Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1100: , Tzeentch's 10 Ambush

June of the 2520 year of the imperial calendar is destined to be another month of great changes. Just when Ryan was on the expedition to Obiang vigorously, a huge change began on the side of the empire.

Taking advantage of the epic victory of the third Blackfire Pass, Emperor Karl Franz announced the most drastic reforms to the existing military structure of the Empire.

The existing military power of the empire can be summarized into three parts, namely the professional standing army, the semi-professional provincial army and the local militia organizations. Of course, this is the part controlled by the emperor. Some independent military organizations such as secular knights The regiments were loyal to the emperor but were not part of the imperial military system, such as the religious knights or the army of the local church, which were loyal to the emperor in another way, that is, the noble council presided over by the emperor.

It can be said that the entire military structure left by the savior Ludwig to the Empire is still very scientific.

However, no matter how good policies and structures are, problems will arise over time. Karl Franz, who has served in the military, is very aware of the problems within the imperial army.

Regardless of the corruption of logistical supplies and the decline of the army’s combat effectiveness, the imperial army itself has a tendency to “age”. In the imperial army, the service life of the standing army is about 15-21 years. Assuming that a person starts to serve at the age of 16, then With the best luck, you must be able to retire after the age of 31.

But in fact, the emperor's investigation in the army found that, let alone 31 years old, in the imperial standing army and provincial army, there are many veterans in their forties and fifty years old, and the average age of company commanders and imperial captains is 45 years old. , and excluding all the legends and the powerhouses above the legend, the average age of the imperial generals is as high as 50-55 years old!

It is true that veterans' rich experience is a very valuable asset to the battlefield, but in fact, serving too long can easily lead to poor discipline, low morale, alcoholism, cynicism, and veterans who serve for seven or eight years or even ten years. Unable to get promoted, they can easily gradually become a strange creature - they don't volunteer for suicide missions, and they don't take unnecessary risks. Splurge on nothing, and do not work hard when fighting. Only when they are trapped or face a desperate situation, the veterans will suddenly burst into a strong fighting force, just to survive.

Even so, a large number of returning veterans still occupy a lot of places. It is true that many of them can no longer do other things besides serving in the army, but more are the emerging burghers and many homesteaders who do not like to serve. They tend to Yu spends a sum of money to hire someone to serve on his behalf, then the veterans receive a commission to re-employ, and the middle class are exempted from military service. Everyone is happy.

The result of this is that the army lacks new recruits and lacks vitality, while the reserve militia lacks training and decent equipment, and is embarrassing to use at critical moments.

Therefore, Emperor Karl Franz decided to continue to cross the river by touching Ryan. He studied in detail Ryan's 6-8 year military service system, the number of years for compulsory retirement, buying out the age of soldiers and letting veterans go to local provinces or village militia. The arrangement of the instructor or the captain, no matter what the emperor thinks, it is wonderful, wonderful!

That's it!

Of course, to be fair, the emperor did not think of these things before, but had no conditions. One is that the prestige is not enough, and the electors and nobles will naturally resist. The second is that the money is not enough, and it is impossible to get rid of a large number of veterans. , that is to provoke a mutiny.

Both of these issues have now been resolved. The first is that the third victory of the Black Fire Pass brought the emperor's personal prestige and honor to the peak, and many people even said that he was possessed by the emperor at that moment. The electors are now afraid to face the emperor's edge, and even Countess Emilia, who has just returned to Nur, has expressed support for the emperor.

The second problem is the need for a large amount of money. For this problem, Karl Franz received the full help of Thorgreen, the supreme king of the dwarves.

The dwarves are in good condition now. With the recovery of the Eight Peaks, it took a few years for Bellegar to repair the huge tunnel hub. The dwarf mountain kingdom has been unimpeded since then, and both business and army can travel through the mountains. , which allowed the great dwarf kingdoms to resume their traditions of trade and mutual aid.

At the same time, the dwarf exploration team that captured Mount Gumbard established an Akashi mine, from which Thorgreen and his Eternal Peak could harvest unimaginable terrifying wealth every year, and the treasure trove of the High King gradually became rich. Thanks to the Emperor's outstanding performance in the Third Battle of Blackfire Pass, the Council of Dwarf Patriarchs approved a war loan proposal for the Empire, and a new war loan will soon be sent to Emperor Karl Franz's treasury.

With prestige and money, the emperor can finally start a comprehensive military reform of the southern part of the empire as he wished. As for the northern part of the empire, the war is still going on, and the second is beyond the reach of the whip.

