Proof of the Sun King

Vol 2 Chapter 424: , Chief Editor of the Army

"Humans always rely on the technology of dwarves. From many years ago, dwarves have always produced the best. Kuangsha Literature Network"

In the Earl of Glamorgan, Ryan and Bellegar walked one after the other on the ridge towards the dwarf settlement.

Along the way, Bellega was chattering about something, and Ryan was listening most of the time, only occasionally answering a few words.

Neither Morgiana nor Orika came out, and only his housekeeper Katzenberg followed Ryan. Seeing that both Ryan and Katzenberg were listening carefully, Bellega opened the box, and he heard from them. The glorious history of the Langde clan began to talk about how the Eight Peaks Mountain was prosperous and powerful at that time, and how they persisted for hundreds of years in the attack of the greenskin and the rat people, but they were still unable to compete, and they could only choose to withdraw. Bafengshan, began his own wandering journey.

"Since you had a population of 100,000 people and were unable to defend the Eight Peaks Mountain during the siege of the Greenskins and the Rat Men, why is it that now, King Belgar, you have the confidence to form an expedition to recover the Eight Peaks Mountain?" Butler Katzenberg asked curiously.

"Neither the Greenskin nor the Ratman's attack is better than before. When we held the Eight Peaks Mountain, the Greenskin was at its strongest. During the earthquake, the Ratman and the Greenskin frenzy attacked, at least half of the dwarven fortresses were destroyed. Occupied." Bellegar was quite dissatisfied when talking about this humiliating history, and he continued: "But later, Charlemagne established an empire and signed a 'Holy Alliance' with the High King of Dwarves. A huge coalition army was established to deal with the largest greenskin frenzy in the history of the invasion. From the beginning to the end of the war, the human and dwarf coalition completely defeated the greenskin attack. The heavy losses in this war made the greenskin flower It took hundreds of years to recover, and there is no greenskin warlord who can organize a waaagh on the scale of the first Battle of Blackfire Pass!, Humph! If I can say, if we can hold on to the Battle of Blackfire Pass, Eight Peaks Mountain can definitely be defended."

Ryan understands a little. Although the dwarves are not as good as before, the scale and combat power of the greenskins are not as good as when they attacked the Eight Peaks. The greenskins who were completely defeated in the first battle of Blackfire Pass are no longer united and become small again. Tribal mode, after that, no matter which greenskin warlord, such as the late "Ironclaw" Gorbad, "Potbellied" Gollum, or the famous living Grimg-Ironhide, "Green Prophet" Ur Zag or "Battle of the Eight Peaks" Skarsnik, they can only command a tribe.

"So, you humans have really benefited a lot from our dwarves. How much did the dwarves pay in helping Charlemagne to unify the empire? Yes, this is indeed what the dwarves owe you, after all, if it wasn't for Charlemagne's rescue The high king of the dwarves at that time, perhaps the blood line of the high king of Karaz-a-Karak has already died out, but I hope you can also repay the favor and ask me to help you attack the Blackstone stronghold, no problem, I will do what I say in Bellegar. Here." Bellegar clapped his throat, but kept his eyes fixed on Ryan.

The implication is that you must remember the expedition to Bafeng Mountain! I, Bellegar, helped you this time, and next time it's your turn to help us! Can not go back.

Ryan nodded again and again with a smile. He remembered what happened when the empire was founded. Indeed, without the help of the dwarves, Charlemagne might not be able to build the empire.

As we all know, Charlemagne united twelve human tribes to establish an empire, but in a series of wars, Charlemagne actually encountered many obstacles.

Among them, the most fierce opposition was the Thuringian tribe at that time, that is, the Midden leaders of the current empire. The king of the Thuringian tribe at that time was called "Mad King" Ochun, who was basically unified or defeated by Charlemagne. After the vast majority of human tribes, he and his tribe always refused to surrender or surrender. Ochun ridiculed that other tribes actually bowed down at the feet of Charlemagne, and he, as a real pure man, would only happily go to the Lord Uric, Offer your loyalty to Uric the White Wolf.

In order to solve the last force that was unwilling to surrender to himself, Charlemagne united the tribes to launch a war of conquest, and the Thuringian tribes also assembled a large army to prepare for the battle. The army of the tribe was dumbfounded.

With the help of the dwarves, the Carolingian tribe has all been equipped with chain mail and armor, and holds excellent dwarf standard equipment. Charlemagne, headed by the dwarves, wears full plate armor with dwarf-enchanted runes and meteorites, and holds the artifact warhammer Gael-Mara. Here, prepare for a final attack on the Thuringians.

Dwarven catapults, dwarven ballistas, dwarven hard bows, and dwarven chariots have all been arranged.

The Thuringian tribes are still wearing leather armor made of animal skins, and many tribal warriors are still shirtless in wolf skins. The weapons in their hands are simple battle axes and spears made of stone, and simple Bows and arrows, and even decent long swords are few.

This is not an era, how to fight this? The Thuringians face off against Charlemagne's Carolingian tribe? Not to mention that Charlemagne unified the human tribes, and both the number of troops and the number of cavalry were firmly above the Thuringians.

