Protagonist Aura

Vol 23 Chapter 11: The white blood cell that came out of the underground manhole! (Please subscribe

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Chapter 011 The white blood cell that came out of the underground manhole cover! (Please subscribe meow!)

"Thank--cough ... thank you--" The first resurrected red blood cell cried while holding Ye Shenyue's hand.

He is a newcomer with red blood cells. He didn't know anything, but he was saved. He was very grateful.

The fate of red blood cells is actually very miserable, just like carbon monoxide poisoning. Once contacted, if it is handled in the past, then a large number of red blood cells do not know how to deal with it after discovering the danger, and people are piled up there.

Then these red blood cells may have died because of no treatment.

The lifespan of red blood cells is generally 80 to 120 days, and then their maturity starts from a young age, and they also need to undergo various cultivations. So it can take a long time to be put into use, so it is very important to ensure their number.

Ye Shenyue is not trying to save these red blood cells, but under such circumstances, he cannot determine the degree of carbon monoxide poisoning.

If the scope of CO poisoning is very wide, and then the opportunity is missed, and a large number of large red blood cells die, then this body is almost dead.

Red blood cells are very important. So he demonstrated it face-to-face, and then let the red blood cells pass by word of mouth, and continue to pass on. Once he found that there was red blood cell carbon monoxide poisoning, he started to treat it directly on the spot. This can effectively guarantee their number.

This is what Night God Moon needs.

"If it recovers. Then do your best to see if you can continue to work." This is the original word of Ye Shenyue, it sounds a bit excessive, but after being rescued, the red blood cells are grateful. Then nodded and walked back.

Ye Shenyue is holding the red blood cell and moving forward.

The body of these red blood cells needs a break, but their cargo is here, so they can be carried by uninjured red blood cells.

"That's it, Senior, let's go."

Ye Shenyue said to her senior.

"Ah ... um." Senior nodded, but suddenly pointed in a direction, "but then ..."


Ye Shenyue looked around.

The wall of the blood vessel was damaged, and then came into several purple-blue bodies with extremely sharp corners.

They have a human upper body, but the lower body is claws, and then there are many pairs of sharp claws on the back.

It's bacteria!

"Why do bacteria appear in blood vessels at this time!"

When bacteria get into the blood, there are many medical terms.

Bacteremia is one of them. Bacteria enter the blood and multiply in large quantities. But the bacteremia here is generally likely to be cleared by the body's functions.

If the secreted toxins also enter the blood vessels, then it is sepsis.

What breaks this body!

After CO poisoning, bacteria came into the blood!

Seeing these germs, Ye Shenyue couldn't hold her anger anymore and would swear.

"It's pneumococcal!"

Red blood cells recognized the bacteria.

"They attack cells for nutrition, and our red blood cells are their first choice for attack!"


Red blood cells have panicked.

Not only that, this type of pneumococcus is equivalent to 2-3 red blood cells. From the physical point of view, it is not ordinary red blood cells that can resist.

"For the four pneumococci, what are you afraid of, don't forget your mission as red blood cells, the brain is in need of your transport oxygen!"

Only four words, he should be able to cope.


However, when the night **** Moon was about to attack, he saw the vent on the ceiling kicked by someone. Then a figure flashed and fell directly on the blue pneumococcus closest to him.

"Yo Duo--"

Ye Shenyue stepped back quickly.

But the hot red blood spilled out and splashed all over the place.

The blade of the pneumococcus was inserted into the neck.

That's why blood is sprayed out like this.

And the person who really stabbed it now stepped on its back in a just and right posture, and then grabbed its claws with his left hand, while his right hand maintained a deep, piercing and penetrating motion.

Blood splashed on her face.

It's just that she was expressionless. No fear, no screaming.

Because the hat on her head shows her identity.

It's white blood cells.

The main job is to eliminate viruses or bacteria that enter the body from the outside, which is equivalent to the powerful combat power of the human body!

"Reliable guy is here!"

The red blood cells exclaimed.

What Ye Shenyue noticed was the beautiful white long hair of the other party. In the dream, he had seen the white blood cells of the male. The white blood cells of the male were directly covered by the white hair on the right face, and now the sister of the white blood cell is the same.

The white hair waterfall covers the right face, but the left face is exposed.

Wearing white overalls, and the skin is also terrible fair.

And-big breasts.

Obviously she looked expressionless or even a bit fierce, but somehow, her heart beat faster.

In short.

"Wow wow--" Ye Shenyue suddenly fled, and a pneumococcus next to him immediately caught up with him.

"Huh--" It was just enough to attract the attention of white blood cells. She used a very practical machete to cut the pneumococcal neck directly, and was seriously injured. The pneumococcus immediately lay on the ground and was about to die .

"Hey, newcomer, are you okay?"

Sister WBC cut down the bacteria and said with a Tai knife.

"It's okay."

From this angle, you can see the upper body of the opponent from bottom to top.

At the same time, you can feel your beating heart.

Ye Shenyue was also depressed to find that she really had passion and desire for cells.

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