While Brunswick was carrying out the military reform, Nuer's military reform was also carried out immediately. With the assistance of Geert, Frederick began to reform the Nuer military, taking the opportunity to purge and discharge some of the veterans, It was replaced by young generals who were loyal to himself, especially those young aristocratic talents who studied and grew up with him in the Guns and Cannon Academy, the Engineering Academy and Noor University.

Ryan's eldest son has already made plans. When the time is almost up, he can launch a palace coup. He will pack his mother, tie it with a ribbon, put it in a gift box and send it to his father to continue to be her little maid. Now it's Nur's turn. I am in charge!

Hehehe, just kidding, my mother said that my father arranged to be 30 years old.

Then I will launch a coup d'etat at that time.

…………I am the dividing line of the great dutiful son…………

At the same time as the Empire's fiery military reform, Ryan's Obiang strategy continued.

After the Battle of Hastings ended, the Knights Road army did not actually cause a devastating blow to the Obian barbarians. There were still about 20,000 people in the barbarian army fleeing to Conquata. Harold and Zan Aike were facing difficulties. At that time, instead of fighting again, we chose to temporarily unite and work together to fight against a strong enemy.

In fact, Lane's Knights Road army encountered a lot of difficulties on the way to advance. The heavy rain in Obiang was endless, and the attacks of the local large group of swamp-dwelling demon war gangs and human skin wolf war gangs made the logistics of the Knights Road army full. Troubled, the compass and the method of identifying the direction are difficult to work in the chaotic wind and dense fog. until the direction is reached.

Later, on the way to Concuata, Ryan received a very troublesome news.

The Norsca, the Khorne champion Bloody Hagros, led 12,000 men to land on the north shore of Obiang, ready to come to support Harold and Zanek.

Ryan made a quick decision to let Callard lead 18,000 people north to meet the enemy, while he led about 15,000 people to wait for the arrival of reinforcements from Newland.

This would have been a godsend for Harold and Zanek, at this time Conquata had concentrated all the barbarian tribes on Obiang, with a total of about 22,000 barbarian soldiers and more than 32,000 barbarian militias, and they also With the cover of swamps, heavy rain, and fog, whether it is to immediately go north to attack the Karad army or quickly surround the Ryan army, it is possible to achieve certain results.

However, at this time, he was defeated in the Battle of Hastings and lost his thigh pendant. Even Harold, who could not find the two eggs (it is estimated that they both fell in the swamp), has lost the courage to fight with Ryan. Repeatedly refusing Zan-eke's orders to strike immediately, he made up his mind to stick to Conquata.

Just a few days after Harold decided to hold his own, Callard successfully defeated the army of Khorne champion Bloody Hagros at the eastern foothills of the Beast Mountains, and Callard learned from Rokossovsky in Bagration. Tactics in action, splitting the army into three, simultaneously attacking from three lines and then supporting each other, easily repelled Hagroth and his Norsca army, still on the chest of the mighty Khorne champion A wound several centimeters deep was left.

But just as Kharad was about to pursue and wipe out the barbarian reinforcements, the scouts came with dire news.

A chaotic army of more than 20,000 people is slowly landing on the north shore of Obiang. Its commander seems to be the legendary original demon prince, Billak.

Callard knew that something was wrong, and he hurriedly led the army to retreat, trying to join Ryan.

At this time, Lane's army of chivalry had arrived at the city of Conkwata.

In the afternoon of late June, Ryan and the others visited Conquata, while the Karad Army was still on its way back to join forces with the Ryan Army.

"What a big fortress." François looked at the large fortress in the middle of the southern part of the Beast Mountains, built on the mountainside highlands and backed by the mountain peaks, and was a little dumbfounded: "Your Majesty, your brother didn't tell us to capture this place. Such a huge fortress."

"Barbarians can't build cities. This is all the work of the Old Sages. After the Mantrars withdrew from Obiang, Conquata became the territory of these chaotic barbarian tribes." Veronica was still full of fire. Red leather coat, the female speaker frowned, she slightly estimated the height and width of the fortress, and even more bitter face: "This fortress is located on a 400-meter mountainside, using megalithic buildings, the city wall is eight meters high, and the internal structure Complex trenches and fortresses are readily available, and there are even rivers passing through the mountains. This is the wet season, dear, how can we capture such a strong fortress?"