In the first confrontation, even the stubborn Thuringians were forced to retreat, but out of respect for their fellow human beings, Charlemagne did not order them to be killed. An ultimatum for a championship matchup.

The mad king Ao Chun had no choice but to take on the challenge. The two greatest human warriors had an epic championship showdown. Withstood the frantic onslaught of the mad king Ochun and defeated Urik before his flame.

Mad King Ao Chun faced two choices, either the entire tribe was slaughtered, or he chose to surrender, and in Uric's will, Mad King Ao Chun learned that Charlemagne was the white wolf Uric's chosen champion, It is the pure man who is responsible for the result of the championship matchup.

From that day on, the powerful Thuringians declared their surrender, and the territory of the empire was established for the first time.

After thinking about a series of stories, Ryan focused his attention back on Bellegar: "King Bellegar, how many people have you come this time?"

"About 3,000, of which 2,000 are excellent fighters." Bellegar nodded, and he said harshly: "After a long journey, everyone is exhausted, Ryan, you should arrange their accommodation well."

"There's no problem with this, you can ask Katzenberg if you have anything to do." Ryan threw the burden to Katzenberg, and the butler could only smile bitterly. The dwarves' requests were often too many and troublesome, and they were picky and laborious. Thankfully, every time Ryan asked him to deal with dwarves it gave him a headache.

But fortunately, the dukes of Brittany are supportive of Ryan and Francois' plan to jointly attack the Blackstone stronghold. They did not send troops but provided economic support, and Ryan's old husband opened his own treasury. Lançois vowed to cut Kemmler's remaining head into pieces.

His father-in-law is rich, and the Duchy of Wenford is very rich, so Ryan doesn't have to worry about military expenses.

"My army has been formed, and no amount of you and your territory will be able to support it." Bellegar understands this. The King of Bafeng Mountain has already known how to raise military funds and pay army salaries when he attacked Bafeng Mountain many times. difficulty.

Due to the lack of base maintenance equipment and supply logistics, and no collateral, Bellega has always had to pay much higher than normal military salaries and maintenance costs.

When they came to the camp of the Angronde clan, a large group of dwarves had already camped and rested, and the smoke was floating in the sky. Lane's men were transporting truckloads of grain, vegetables, food, ale and necessities of life. into the camp.

"My chief engineer, Halhave Gold, and I will use your workshop to produce siege weapons, mainly cannons and organ guns." Bellegar Hammer said to Ryan: "We will ally with you. Attack the Blackrock stronghold, which is our entire military formation."

Bellegar handed over a parchment on which was written the troops of the Angronde clan to take part in the military operation.

The legendary lord of the dwarves, the king of the Angrond clan, the undisputed king of the Eight Peaks, the Lord of the Eight Peaks, the last bloodline of the King Loen, the Belgar-Hammer.

Angland's chief engineer, Hal Haver - Gold Hunter.

Berwick-North Star, the patriarch of Clan Angland.

Angland vowed to guard the first team.

The three dwarf warriors.

A team of dwarf miners.

Dwarf Ranger Team Three.

"Eight Peaks Mountain Crossbow" dwarf Shigeya Ranger team.

"North Star Axe Group" Dwarf Iron Broken Warriors team.

"Brotherhood of Steel" Dwarf Hammer Warriors team.

"The Will of King Loen" Dwarf Longbeard Veteran Team.

This is a heavy At Ryan's request, Bellegar wrote letters everywhere and gathered a large number of people to help Britannia attack the Blackstone stronghold.

Ryan nodded to Katzenberg, and he also took out a thick piece of parchment and handed it to King Belgar: "This is the military watch we are going to participate in the attack on the Blackstone stronghold."

Lord, the Great Knight of Brittany Sanctuary, Earl of Glamorgan, Baron Jean, God's Chosen Champion of the Fairy of the Lake, Knight Commander of the Holy Grail, Ryan Macado.

The legendary wizard of fire and light, Veronica Bernadotte.

The legendary sorceress of ice and mind, Teresa Trovik.

Paladin Alfred.

The first team of kingdom knights, the leader of the team is the flag officer, the Holy Grail Knight Armand.

The three teams of Ranger Knights were led by Hux, Olivier, and Lops respectively.

The Earl of Glamorgan leads two companies of the Sword and Shield Infantry.

Three companies of the Earl of Glamorgan's Spear Infantry.

Two companies of the Serf Crossbowmen.

"The Hunters of Bastogne", a team of serf longbowmen led by Sergeant Denis.

Two companies of halberdiers from the "Earl's Halberds".

"Esun's Wrath", two companies of Ugol cavalry archers led by "Terror Ivan".

"Lynn's Hammer" artillery, a company of Dwarven artillery batteries consisting of four cannons and an organ gun.

"The Verdant Wind", a team of wood elf rangers led by the half-elf Dess and Estelle.

"Charon Forest Patrol Battalion", a mixed battalion of three companies led by Sergeant Bertrand.

"The Ironbreakers of Norvigrin", a company of Ironbreakers led by the dwarf leader Sven-Novegrin.

"Duggan's Black Powder Brotherhood", a team of Dwarven Thunder Musketeers led by Dwarf engineer Duggan-Tiehan.

This is all of Ryan's current possessions.

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