Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1332: , How did the empire become like this?

With the fall of Raun, the situation of the defense of Brunswick gradually became clear.

There are still about 80,000 people in the three-way Nurgle army outside the city to block the attack of the Knights Road Crusades. The current situation is that after the battle of the four Chaos Demon Armies, there are still about 100,000 Knights Road Crusades left. to 50,000 people.

Ryan was seriously injured, and the commanders were exhausted. Surya tried to reorganize the Crusader Army. The number of Norsca dwarves was too small to establish a victory. After the tragic war, the wood elf army had been defeated, and the human army was also crumbling. Because Lane's personal prestige guarantees that no Brittanian dares to turn around and run away.

It was already exhausted, and even Diego was dragged back to the camp by the Great Griffin Imperius.

The holy war army from the south and the undead army from the east are in a state of two breads with cheese, besieging the Nurgle army. , The Battlefield of Luther Harken.

The 60,000 men of the three brothers of the maggot cavalry and the 50,000 men of the three undead kings fought fiercely. and Luthor's Deep Sea Guard.

In terms of elites, the undead are definitely dominant, but there is no doubt that a Yankee can deal with ten zombies or five skeleton warriors compared to the quality of the miscellaneous soldiers.

Both sides can look forward to the arrival of reinforcements. The Chaos army still has Zan Aike's Tzeentch Legion and the beastman Dark Prophet Malago's herd army to be mobilized. special reinforcements.

(What everyone doesn't know is that the two support troops collided on the way to support, and they have been fighting for several hours.)

The situation in the city is already very critical. Almost all of the northern part of the city has been lost. In the southern part of the city, there are still the imperial palace, the cathedral area and the Nuer defense circle in the southeast of the city. The Imperial Army under the command of Marshal Heilberg was already less than 15,000, and all of them were scattered all over the capital to resist sporadically.

On the other hand, the main force of the three Grott brothers plus Gotrit's Spitfire army is still around 100,000. Now the main force in the city to resist the main force of Nurgle's army is no longer in the hands of the imperial defenders. Under the statue of Charlemagne and his twelve paladins before the Imperial Palace, there is a melee between Vlad's army of the living dead and Groth's army.

The last palace guards of the empire watched helplessly as the undead and the Yankees fought hotly at the gate of the palace, but no one dared to leave their posts without permission. This extremely ironic scene made the warriors of the empire ashamed and grateful.

At the same time, Nurgle's corruption deepened in Brunswick.

The battle wizards of the empire have exhausted all their strengths, and the infinite life of the Nurgle Garden will spread to every corner of the city. For this reason, a full 53 shadow wizards have taken their bodies to defend the sanctuary in the slums. Turned into a mass of ashes, and ultimately failed to stop the corruption of Nurgle, the entire sanctuary became a mutated hell, and out of it came a team of semi-demon, praising the loving father, and spending his life for Brunswick The prosperous poor workers have already chosen to embrace the loving father.

The metal wizards left behind at the Alchemy Academy wove a huge spell, covering their chimney fortress with a layer of inert gold steel, so that Nurgle plants cannot grow on it. However, even metal must succumb to the forces of decay: the sheet quickly rusts and crumbles, revealing tiny sprouting and swelling molds, and gradually the Chimney Fortress is covered in Nurgle Gardens, and the metal wizards wake up They found themselves in the realm of chaos, and what awaited them was a tragic fate. After all, Ryan would no longer personally venture into Nurgle's garden to hunt for people.

The Academy of Light is protected by the Pyramid of Light, and there are still a large number of light mages who ventured into the jungle-covered streets to fight the Chaos Army. The Light of Exile and the Flame of Light they released successively exiled many enemies, but the army of demons is endless, and with time As the passage of time, these light wizards were gradually engulfed by the poisonous mist of Nurgle, and in the sound of coughing, screaming, and struggling, the light wizards fell one after another.

The tower of the Sky Academy has been covered by the mutant strain of Nurgle. The Hurricane Tianyi Demon Rider completed its mission after destroying three Chaos Demon Legions in a row. The Chaos Storm swept it, leaving only a pile of broken metal.

The mages of the Emerald Academy summoned emerald green life energy to fight corruption in their own courtyards, but the trees in their courtyards were the first to mutate. These ancient magical trees were the first to betray the emerald wizards, followed by the emeralds. The wizards themselves also unknowingly mutated into sarcoid trees in the process of casting spells, until everyone merged with the courtyard trees and became one body, achieving the great harmony of life.

