Protagonist Aura

Vol 26 Chapter 68: That man is destined to be absent! on! (For subscription)

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& # 160; "Then next question, when is the time to attack Goblin?"

In the Adventurer ’s Guild, there was no Goblin mission today, but because a distant village chief ran over and said that he wanted to retreat Goblin, Ye Shenyue stayed here temporarily.

Waiting for him and the guild to carry out the procedures for the release of tasks.

The Adventurer ’s Guild has become more humanized, with tables for people to rest, and refreshments on the tables. But Night God Moon is not completely relaxed.

Remove the helmet and taste the local black tea.

That kind of pure feeling makes people feel very comfortable.


But Ye Shenyue put down her teacup, and her eyes suddenly looked forward.


Sitting opposite was a little girl with golden wavy hair.

Her skin is very white and her facial features are delicate. From a distance, she looks like a doll made of white porcelain, which is very beautiful.

But now the doll's cheeks were flushed and his eyes were not right.

After he took off the helmet, she was this expression.

"Yes, yes." Little priest quickly recovered the blush on his face and focused his attention on Goblin.


In an instant, her pink cheeks became pale.

Whether she saw the tragic encounter of her companion, or she almost died, or even a lot of Goblin blood smeared on her body, these made her feel nothing.

So I switched back to the state of serious study at once.


"Why is it evening?"

"For Goblin, they are nocturnal creatures, so evening is equivalent to their morning, and when they attack them during the day, it seems that humans take advantage, but they will be more vigilant when they sleep. So it ’s better to choose when they just started chuang. "

"Well, the answer is good." Ye Shenyue nodded, and the little **** officer really began to study seriously.

The little clergyman is a newcomer, with the lowest nameplate of white porcelain hanging around her neck, but she is also an excellent person.

Like the magician of her previous rookie squad, because she can use the miracle twice a day and she is recognized as an excellent person, but she can do it three times.

So she just lacks experience now, if she really wants to join, she can even enter the ranks of advanced silver.

But not only did she not go, but she decided to follow Goblin to kill Goblin.

Goblins are really disgusting. If you just let them go, it will cause more casualties. Of course, there may be a stubborn heart out of where you fell from where you want to stand up. Want to break black history into light history.



Judging by the fact that the other party would blush when he looked at him from time to time, it seemed that the possibility of following him after being rescued and then wanting to follow him.

It was like the saint of the sword.

"Speaking of Mr. Goblin Killer, can you stop wiping Goblin's blood on your body next time."

"That's the easiest way, and you don't have to worry about resources. You can get it now." Obviously, it was a very disgusting topic, but Ye Shenyue's tea tasting was very stable, unlike a small official Can't drink tea anymore.

"Goo—" And, listening to what he said, the little clergyman couldn't help but put his arms around his shoulders.

The shadow inside her now has become quite large.

After being rescued by Ye Shenyue and sent to the hotel, she took a bath, but the blood stains of Goblin were difficult to wash and always smelled.


It's obviously a girl, but it smells rusty, which is really bad.



But just staying here for ten minutes, the night **** moon and the little clergyman gained a lot of sight.

He knows that in the past few years, the name of the Goblin killer has been passed on. Both the old man and the newcomer who have just entered the business may treat his business as a talk.

The most important thing is not his rank, but his appearance.

Always cover the body with cheap armor, but the face value is very high, and usually does not show his face, and only then will he expose his face unscrupulously.

It ’s not that he is boasting. Please look at the little priest on the opposite side. She has become uneasy, not to mention others?

"Sure enough, the Goblin killer is so handsome--"

There will be words like nympho.

of course.


Then he gave his eyes.

There are also some like this. Men will be jealous.

God is unfair.

Give you strength, then you may take away your appearance.

And give you strength and appearance, then you will not be here, but go to a more upscale place, for example, kings are like kings.

Two years ago, His Majesty the Young King was famous for his talents and looks. He called ten excellent teammates and then successfully sealed the Demon King. Eventually his identity was exploded, and it was His Majesty the King.

For a time, it caused a huge response and harvested a large number of fans.

However, His Majesty the King is not here.

Ye Shenyue admitted that His Majesty the King is handsome, but he is not here. In this small town, he has not found a man who looks better than him.


However, the little priest suddenly stared at a place at this time, and she found an unusual person.

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