Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 2: If swallowed by a giant! (For subscription)

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& # 160; Umir ’s people were divided into two groups, one wave was brought by the 145th generation king to the island, and the other wave was left in Malai and became a child abandoned by the king People, enslaved, and Marais captured seven wise giants and wanted to use them, so they commanded these abandoned people, brainwashed their next generation into soldiers, and then inherited the power of these giants, became Their biological and chemical weapons.

It has been notorious for fighting around for more than a century.

And now.

Also got the idea of ​​the island.

So sent three soldiers who inherited the power of the wisdom giant, Reina, Berthold, and Ani.


but now.

They haven't done anything yet, and Night God Moon hasn't said anything.

That's it.

There is a kind of dance called awkward dance, but there is a kind of awkwardness called both parties ... unable to speak.

This is very well analyzed.

Ye Shenyue ’s predecessor had eaten the heir of Liner ’s friend E Zhi giant two years ago, and then there was no more. One of the seven giants controlled by Marais is missing.

Now this one is sitting here with a little dirt, and then drinking tea leisurely.

This is an awkward scene.

This is a meeting between the murderer and the victim's friend.

Liner came from a mission, and even wanted to kill everyone in the wall, but it was not known before.

Just now.

But met the night **** moon.

It may also be a meeting where they want the task to fail.

Although he didn't speak a word, the three people in the hometown group were already nervous.

Come slowly.

Ye Shenyue remembers these three people. Although all of them are still small, they seem to be only 10 or 12 years old, and they are all children.

But even children are soldiers. All three of them are Marai ’s soldiers, and all three of them are giants. Leiner is a giant of Kai, and Bertot is a giant. , And the blonde Ani is a giantess.

It is the culprit in the original book that caused the turmoil of the kingdom inside the wall. And they can all be transformed into giants! Any underestimation is false benevolence.

If Night God Moon is related to the kingdom inside the wall, now is the best time to get rid of these three people.

How are you and me, then we help each other together, if you frame me, then I ... immediately fled to the enemy, became a cadre, and took the team to fight you.

However, the truth is that Night God Moon is neutral.

So there is no reason to kill Lena, Bertot and Ani.

"Who are you, why did you come outside the wall!"

Ye Shenyue stood up calmly from the ground. Ye Shenyue ’s body is now in her prime years, and she was only 13 or 14 years old, not big. However, Ye Shenyue was serious and serious. There is also vigilance in his gaze, "There is no child like you in the investigation team!"

He seemed serious but actually used a very casual excuse.

Intimidate the three by retreating.

Although the kingdom inside the wall was closed, the king of the 145th generation was rewritten in order to stabilize the nationals. However, even so, some people still want to explore the outside, and this is the investigation team.

Although countless soldiers of the investigation corps die every year, in order to truly escape from the threat of giants, they continue to die, with occasional exceptions.

Lost with his teammates, chased by the giant, or hide himself, and can survive for a while.

Ye Shenyue is now disguised as this identity.

Orthodox identity, but Liner they are outsiders.

Was questioned.

They are originally outsiders, naturally guilty.



Liner suddenly commanded a general shout. Obviously it is necessary to start first. The thin Bertot seemed to rush over, but some people took a step further.

It's Ani with blond hair.

Lerner's shouting Beltot was just a scam!

The one who really worked was Ani.

When Liner found out that he called Beltot Night God Moon and looked at Beltot, he was stunned.

Does this mean that their identity has been exposed?

But Ani has already rushed up.

She is extremely fast and exceeds her age limit.

Ye Shenyue deflected her body but could n’t easily avoid it, but instinctively took it seriously. You must know that his physical fitness is top-notch in terms of strength, and Ani ’s side, although not defeated by her, she really Still accounted for the talent of being a giant.

He can be said to be a genius of ordinary people, and Ani is a genius among geniuses.


Ani is worthy of being a giant female hero in the original book.


"Ani is doing a good job." Liner applauded, not seeing that Ye Shenyue was releasing water, only seeing Ye Shenyue playing while retreating.

They may have thought that they are spies, and they know nothing about the wall. There is a person inside the wall, so they can be tortured.

How could the night **** moon that Liner could think of be unexpected?

He just said that he wanted to go back, in addition to drinking the tea, and then want to wash off the soil, there is another reason.

There are giants around.

and so.

It should be coming soon!

Ye Shenyue suddenly jumped up.

"Eh?" Ani herself understood that she couldn't force Night God Moon to jump up her body, why did he need to jump? So this is ...



Suddenly, it was surprising that the ground suddenly burst open, and a huge shadow went straight up from the bottom, like a frog's jump, flying up.

The huge mouth aimed at the night **** Yue Yue who jumped up and Ani who was very close to her.

Ye Shenyue grabbed Ani ’s left hand, “I ’m still feeling a little bit today, so I ’ll teach you a class.”


Ani puzzled.

I don't understand why Night God Moon can say that.

But her body was completely out of balance.


Bertot yelled and tried to run over, but somehow panicked instinctively.

Because a big mouth that had never been seen from the bottom up, together with the huge soil underneath, swallowed Night God Moon and Ani.

No, Ani was not swallowed together. It was pushed away by Night God Moon.


The giant's sharp teeth slipped and even bitten off Ani's arm, which was just in time for her to flash away, otherwise the entire person was swallowed.

Ani fell on the ground, staring blankly at the figure of Ye Shenyue sitting on the tongue and head of the giant.

There was no confusion on his face.


The giant closed his mouth and ran to the jungle.

& # 160;

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