservations against the Lindbeld dukedom. Don’t tell me that as a member of the royal family, you lack such common sense, do you?”



Husband, you said that.

The nobles around were surprised.

I feel like the tension has instantly increased.

As expected, I also started to sweat a little.

How can he criticize the royal family in public? He’s fearless ―― Or perhaps it’s allowed because he’s the Duke of Lindbeld.


“Oh, Claude. My daughter, Lindette, didn’t mean any harm either, you know? And it’s not just a red dress. Red suits her very well. It’s also the color of her hair.”


Her Majesty glanced meaningfully at my dress.

As if crimson doesn’t suit me ―― In other words, she’s criticizing me for being unworthy of the Duke of Lindbeld.

But I can say for myself that this dress and the dress I wore before looked good on me.

Thanks to everyone’s efforts.

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