Protagonist Aura

Vol 26 Chapter 56: Great Mingshen! on! (For subscription)

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"Probably like this—"

And after working with the Andu Road Beast disguised as him, Andu Road Beast also passed the Goblin information and the information of the passers-by he met to him.

It's really difficult for Andulu Beast. In order to prevent the counter lady from asking some plots, Ye Shenyue installed a small camera on its armor, and then took pictures of it over the past few days.

Then I watched it and finally determined the details.

In order to disguise completely, Night God Moon also exchanged armor with it, putting on the armor it was wearing because of the battle.


After repeated confirmation, he returned to the town and came to the Adventurer's Guild.

"Is there no easier task?"

"The mouse in the sewer is too slippery—"

"I really want to increase my salary more--"

"Then ... that ... only Goblin's task remains today ..."

"Don't push me the newcomer task like Goblin-Hora, doesn't it mean that a newcomer has been taking Goblin's task? Look, he's here!"

The guild hall is still noisy, and Ye Shenyue found that when he stepped into the first step, he became a target. Most people ’s eyes, whether male or female, were concentrated on him.

The people actually gave him a special route.

Have avoided him.

This is no way.

Newcomers ran out to perform missions, and the probability of surviving was small, and many of them remained in the guild. Veterans were very different in terms of equipment and momentum.

So this unique adventurer who only killed Goblin was disgusted and unknown.

When they are new, they will also receive the task of dealing with Goblin, but that is a squad, but this person is always a person.

A good magician can use miracles once and twice a day, but after using it is a waste, but Goblin has never been able to have only one, so this person, just one person can kill several Goblin Lin cave is really different.

Even he is now in the level of white porcelain.

"Brother ... Goblin killer Sang, hello, hello ... glad to see you come back safely-"

Compared with other people's gaze and a small whisper, the counter lady's reaction was a little flustered.

Even the words are not fluent.

Let's count this as ... nervous. He knew that the young lady at the counter was very interested in his appearance and aspirations.

"I haven't seen you in a few days." Ye Shenyue said, "I accidentally encountered a trap while tracing, so I delayed the time, but Goblin has already solved it."

"Is ... is ... are you injured?"

"All right."

Too enthusiastic will be frivolous, and the position of Miss Counter will see hundreds or even hundreds of adventurers every day on the guild side, so too enthusiastic will make her feel ordinary.

I want to come because there are many young adventurers who are interested in her because of her outstanding appearance, so rhetoric or other things should not work.

So Night God Moon is just calm.

"Did I just hear Goblin's mission?"

"Is there one, just ..." The counter lady was still unclear how much Night God Moon was injured.

He just stood here, and there was a feeling of crumbling.

Originally as an ordinary counter lady, then it was just to hand the guild task to the adventurer, but now.

She pursed her lips, "Do you think you can still take the task now?"

"Sorry. Only Goblin, I must destroy."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, "I do n’t want to see the girl being tarnished because of being late--"


Indeed, although I haven't seen Goblin in person, many of the newcomer teams who have returned have told about Goblin's horror.

And so many girls were stained by Goblin. They could not see the hope of life, and finally entered the temple in despair.

So for a reply like Ye Shenyue, the lady at the counter did not know how to react.

"Then I took this task." After reading the task on the stage, Night God Moon was ready to put away the task note.

Only his right hand was raised but was pressed by the lady at the front desk.

"Do you really think that we can hand over the task to someone who is unwell and not stable at all?"

Her expression suddenly became serious and serious.

"Probably no problem."

It was originally exhausted, so Ye Shenyue didn't think there was any problem.

It ’s just that the lady at the counter suddenly put the other hand on the table and leaned forward. Although the whole person was smiling, but with a strong and terrible momentum, "You, really, yes, this, think, What? "

She said word by word, a strong sense of oppression came from the whole person.

This kind of momentum is a prelude to blackening no matter how you look at it.

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