Proof of the Sun King

Vol 4 Chapter 1373: , Middenheim Coliseum

   Chapter 1372, Middenheim Coliseum

The early morning surprise attack of the Coalition of Order had a very strong effect at the beginning. Each avatar knew very well what their combat mission was. They would tear open the siege barriers of the Chaos army in one direction and try to reach Middenheim. Try to confuse the Chaos Army.

The main purpose of Ryan's meticulously designed attack on all sides is to make the entire Chaos Army chaotic. Although Archaen's army of destruction is large in number, it also has the disadvantage of being difficult to deploy and command chaos. When enemies appear in all directions, the Chaos Army It is impossible to draw troops everywhere, and this surprise attack can have the greatest effect.

Although the high elves have the most air force units, the first one to start the battle is Emperor Karl Franz, an ascendant from the empire. The emperor of the empire has now turned into a walking lightning, and he personally opened a storm. The door, the Rick Guards, the Half-Griffin Knights, the Kronborg Great Swordsmen, the Black Rock Guards, the Nuer Iron Armored Forces, and the Griffin Great Swordsmen who belonged to the Franz Royal Family directly descended on the camp of the Chaos Army. Among them, the emperor was holding a giant hammer infused with thunder light, and lightning flashed around him: "For Gail-Maraz! For the empire!"

   "For the Empire!" While the Kurgans in the northeast were still dreaming, the elites of the empire had already started massacres, smashing heads with horseshoes and piercing heads with sharp swords! The great swordsmen of the empire slashed open the camp of the Yankees with their two-handed great swords produced by the Nuer Armory Factory, slashing and killing.

The    Empire has lost too much in previous wars, more than 10 million people died under the Yankees' peak.

   This kind of blood debt can only be repaid with blood!

The great alchemist Baiershaze-Gelt also joined the battlefield on his own Pegasus Quicksilver. Following him were large groups of Solling elites, especially the Solling known as the Alchemy Star Legion. Elite, every soldier in this 1,200-strong legion is a tried-and-true fighter, and among them are a large number of metal wizards.

At the moment of entering the arena, a full 333 metal torrents fell from the sky, the scorching metal **** devoured the flesh and blood of the Kurgans, and directly engulfed those Yankees without armor, leaving only sections of white smoke, in pain Struggling rotten flesh, some heavily armored Chaos Warriors tried to fight back, but found that their halberds, axe and swords were rapidly rusting at a speed visible to the naked eye! Until it turned into a pile of broken copper and iron, the surface of their armor began to yellow with Gelt's spell, and those evil **** gifts that used to resist most attacks are now just a pile of soft clay!

The Nuer Iron Armored Army entered the battlefield, and rounds of salvos formed a bullet storm that swept the Yankees' behemoths. Geert was satisfied to see that the new pointed mercury rune bullets he had developed had outstanding armor-piercing effects. At this time, the alchemist focused his attention on a deeper level. He felt the power in his body, and this power made Geert feel that something impossible was becoming possible.

   "The magic once was incomplete." The Great Alchemist whispered: "Now, it is complete."

  In that case, try it out!

The wind of the gate of piousness blew on the battlefield, and the staff of Volan in Galt's hand waved horizontally. Thousands of golden lights penetrated into the body of the warriors of the empire. The light of runes appeared on each armor, symbolizing Gale. The radiance of the power of the special lifted the morale of the warriors of the Empire, and their armor became lighter and stronger! Their weapons have gotten sharper! Soldiers felt the change in their equipment, high morale passed through the army, and they rushed into the field shouting Geert's name.

Then came the Kislev Army, the queen tsar Katarin rode a pure-blooded elf warhorse, and summoned an ice storm. The last warriors of Kislev, carrying endless hatred, turned their anger away. Vent on the Yankees.

The arrival of the imperial army is like lightning, like a flood, the metal torrent is the forerunner, the war wizards of the empire fight against the spells of Chaos Warlocks, where Gelt points, all Chaos armor is cracked and corroded, flesh and blood melted, dying screams And the voices of pleading for help from the evil gods are endless, and the light of runes shines on the two-handed swords and halberds, and many warriors of the empire have experienced the power of rune weapons for the first time until today.

   is also the last time.

The counterattack of the chaotic barbarians came much faster than expected. At the beginning, the surprise attack of the imperial army had an unimaginable advantage. About 30 chapters and warbands were defeated under the assault of the imperial army. Many Chaos warriors led the way. The proud armor was shattered under the power of Gelt, the most powerful was the emperor himself, the scream of the death claw was followed by the walking lightning, and the hand of the ascendant Karl was condensed by lightning. The warhammer "Gail-Maraz Originium" blasted out thundering thunder. Facts have proved that the giant beast of Norsca, the mutant monster of the Chaos tribe is still a mortal body, and the only ending in the emperor's lightning is to become fragments.

Many Northlanders collapsed. The Norsca and Mengren threw down their weapons and fled. They would rather abandon the blessing of the evil **** and find a way to survive. However, if the Imperial Army thought that this could defeat the Chaos troops on the outside, then It was a big mistake. When Tsianqi Divine Chosen Velich-Curse World entered the battlefield with the Great Magic Divine Chosen Warriors, the Imperial Army found that the Chaos reinforcements that came were far more than the Chaos reinforcements that fled. many.