Fortunately, the Amber Academy and the Amethyst Academy are not in Brunswick City and escaped this crisis.

If there is a college in the empire that has the greatest effect against Nurgle, it must be the Academy of Flames. The flame mages are fierce and unparalleled, and their flames are enough to prevent the spread of the Nurgle jungle.

In order to defend the capital of the empire, these flame wizards turned themselves into living fire, attacking demons and vegetation with their bodies, burning them to ashes with a burning touch.

For eight hours, the Flame Academy was always burning with the fire of purification, surrounded by black garbage ignited by the fire of contempt, the flame wizards told Nurgle, your heavy rain, we are not afraid, your corruption, we are not afraid .

Then the flame mages went to death.

Nurgle noticed the thugs who were unwilling to accept his favor, and the loving father felt the need to give them some color, so the storm blew more and more violently over the college, and the violent downpours fell one after another, like a tide of milky white pus. Doused the glorious fury of the fire mages defending their homeland.

After several hours of torrential rain, the tower of the Flame Academy finally dissipated the last trace of fire.

One by one their flames went out, and these losers shivered, covered with viscous liquid, and fell to the ground, who had turned Nurgle's creation to ashes, now they themselves are like burnt candles The rest of the wax oil is the same, and the shape of a person is no longer visible.

"The palace must be defended." The Sylvanian elector Vlad von Carstein's face was dark, and he spit out the foul bile, which was parasitized and killed by Nurgle hornbeam seeds once. Vlad was successfully resurrected immediately, but the influence of Nurgle did not disappear so easily. The corruption of the **** of plague was still haunting the death king in Vlad's body. Vlad had to use all the power of Nagash. Only to be able to fight, this greatly damaged Vlad's strength, and also greatly reduced the strength of his undead army. The undead army that was originally responsible for guarding the area near the palace soon lost to the Yankees and was beaten steadily.

Vlad was in great pain. Yellow-green mucus flowed from his nose and mouth. Nurgle's curse plagued him, which made his strength regress from a demigod to the peak of the sanctuary. He needed a lot of time to get rid of Nurgle's curse. , but he knew he had no time and he had to hurry.

Likewise, the three Grote brothers, who were heading towards the Imperial Palace, also saw the twin-tailed comet.

"That star! Here comes the star!"

"The stars have been arranged, eldest brother, third brother, we must hurry up!"

"Me too~"

The three Groot brothers also noticed the twin-tailed comet. These three brothers were given more blessings by Nurgle because of their achievements in breaking Brunswick. Now the three Groot brothers are Groot-authorizers. They all possessed the power of a demigod, and the Yankees around them knelt down one after another, shouting the names of Otto, Azerac, and Gurit.

As the undead army's combat effectiveness declined, they were gradually pushed back by the three Grote brothers, but the gate of the palace was impregnable.

The three Grote brothers didn't care. Following their call, a two-legged live copper bull rammed through the **** and chaotic battlefield, the dark rune on its battle axe exuding white burning destructive energy.

Behind the live copper bull, a group of Drakwald minotaurs roared and ran wildly, filled with horns and **** flesh everywhere. When the brass giant rushed over, the spearmen blocking the road could not help screaming in fear, the thick-handled spears broke on the metal skin of the monster, and the spearmen slipped backwards in the mud, or scattered formations in fright. Bronze Bull's runic battle axe rises and falls with the power of decapitation, slicing a person in half with each blow.

The Minotaur was too powerful for the remaining Imperial defenders, who fled and scattered.

Elector Marius led the remaining few Golden Fleece knights to face the Minotaur War Gang. The close-range hand guns or revolving fire guns shot sparks on the surface of the copper bull's metal body, and in the end nothing happened. The copper bull knocked the Elector Marius to the ground. It first praised the power of the blood **** loudly, but did not directly kill the Elector Marius, but forced the palace to open under the orders of the three brothers Grote. At the gate, the Bronze Bull was proud of its great achievement, it raised its head and struck its chest with the rune battle axe.

At this moment, an amber light flashed, and a black feathered arrow sank into the only place on the throat of the copper bull that was not covered by the metal skin. Marcus Wolfhardt, the imperial hunter marshal, stood in the tower of the palace. , put down the amber bow, and reviewed his battle results.

The bronze beast let out a groaning scream, its eyes rolled over in the metal eye sockets, and fell to the ground, crushing six skeleton warriors.

