I Will Do My Best to Heal You!

 Now what in the world is going on?

 Presently, Michel had gathered information ahead of time.

 We gathered in Husband’s office to listen to it with the main members.

 Of course, there are two beasts waiting on the side.

 One of them is obviously playing, though.


“A servant found them first and screamed like a banshee.”


 Michel seemed to have heard the scream, too.

 The volume of the scream was so loud that it could have echoed throughout the mansion, but since my room, Husband’s office and bedroom were soundproofed, we didn’t hear it at all.

 Husband didn’t even know what was going on until Ragnard went to inform him.


“That, indeed, would be shocking. If a large wild animal suddenly appeared in front of me, I would be prepared to die. We don’t normally see something like this in the middle of a big city, no?”

“I heard that scream, too. To be honest, I thought something was wrong.”


 It was a little past noon, and it was still light out. Hearing such a high-pitched scream, it sounded  as if a monster came into sight.

 Ragnard immediately investigated and reported it to Husband.

 But what I’m wondering is, why did Husband come to wake me up?

 Lil or the other maids could have done it!

 It’s quite bad for my heart to be greeted with such a divine face right after opening my eyes.


“It was an emergency, you know. Wouldn’t it be quicker to get you up if I did it myself?”


 It was, well…

 If it had been Lil, it would have been hard to wake her up.

 It’s because I was pretty tired today.

 The large beast outside perhaps thought that I had come to retrieve the fluffy pup that was supposed to be in my room.

 Well, I thought it was strange that it lay down so leisurely there and without hostility.

 At any rate, Husband wanted to wake me up to show me who was responsible for this situation.


“Didn’t you think it was dangerous?”


 The beast did nothing, so he could have left me alone instead of waking me up, right?


“If it were dangerous, it wouldn’t be here anymore. It’s on the grounds of the Lindbeld dukedom. There are always knights of the territory army staying here, so if there’s any dangerous beast, they’ll be disposed of immediately.”


 Apparently, because it wasn’t hostile and is quiet, they did not touch it and informed Husband instead.


“Anyhow, how did it get here without being spotted by those supposedly elite knights of the territory army? Besides, it couldn’t have entered the duchy without passing through the Royal Capital, right?

“Oh, I looked into it, but there are no sightings of him… So the only thing I can think of is that he came from the Royal Palace.”

“That’s a better possibility than walking around the city.”


 The most famous building in our country’s Royal Capital is naturally the Royal Palace.

 The palace stands at a slightly higher elevation, with a steep mountain range behind it.

 This means they don’t have to worry about what’s behind them, and only have to look ahead, even if the Royal City becomes a battlefield.

 I don’t know much about it, but I heard that there’s an underground passage through the mountain range that allows people to cross.

 It was built at the same time when the capital was built as an escape route for the royal family and the residents of the Royal City, but it has never been used.

 And of course, the site of this Royal Mansion of the Duke of Lindbeld is the closest place to the Royal Palace.

 In short, you know?


 Assuming that these beasts were Vancouries, and if they lived in the high mountains, they could cross such a mountain range with ease.

 However, the mountain behind was a sheer cliff.

 It would definitely be difficult for even a beast, let alone a man, to cross.


 He’s a trespasser, isn’t he?

 He’s not a person, though.


 But if such a beast appeared, it would be a threat…

 It’s going to be a headache for Husband.

 More work, eh?

 People say that Husband is a workaholic, and he super loves his special job! Not really.

 It’s not that he doesn’t like it, but he doesn’t want to do too much work. That’s why I got involved in this.


“So let’s talk about the future, shall we, Risha?”


 Husband spoke smilingly.


 How many times has that face fooled me?!

 Yeah, yeah, I know. Anyway, you want to push me on this, don’t you?

 I totally understand.


 They’re more trouble than they’re worth, but I have one answer.


“If he doesn’t go back, let’s keep him!”


 That’s the only answer.

 Or rather, I’m hoping that he won’t go back.

 I mean, wouldn’t it be great to sleep with that fur wrapped around me?

 Moreover, it’s so cuddly that I don’t want to let go anymore, practically!


“…Your thoughts are so transparent. It’s dangerous to pine for what you desire, don’t you think? If you like their fur so much, I can buy it for you.”


 No, that’s quite…it costs 500 gold coins.

 I don’t feel quite comfortable putting that around my body…


“By the way, just to be sure, can we now rule out that they’re Vancouries? I don’t know, I’ve never seen one before.”

“There’s no denying it. They look exactly like the Vancoury I’ve seen in the past. I’d hate to think that there are several kinds of these creatures out there.”


 That’s reasonable, I suppose.

 It would be scary if there were several kinds of these humongous carnivorous beasts wandering around.


“…Even if you do keep them, where are you going to shelter them? And what about the permissions?” 

“Can’t I just keep them here?”


 The estate is vast.


“It’s not bad, but will they be satisfied? Vancouries are beasts that dwell at high altitudes. I’m sure they get a fair amount of exercise…”

“But the territory is…”

“We can’t let them loose until we get the word out.”


 Before all else, I have never been to the territory since our marriage.

 As the Duchess, I know I have to go, but I know that the Lindbeld dukedom vassals will definitely try to mess with me, so to be honest, it’s a hassle.

 So far, the conversation came to a stop at Husband’s place, but I guess a direct confrontation is inevitable.


“Shall we go, to the estate?”


 I nodded to my amused husband with a sigh.


“It can’t be helped…Let’s bear some hardship for the sake of these beasts. Then we’ll go to the neighboring countries. I’d like to take advantage of the good opportunity and ask them some questions.”

“You’re pretty motivated for a lazy wife?”


 Hmph, of course.

 Because healing is very important for a healthy mind!

 With these beasts around, I’ll be able to do my best even when things are unpleasant!

 Oh, that doesn’t mean I have to do more work, Husband!


 Although Husband didn’t know what I was thinking, he looked at me somewhat happily and said…


“Let me tell you one thing, whether in our territory or a neighboring country, we’ll have to be in the same room.”


 You don’t have to say that!

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