There are also strong battalions of centaurs, minotaur war gangs one after another, legendary lord of the beastmen, Groll Warhoof also arrived with reinforcements of the beastmen, the famous "father of all beasts" about half of the world The above centaur beasts are his biological sons, and the imperial army encountered difficulties in the charge of the centaur beasts and the bighorn beasts that came from the side.

Velich himself was constantly releasing magic. Tzeentch's lightning bolts fell from the sky and bombed the ground. The hit Imperial soldiers exploded like balloons, turning into lumps of twisted and flaming flesh, which could be used by the army of Chaos. Being hit by Tzeentch's lightning bolt, he was even more energetic. The inferior horned beast evolved into the horned beast. Promotion!

   Chaos' blessing boosted the morale of the Chaos Army, and those Yankees who escaped are back!

The time was delayed a little, and the surprise attack of the Imperial Army immediately began to fall into a disadvantage. The Kislev wing cavalry collided with the Chaos Knights on the side, and immediately paid huge casualties. Smashed by a lightning bolt from Tzeentch, the Imperial Halberds lost one by one, leaving only the happy laughter of the Heretic God in the air.

   "Gelt!" Upgraded Karl Franz shouted the name of Gelt: "Go and get rid of that Chaos Warlock!"

   "Understood!" Geert was silent for a few seconds, he pulled the reins and rushed towards Willich.

Vilich saw Galt approaching, and the magician of Tzeentch's choice immediately released nine witch fires towards Galt, and Galt's Volan's Staff devoured the witch fire with a flash of gold, Vilich's Three more magic lightnings were released, and the great alchemist turned the staff out of a semicircle, a metal wall appeared out of thin air, and the lightning turned into blue smoke.

Velich had nothing to do now, so the wizard of Tsianqi's divine choice hurriedly took out the sharp blade in his hand to prepare for a melee battle. Obviously, Geert also planned the same. The rod hit the meteor hammer, and Velich only felt that he was hit by an irresistible force. He flew out backwards, smashed the large wall of the camp, and fell into a pile of rubble.

"You bastard! Those who don't listen to the instructions of the **** of the magic bird will not die!" Willich turned up in the ruins, and he yelled, "You think your power is yours? You metal bastard! It should belong to my master!"

"Nothing is destined to belong to anyone, and Tzeentch is not the only one." Geert fell from the air, his staff shone with golden light, and the chosen warriors of Tzeentch rushed up to a stop ten meters away from Geert. In extreme pain, they are turning into golden statues: "Everything can be made into gold!"

   "Just you? You wait! Look at me..." Vilich was still screaming, he tried to get up but found he couldn't get up.

   "Don't move, you just stay there." There was a mocking expression on the face behind Gelt's metal mask.

  Vilich looked down, and Tzeentch was shocked!

   His body and the ground are merging! The sheen of gold had covered the surface of his body.

"No." Willich tried to speak, but he couldn't organize the language at all. All the memories of the past, spells, spells, knowledge and the tricks of life's plans dissipated like a candle in the wind, gold replaced his brain, It also devoured all his logic, and in the end, he couldn't even remember his own name.

After struggling for a while, the Imperial Army finally found that Tzeentch's lightning bolts were no longer falling in the sky. Hope gradually grew. Fire strikes, without the support of the Chaos Warlocks, this part of the Chaos Army began to be unable to hold on.

The father of all beasts, Groll-Warhoof, planned to personally lead a group of minotaurs and bighorns to stop the human offensive, but as it approached the charging tip of the empire, the emperor of the empire took a mouthful of earthy plush. The battle cry of the original language of the Lorraine tribe reached the ears of Groll-Warhoof.

   A primitive fear instantly covered the body of the father of all beasts.

   That's not Karl Franz! no! Or at least not quite!

   That person is obviously...

  The Father of All Beasts immediately gave an order to retreat, and the Beastmen came and went quickly.

Death Lord Vlad von Carstein saw the distant Empire's Hellstorm flame cannons rising into the sky, he didn't think much about what it meant, the Undead Lord attacked from the northwest, Luther Ha Ken's queen bass cannon, caron cannon, mortars have been deployed, and the colossus of vampire pirates are turning their barrels on the battlefield. Black smoke billowed from the muzzle of the black hole, and the Nurgle warriors on the opposite side were blown to pieces by the artillery fire.

Vlad's enemy happened to be his old rival, the Nurgle army led by Kugas, the father of the plague and Typhons, the lord of the hive. On the narrow battlefield, the Nurgle army could not exert its numerical advantage, but The same is true for the army of undead. The two sides are entangled. Vlad ordered Gul to come out and watch the dark red Baroque armor of the undead general who was once the chosen warrior of the Four Chaos Gods moving in the army of Nurgle. The black axe cut through the body fluids. Too many Yankees, every Yankee death will make Vlad smile, because the next second a skeleton warrior or even a waste grave warrior will be summoned in place, and the army of death is almost endless.

