Protagonist Aura

Vol 26 Chapter 47: replace! on! (For subscription)

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Chapter 047 Replacement! on! (For subscription)

The matter was quickly investigated, and the captive came here. It was the witch who was awake first, and then the others she secretly contacted. Goblin in the cage also saw strange but powerful Digimons.

Naturally, there is fear in the heart.

and so.

The only way to escape seems to be to defeat the leader, and then they are surprised to find that the leader appears in front of them.

Yes, there is a human in the places of Warcraft and Goblin, and it is very strange that the human is still so delicate.

They just shot without hesitation.

That is their only hope.


They were taken captive. If it's so easy to break free, what will they do?

But the gunmen came from captivity.

"If you only need me, please let him go--"

The Witch pleaded with the Death Beast when he punched the pikemen.


The behavior of the Death Flame Beast also stopped.

Evil Warcraft also heard the news that Ye Shenyue was attacked and rushed over from the other laboratory.

Witches really like gunmen.

Ye Shenyue is very unhappy. Even if the witch ’s rhetoric is a bit like willing to give her completely then

But this is only physical surrender and the heart will never be cleared, unless the mind is completely destroyed but will always remember the performance of first love.

Judging from the appearance, Ye Shenyue still prefers the witch.

It's just that the witch is deeply rooted in the spearmen.

And this witch, he knows it, from the memory fragments he got, after 5 years, after 10 years, the gunmen and the witch are still partners, and they have also become powerful adventurers of the silver level, only this time Having gone through many missions and experienced several deaths, the witch still likes the spearmen.

But the gunmen liked the counter lady.

It is typical that you love him, he loves her, and you look at him, but she looks at his tangled relationship.

"Human emotions ... and adults care so much about the witch ..."

Evil Warcraft thought of an interesting subject, "If adults are willing to participate, then I have a way for adults to replace the position of the spearmen in the witch's heart."

"How to do it?"

"I'm in trouble. One person pretends to be a spearman for a while. Then I will give a psychological hint to the witch." Evil Warcraft said confidently, "I believe the experiment will not fail."

"it is good."

Ye Shenyue agreed to the experiment.


The witch woke up from the trouble.

Her head hurts.


Her eyes are very beautiful. This is a system inherited from the ancestor succubus. Even if she does not speak, she has a charm and charm.

But her mind is blank.

"This ... here is ..."

Surrounded by layers of huge slabs piled up layer by layer, all three sides are walls, and directly opposite are iron bars.

Sure enough, it was in a cage.

And sitting ... she found herself sitting, sitting on a bed.


Why is there such a good bed in prison?

The bed is a bit soft.

But her abdomen pressed down, but her cheeks could not help but turn a little rosy.

Because it is a vacuum.

Not only did she not wear pants, but she ... she found herself covered in a short-sleeved white robe.

The robe can be up to two thirds of the thigh, so it can barely be used as a skirt.

But this is really a prison uniform.

She has a little judgment.

"Yeah, I was caught here afterwards, this kind of place is more like a prison. Fortunately, it was not killed on the spot. But this is only for the current situation."

She got up from bed.

I saw a clay pot in a corner.

Seems to be ... used to pretend to urinate.

Sure enough, he was going to be imprisoned.


The conditions are extremely bad.

But she walked over to the iron fence of the cage. She grabbed the iron fence with one hand, but her heart was heavy. "I'm fine, I hope Alan is fine."

Alan is the name of the spearman.

They are from the same village.

"There are two other people, I hope they are fine ..."

Thinking annoyingly, he heard the same urging voice.

"Hurry up!"

I saw a fierce ghost beast wrapped in white rags holding a spear and was escorting someone.

The spearmen, like her, were stripped of their clothes, but there was no prison uniform. Instead, they only wore white **** that had just reached their knees and stood here with their hands clasped.

It's Alan!

The witch recognized him at once. ..

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