Although the combined forces of the Empire and the Undead were still resisting, the gate of the palace had been broken open, and the three Grote brothers had arrived in person, led by the "Grot Army". Chaos warriors, more than 1500 Norsca champion warriors and the rest of more than 2000 marauder riders, Berserkers, Kurgans, Norsca fishermen, forsaken elites, and the three Grote brothers The final trump card.

In contrast, there are the only 300 guards left in the palace, as well as the undead army summoned by Vlad von Carstein.

Elector Marius, who was in charge of guarding the palace, was seriously injured and was dragged out of the battlefield by his Golden Fleece knights. Huge skeleton warriors, armed with spears and shields, formed a shield formation and tried to block the road under Vlad's orders.

But it still couldn't be beaten. Azerac's magic exploded in the shield wall, Otto's sickle cut through the reinforced skeleton, and the three Grote brothers were closer to the demigods than anyone in the old world at this time.

The Archduke of Nord, the Elector Theodoric Geisel bravely led the Nord Royal Guard to fight against the undead. He used the Rune Fang to chop down six Nurgle warriors in a row and was stabbed by two halberds. Wear, followed by the Chaos Warrior holding a heavy weapon and chopped him into two pieces along the shoulder to the waist.

The three steam tanks started, and the third brother Gurit rushed up to grab the body of the steam tank directly against the artillery, and then slammed it hard. The top turns faster and faster, and finally flips over, emitting boiling water and scalding steam in all directions. The scalded engineers screamed in pain and tried to crawl out, but they were quickly cut up by the surrounding Plaguebringers.

The battle continues.

At this moment, two big griffins flew above the sky.

Fly toward the besieged city center, the emperor's feathered helmet soaring into the sky. Kaiser Karl Franz and Greg Matak are finally back.

The emperor watched in disbelief as his city was burning.

In the east of the city, the battle between the three kings of the dead and the three brothers of the maggot cavalry continues. Gul, holding a black axe, slashes and kills among a group of Yankees. The strange arms of the vampire pirates and the Nurgle army have all kinds of strange shapes. of demonic creations entangled.

In the west of the city, the remnants of the Knight Road Crusaders and the three Grote brothers were still fighting. Karl Franz saw Ryan's iris banner and the old guard's tricolor flag, but he couldn't quench his thirst from afar.

In the city, except for Nuer, the human defenders were still guarding the defense circle in the southeast. The Beicheng District and Xicheng District were already close to being occupied. Only the Dongcheng District was temporarily preserved under the combined efforts of the undead and humans.

What about the palace? Where is Charlemagne's throne? The emperor couldn't help confirming the location of the palace in his panic. He vaguely confirmed the location of the palace from the direction of the huge building covered with vines, mushrooms, and poisonous moss.

The scene in front of him made the emperor open his mouth wide, and saw the endless army of undead and the elite army of Yankees fighting in the imperial palace. It seemed that the undead army was not only on the side of the empire, but also the cursed Feng- Patriarch Kastain was commanding himself from the nearby clock In order to defend the Imperial Palace and the Chaos Army, he fought to the death, and even joined the battlefield in person.

And what about humans? What about the army of our empire? The emperor saw that the palace was full of undead and Yankees, and he couldn't see a few imperial soldiers at all, so he couldn't help but cursed in pain.

"TMD! How did the empire become like this?"

Matak, who was behind him, was also confused by the situation. The chief wizard was not a military and political strongman like Gelt. Matak didn't even know how to manage the internal affairs of the Magic Academy. His first reaction at this time was his old line: "Your Majesty, we should go to the Imperial Zoo immediately!"

"What are you doing at the zoo, releasing all the monsters?" Karl Franz frowned.

"That dragon! My Majesty, only you can wake it up. If we have the power of that dragon, we still have a chance!" Mattak raised his opinion cautiously.

"Imperial dragon? It's too late." The emperor thought for a while, and he saw the twin-tailed comet. The warm light on the star and the glorious power symbolizing the empire made some pictures faintly appear in the emperor's mind, and the ancient Prophecy: "No, let's go to the Hall of the Hammer!"

"Holy Hammer Hall?" Matak's old face immediately became tangled: "But Your Majesty, Gale Maraz is not there!"

"Yes, I know it's not there." The emperor nodded: "You can wake up the imperial dragon, I will give you the power, but I, as the emperor of the empire, must be with the empire even at the last moment, I will be put to the final test under Gail Malaz."

The emperor ordered the claw of death to fall, and Matak had no choice but to keep up.

The three Grote brothers who broke through the undead defense just happened to see the emperor and the chief wizard of the empire descend from the sky.

"Good! Good! The kind father is on top, the big one is coming!"

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