But so did the Nurgle army. The two sides began to engage in a tug-of-war. Vlad neatly arranged his cloak. He saw Typhons, the lord of the hive, killed in front of him, and drew out his blood-drinking sword: "Once again, we meet. ."

"This time, it's not the same as the last time!" Typhons raised the plague sickle and confronted Vlad. During their time, it was a battlefield with hundreds of thousands of plague deaths and thousands of meters of fierce battle. front.

Malekith in the southeast forced himself to turn his attention away from the endless wars of the plagued undead in the distance, and the Seraphim dragon beneath him was sweeping through the Warband of Slaanesh, where the followers of Slaanesh occupy Having gained the main position in the Chaos Army, these indulgent fanatics are fast and powerful. The warriors under the Eternal King shouted slogans to kill the Yankees, and behind the army of the Elf Empire, a huge blood pool was in three Under the drag of the head hydra, he entered the battlefield. The elf underground is the king of gods. The pale queen Olika dances above the blood pool. There are more than 5,000 dark elf troops around. They have been blessed by Olika's power. In the fight with Slaanesh believers, he showed stronger speed, skill and strength. The endless blood sacrifice strengthened Olika's great spell. The elves in the kingdom of the underworld shouted Olika's name and put in This final battle.

   Malekith has just defeated a Chaos Lord, and now that guy is being digested in Seraphine's belly, the shadow wind incarnate brings the fear of death to the Chaos army, at least for now.

   The sound of battle echoed under the dark red sky, Malekith not only wondered if this was the end of the war? Can the world really survive this? There is no doubt that the opening of this raid was very successful, but even so, the Coalition of Order only defeated one-tenth of the Chaos Army. Malekith saw that his wife, the Eternal Queen, Elare Li, was fighting hard. The opponents are Slaanesh Chief Demon Lucius and his Slaanesh Demon Legion. Those distorted Slaanesh things are fighting against the ancient treemen. The slender swords and crab claws cut the bodies of the treemen. , Slaanesh chariots and Slaanesh knights forcibly charged against the arrows of the Avalon sisters.

Ela Ruili stood in the center, the incarnation of the wind of life constantly released recovery magic, healed the wounds of comrades, expelled toxins, and resurrected the fallen elf warriors. Malekith could feel that even with the blessing of the wind of life, Ai Larielle's magic power couldn't keep up with the speed at which the elves were killed. If it wasn't for Dursu leading a group of ancient treemen like a wall to stop Lucius and the Slaanesh demon army under her command, the Eternal Queen would have been like a wall. Should be in danger.

Dursu's power is still strong, and its fire-breathing greatsword and vines extending from its mighty fists have wiped out waves of Slaanesh demons and warriors of Chaos, but unlike before, Slaanesh gadgets don't. Don't be afraid to fail.

Malekith's heart swayed from side to side. He could see that the elf would lose if he fought like this. The Eternal King moved back and forth between the two ends of the scale called duty and benefit, until a man with purple whole body and many faces on his armor. Holding a weird machete and countless tentacles in the other hand, the Slaanesh Divine Chosen with three bottles of potions on his back stopped in front of him.

What is this? Malekith thinks so? Slaanesh's new toy?

   "Hmm~ I'm Lucius!" The voice of the person came with a disgusting feeling: "Wow, I think your body is good, are you interested in letting me taste it?"

   Malekith snorted coldly, the Eternal King said nothing, drew his sword and started a new duel with Lucius.

  Northeast, northwest, southeast, the three battlefields are fighting fiercely, and the war in the southwest has not stopped. The Breton Army and the dwarves of Bafeng Mountain are united and are advancing steadily.

   Their opponents are Khorne's Chosen Champion Skal-Bloodfury and Khorne Bride the Bloody Valkyrie.

Ryan sat on the Great Griffin Imperius, he calmly issued one order after another, behind the shield wall of the dwarves of the Eight Peaks was the devastating artillery and magic bombardment of the Veronica summons waves of meteor showers, blasting Khorne warriors into the sky, and Morgiana's mass healing magic continues to heal wounded soldiers.

Of course, the strongest is Lilith's group blessing spell. The holy light of the fairy in the lake enveloped all the soldiers this time, and the chaotic energy was evaporated when they approached their bodies, and everyone felt that the goddess was watching. With herself, her power doubled the confidence of mortals, and her wrist strength, physical strength, speed, skills, magic resistance and physical resistance all rose to a higher level.

   "Today, everyone is eligible to become the Holy Grail Knight!" The fairy in the lake declared lightly.

  The Bretons are crazy, their fighting spirit is even more violent than the dwarves, not only did they not lose the battle against the Khorne warriors, they even ran over them!

And in the middle of the battlefield, with wings on her back and horns on her head, Valkyrie, the bride of Khorne, turned over and chopped the two Breton knights in two. Her anger never ceased, and she faced Brittany. A splendid golden figure on Ya's side shouted: "Suria! Get out of here!"

   "I'm going to have a 1V1 women's battle with you!"




   (end of this chapter)

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