"The man of the word is an enemy!" François was also very unhappy. The old man walked across the dirt road, took out his binoculars in the rain, and looked at the strong city wall of Conquata and the dense barbarian guards from a distance. Jun, the old man was very reluctant to fight this kind of offensive battle, he put down his binoculars: "Your Majesty, there are more barbarians than us, even if most of them are militiamen, they can still play a big role in defending the city. ."

"Your Majesty, like this, I'll take someone to try it tomorrow to see how strong the defense is." Marshal Davout said, "Let my Musillon Army try it first."

"No, Da Wuqing, you don't need to go." Ryan also frowned, he felt that he was tricked by Fugen.

Fulgan did not say that Conquata was such a large fortress, built on a mountainside and with a megalithic structure! Lane thought Conquata was just a typical Norsca settlement.

However, as a top-ranked military strategist in the world, Ryan did not blame others. Because of the particularity of Obian Island, the information that can be obtained is too little, and even the imperial people who often venture into the depths of the thick fog are very concerned about Conquata's information. The understanding is also limited to "the fortress that used to be the mantra, and was later occupied by Billak".

"Your Majesty, what should I do now?" Bertrand looked at such a strong fortress, and the sixth marshal carried the bow of Tarr behind his back, and the holy emblem of Tarr on his forehead shone brightly: "I see, on the mountain There are barbarians in every corner of the country, and they are only a lot more numerous than us."

"Your Majesty, can we consider sieging the city for a long time?" Francois thought about an idea: "Do the barbarians still need to eat?"

Ryan lowered his head to think for a moment, and finally nodded slowly.

Eating is pointless for Chaos Warriors or above, nor for Barbarian Champions or Barbarian God's Blessed Warriors.

However, the barbarian civilians, including ordinary barbarian soldiers, still have to eat after all. In the long years, the northern barbarians have developed a special skill. They only need one-half to two-thirds of normal human beings. Food can survive, but even so, they still have to eat.

"At present, a storm is not realistic, maybe we need to think of something." Ryan thought for a few more seconds: "Let the army camp first and wait for Karad and the others to return and all the artillery and supplies from Newland are transported. "


The good news is that although Conkwata is a strong city, it covers a small area, and the city is crowded with people. Ryan made a little calculation and decided to surround the entire Conkwata first, and then make plans.

The Knights Road army began to camp under Lane's orders and began to build a wall using Obiang's relatively abundant trees to enclose Conquata.

The defenders in the city tried to rush out of the fortress to destroy the walls and camps of the Bretons. However, the volley of the musketeers and the flanking of the knights caused heavy losses to the barbarian cavalry. About 1,000 cavalry fell on Conquan. At the gate of the tower, blood kept urinating, and Harold, who was in great pain, made up his mind and gave up going out of the city.

It seems that Obiang's barbarians are going to sit still, just when Ryan ordered the city to be surrounded by a wall Karad who came here brought Ryan a very bad news .

The **** Hagros reinforcements have been repelled, but the scouts come to report that the 20,000 Chaos Army and the Demon Army of the original Demon Prince Billak have landed on the north shore of Obiang! In addition to the defeat of Hagros, there are a total of 31,000 people along the way!

Before Ryan could digest the content, he received an urgent military message from Admiral Bodrick.

The World Walker Legion is approaching Obiang's eastern shore! Wanderer Ulfric's 25,000 reinforcements are approaching in a fleet of thousands of Norscalon ships!

When the Poseidon fleet was about to stop the Ulfric longship fleet, another extremely bad news came.

Count Noctas of the Undead Ocean Empire suddenly led his undead navy to the side of the Poseidon fleet. The undead and Chaos allied. After a large naval battle was tied, the undead fleet and the Noscaron ship did not care about the cost. It blocked the route to Obiang, and the Poseidon fleet led by Bodrick suffered considerable losses and was forced to retreat in the direction of Curona.

Then came the scouts from the west to report that the 28,000-strong vampire pirate army of Count Noctras had landed on the west bank of Obiang, ready to join the siege of the Knights Road army.

This was carefully designed by Tzeentch to hide from all sides.

"Conquata is destined to be the place where the Sun King fell!"

There was not much time left for Ryan. Ryan made a decisive decision and ordered an outer wall with a length of 18 kilometers to be built again in the outer circle of the siege camp for defense. All the people, artillery, and supplies were expedited to the city of Concuata.

The sun king Ryan, who is extremely determined, intends to fight against the enemies inside and outside the city at the same time under the city of Conkwata.

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