Protagonist Aura

Vol 26 Chapter 64: Please get used to it! on! (For subscription)

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& # 160; The scene was a bit tragic, with the bodies of the younger brother Brin and the older brother Brin lying on the ground.

The strong **** smell keeps striking, even standing is disgusting.

The rookie team where the little clergyman is is a total of four people, one clergyman, one boxer, one swordsman, and one female magician.

The young master said that the boxer had just come out of the village and had studied with his father, who was regarded as the protector in the village from the age of seven, hoping to learn and become a strong man like his father.

She was indeed very powerful. After entering the cave, she flew several younger brothers continuously, but was defeated by the older brother Brin, and then became the way it is now. There is less outgassing.

"Will you use healing miracles?" Asked the little clerical officer who had stood up with the clergyman's staff after checking.

"Yes, yes ... I will use Xiaoyu. You can use it three times a day, or twice a day."

Xiao Yu, and heard the miracle of this rookie meeting actually made Ye Shenyue's mood more stable. He remembered that when she teamed up with the Sage of the Sword, her first trick was this.

"So use it for the female boxer." Ye Shenyue ordered.

Then he took out a bottle of strong potion from his pocket and prepared to give it to the female boxer.

But he had been pouring it down. After a while, he didn't see the little clergyman responding. When he turned around, he saw her legs closed tightly like a small animal.

His face became pale, as if in danger.

"what happened?"

"Ah ..." Ye Shenyue's voice awakened her, but she was still in a panic, but she knew that the time was tight, so she told the truth, "My, my Xiaoyu seems to have a problem, I want to be right The female magician used it, but not only was it not cured, but aggravated ... "

She said the female magician was lying on the side, an arrow was hit in the abdomen, and now the black blood had coagulated there.

If the female boxer still has a little strength, then the female magician is really dying.

"Not your problem."

Ye Shenyue only looked at it to see the famous hall, "Xiaoyu's miracle is to quickly repair the wound, and the Goblin's arrow has their own poison, feces and feces in the arrow. After mixing, after use, it is equivalent to putting these dirty things in, and it will only completely break the body. "

Ye Shenyue touched the female magician's cheek with her hand.

The female magician is also just starting out. She came out of the college and graduated for a month. She is called excellent.

You can use miracles twice a day.

The brown magic wand in her hand is a symbol of her graduation and was given to her by the school.


The magic wand had been broken by Goblin, and even she herself would die.

Now the breath is gone.

"This, so ... is my reason ..."

And so explained, the face of the little priest became paler.

Because, if it were not for her to use Xiaoyu on the female magician, the female magician would not be hurt so badly.

"It's just a matter of time. The poison arrow has penetrated her body." Ye Shenyue patted the little sergeant's shoulder with her hand. The little clergyman himself was actually injured.

Her right arm was stabbed with an arrow, but the blood was red.

Fortunately, it was Goblins who picked up the arrows of other adventurers and used them for waste, so they did not poison this one.

"So, is it still too late?"

The little priest asked nervously.

For her, she did something wrong, and all her companions died, and she regretted it very much.

"I don't know. Look at her luck."

That being said, Ye Shenyue's eyes were fixed, and the color in the cave instantly changed from a faint light to a gray.

This is cannon fodder.

That is to say, if he does not appear, then the female magician will definitely die.

But there is still light to show that it is not dead.

So he only gave such a vague answer to the little priest.

Then took a bottle of potion from his pocket, which is different from the detoxification potions sold in the guild. This is the antidote that he has made the effect of evil warcraft developed to 1000%.


The little priest immediately nodded, and when Ye Shenyue lifted up the female magician, the little priest immediately opened the detoxifying potion given by Ye Shenyue, but then poured a little into the female magician's mouth and immediately shed it.

"No, no--"

She was crying urgently, or already crying.


Ye Shenyue looked at her speechlessly, but now it was really time for emergency, so he directly took the potion in his hands.

Then in the stunned eyes of the goddess officer, the potion was sent to his mouth.

I drank it.

"Ah ... Um ..." Looking at Ye Shenyue's behavior, the little priest cried out in surprise, but she quickly covered her lips with one hand, not letting herself make a sound to affect him.

Because she saw it, she saw that he was just kind to help others.

It turns out so.


Even if she knew she was saving people, it was a little exciting for her. ..

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