Protagonist Aura

Vol 22 Chapter 96: Cannibalistic lady and gentleman butler! under! (Please subscribe meow!)

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Chapter 096 Cannibal Lady and Gentleman Butler! under! (Please subscribe meow!)

Frightened the snake.

But Night God Moon will not tell Zuck about this slime thing.

Slime has a skill, that is, investigation, which can disperse a part of his body into various places, and then can be used as its eyes and ears.

Very useful means of investigation.

Soriuxiang threw a small portion to Zac's side, trying to monitor him.

"Recognize, I'm Antonio from Yelantil." Since the snake has been frightened, then let the snake stare at him completely.

So Night God Moon was immediately close to Zacto, "Your girl is really beautiful."

"Yes, is it? I also think it's awesome." Zac really wasn't a serious man, immediately chatted with Ye Shenyue, and then whispered in Ye Shenyue whether he should hijack them. I want to join together.

It's really not saved.

But this also shows that he was only hired, not a native servant or servant. If he was really a servant, then he would be at least loyal, rather than trying to seize the owner's property.

So, the two agreed to wait for them to order, and then attacked them together with other thieves.


However, after the discussion between Night God Moon and Zac, Missy went down.

"You go to prepare, we have to leave this broken place."

Then glanced at Night God Moon.

Then go directly upstairs.

Although it looks very fierce, Ye Shenyue understands that this is the other party ... I think he is more dangerous, and it is very likely that he wants to get rid of him. So it was carried out in accordance with their plan.

Because, Night God Moon and Zach negotiated and waited for the young lady to place the order and then hijack the money, but if she did n’t move, there would be no way, but now?

She went straight down and wanted to travel alone, didn't that mean she was counting?

It's a pity.

Because her response is so fast, it shows that she has enough confidence to deal with them, so take the countermeasures into consideration, and when they want to stop her, Ye Shenyue must fight back.

This means that she will not go to other companions, so this time she and Sebastian are the prey.

This is really a bit disappointing.

Zac and Ye Shenyue's actions are also very fast.

Through the black bar, Night God Moon immediately contacted the worse thieves nearby.

Not the thief of professional thieves, but directly degenerate into a thief.

It is said that it was originally a mercenary, but then for some reason, it then formed a thief group to make a living by attacking pedestrians and ordinary nobles, and Zach is one of them ... but mainly the type of matchmaking.

In order to ensure the prosperity of the business, they will divide a part of the weak chickens like Zac, and give them to the nobles, and then contact them to get the nobility together.

The kingdom is chaotic. The kings are mainly **** to the nobles, and there is also a dark eight-finger organization, so there is no need to worry at all.

This eight-finger organization is said to be the dark organization that controls all kinds of dirty work under the kingdom. It sells people, grows and sells cannabis, mercenaries kill people, etc., and can make a lot of money. It is said to have power behind it. Human support.

Therefore, this country is black from top to bottom, and their risk of being thieves is naturally much lower.

It ’s so good to say that Ye Shenyue wants to join in ... It ’s strange!

Under Zac's needle thread, Night God Moon meets these robbers.

Ambush together in the grass beside the suburbs.

"That guy Zach failed both times ... I don't know if it was a real fat sheep this time."

"The last time the idea broke, Brian did not play, otherwise I would not be hurt."

"Stop talking, they are coming!"

Several mercenaries chattered, but as a tall, dark-skinned man spoke, the others immediately fell silent, only to see the sound of a crunching carriage driving ahead.

But there is light in the dark night.

A flash.

The light flashed.

Two flashes.

Three flashes.

Three flashes, this is the agreement with Zac, if only 2 flashes, it means that the idea is to fight, but if it is 3 times, then it is safe!


Everyone came out. Zac also stopped the car.

He ran off the car.

"what happened?"

There was a sound inside, and then the carriage door was opened, and an old gentleman walked down.

This is Sebastian.

Then came the noble lady Miss Su Liuxiang.

Soriuxiang not only has blond hair, but also has gorgeous clothes and good looks. At once, the thieves can't help but whistle.

For them, this is a big cargo.

Even if you do n’t enjoy it, you can get a sum of money by selling it to Bazhi.

"Your luck is really bad ... Uncle roll away first."

A robber can't help it anymore, he wants to subdue Sebass first.

Others are also eager to try.

Think about how to treat this noble lady later.

"It seems that a robber has been encountered." However, it was shocking that Sebass was not panic at all, and then.

His right hand lifted, and the right hand with white gloves lifted, the robber's head disappeared instantly.

"Zizizi--" A lot of blood sprayed out.

And the robber's head fell to the ground.

No one saw Sebastian's movements.

This suddenly unexpected scene made everyone stunned, mouth wide open, and did not know what happened.

"Pip your hand!"

Then the night **** moon was like a reaction, sounded a reminder, and then ran away.

The response was extremely fast.

However, other people had no way to run, but Sebass punched the head of the person closest to him.

"no, do not want……"

Everyone wants to escape.

"I'm going to catch that guy." But Suolixiang suddenly said to Sebastian.

Sebastian understands.

Now the robbers are panicking and running around. If the news comes out, it is very bad for them.

So all need to be silenced.

"Ha-ha-ha-" Ye Shenyue stepped on her legs, ran fast, ran desperately, ran hard.

"It's hard work." However, when he was so hard, there was still a shadow of people in front of him.

Blonde hair, great European school.

It's Suolixiang.

ps: The next volume is the working cell, male morphine, from Pica's book. ..

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